Chapter Forty-Two: The Guests Have Arrived

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THERE’S ONE THING that Sally had in mind; why is acting in such a way? She kept her smiling expression and calmly answered the crown prince who was overly worried for her sake. “It is nothing serious, your highness. I just slipped and hit my arm on a tree trunk.” She answered. “You are telling me it’s not serious when there’s too much bloodstain in your dress? Let’s go. We will treat it. I heard Dr. Ashton has arrived in the academy.” “No. I am fine. Anyway, I’m glad everyone’s here.” She pulled back and went to get heaven’s tears resting on a chair in a corner. There’s a lot of them. She handed half of the flowers to Athena who was reluctant in receiving it. “Sally, are you certain that you don’t want to meet a doctor? You’re pale.” Athena muttered in distress. “There’s no reason for you to be worried about me, lady. I told you, I am fine.” She firmly said, smiling at them. “Anyway, I hope that the lady managed to talk to the craftsman she told us about before. It is best to not ruin the petals while making it into pretty brooches.” “Ah, right. That’s a nice idea.” Felix muttered behind Athena. “You think so? How about you, your highness?” She glanced at the crown prince who is seriously looking at her. She ignored his stares and kept on smiling. “Anyway, if it is alright, can you leave now? I’m want to rest for a while. Your highness, if it’s alright, I will meet you later at dinner.” “Alright… Rest well.” Helios answered and left without second thoughts. She can tell he’s angry. She felt bad about it, but his concerns were not nodded. It was unreasonable emotions dedicated towards her yet she didn’t feel bad about it. The truth is she felt glad. The door shut close in front of her. Her eyes fell to the remaining flowers in the corner. She forgot to give those to the crown prince. She sighed and swept her hair making it messier than before. “Will he still accept those? He’s angry…” She mumbled. --- Helios was mad about her stubbornness. He’s curious how she was able to refuse to receive treatment despite the injuries she had. He didn’t know the exact location of her injury but he’s certain that it is severe considering the blood in her dress. He sighed. “Your highness, please trust Sally a bit more,” Felix said behind him. He smirked. “Trust? That woman is hard-headed and always hides something behind her back. I can sense that she’s lying right in front of my face!” He fumed. “Is there any reason for her to lie in front of me? I am someone who can do anything under the sun! What was she so afraid of?!” “Please calm down and be reasonable, your highness,” Felix uttered, trying to appease the crown prince's temperament. “Don’t misunderstand, Felix. I am calm. I am trying to be.” He glared at him. “Pardon me for speaking abruptly, your highness, but please try to understand Sally more. She’s a strong woman and she’s not someone who falls easily.” Athena said beside Felix. “Do you think I am not aware of that? She was ostracized and bullied by everyone in here yet she didn’t utter a single word of protest! She’s keeping it all inside of her… I know it… I am certain of it. In the short amount of time I’ve spent with her, I learned that she’s that type of person… However, a person cannot hold everything inside himself forever… She’s tough but not that though.” The two shut their mouths. The crown prince turned his back and started to walk, heading to the infirmary where the doctor stays. He doesn’t trust Sally’s words. Not even a single bit. He arrived at the infirmary. Without knocking, he opened the door and saw Dr. Ashton reading a piece of paper. “Greetings, your highness. What can I do for you?” He asked him and put the paper on his desk. “I have a request, doctor.” --- Sally woke up from the continuous knocking on her door. Her head is heavy and she felt dizzy. She staggered as she stood up from the bed and walked towards the door. The knocking kept on repeating and she was annoyed by it. “Wait.” She opened the door and found Dr. Ashton in front of her. Other than him, there’s another presence. His golden eyes were fixed only at her as if he was studying her. “Doctor, your highness…” She called weakly as she looked at them alternately. The crown prince touched her forehead. She heard him kicking his tongue. She was shocked when he suddenly held her in his arms and went inside her room. “Y-Your highness! Please! Put me down!” “Shut up. You’re burning right now.” He put her on her bed and pulled the blanket to cover her. “Doctor, check her.” “Yes, your highness.” Dr. Ashton started checking her. He noticed her arm with bandages clumsily wrapped around it. He removes the bandages and was astonished at what he