Chapter Thirteen: Dinner Together

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She felt good seeing her name on the list and just like what the crown prince said to her, it’s not bad to feel proud of yourself. However, her body is aching and she lied earlier when the truth is, a few of her female classmates pranked her by pushing her to the fountain. She wants to rest now but she needs to meet the headmaster first. ‘I can endure a little.’ She thought as she turned her back sensing the weird gazes of the magicians near her. She was standing and smiling at the list for a minute like an i***t. As she went out of the assembly hall, she met the crown prince who’s leaning on a pillar near the exit. “Your highness.” She called. “You’re here? Are you waiting for Ms. Robia? I didn’t saw her take the exam yet.” “I wasn’t waiting for her.” He answered. ‘He wasn’t?’ She wondered. “What happened to you?” He asked again. “I fell to the fountain.” ‘Lying again.’ He muttered inwardly as he stared at her gravely. Sally felt conscious at her face. ‘I must’ve looked horrible.’ She thought sadly. “Let’s meet Dr. Ashton. You looked like you’re about to fall.” He said and turn his back. She doesn’t want to meet the doctor but since the prince suggested, she can’t ignore it. “Yes, your highness. Thank you for your concern.” She expressed. “Don’t misunderstand, I am not worried about your well-being,” Helios informed sharply. “Of course, but I still want to thank you.” She replied. Helios didn’t respond and continued walking. She silently followed the prince until they arrived at the infirmary. Dr. Ashton who’s reading jumped up from his seat and immediately approached his patient. “Your highness, oh my! Ms. Esther! What happened?” He assisted her. “I fell to the fountain and,” “Lies.” Sally’s gaze fell to the crown prince. She trembled at his suffocating stare. “Just tell us the truth already.” She remain looking at the prince. “Cat got your tongue? Alright, you can stay silent as much as you like but I have my ways of knowing the truth, Ms. Esther, so don’t you dare test my patience.” He warned. “A few of the female students played a prank on me. That’s all.” She confessed while staring at the wooden floor so that Helios can’t see her expression. “It happens all the time and I’m used to it so there’s no need for your highness’ concern.” An awkward smile formed her lips as she raises her head again. “What are you talking about, Ms. Esther? It isn’t normal. We should report this to the Prefect of Discipline.” The doctor suggested. “There’s no need, doctor.” She forced a smile. “I can handle them.” “If you can handle them then why do you looked like that? Nonsense, it’s easier for you to report to the Prefect of Discipline and let them receive their punishment. I didn’t know you’re this kindhearted?” He mocked her. “Your highness.” The doctor tried to stop him but he only glared at him and continue speaking. “I know you’re well aware of what I’m talking about. You’re kind as much as you’re dumb. Any reason?” He asked. “There’s no particular reason, your highness, however, I still don’t want to report this incident since it’s insignificant. You may think I’m a coward yet I don’t wish to cause more trouble. Anyway, it’s just for the meantime. It will surely pass like this day.” She explained. Helios is still unsatisfied. It’s even a miracle that she arrived on time despite her injuries. After Dr. Ashton treated her wounds, she stood up from the bed. “Ms. Esther, I highly recommend that you stay in bed. You’re not completely healed yet.” “I'm fine, doctor. I need to meet the headmaster.” “Why?” “I successfully closed our deal. You and Mr. Bolton’s positions are safe.” She answered trying her best not to sound conceited. “Thank you. Thank you, Ms. Esther.” Dr. Ashton muttered in pure bliss. Sally smiled gently at him. “No. I should be the one to thank you, doctor.” “There’s no need to rush things. Rest for now and meet the headmaster later.” The prince butted in unable to watch their drama. It irks him. “I would love to, your highness, but I want to end this whole thing immediately. If you’ll excuse me.” She exited from the infirmary, however, they followed her. She gazed at them with a puzzled look. “Yes?” She asked. “If it’s alright with you, Ms. Esther, may we accompany you?” Dr. Ashton requested. “Alright.” She answered. They arrived at the headmaster’s office. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door. The door opened and she saw the headmaster sitting behind his desk, looking at her through her eyes with his sharp gaze. A wide grin formed his lips. “You amused me, Ms. Esther.” He said as he leans on his chair. “Good afternoon, headmaster.” She bowed down in front of him. “Thank you for the compliment.” “You’re worthy of that compliment. Come in and take a sit.” The headmaster offered. Sally glanced at the doctor and the crown prince beside her. The headmaster noticed and added, “They may come as well.” “Thank you, headmaster.” They entered and took a seat on the sofa. Both of her sides were occupied by Dr. Ashton and the crown prince while in front of him is the headmaster. She felt uncomfortable and nervous. Warm teas and desserts were served in front of them, not by servants but by magic. It's simple magic for the headmaster but it is still astonishing. “You seemed fascinated by this simple magic.” The headmaster muttered with a conceited grin. “Of course. I am, fascinated by magic.” She answered and sips her tea. “I always knew you were someone who makes everyone surprise. I review your past performance in school. You had good grades.” Sally was surprised. She never thought that the headmaster would review her past performances in school. “However, I saw that your grades slowly dropped as the semester goes by. May I ask why?” There’s nothing to hide since she’s certain that the headmaster knew her status in the academy. She felt uncomfortable yet she’s aware that there’s no room for lies. “I had problems in school, but I can manage.” “Well, you didn’t have failing grades which were good for you.” He shrugged. Helios can sense her being uncomfortable not to mention her forced smiles. “And as expected from your highness. You’re the top one again.” The headmaster added. “Everyone tried their best.” He humbly answered. “It seems that Ms. Esther had a good inspiration for studying this semester.” The headmaster chuckled. Sally looked at the headmaster with a puzzled expression. ‘I think there’s some sort of misunderstanding here?’ She pondered and anxiously drank her tea. “Anyway, just as I promised, I won’t fire both Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton.” “Thank you, headmaster,” Sally said with a bright smile. “Of course, I’m a man of word. I hope you’ll study well.” The headmaster stated drinking his tea. “I’ll try.” She replied. “If it’s alright, may I ask another question?” “What is it?” “The moment you stepped in front of me, I already knew that you’re a brave and excellent woman, yet why didn’t you stand up against the bad treatment you received and strive hard to achieve a spot in the honors list which I think you deserve?” The headmaster questioned and fixed a grave expression on his aged face. The others stared at her too. “I wonder as well.” She chuckled and put the teacup on the plate. “Such achievement, do I deserve it?” Sadness crossed her eyes for a while but none of them saw it. Her lips lifted into a smile and lean with ease on the sofa. “I always thought that there’s a person who’s much more deserving than me as one of the best students here in the academy.” “Ms. Esther, why are you being hard on yourself?” The crown prince butted in. The headmaster and Dr. Ashton looked at him in surprise. “Are you saying that you’re less than the others?” “No, your highness.” “Then why?” Sally stared at him for a while before speaking. “I, don’t like the spotlight. Everyone may think of me as a pitiful person but I didn’t consider myself below to others.” She smiled brightly. “I have my pride as well.” The crown prince shut his mouth. He’s irritated but he can’t argue with her. Sally’s smile becomes wider due to the prince’s silence. “If it’s alright, headmaster, can I leave now? You see, I’m not really in a good condition and I want to rest.” “Yes. I can see that you’re not feeling well.” The headmaster said as he looked at Sally’s injuries. ‘Those injuries, is she always like this?’ He wondered. “Dr. Ashton, remain here for a while. I want to talk to you privately.” He commanded. “Yes, headmaster.” Dr. Ashton replied. “You may leave.” The two bowed down before going out of the office. The headmaster went to his desk and with a serious expression on his face, he asked Dr. Ashton. “What happened to that child?” “Ms. Esther said that a few of the students pranked her.” He answered. “Pranked? It seems that it’s not a simple prank at all for me.” Dr. Ashton did not reply and remain to stare at the headmaster. His lips lifted into a smile and added, “What do you think of making a grand announcement tomorrow at the assembly hall? Hm?” Dr. Ashton was stupefied but nodded in response. “I’ll support you, headmaster.” He said. --- The two were walking in the hallway silently. Students who saw the crown prince immediately greet him but when their eyes laid on Sally, they started whispering. She felt uncomfortable by the stares and whispers around her yet she remained indifferent. “Thank you for accompanying me, your highness.” She muttered all of a sudden. “Don’t mention it. Where is your dorm? I’ll escort you.” “There’s no need. It’s too far from here. Your highness has done enough for me.” She refused politely. Helios stopped for a while and glanced at her. Sally met his gaze and stopped as well. ‘She became thinner than before. Is she eating well?’ He wondered. “Alright, however, let’s all have dinner together with the others. It’s my treat and I don’t take no as an answer.” He stated. ‘What? Dinner? With the others? I was planning on skipping dinner and sleeping early tonight.’ She thought in disappointment. ‘I can’t help but accept the offer, again.’ She added with a sigh. “Yes, if that’s what your highness wants. I’ll join.” She answered. “It seems that you don’t like it?” “Of course not. I was just surprised to be with people during dinner. I was used to be alone.” She chuckled. Helios pressed his lips and his face a little sorry for her. “Well, you must get used to being around people now.” He advised before turning his back and resume walking. Sally watched his back in confusion before following him from behind. --- “What’s with that somber look?” Ethan asked Athena as he sits beside her. They’re sitting on the fountain near the dorm and Ethan happened to saw Athena in deep thought while walking back to his dorm. “Perhaps it’s because of Ms. Esther?” He guessed. Athena’s mood became darker as she heard the word Esther from his mouth. Ethan laughed shortly and Athena glared at him. “Who would have thought that that woman will be one of the outstanding students here in the institution?” “Shut up, Ethan. You’re not helping me.” “Why are you feeling like that? Was it because she was able to beat you during the first exam? But you have more powerful mana within you. Or perhaps, it’s because of the crown prince?” “Mr. Ethan Lionel, one more word, and I’ll leave you here alone.” She warned. “I apologize,” Ethan muttered yet insincere. She can’t be jealous of Sally. Why would she feel jealous when she had everything; the fame, the face, and the title?  ‘This is nothing. This is wrong.’ She taught to herself and sigh. “Athena, Mr. Lionel.” Athena raised her head and saw her brother, Felix. “I’m glad you’re both here. The crown prince invited us for dinner in the capital.” “Dinner?” Athena asked. “Yes. It’s a celebration for both Ms. Esther, Mr. Bolton, and Dr. Ashton.” Felix answered. “I see. I’ll go get ready now. Excuse me.” Athena excused herself and walk back to her dorm. Felix felt that she’s not happy about the celebration. “I’ll leave as well, Mr. Robia,” Ethan said. “Yes. Let’s meet at the gate at six o’clock in the evening.” “I’ll keep that in mind.” He then left. Felix watched him as he walks away. He needs to have a conversation with his sister later but for now, he needs to get ready for dinner. --- The crown prince looked dashingly handsome with his maroon clothes and black coat. His hair was neatly styled showing his forehead and emphasizing his golden irises. He went out of his room and saw the Robia siblings with Ethan. Felix is wearing blue and white clothing while Athena is wearing a white off-shoulder dress with golden flowers embroidered in it. As for Ethan, he’s wearing black and white clothing which made him looked like a gorgeous lone wolf. “Let’s go.” The prince said and went to meet the others. They saw Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton with Sally. She’s wearing a green long-sleeve dress and her hair was tied to a bun. She had a brown coat with her to avoid the cold air. “Thank you for treating us dinner, your highness.” She thanked him. It’s her first time eating with everyone. The sudden crowd is uncomfortable but it’s not a bad feeling. “You’re always thanking over simple things.” “Well, such simple things were very rare to happen in my life. You deserve to be thanked for.” She smiled at him. “You’re kind, it irritates me.” The prince muttered however smiled at her. “It makes me feel like I’m the evil one.” He added. “Kindness is irritating sometimes so I fully understand you, your highness.” She laughed. “It’s not kindness I’m showing but the actions, which I think, deserves you. Since your highness is kind, wouldn’t I be kind as well?” “Let’s stop talking and go to the carriage. I’m certain everyone’s hungry.” He said. “Of course.” She answered. “I’ll be joining Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton in the other carriage…” “No. Felix will join them.” “Excuse me?” Felix asked in surprise. “I’m ordering you to ride the other carriage,” Helios repeated and stared at him. Felix stared back but Sally protested. “Thank you for the offer, your highness, but I promised Mr. Bolton to join them since he wants to talk with me.” “Is that so? Alright.” Helios said yet the disappointment is evident. “Let’s go.” He added and went inside the carriage first.   ***
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