Chapter Thirty-Six: The Royal Dinner

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HE doesn’t understand why the king suddenly wants to have dinner with him, not to mention with his secretary. He wants to know that’s why he will attend. ‘The queen is there too. I refused to send my secretary to her palace before because I don’t want her to be in there alone. That place is shit.’ He thought. “I guess it will be alright since I’m coming too.” He mumbled. “Did you say something, your highness?” Sally asked and looked in his direction. “Nothing. You better get ready for the dinner.” “Of course.” He sweeps his red hair and sighed. He was exhausted meeting too many people in a day. Hearing noises from their mouths make him irritated and would cause headache in his head. ‘It will be over soon since I’m going back to the academy.’ He sighed and lean on his chair. “Are you alright, your highness?” “What?” “Is your highness feeling unwell?” She asked again. “Do I look well?” He answered sharply and sighed. Sally remained smiling. “Shall I call the doctor for you, your highness?” “No need.” Sally stared at him. She can see the dark bags under his eyes. “Why don’t you sleep for a while, your highness?” She suggested. “Your highness is not busy right now, and there’s still time before the dinner with his majesty and her majesty. A little nap won’t cause your highness trouble.” She explained. “… I had a lot of things in mind. It’s hard to get sleep.” He muttered in exhaustion. “Then, would you like to have some tea?” “No need. I can manage.” “Alright. Sleep well, your highness.” Her voice is like a siren’s voice, after that, he fell asleep. --- The scenery is quite familiar to him. The wildflowers growing everywhere and tall trees surrounded him. Even though he knew that this is only a dream, he felt melancholy. “Are you alright?” A familiar voice rang in his ears. He slowly turned around. Standing behind him is a girl wearing commoner clothes and even though he can’t see her face clearly, he can tell that she’s smiling while looking at him. “I know you’re not… Why don’t you sleep?” She asked. Her voice brought warmth to his chest. “If I sleep, will I dream of you?” He asked. The girl chuckled and walked towards him. She caressed his cheek and stared at him intently. “You know this is a dream, right?” “… I know… I miss you.” He muttered with so much longing. The girl smiled at him bitterly and pulled him gently closer to her. Their foreheads touched. “I don’t want to wake up… The world is too exhausting for me.” “You know you can’t…” “Why can’t I stay here, dreaming?” “You know this is not reality. This is an illusion made by your head.” “You hurt me, again. Do you not have a conscience?” He asked. She didn’t answer and kept on staring at him. He slowly moved back from her. A cold wind blew at them. Tears fell from her eyes. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… I don’t have a choice.” She repeated while sobbing. “No, you have a choice. You know that.” He uttered with an angry tone. The poor girl only cried in front of him. She’s saying something but there’s no voice coming out from her mouth. “What? What are you saying?” The girl continued speaking, this time, she’s shouting, however, Helios can’t hear a single thing about what she’s telling him. “I cannot hear you!” He yelled back. “I’m sorry, I chose my fate…” He woke up abruptly. He leans on his chair and sweeps his hair with his fingers. He sighed in frustration and shut his eyes for a while. ‘That dream again… That f*****g dream again.’ He opens his eyes and saw the sun already setting. He stood up and went to the window to look at the view. He turned around and saw Sally snoring while sitting on her chair. “Hah.” He laughed shortly. “Did she suggest that because she wanted to sleep too? So sly.” He chuckled and walked towards her. “Now, how can I wake this naughty girl up?” He wondered and a playful smirk formed his lips. --- Someone keeps blowing in her ear. She swings her hand trying to stop that person, however, she can still feel the wind blowing in her ear. “Grandma, please stop.” It stopped for a while but what makes her heart skip a beat is the baritone voice whispering in her left ear. “Are you not waking up?” Her eyes opened widely and looked beside her. She and the crown prince’s face were so close she can feel his hot breath on her face. She was startled and fell on the wooden floor with a loud thud. The crown prince tried to catch her but it was all so sudden. “Y-Your highness!” She called in surprise. She looked at the crown prince’s desk to confirm if she’s not hallucinating. Unfortunately, she’s not dreaming. “Tell me, did you suggest that I should sleep so that you can snore?” The crown