saw. It was the injury she got from the beasts that attacked her earlier. “Where the hell did you get this injury?” The crown prince took a glimpse at what the doctor is looking for and was shock as the doctor too. “Where did you get that?” He asked gravely. “Your highness, I already told you that I got this when I slipped.” “DO NOT LIE TO ME…” She flinched as she felt the sharp gaze of the crown prince towards her. She pressed her mouth tightly to stop it from trembling. “Do you think that I’ll believe that bullshit!? That your wound was merely a scratch from a tree trunk!?” He roared. “Your highness, please calm down. Let my patient relax for a moment.” The doctor butted in as he noticed that Sally was holding her breathing due to fear. “No. I am fine, doctor. Let the crown prince continue his words.” Sally forced a smile. “You! Do you think lowly of me!? Tell me what happened!” “Alright…” She said calmly. “This injury is not from a tree trunk, and I lied to you, your highness.” “Ha!” “I will accept any punishment, your highness. If you want me to quit being your secretary then, I’ll do it.” “You have the nerve to speak boldly in front of me. I wonder if it is courage or stupidity.” He mocked and chuckled bitterly. “I am not brave, therefore, I am stupid.” “Yes, YOU ARE STUPID!” Sally didn’t say anything. She stared at the crown prince’s eyes with a tired expression. Finally, the crown prince’s anger subsided. “I need to stitch the wound. This wound will leave a scar, Ms. Esther.” Dr. Ashton informed her in advance. “Yes. Thank you, doctor.” She smiled at him. Her eyes went to the crown prince who was looking at heaven’s tears which she put in the vase. “… As promised, I brought it for you, your highness.” She said calmly. “Forget it.” The crown prince went out of the room, not even glancing back at her. He felt so dirty. Is it so wrong for him to be angry at her? He regretted not controlling his temper in front of her. ‘I should have had held back…’ He thought and sighed. --- “Are you alright, Ms. Esther?” Dr. Ashton asked her. She smiled weakly at him. “Thank you for treating my wound, doctor.” She said, not answering the question. “It’s nothing. I will be leaving then, rest well.” “Yes. Thank you, again.” The doctor smiled and glanced at the flowers on her desk. “You can get one, doctor,” Sally uttered while smiling. “It’s called,” “Heaven’s tears. Am I correct?” He smiled at her. She giggled and nodded. “I’m surprised you have this. Where did you get it?” The doctor asked. Sally gave a mysterious smile and answered, “It’s a secret.” Heaven’s tears were expensive in the market because nobles demand it. He heard that it was used for perfumes. “I heard this flower is expensive in the market.” The doctor said while looking at the flower in his hand. “Yes, but I am not planning on selling it, thus, some people are greedy. It is better if that place is hidden.” She said with a serious look on her face. After that, the doctor went out of her room. --- A few days have passed and the day of the guests’ arrival has come. The gifts were elegantly wrapped inside a red box tied with a golden ribbon. Sally was carrying it but the crown prince ordered to let Felix carry it because of her wound. “It is not completely healed yet.” The crown prince muttered with an indifferent tone. Felix took the tray with the gifts on it. Sally was embarrassed letting Felix do her job, however, Felix only smiled and whispered that he understands. She sighed in relief. Two carriages arrived escorted by royal knights. It stopped in front of them. The knights opened the door and a group of people went out. The crown prince smiled proudly. “Welcome to Lavrielle Academy of Magic and Sorcery.” He said. His red cape gracefully swayed by the wind while looking at them. He’s wearing a black and gold uniform and his hair neatly styled on his head. His golden eyes were fierce and sharp yet breath-taking at the same time. “Greetings, blessings upon the future sun of the kingdom.” They all said in chorus. The crown prince went to them and Felix followed him behind. He stopped in front of a black-haired boy and a brown-haired girl. He smiled at them. “It’s a pleasure to meet the members of the royal family of Daria Kingdom.” “Likewise.” The black-haired boy with mint-colored eyes answered. His eyes fell to the woman behind him. Sally noticed him staring at her and bowed down slightly. He smiled at her but she didn’t smile back. Helios noticed it and felt displeased. He snapped his fingers and the gifts float to all of them. “This is a small gift from us.” He uttered. They opened it and saw the golden brooch. In the center is a crystal and inside it was heaven’s tear. The craftsman used a little magic to lessen the size of the flower so that it’ll match