Chapter Fourteen: Getting Smaller

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The crown prince rode the carriage with the Robia siblings and Mr. Lionel. He’s not fond of the people inside the carriage since no one but Sally can pique his interest in terms of conversation. Athena can sense his disappointment and wants to lift the mood so she started talking. “Congratulations, your highness for being the rank one for straight three years.” “Thank you, Ms. Robia. Congratulations as well­.” He replied. “I was having a hard time studying these past few days but thankfully, I still made it. Thank you, your highness.” She smiled sweetly. “That is true. I’m proud of you, Athena.” Felix said. “Thank you, brother.” She replied and smiled at him too. “Come to think of it, you’re also one of the first-rankers, Mr. Lionel. Congratulations.” Felix muttered and his gaze fell to the man next to him. Ethan is in the top three in the list next to Felix who’s ranked second. “Thank you, Mr. Robia. I’m surprised you knew.” Ethan replied with a smile. “Of course. How could I not know?” He chuckled. Athena was surprised to hear that Ethan was included in the list. ‘How come I didn’t know?’ She wondered and felt sorry for Ethan. She didn’t congratulate him at all. “Congratulations, Ethan,” Athena said late. Ethan looked at her and smiled. “Thank you, Athena.” “I can see that you’re close with each other?” Felix asked as his gaze went to them alternately. “It’s because of Athena’s kindness that I’m attached to her.” He answered. Athena’s cheeks blushed in embarrassment and looked away from him. Ethan saw her reaction and he can’t help but to smile and admire her adorable red face. “I see,” Felix said and smiled at them. Helios didn’t care about their conversation and remain silent all the time. His mind is in a different place and mostly filled with thoughts that made him feel a slight headache. Other than that, he felt bored. He’s an observant person and the person he wants to observe is not in the carriage at the moment. His headache grew even more because of Athena whose keep on asking him random things and praising him at the same time. “Your highness, are you alright? Perhaps you have a headache right now? I have a medicine for headaches. If you want I can give it to you.” She offered. “There’s no need, Ms. Robia. I can manage.” “But…” Her words were cut when Felix stared at her and shook his head giving her a signal that she shouldn’t force it to the crown prince. Athena pressed her lips and lean on the soft chair. --- “Are you alright, Ms. Esther?” Mr. Bolton asked her noticing her pale face. Sally looked at him and smiled. “Yes, Sir.” “Does your wounds aching again? I have painkillers here.” Dr. Ashton asked worriedly at her. “No.” “Wounds?” Mr. Bolton’s eyes widen and stared at Sally. “Did you get bullied again?” Sally laughed uncomfortably at his question. Mr. Bolton sighed and thoughtfully stared at her eyes. “You should’ve reported it to the Prefect of Discipline.” “I am fine.” “No, you’re not.” “How can you say so, sir?” Mr. Bolton became speechless. Sally remain smiling and lean on the soft chair behind her. As expected from a high-class carriage. “I’m sorry for talking back, Sir. I must be out of my mind for a moment.” She apologized. “No, it’s my fault. I apologized.” He slightly bowed his head. For a moment, he felt embarrassed. Dr. Ashton glance at Mr. Bolton and was surprised at his care towards Sally. However, he understands why Sally is reluctant at other people’s attention and worry. It’s because no one showed those emotions to her, not until now. Somehow, he felt pity for her. He thought that if he met her earlier then it wouldn’t have become this bad. “But, Ms. Esther, please remember that we are here to help you.” Dr. Ashton gently muttered. “Yes, doctor. I’ll remember that.” She replied. “Anyway, congratulations for making it to the top-notches list. We’re proud of you.” Mr. Bolton congratulated and smiled at her. Sally was surprised at his sudden smile. She doesn’t remember Mr. Bolton’s smiling face when she turned into a child because her memories were erased after she was cured. “Whoa, this is the second time I saw you smiling, Mr. Bolton. I think the sun will start rising in the west tomorrow.” Dr. Ashton joked and laughed. “Shut up.” Mr. Bolton growled and glared at him. “But I like how you smile, Sir. I wish you can smile more often.” She beamed a kind smile at him. It’s the expression he saw when she turned to a child, untainted and