prince inquired. She stood up, massaging her butt. “Of course not, your highness. I was truly worried for your highness that is why I suggested that.” She smiled brightly. “Oh? Really? That’s convincing at all.” He muttered. She closed her mouth tightly. She doesn’t want to argue with the prince anymore so she sighed and uttered an apology. “I apologize, your highness…” “Anyway, let’s get ready for the dinner.” He said “Ah, yes, your highness.” She answered. She sighed in relief since the crown prince let her slide for the second time. She tried her best not to fall asleep but the cool wind feels nice on the skin so she ended up sleeping while sitting. Other than that, the crown prince’s face was imprinted in her mind. ‘He is excessively handsome… What a dangerous weapon against women…’ She thought. “What are you thinking?” The crown prince asked when he noticed her nodding her head. “There’s none, your highness.” She answered forcing a smile. The crown prince knew she’s lying, thanks to the forced smile on her face. “Alright. Before seven in the evening, we will head to the main palace.” He instructed. “Yes, your highness.” She replied and went to their rooms. --- The crown prince arrived in his room. Someone knocked on the door. “Your highness, it is I, Anthony.” “Come in.” The door opened and Anthony entered. He assisted the crown prince in changing to white formal attire with golden adornments. His hair was neatly styled showing his forehead. After that, he went out of his room with Anthony. He went downstairs and saw Sally already there waiting for him. She looked up and saw him walking towards her. He radiates with both pride and glory. His red hair like flames, like the colors of dawn, was neatly combed. His face is stern, and his golden eyes fierce yet deep at the same time. Who would hold so much beauty in front of someone’s eyes? ‘The crown prince truly holds such a dangerous face.’ “Is there something wrong?” He asked her as he noticed her staring at him for quite a long time. “There’s nothing, your highness.” She answered shaking her head. Helios looked at her. Her black hair was tied and laid on her left shoulder adorned with white crystal flowers. Her blue dress was embroidered with flowers made of silver threads. She looked like the moon in the night sky. “Pardon me for cutting your thoughts, your highness, but we must go now.” She reminded him. “I know. Let’s proceed.” The crown prince said and walked ahead. Sally followed him behind. They arrived at the main palace. They were immediately escorted by the butler towards the dining hall. They stopped in front of the double door. Sally stopped and stared at the wooden door with a tense expression. Helios noticed it and called her. “Ms. Esther,” Sally glanced at him. “Are you alright?” He asked. “… Yes, your highness. I am just a little nervous.” She truthfully answered. “There’s nothing to be anxious with. Just look at them as another type of people.” He said. ‘H-How can I do that when they’re the most important people in this land!?’ She exclaimed mentally. The door opened and she saw three people sitting near a long table. Both of them had an intimidating ambiance around them. She is getting more nervous now. They walked in front of them. She bowed in front of the three royalties and greet them with the utmost respect. “I greet the sun and moon of the kingdom and the second prince.” “Raise your head.” The king commanded. She raised her head and met the king’s gaze. The crown prince resembles the king except for the hair, however, they had the same golden eyes--- or not. Because no matter how much she looked at the king’s eyes, they didn’t have the same glow as the crown prince’s eyes. “Take a seat.” The king said. “Thank you, your majesty,” Sally said and sits on the chair. The crown prince didn’t utter a word and sits beside Sally. “Bring the food.” The king ordered the servants. Sally’s eyes went to the second prince who was staring at her. When their eyes met, he smiled at her. She smiled in return to show curtsy, however, the crown prince saw it and his mood automatically dropped.  