the size of the brooch. “It’s called Heaven’s Tear. A flower that only blooms in the kingdom.” “This is beautiful, your highness.” The brown-haired girl with black eyes said and smiled brightly in front of Helios. It was a charming smile that can make a man’s heart flutter, however, it has no effects on Helios and remained indifferent towards her. “I’m glad you like it, princess. Well then, let’s proceed and have tea inside the academy. The headmaster is waiting.” He said. They followed the crown prince. When she saw that the crown prince is heading inside, she slowly turned her back to follow him. Her black hair flowed gently as she turns around. She started walking with the rest when someone called her from behind. “Hey.” She looked behind and saw the man the crown prince greeted before. If her memory is correct, he was the crown prince of the Draria Kingdom. She smiled at him. “Greetings, your highness, the crown prince of Draria Kingdom.” He smiled back at her. “Hello. May I know what your name is?” He asked. “My name is Sally Esther, your highness.” She answered. “Sally, come here for a second,” Helios called. “Yes, please excuse me, your highness.” She went beside him. “What is it, your highness?” She asked him. “After this, let’s head to the infirmary to let Dr. Ashton check your injury.” “Ah, yes, your highness. You don’t have to accompany me,” “No.” She pressed her lips tightly. When he says no, she can’t do anything aside from letting him. “Is your injury alright now, Sally?” Felix asked her. “Yes. It’s fine now. Thank you for your concern, Felix.” She smiled at him. “Wow, you’ve become popular lately, Lady Esther.” Lady Clarence muttered from behind. Sally smiled at her making her feel more annoyed. “Don’t start a fight, Annabeth.” Lady Bolton reprimands her. Lady Clarence pouted and became quiet. Sally and Lady Bolton’s eyes met each other. Lady Bolton looked away. ‘Bolton… I wonder what her relationship with Sir Bolton is.’ She wondered. “She’s Sir Bolton’s niece,” Felix answered her. “Huh?” “I noticed the confusion in your face.” “Ah.” Behind the two ladies is Mr. Wisteria. He is the quietest person in the group. Sally felt wary of him. She believes in the saying; the quietest person inside the room is the most dangerous. They arrived in front of the headmaster’s office. The door opened on its own and they saw the headmaster drinking tea with a gorgeous woman. Her pale blond hair was braided and placed on her shoulder, and she’s wearing a red dress. Her emerald alluring eyes were enchanting as they stared at them. “Ah, they’re here. How sad.” She smiled at them. Sally can feel the intense mana from her. “Welcome! Come in and let’s have tea!” The headmaster, Lord Ormphode, said with glee. All of them entered the room and tea were served in front of them. “So, to my chosen students, this is the headmistress of the Haerthia Academy, Lady Charlotte Saber.” The headmaster introduced. Lady Saber gracefully bowed down. “Hello, students. It’s nice to see you.” She muttered seductively. “I am Ormphode de Zalvede, the headmaster of this institution. I will now start the rules and regulations for both parties.” He said and papers flew towards them. Sally silently read the whole text written on the paper. One thing that caught her is the eighth rule. It is said; Participants are ban from fighting using magic inside and outside the campus unless they have a golden pass from both the headmaster and headmistress. “In the eighth rule, it mentioned ‘golden pass’ right?” A golden card appeared in front of the headmaster. “This is the ‘golden pass.’ Only I and the headmistress have this card which means, you cannot fight each other without our consent. Disobeying the rules mean disqualification, alright?” “Yes, headmaster.” All of them answered. She read the eighth rule again. Her expression became serious while staring at the paper. “Now, Ms. Esther.” The headmaster called. Sally raised her head and looked at the headmaster with confusion. She stood up. “Yes?” She asked. “Please show the guests their dorms. Also, I will assign you touring the guests around the academy tomorrow before eight in the morning.” The headmaster said. ‘What troublesome tasks…’ She smiled at the headmaster naturally. “Yes, headmaster. Please follow me.” She said to the guests. “The rest may return to their dorms.” The headmaster said. They went out of the room. Helios approached her. “Go see Dr. Ashton after your task.” He ordered. “Ah, yes.” She answered. The crown prince stared at her before turning his back and walking away from her. ‘Yeah… He is still mad at me.’ “Excuse me, but what are you to the crown prince?” The princess of the Draria Kingdom asked while glaring at her. ***
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