Chapter Eighteen: Under the Moonlight

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Her head is cloudy and it’s like it's dim despite the sunlight illuminated the whole room. The fire in her heart is slowly dying and she can guess the reason why. She doesn’t have, strong connection to his heart that’s why she was easily left behind. Her head is racked. ‘If I get stronger, will I catch up with him?’ She asked herself. ‘Then, I should get stronger and stronger.’ She added. If this is what her path aims to be, then so be it. For the sake of the love she had for him she will gladly take the pain. “Lady Robia?” Someone asked her. She snapped from her deep thought and looked up. Her black hair fell gracefully behind her back and her smile remains untainted, like a pure being from heaven. “May I speak with you privately?” She asked her. “No. I don’t have time for you.” She answered directly. Her heart is unsteady and it’s full of unpleasant emotions. Just by the sight of her, she felt really, angry. Sally blinked and looked at her as if she saw something different from her usual expression. She swallowed her breath and remained smiling at her. “Yes. I apologize for taking your time, lady.” She said, bow down, and walked away from her. Athena glared at her but it’s not evident since she possessed such a charming face. --- Felix glanced at Athena beside him. She’s surprisingly quiet today which made him think that something’s up to her. Despite the smiling face she wore, he can feel her true emotions within that mask. ‘She’s angry.’ He concluded. “I heard the result of the mana leveling earlier. You did a great job, Athena.” He complimented. “Thank you, brother. I’ll catch up with you soon, so please wait for me, alright?” She smiled at him. Felix, who heard her response seems to have an unsettling feeling in his chest so he asked her; “There’s no need, Athena. You’re strong in your way.” Athena glanced at his side in disbelief. ‘Why would he say such a thing to me?’ “Then, tell me, brother. What is it that I must do to be recognized by him?” “Athena, stop it.” “I don’t want to!” Her scream echoed the whole corridor and it took some of the other student’s attention. In embarrassment, she fastens her pace, leaving him behind but Felix was able to catch up with her. He held her hand and pulled her gently to stop her from walking away from him. “Athena, if you keep doing this, the pain might devour your whole being, crumbling you to specks of dust until nothing left.” “It is easy for you to tell me that since you don’t have this feeling inside of you.” She argued. “I understand your point but---“She laughed at him and then stared at his eyes, sharply. “Oh, no. No, you don’t.” She took her hand and left. Felix watched his younger sister’s back walking away from him. He felt downcasted within. ‘She’s right. How can I say I understand her when I don’t love anyone else like how she loved the crown prince?’ He thought and resume walking as if nothing happened. --- Helios felt a slight headache and a little suffocated to the people around him. He stood up and decided to take a walk. He took his coat and went out of his room only to find out that Athena is standing outside. “Lady Robia, why are you here?” He asked staring at her. With sad eyes, she looked up at him. “Your highness, where are you going?” She inquired. His eyebrows wrinkled and his eyes filled with confusion. He took a deep breath and sighed. “It’s none of your business. Go back to your dorm now.” He answered coldly, a total opposite to his fiery image. Somehow, dealing with people became tiring for him but he's not that cold to push their existence further away from him. “Are you going to, look for her?” “What are you talking about?” He asked in confusion. This makes her temper boil. “Why are you always looking for her? Even though I’m here in front of you…” She muttered with burning flames in her eyes filled with anger and envy. However, he answered fiercer like a raging fire. “Lady Robia,” he called, “I respected you since you are Felix’s beloved sister, however, do not cross the line.” He warned her. This made Athena’s heart skipped a beat for a while. ‘He’s, scary…’ She thought as she felt terror. “… I apologize, your highness.” She said and bowed her head in a hurry. Helios left her without a word. Athena watched his back with a sad expression. She turned her back and started to walk back to her dorm when someone blocked her path. “Lady Robia.” Someone called her. She raised her head and her eyes shook. “Why are you, crying?” Sally asked. “It’s none of your business.” She replied sharply. “How can I ignore someone, with such a gloomy expression?” She asked gently. “Was it his highness, the prince, made you cry?” “Shut up.” She said while glaring at her. Sally sue her mouth and kept staring at her. “You remained ignorant despite what you saw in front of you. Are you that stupid?” “… Hm, yeah. Perhaps I’m like that.” Athena didn’t expect her calm reaction to her insult. “Everyone’s calling me that, and I wasn’t disheartened at all. You see, there’s always a different version of truths in everyone.” “What are you talking about…?” “Lady Robia, you are a great lady and you’ll be a greater person in the future. Don’t let yourself be blinded by silly emotions.” “Huh?” “And, most of all, don’t force yourself to someone who locks themselves from you. You’ll get hurt by pushing yourself, and as for the other one, he might get more suffocated.” She smiled brightly at her. “Be someone whom he can be comfortable with.” She suggested to her with ease, as if tension wasn’t there in the first place. “Hmph, don’t talk to me like we’re close.” Athena managed to utter before she walking away. Sally stared at her while her smile slowly fades away. --- She walked towards the maze garden. It’s already late at night and students shouldn’t roam around at the campus since they have a curfew to follow. Her white sleeping gown was gently fluttered by the wind showing a little of her white, slender legs. She took a sit on the ground, ignoring the dirt then embrace her knees. ‘It’s cold… As always.’ She thought. She raises her head and looked at the moon. “It’s peaceful and quiet…” She mumbled and a smile crept on her face. All of a sudden, a voice beside her. “You…” She’s startled and glanced at him with wide eyes. She held her chest and gasped due to his sudden presence in the place. “Y-Your highness…!” She called and immediately stood up. She’s debating whether she’ll leave or stay but she remembered that the crown prince hated her presence. “I-I’ll leave now, your highness.” “No.” He said. She stared at him with confusion. Noticing her expression, he sighed and added, “Stay.” “Ah, yes. Thank you, your highness.” She answered forcing herself to smile. Her heartbeat is so loud that she felt she might become deaf at any minute. She sits on the ground again however, the crown prince called her again. “You, take this.” He ordered. Sally’s eyes were fixed on the handkerchief he’s holding then shifted to him. “Ah, how could I accept that, your highness?” “It’s an order.” He replied. A royal’s command is absolute, especially to the future king. “Thank you, your highness.” She took it and spread it on the ground before sitting on it. She felt very embarrassed while using the crown prince’s handkerchief so she said, “I’ll return this, your highness.” “I have tons of that. You need not return it.” “Ah, yes. Thank you, your highness.” Silence took over between them but they didn’t bother breaking it since both of them loved the tranquility of the night. Sally glanced at him then decided to break the silence which was slowly turning into awkwardness. “How have you been, your highness? It’s been a while since the last time I saw you.” She said shyly. Helios didn’t say a word so she thought that speaking might be a bad decision. “I’m doing fine, as usual. There’s nothing special that had happened to me.” He said not glancing in her direction. “How about you?” It was unusual for her that the crown prince was curious about her. A faint smile formed her lips as he looked at the dark sky. “It’s the same as my other days, your highness. There’s nothing fun that had happened, I was expecting that your highness would have a stimulating day here in the academy, not to mention your highness’ popularity.” “What do you mean by that?” He asked, this time, his eyes were fixed on hers. “Ah, I just thought that his highness’ days are always exciting and fun since you’re always surrounded by people.” She replied. “Ha.” He laughed bitterly. “That’s a stupid thought. Having people around you doesn’t guarantee that you’ll never feel lonely. It is the worst.” He explained. Although he’s smiling, the look in his eyes is grim making his expression a little dark. Sally continued staring at him. She hugged her knees and smiled a little at him. “But there are people who always draw you from that loneliness, your highness. You’re not completely lonely.” “I wonder... I possess the worst temper and wrecking things as well as human lives are easy for me. I am the embodiment of fear in all of my subjects yet at the same time, that fear brought false respect and admiration. I’m a bastard which one cannot throw away, and if they do, I’ll become their worst foe.” He uttered grimly. His eyes shone like blades under the moonlight. It’s breath-taking yet dangerous. “Hm, I see.” She stood up. “It’s getting late, I think we should head back to our dorms now, your highness.” She said. “Wait, isn’t it rude to leave when I just arrived here a while ago?” “Pardon?” “You, are you trying to tell me I’m not a good company?” “What? Of course not! How dare I think of that, your highness?” She answered nervously. “Then sit down.” He ordered. ‘Seriously!? This man is not afraid of the punishment for getting caught roaming in the night because he can easily escape it. How about me?’ She asked herself and still answers it herself, ‘Of course I’ll be dead if that happens.’ She sighed. “What’s with the sigh? You don’t like being here with me?” He asked directly. “No. I’m just thinking of random things.” She denied as she sits back a few steps beside him. Helios paid attention to her for a while. She became thinner than before he met her. He’s thinking if she’s eating well. In an instant, an apple appeared in Helios’ palm and he tossed it towards her. “Huh? Your highness, what’s this?” She asked with a confused look on her face. “Are you blind? It’s an apple.” “I understood that this is an apple but what’s this for?” She corrected her question. “You’re so thin I’m afraid the wind might break you at any minute.” He replied. Sally’s mouth is hanging open at the prince’s insult. She stared at the apple and eventually, smiled at it. “Thank you, your highness.” She said and bit the apple. The sweet taste of the apple tickled her taste buds then she just remembered that she didn’t eat lunch and dinner today. ‘I never realized I was so hungry the whole time…’ She thought then she felt pity for herself. Her eyes widen when she felt a hand brushing her cheek. It was a kind and warm hand. She looked beside her and saw Helios staring at her through her eyes. “Why are you crying?” His question caught her off guard. Did she cry? When? Now? She chuckled. It was surprising for her that she can’t help but laugh. It’s been a long time since she let tears fall from her eyes. “It’s no big deal, your highness. Something just went inside of my eyes.” “I just remembered something,” Helios said as he pulls himself away from her. Sally gazed at him, waiting for his next words. His expression went dim and a wicked smile formed his lips. “There was once a servant who spout nothing but lies in his mouth. Do you know what I did to that bastard? I cut his tongue, shove it in his mouth, and made him swallow it…” Sally’s face turned pale and shivers run down her spine. She forced a smile and started speaking. “On, on the other hand,” She stared at the apple and a weak smile appeared on her face. “Other than the specks of dust, your highness’ kindness moved me that my eyes turned watery all of a sudden.” She laughed. “Is it something worth crying for?” The crown prince asked. “Everyone can be nice to anyone.” He added. As the crown prince of the kingdom, he encounters people most of the time. All of them were nice and polite in front of him however when he turned his back. Those fake emotions and smiles make him feel disgusted and angry. However, despite the feign smiles, this girl showed to him, he never felt that way. He thought, perhaps, it’s because of how those clear eyes stared at him, and whenever he’s with her, it’s as if tranquility was bestowed in his chaotic world. “That is true, your highness. Everyone can be nice, but it’s hard to be kind especially in here.” She said smiling bitterly. Helios glanced at her then asked again, “Why?” “I don’t know, I just felt that it’s tough.” She shrugged and chuckled. “What kind of rubbish is that?” The crown prince sighed. She laughed, this time, he can feel that the tension between them vanished because she’s not forcing her reactions anymore. Their conversation continued with more laughter and opinions about random things. An apple made of magic, a threat, and a little bit of truth under the moonlight. A lot happened in a period, other than that, they didn’t notice that someone’s eyes are on them. ***
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