While they wait for the food to arrive, the queen started the conversation. “You are such a pretty lady. May I know your name?” She asked Sally. “Pardon my late introduction, my name is Sally Esther.” She answered while smiling. “Lady Esther, your name is pretty. If we put it together it would be ‘the princess of the land where the sun rises.’” The queen muttered in bliss. Sally blushed and felt flattered. “I’m flattered, your majesty.” She said shyly. “It is true. May I know who named you, Ms. Esther?” She inquired. “That, I am uncertain, your majesty. My parents were both dead when I was just an infant.” She replied. “Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t know. I should have been more considerate.” She uttered apologetically. “It’s alright, your majesty.” Sally smiled brightly at her. She’s not feeling a bit sad nor hurt speaking about her parents since she doesn’t have any memories of them. The food finally arrived and was served in front of them. “I was quite surprised that you had a female secretary beside you, brother. It is rare for you to have a woman other than Lady Robia beside you.” The second prince said while slicing the steak on his plate. “I was quite surprised to myself as well.” The crown prince answered indifferently. “I can understand you, brother. Lady Esther is beautiful enough to put in someone’s side.” Sally was surprised at the second prince’s words. He’s insulting her. The crown prince glared at the second prince making the atmosphere dreadful. Sally kept on smiling and calmly looked at the second prince. “I’m afraid I can’t agree with you, your highness the second prince because a woman’s worth is not only visible in her physical appearance. They’re much worthier than what your highness thinks they are.” The crown prince’s lips lifted into a smirk. “I agree with my secretary. Don’t you think she has a point? Your majesty the queen?” He asked looking at the queen. Displeasure flashed in the queen’s eyes but disappeared immediately. She smiled at him. “We all have different opinions, however, you should change your impression of women, your highness the second prince or your mother will be hurt.” “… Yes, I apologize, mother, and to you as well, Lady Esther.” The second prince said with trembling hands. He was humiliated in front of the king and the queen. Helios can’t help but prevent himself from laughing at Edmund. “Edmund, watch your words next time.” The king said with a strict voice. “Yes, your majesty…” --- The dinner ended peacefully. The crown prince and Sally were now heading back to the palace. They passed to the garden. Sally stopped and stared at the garden. “Your highness, you may go without me.” She said. The crown prince halted and faced her. “Why?” He asked. “I want to take a walk in the garden for a while.” She answered. The crown prince stared at her. ‘Was she offended by the second prince? Or is she sad again due to her grandmother’s demised? She even mentioned her earlier…’ He thought. “Your highness?” “I’ll go with you.” “Huh? I beg your pardon, your highness?” “Why? You don’t want me being with you?” “What? That’s insane! Of course not, your highness.” She laughed. “Well, it will be lonely if I walk in the garden all by myself. Thank you for being thoughtful, your highness.” They started to walk towards the garden. Sally looked up and saw the stars and the moon in the night sky. It was breathtaking. He stared at her who’s staring in the sky. He’s trying to imprint her image in his head. He can’t explain but she looked glowing perhaps due to her pale skin. “Are you offended by that bastard the second prince?” He asked. “Nope, and I responded to him quite well.” She grinned at him. The crown prince’s anger towards the second prince disappeared and a gentle expression follows. “I see…” “Your highness, pardon me for asking but is it always that awkward when your highness dine with them?” “How can you say that?” He asked, amazed by her question. “Well, everyone’s expressions were,” She stared at him, hesitating if she’ll continue her words. “Go on, I promise that I will not cut your tongue.” He guaranteed. She cleared her throat and decided to continue what she’s trying to say to him. “As I was saying, everyone’s reaction seemed, fake.” She said. The crown prince glanced at her. “Honestly, the dinner felt like a trap.” She added. “It’s always been like that, and I was used to it.” He shrugged. “Other than that, there’s something I noticed too.” His forehead creased and he looked at her with a puzzled expression. “The crown prince’s eyes were different from his majesty and the second prince’s eyes.” “What do you mean by that?” He asked and his face grimaced. “I stared at their eyes and no matter how many times I looked at it, your highness’s eyes are much more captivating than the king and the second prince.” She said while staring at his eyes. “Do you, like my eyes?” He asked her. “Well, everyone likes your highness’s eyes.” She answered. “Don’t include anyone. I only want to know if you like my eyes or not.” He asked again looking through at her eyes. The wind blew gently sending chills on her skin however that didn’t matter because she’s drawn to his golden eyes. “That,” She didn’t finish her words when someone spoke behind them. “The night is nice, don’t you think so, brother?” ***
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