Chapter Nineteen: Disappointment

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Sally woke up and slowly went out of her bed. She slowly walked towards the window and lift the blinds a little, ended up seeing the sun slowly rising from the east. She blinked and removed her hand from the curtain and went straight to the bathroom. She’s used to walking in her darkroom since she knew her dorm very well. After taking a quick bath, she dressed in her uniform and went out of her room. As she walked down the stairs lazily, she bumped into Felix. “Oh, good morning, Sir Robia.” She greeted him. “Good morning, you’re quite early.” He replied. “Oh, not really. You’re quite earlier than I am, though.” She laughed. ‘It’s quite surprising…’ She thought. “Would you like to eat breakfast with me?” Felix asked her with his usual gentle smile. She’s planning to eat bread outside but she can’t turn down Felix’s offer. “If you wouldn’t mind eating together with me.” She replied. “Of course.” Felix’s smile became wider at her response. They went together to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Sally felt thankful knowing that no students were walking around the hallway this early, or so she thought because someone just called Felix from behind. Both of them halted from walking and looked around. It’s the crown prince Helios. “Felix.” “Your highness, good morning.” Felix greeted but somehow, it looked he’s forcing to greet him. The corners of his mouth lifted to a cool smile as he fixed his eyes to his blue irises. “Let’s eat breakfast.” He said. Sally is alternately looking at them. She was about to excuse herself when Helios added, “Let’s eat breakfast together. The more, the merrier, don’t you think so too? Ms. Esther?” His golden eyes went to hers and she slightly shivers at his gaze. “Uh, I wouldn’t mind at all, your highness.” She glanced at Felix. ‘Did I do something wrong?’ She thought anxiously. The three of them proceed to the cafeteria and ordered some food then headed to a vacant table near the big glass window. She’s between Felix and Helios and she felt uncomfortable because of their presence. “Good morning, your highness and Mr. Robia.” Someone greeted. Sally raised her head and a pair of hazel eyes met hers. “To you as well, Ms. Esther.” He added coldly. “Oh, good morning, Mr. Lionel.” She greeted back. ‘Ah, this guy… I think he hates me?’ She viewed mentally. She ignores the impression in her mind and remained silent. “May I join you as well?” Ethan asked with an ear-to-ear smile. ‘Too many people! Ah, I wanted to cry all of a sudden…’ She sighed. “What’s wrong, Ms. Esther? You don’t want me to be here?” Ethan asked with a shady smirk on his face. ‘Now he’s trying to piss me off?’ She offered her brightest smile to him and answer. “Of course not, Mr. Lionel. How dare I despise someone’s presence?” “That’s good to hear…” He took a sit in front of her. After eating, she excused herself, gladly, the prince and Felix let her go. She went out of the cafeteria and sighed heavily. ‘Their presences are way too heavy that I didn’t realize I’m holding my breath…’ She muttered inwardly. Someone called her name. She turns around and saw Ethan with his serious face. “Ms. Esther, may I speak with you privately?” He asked. “Yes.” They walked and arrived at the garden at the back of the school. “I’ll be frank, Ms. Esther, please stay away from the crown prince.” He uttered gravely at her. Sally stared at him in confusion. “May I ask why, Mr. Lionel?” She inquired. “I’m sure you are aware that Athena likes the prince more than anyone else. You know how dangerous a woman’s love right?” Sally continued staring at him in disbelief. ‘What the hell is he talking about?’ “Look, I’m just saying this because I care about you.” “You care, about me?” She repeated with a sense of incredulity. “… Yes.” He answered though Sally can see the insincerity in his eyes. She giggled softly and then sighed heavily. “I see. I’ll try, Mr. Lionel.” “Thank you for understanding.” “But, you don’t have to lie in front of me, Mr. Lionel.” She smiled brightly. ‘This man cares about Ms. Robia so much.’ She felt pleasure at the thought. “I don’t have any romantic feelings for the prince nor anyone around his highness.” “It’s good to hear that.” “If it’s alright, I’ll leave now. The class will start soon.” She excused. “Yes, you can.” He answered. Before she completely leaves her, she promptly added a few words that shook his heart. “You care for Ms. Robia. It must be painful, knowing someone you like likes somebody else.” Ethan is speechless. He watched her back slowly moving away from her sight. Somehow, that hit him deep. “I’m so stupid…” He mumbled and sweeps his hair in irk then he started walking away. --- Athena arrived at the lecture room in time. Her eyes immediately went to the woman sitting in the back. She seemed to be in a daze while looking at the window. The sunlight makes her look paler and lonely. She recalled what she said to her last night. ‘She seemed sincere at that time.’ She took a seat and stared at the blackboard waiting for the professor to come. Sally’s in deep thoughts. She’s thinking about what Ethan told her. She can’t help but feel a little annoyed at his words, however, she can’t squabble back at him somehow. ‘It’s clear he’s in love with Ms. Robia but his hypocrisy irks me.’ She sighed. The professor entered carrying his book. She faced front but her eyes fell to Athena’s back. ‘I wonder how she was now. I hope she’s fine. Her sullen face still imprints in my mind though.’ She thought. She removes her attention and tried to focus on the professor. “Go to your partner, we will proceed to the greenhouse to get what we needed for the potion we’ll make later at the laboratory. The ingredients are written to the book.” The professor commanded. Sally became stiff. She remembered that her partner in this class is none other than Athena. How can she approach her? ‘Nah, this is nothing to Ms. Robia, I’m sure she already has a new partner. I’ll just talk to the professor later that I’ll do the potion without a partner.’ She muttered, trying to cheer herself. She stood up since everyone is already leaving. She was about to walk out of the room and approach the professor when Athena approached her. Her forehead crumpled as she stared at her with confusion. “We’re partners in this class, remember?” She said indifferently. She blinked several times before nodding. She can tell that she looked like an i***t in front of her but her presence shook her. “Let’s go. We’ll be late.” She added. Sally followed her behind with an astonished look. ‘Despite her hatred, she still approached me. I forgot that this lady is a true noble by heart.’ She smiled at the idea as she tightens her grip on her book. --- Helios is walking in the hallway when she saw Athena and Sally’s class marching towards the greenhouse. What caught his attention is Athena and Sally walking together. He felt relieved at the sight of it. “Your highness.” Someone called her. Helios looked at Ethan who’s smiling at him. “It seems they’re fine now.” He suddenly muttered looking at Athena and Sally’s backs. “It seems so…” He replied. “What do you think of Lady Robia and Lady Esther, your highness?” Ethan asked. Helios glared at him but he didn’t fret. “What I’m thinking about them is none of your business.” He replied while glaring at him. Ethan stared back at him and the corners of his mouth lifted into a smile. “I hope when the time comes, your highness will choose what’s best for this country.” He said to him before he turns his back, however, the crown prince replied before he can take a step away. “My choices are mine and mine alone, Mr. Lionel. A word of advice, don’t stick your nose to other people’s business. You know me, I am not someone who had patience within my body.” “My, is his highness perhaps, threatening me?” He asked with an amused expression. The Lionels are a powerful and influential family among aristocrats and are under the current king’s faction. With their support towards the king, the royal family becomes a firm family among the aristocrats and its people. Helios knew all of this, yet, for him, it didn’t matter. He knew his skills and wiping a whole clan is not a problem for him. “Maybe I am or maybe I’m not nevertheless, my words will give you a hint for yourself. So, Mr. Ethan of Lionels, don’t cross the line.” His mana is dancing around him like crazy, sending shivers towards Ethan. Without realizing it, Ethan’s already holding his breath as he gazed at the crown prince with terror on his face. ‘He’s, a demon, like what father told me…’ He thought as he recalls what the current head of Lionels told him before going into the academy. He said; ‘Don’t mess with the crown prince if you want our lineage to continue.’ Gritting his teeth, he bowed down in a hurry. “I apologize, your highness. I talked too much without thinking thoroughly.” He muttered. Helios is still glaring at his figure bowing before him. “Be careful next time.” He advised before leaving him. --- Sally and the rest of the class arrived in the glass greenhouse. Their professor and Mr. Bolton were talking to each other before facing them. Sally and Mr. Bolton’s eyes meet but Sally immediately looks away since she can’t handle too much attention from other people. Mr. Bolton blinked in confusion but ignored it and started talking in front of the class. “You are free to get the ingredients you need however, stay away from the restricted section.” He warned them. The restricted section of the glass greenhouse was filled with rare poisonous plants. Even inhaling air while surrounded by those plants can cause severe illness and worst death to the person. To ensure the safety of students, the restricted area was surrounded by a level five magic barrier which the headmaster personally made. “Find the rest of the ingredients,” Athena ordered. “Ah, yes,” Sally replied before they parted with each other. Sally roamed around with the book in her hand, searching for the ingredients they needed. While walking around, she met Mr. Bolton accidentally. Run out of choices, she greeted him. “Hello, Sir.” “It’s been a while, Ms. Esther. How have you been? You became thinner than the last time we met.” He said examining her from head to toe. ‘That again… I guess I need to eat a lot.’ She thought. “Oh, it can’t be helped. I’ve got really busy this past few weeks.” She laughed while scratching the back of her head. “I see. If you’re looking at the valien herb, it’s over there.” He said while pointing in the direction of the herb. “Thank you, Mr. Bolton.” She responded and hurriedly went there. Mr. Bolton stared at her for a while before resuming his walk around the glass greenhouse.  Meanwhile, Athena finished looking for the ingredients. It’s time to return near the exit of the greenhouse. While walking, she heard a commotion near her. She stopped and walked towards there and saw Sally being cornered by five girls. Behind her is the restricted section. She stepped back and was about to leave her behind when she heard something broken and screaming. She turns around and saw Sally inside the restricted section. Unfortunately, the barrier immediately stored, and this time at a higher level making her impossible to escape. The girls who bullied her disappeared. Athena runs towards her with her eyes wide open. Sally knew that misfortunes always find her. Fortunately for her, she didn’t touch any plants however, the air is contaminated with poison so she’s holding her breath. She won’t last long inside.  ‘What to do? Am I going to die here?’ She kept on hitting the barrier to make a sound. Luckily, she saw Athena. Her eyes started sparkling like she saw a ray of hope in her situation. She mouthed ‘help me’ as she kept on hitting the barrier. She stared at Athena. Her face showed worry then became indifferent. She then slowly stepped back. ‘Ms. Robia?’ Sally thought in confusion. ‘Why’s she backing away? Is she going to help me?’ Her heart is pounding nervously as she gazed at her. Her eyes widen as she shook her head slowly in disbelief. “No… Don’t do this…” She whispered in desperation. Athena, who happened to read her lips started running away from the scene leaving Sally without guarantee of helping her. Sally’s eyes are quivering in shock. She left her without saying anything. Most importantly, those indifferent eyes felt like daggers piercing her chest. ‘Will she help me? Why? Why did she run away without saying anything? She’ll help me, right?’ She kept on asking. Her fists clenched as her mind became cloudy. “Ah, I’m really, hopeless sometimes… I’m so, disappointed.” She mumbled. She covered her mouth to resist herself from breathing. Her chest is starting to feel suffocating. ‘Perhaps I’m going to die here?’ “Ms. Esther!” Someone called her. She raised her head and saw Mr. Bolton with the crown prince and Felix. “What the! How the hell did you get there!?” Mr. Bolton freaked out. A ball of purple light appeared in Helios' hand. It had lightning surrounded it as it grew bigger and bigger. “Wait! Your highness, you can’t break the barrier! If you do, then the whole area will be contaminated by poison!” Mr. Bolton said. Helios kicked his tongue and his face turned grimmer than he had before. “The barrier just became level ten. If it breaks again, then its level will increase.” Mr. Bolton said. “How can we get her without breaking the barrier?” Felix asked. The three of them became even more frustrated and Sally noticed it. She slammed the barrier to get their attention. She never failed since they immediately looked at her. “I’m fine, for now so, take your time.” She muttered with a forced smile on her slowly paling face. She can indeed handle but the real question is, for how long? Still, she trusts them more than anything else right now. She lowered her gaze as she remembered a bad memory in her mind then the disappointment started to crawl deep within… ‘Trust, I trust them.’ She thought as her hands clenched. ***
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