warm. The carriage stopped and the coachman opened the door. Dr. Ashton and Mr. Bolton went out first and assisted Sally, however, she already jumped down from the carriage and landed smoothly on the pavement. She looked at the two with a confused look. “Sirs?” She asked nervously. “Oh, it’s nothing, Ms. Esther. You’re quite the energetic one.” Dr. Ashton laughed. Sally blinked and chuckled awkwardly. She was embarrassed not knowing that the gentlemen tried to escort her. She’s not used to other people helping her. Not expecting anything from anyone became a habit for her. They entered a fancy restaurant and the servant immediately lead the way to the VIP place which the crown prince requested. The grand chandelier was placed above and there’s a long table placed at the center decorated elegantly. In the corner, an orchestra was placed playing music soothing their ears. ‘This is my first time attending a dinner as elegant as this. It makes me feel nervous.’ She thought as she roams her eyes. Felix pulled the chair for her and she thanked him with a smile. “Thank you, Mr. Robia.” “Please call me Felix.” He said showing his charming and gentle smile. “I’ll try.” She replied. Felix’s smile became wider and he went to the chair next to the crown prince. On her left side is Dr. Ashton and on her right side is Mr. Bolton. The remaining four are sitting in front of them and sitting in front of her is none other than the crown prince. Their eyes meet and somehow, she felt oddly cornered. “Congratulations, Sally. I’m happy for you.” Athena said sweetly. “Thank you, Ms. Robia.” She replied and smile. “I’m surprised as well. I never thought that I will be included in the list.” She shyly confessed. “Thank you for your support. I will repay it someday.” She added. “You’re so kind it makes me want to puke,” Ethan muttered and drank the water next to him. Athena slaps his shoulder. “Ethan! Watch your mouth will you?” She reprimanded and glared at him. He ignores her and drank his water quietly. “I apologize, Sally. He’s someone who can’t stop talking without thinking.” “Hey.” Ethan tried to argued but Athena glared at him again so he shut his mouth. “It’s alright, Ms. Robia. I understand him.” She answered and tried to shove away Ethan’s remark. “I told you, you can act proudly in front of us. You deserve it since you made it on the top-notch list. Don’t let someone disrespect you and don’t feel guilty for speaking ill words.” The crown prince stated emotionlessly. His eyes were like molten gold due to anger and irritation, and Sally is not sure why he’s feeling that way. “I’m surprised that, your highness, can speak that way. As expected from the respected crown prince of this kingdom.” Ethan muttered in sarcasm and mockery. Helios glanced at him and his lips lifted into a mad smile. “Of course, I act that way especially to those people who wished to receive it. I am a generous person after all.” His smile vanished and the air inside became eerie. “So, are you one of them?” He asked with a cold voice making everyone tremble a little. At that moment, they were reminded how dreadful the crown prince is. “… No, your highness. I apologize. I apologize too, Ms. Esther.” Ethan muttered in a hurry. “Ah, it’s alright, Mr. Lionel,” Sally said anxiously. She turns to face the crown prince and added, “thank you for the dinner, your highness. It’s embarrassing but, this is my first time coming to an expensive restaurant.” “Sorry to ask you this but, May I ask how you enrolled in the Lavrielle Academy.” Dr. Ashton asked. “It’s alright, doctor. I manage to study in the academy due to the program the headmaster offered for those who’re unable to pay the tuition. I just have to pass an exam and luckily, I passed.” She narrated trying her best not to sound conceited. “I’m glad you managed,” Athena said and smiled. “Yes, and we’re glad we met you,” Felix added. She smiled at him and answered that she was too. The food came and they started eating. Fortunately, the steak that was served to Sally was already sliced. She’s enjoying the flavor of the meat when her eyes accidentally went to the crown prince who’s looking at her. She almost chokes because their eyes meet. “Ms. Esther, are you alright?” Dr. Ashton asked. “Yes.” She smiled in embarrassment and drank the water. ‘Why is the prince looking at me? Do I look like someone who hasn’t eat meat before? I can’t help it, the steak is delicious!’ She muttered inwardly as she put the glass on the table. All of a sudden, a servant came in with another steak. The servant put the sliced steak in front of Sally. Her eyes bulged and alternately looked at the crown prince and the steak. “Y-Your Highness, this, you don’t have to…” “Eat.” He ordered. The people who’re sitting near the table with them looked at her and the prince. She’s so embarrassed that she wants the floor to swallow her urgently. Not long after, steaks came in as well and served at them. ‘Ah, so he orders it for everyone.’ She sighed in relief. “Thank you, your highness.” She thanked him with a shy smile but she’s dying deep in embarrassment inside. She started eating and she made sure to put her focus on the food to avoid eye contact with the prince. “Oh, by the way, Ms. Esther, the headmaster was very pleased by the result of the deal.” Dr. Ashton opened up. “Really?” She asked and glance at the doctor. “He’s making a short program for the top-notch students.” He said and nodded at her. “That’s new,” Athena muttered in surprise. “Yes. He just recently realized that those students must be acknowledged in front of all the students to boost their determination in studying. Plus, they’ll receive one gold medal each.” He further stated. Everyone talked happily about that. The honor and prestige they’ll get are overly fragrant under their noses. They had wide smiles on their faces but only one remains indifferent. “Ms. Esther, I’m sure everyone will admire your hard work once you stand on the platform with the headmaster.” The doctor continued talking with a beaming smile. She forced to lift a smile and replied, “I hope so.” Everyone became quiet and stared at her with a confused expression. Sensing their gazes, she immediately brushed off the unpleased vibe she contributed to the table. “I’m just nervous. It’s the first time that I’ll be in front of anyone.” She explained anxiously. “You don’t have to feel nervous. Like what his highness pointed earlier, you deserve it so need not be embarrassed.” Mr. Bolton encouraged her. “T-Thank you, sir. I’ll remember that.” She responded. The dinner ended and they’re heading back to the institution. Surprisingly, Helios rode the same carriage with Sally. Instead of having a comfortable ride, she felt complicated and the nervousness is making her feel a sudden stomachache. “Are you uncomfortable somewhere?” Helios asked as he noticed her pale expression. “What? Oh, none at all, your highness.” She answered in a hurry. Helios remained staring at her not convinced at her reply so she added to ease his mind, “I just have a stomachache.” ‘If I continue asking her questions, she might disappear in an instant. Heh.’ He laughed with his thought while looking at her scared expression. Somehow, he found it adorable. “Ms. Esther, here, I have an indigestion pill. I recall that you ate a lot of meat during dinner.” Dr. Ashton offered. “Thank you, doctor.” She took the medicine and smiled at him in return. They arrived in the academy and this time, she held Mr. Bolton’s hand while going outside the carriage. Mr. Bolton smiled at her improvement. The carriages moved away and Sally stared at it for a while. She’s tired and she wants to rest immediately. “Ms. Esther, I’ll escort you to your dorm.” Felix offered. “Thank you, Sir, but it’s alright, I can manage.” She declined with a polite smile, however, Felix’s expression turned gloomy. “A-Alright, but, not beyond the stairs.” She agreed, feeling guilty about Felix’s feelings. “Alright.” “I’m coming as well.” Mr. Bolton offered. “I can’t just leave my students alone.” He explained. “That will be fine as well, sir,” Sally replied with a small smile. She turns to face the crown prince who’s looking at them with cool golden eyes. She bowed in front of him as she bid goodbye and parted with them. “Thank you for inviting me, your highness. Rest well.” She stood up straight, smiled at him, and bid goodbye to the others before walking away from them. Helios watched her back before excusing himself and going back to his dorm. He can feel Sally’s exhaustion earlier and he doesn’t want to mingle with others any longer since he doesn’t want to get more annoyed at their presence. As he walked away, Athena watched his back with gloomy eyes. Sally returned to her room and throw herself on the bed. She sighed and stared at the wooden ceiling and drown herself in deep thoughts again. “… My world is getting smaller.” She mumbled and closed her eyes not minding that she’s still wearing her outdoor dress.   ***  
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