Chapter Fifteen: The Argument

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She woke up early the next morning as usual. Her silver eyes sparkled as the sunlight hit them. It’s like the light was refracted by her diamond-like eyes but it only happened for a second since she already went up from the bed. After bathing, she put on her uniform, brush her hair, and went out of her room. Unlike before, she didn’t go straight to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. She doesn’t want to eat anything. “Ms. Esther.” She stopped walking and slowly turn to face the person behind her. A pair of golden eyes met hers. It intimidates her so she held her breath for a second. She bowed down in respect of the only crown prince of the kingdom. “Where are you heading?” He asked. “Going to the library, your highness.” She answered. “You’re not eating breakfast?” “No, your highness.” She answered politely to him. “Let’s go together.” “I beg your pardon, your highness?” She asked in surprise. “Aren’t you going to that place too?” He asked, confused by her expression. He’s referring to her usual hiding spot behind the school. “Yes, your highness. Pardon my audacity of asking but, aren’t your highness going to eat breakfast?” She asked. “I’m skipping it as well.” “I see, shall we head then?” She asked with a smile. The prince only nodded and they started walking. Thankfully, there’s no one in the hallway yet so no one will see them walking each other. Sally is worried if someone sees her together with the crown prince because other than rumors, she knew that Athena likes the crown prince so much. Finally, they arrived at the place. “Are you ready for the ceremony later?” The crown prince asked without looking in her direction. He’s talking about the acknowledgment for those students who were able to take a place on the honors list. “I’m not confident enough to say “yes”, your highness.” “Really? That’s not new.” He answered coldly yet in a mocking way at the same time. Sally sensed his insulting her but she didn’t argue with it. It’s futile since he’s the crown prince. “Take some pride for yourself, will you?” “Genuinely speaking, I have, your highness. Although it’s not that high.” She answered with a forced smile. “That is new. I’m surprised.” The crown prince muttered expressing a shocked expression although sarcastic. ‘Let’s calm down, he’s the crown prince.’ Sally repeated to herself while still smiling. “Life is surprising itself, sire.” “What a clever answer.” Sally only laughed at his cold and irritated response. The wind gently blows at them messing their hairs a little bit. Helios looked at her expression. She had calm silver eyes and a smiling, warm face yet its melancholic at the same time. Her black hair is refreshing to see on a bright day like the night sky. Helios liked the night more than the day because it’s quiet. “You’re a talented person yet I feel that you don’t want to show your true abilities in front of others. Why?” “That’s an exaggeration, your highness. I am just an average person.” “Are you telling me that I’m wrong?” He asked sharply. “Of course not, your highness.” “Then?” “It’s just a surprising compliment I heard from your highness. I was, flattered.” She laughed shyly. “I never once saw myself as a talented individual so when your highness told me I was,” She paused for a moment and looked down on the ground with trembling eyes. With a forced smile, she fixed her eyes to the crown prince who was a few meters away from her “anyway, thank you for acknowledging my skills, your highness.” Helios wasn’t sure if she’s being sincere since he didn’t saw her expression when she looked down on the ground but he can feel that she’s not lying when she thanked him. He then realized the reason why he was never in a bad mood when it comes to her or never gets bored. It’s because the very existence of the girl in front of her gives her a lot of puzzles to be solved, ‘She’s smiling but her eyes are sad. She’s calm but who knows what she really feels. Right, she’s like an unexpected storm. A messed-up black puzzle.’ “It’s time to go back. Classes will start.” He muttered in a frigid tone and stood up. “I want to apologize but I won’t accompany his highness any longer.” “It’s fine. I don’t need someone to escort me anyway.” He answered indifferently. “Of course. Goodbye, your highness.” He went away without her, not even glancing behind. As he takes steps further away from her, something stirs deep inside. He felt uneasy all of a sudden. ‘What a shitty feeling.’ He thought and shrugged away the sudden skip of a heartbeat. --- It’s time for the acknowledgment ceremony. All students were gathered in front of the assembly hall. Everything is lively and magical since the headmaster wished that the ceremony would be grand and breathtaking. He even invited the magical press to record such a rare event. The headmaster started with an opening speech to everyone present in the hall but the prince wasn’t paying attention. There’s a single chair that’s vacant. “Sire, are you alright?” Felix asked paying heed to his actions. “Yes, however, where’s Ms. Esther?” He asked. Felix was a little surprised at his question but it is true that Sally wasn’t present for such an important event. Somehow, he felt bothered by it. “I apologized but I don’t know your highness.” “Can you call your sister for a while?” “… Yes.” Actually, he’s hesitant. He knows his sister would be offended by this but since he’s the crown prince who accepts only ‘yes’ as an answer, he doesn’t have a choice but to call for Athena. On the other hand, Athena who heard that the crown prince called for her was so happy that she immediately sprung up from her seat and went to the crown prince with a bright expression. “Your highness, you called for me?” She asked enthusiastically. “Yes, I want to ask if you saw Ms. Esther coming.” Athena’s glowing face started to get darken. It’s not about her but Sally. ‘Why her?’ She asked lifelessly to herself. Felix noticed her expression and felt bad for her. He needs to do something. “Sire, would you like me to look for her?” However, he was interrupted by the round of applause from the crowd. The headmaster’s opening speech has come to an end. Now it’s time for the acknowledgment ceremony. “No. Thank you, Ms. Robia, you can take your seat.” “Yes, excuse me.” Athena went back to her seat with a sad face. Helios doesn’t care anymore however, he’s still uncomfortable. ‘She’s probably late.’ He thought. However, Sally didn’t show up at the ceremony. Not even a shadow of her. Helios is angry because it’s the day that she’ll show everyone that she’s not just a nobody in this institution, yet she let go of the opportunity. ‘Did she hit her head on a rock?’ He fumed as he clenched his fist while holding the gold medal. “Nonsense.” He murmured. ‘I’ll find her myself and ask why the hell she didn’t show up in the ceremony.’ He fumed and walked out from the assembly hall. --- “She didn’t attend.” The headmaster said with a bothered expression while staring at the view outside. He’s inside his office with Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton. “I apologize, headmaster, but that child. She’s a little complicated.” Dr. Ashton explained. “She had a hard time here in the institution. Everything that is happening now seems too much for her to handle.” “I’m helping her, doctor. It is to show everyone that she, as one of the members of the crème of the crop, must be respected. That is one of the rules here.” The headmaster snapped, not accepting his explanation. The doctor quieted for a moment when Mr. Bolton butted in their conversation. “Don’t worry, headmaster. I will find her and ask for a letter of explanation.” “No need. I just need the reason. It wasn’t compulsory anyway.” “Yes. Please excuse me.” Mr. Bolton bowed down before he left. Dr. Ashton followed him. They had the same worried expression on their faces and only Sally can erase it, after all, she’s the reason why’s everyone very bothered. --- Helios, with Felix and Athena, went to search for Sally. They heard that she never attended her classes for the day. It’s nearly five in the afternoon and they never saw her no matter how they searched. ‘Damn it. Why is she good at hiding?’ Helios muttered in fuel as he clenched his fists. Felix noticed it and felt very worried as well. Knowing Sally, something must have happened. ‘Where are you?’ Felix asked hoping someone will answer it for him. “Your highness, brother, it’s nearly supper and we haven’t found her yet. Maybe she’ll show up tomorrow so let’s head back.” Athena convinced them. “If you’re tired you can go back, Lady Robia.” Helios said coldly, not throwing a single glance at her. Athena was hurt at his indifference but she never spoke a word. Felix open his mouth, “Your highness, please don’t be so cold to my sister. She’s just worried for you.” “There’s nothing to worry for,” Helios responded as he stared at Felix. “Yes, there is, your highness,” Felix argued. “Oh?” Helios was amused and turned to face him. He grinned as his eyes turned sharp as knives. “I’m amused, you can talk back.” “I apologize for my rude behavior, but this is unlike you, your highness. It is clear that Ms. Esther doesn’t want to meet us. It’s useless to seek someone who doesn’t want to see us so please, let’s head back.” “Do you think I’m some kind of stupid to not know a simple thing as that? Hm?” He snapped. His death aura is showing around him making everyone suffocated and intimidated. He hates it when someone argues with him over a simple thing. He is a self-centered person and for him, opinions from other people are considered trashes. “I ordered that woman to attend but he disobeyed me. I don’t care if she doesn’t want to see us but I want to see her, and I told you before, what I want I can get.” His eyes were burning in rage like molten gold in the fire. It’s both pretty and scary at the same time. The atmosphere is intense and Athena felt burdened by it. ‘If she stayed silent, this awful thing wouldn’t happen.’ She thought. She lowered her gaze and a tear fell down from her eye, that’s when someone pats her shoulder with a kind hand. She raised her head and saw Sally with her usual calm and gentle silver eyes. “Sorry, I made you feel like this, Ms. Robia.” She said sincerely. “Sally…” She smiled at her and faced the two who were looking at her in surprise. “Greetings, your highness, Mr. Robia. I came here to apologize.” She said and bowed down before them. They stared at her for a long time. Her uniform was dirty with specks of dust, her hair is a mess and she had wounds on both knees. Athena just realized that she’s not in a good condition. “You, what happened?” Helios asked with wide eyes. “Nothing.” “Nothing? With that injuries?” Helios asked sharply, demanding the truth from her. “I apologize but it has nothing to do with you, your highness.” “Ms. Esther, did you get, bullied again?” Felix asked as his gaze turned sympathetic. Sally didn’t answer him and just smiled. “Who are they?” His aura is now dancing like crazy around her, burning the grasses and the air. Sally’s eyes widen in shock and fear that he might burn the grass field in the academy. “Your highness, please calm down.” “Tell me so that I can burn them.” His eyes were glowing and his face darkened. It’s a sight where everyone will think that the prince is an actual monster from hell. Sally sighed and answered him. “There’s no one, your highness.” “Bullshit!” He roared and a gust of wind almost blew them away. “Please calm down, your highness,” Felix muttered, trying to stand still. “Please stop acting like this, your highness the crown prince.” Sally strongly said as her eyes fixed at him. Helios stared at her face but the boiling temper didn’t subside. “This is a personal matter and I believe it has nothing to do with everyone. Please stop stepping inside my personal space.” She muttered bravely. “You…” “I am very thankful for everyone’s help and I’m very sorry for disobeying your orders, however, your highness is stepping out of the line already. So please, stop.” “You dare to order me?” He fumed. “I dare not, your highness. It’s a request. Please listen to this lowly subject and calm down so that I can explain in further detail.” She bowed down to him. Helios's aura slowly disappeared. He took a deep breath and ordered Sally to explain. “I didn’t attend the ceremony, because I don’t want to.” She said straight to the point. “But why?” Felix asked. “It’s an opportunity to stop the bullying you’re experiencing right now.” He added. Sally’s eyes went to Felix, then he pressed his lips. Her eyes were laughing sadly. “I wonder if that will really happen.” “What do you mean?” Felix asked in confusion. “It means that’s not just the point, sir.” “Then tell us,” Helios ordered. Sally’s tired and in pain but she still needs to satisfy his curiosity. What can she answer that’ll stop him from asking more? “Because, the problem is not them, it’s me.” She answered with kind eyes. “So, there’s no one to be punished but the person in front of you, your highness.” ***
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