Chapter Three: The Outcaste

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Three days left and classes will start. Students were familiarizing the place to avoid getting lost on the first day of class while the remaining of the population are trying to build friendship among the other students. There’s nothing special about the day, except for the news that the crown prince is interested in the owner of the infamous mint green paper which he has in his possession. It is also said that the owner of the rumored paper was a woman talented in both magic and sorcery, and managed to seduce the crown prince with her power. Felix who heard all of these sighed in frustration. ‘How can this happen in such a short amount of time?’ He asked himself. He sweeps his blonde hair as he leans on the tree trunk. He tiredly stares at the ground where students were chatting happily with each other. ‘So boring…’ He thought and pulls himself up. He started walking away and he found himself going behind the school building. He accidentally heard people talking along the way. “Are you sure you’ll be the one to hang all these bed sheets, young lady?” An old woman asked. “Of course, Madame. Don’t worry, I always do I good job.” A woman answered. “Alright. I have something to give to you when you finished this task.” “I don’t ask for anything in return, Madame. I’m just here because I’m bored.” The woman answered. A smile formed on Felix’s lips as he went out from the corner. “I think the lady deserves the reward.” He butted into their conversation. The women’s eyes went wide as they saw him. "Sir Robia! What are you doing here?” The elderly woman asked in surprise. The woman beside her is speechless, still in a state of shock. “I was bored so I decided to take a short walk.” He answered. “Excuse me, I’ll take my leave now.” The woman hurriedly went away from them holding a large basket full of white bed sheets. Felix followed her. “Miss, please let me help you.” “No thank you, Sir. I can manage.” She refused as she put the basket on the ground. She was about to pick a bed sheet when all of them float and hang themselves on the clothesline. The woman’s mouth hanged open, astonished at the magic that has happened before her. She turns to face Felix and saw his smiling face. She sighed in defeat. “Thank you, Sir Robia.” “Oh, you know me?” “Madame Aidelyn mentioned your surname a while ago.” She explained. “Ah, I see.” He stared at the woman in front of her. She’s wearing a black coat and underneath it is a mustard dress with a black ribbon attached to its white collar. The cuffs and hem of the dress were white, and she’s wearing a pair of black shoes. She doesn’t have any accessories nor make-up but she’s not ugly. She picked up the basket but Felix snatched it away from her. “I’ll help you.” He said with a smile. “You’re helping me a lot, Sir. Anyway, thank you.” She responded with a smile of her own. He never thought that other than his sister, someone can smile sweetly and innocently as her. “Are you always around here?” “Sometimes.” “I see. You’re only in here when you’re bored?” He added. “No.” “What year are you now? And what section?” “May I not answer that?” She asked. “I apologize but its private information.” She added as she lowered her gaze. “I understand.” Felix went to the back door looking for Madame Aidelyn but she’s not in there. “Please wait for me. I’ll just return this basket to Madame Aidelyn.” The woman just smiled at him. He went inside and saw Madame Aidelyn busy talking with the other staff. Piles of bed sheets were neatly placed on the corner while on the other side were the dirty ones. Ironically, there are more dirty bed sheets than the clean ones. “Excuse me.” He muttered behind the lady. Madame Aidelyn turns to face his face and a smile formed her lips. ‘Seeing a face like this happens once in a blue moon!’ She exclaimed. “Yes, Sir Robia? It’s embarrassing to see you in a,” her eyes roam around the insightful things surrounding them, “Complicated place like this.” And displayed an awkward smile. “No, it’s alright, Madame. I’ll be leaving the basket here.” He put the basket beside the lady. “Sir, if you don’t mind, where is the young miss?” She asked. “She’s waiting outside.” “Oh my! She’s still in there?” She asked again. Felix blinked and hurriedly went back to see no one in there. “She left.” He muttered in disappointment. “She did it again.” “What do you mean?” “She’s like a ghost who suddenly appeared then disappeared anytime.” She stated and shook her head. “However, I’m glad that that young miss seems to have a friend like you.” “Unfortunately, we're not yet friends, but, what do you mean?” “Well, I always see the young miss alone and in deep thoughts. I thought she's really a ghost at that moment. When I approached her on the pretext of asking for help, she smiled and helped me without asking for anything in return. She’s a kind lady.” She narrated as her eyes sparkled. “I see. Madame, do you, perhaps, know that lady’s name?” “I’m sorry Sir, but every time I asked her name, she suddenly disappeared like thin air! She’s such a clever girl!” She answered in dismay. “I understand. When we meet again, I’ll make sure to have her name. Goodbye, Madame.” “And please take this, Sir.” She handed him the pies. “It’s a new recipe that the cafeteria will be offering soon. The other one should be for the lady but she’s gone again. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to give the lady her share.” She added. “Oh, thank you but I can’t take it…” “Sir, please. I am very thankful that you helped me today. Is my token of gratitude not enough?” “What? Oh, no. I appreciate it. Thank you.” He smiled at her. After that, he left Madame Aidelyn who hurriedly went back to fix the messy situation in the laundry room. While walking in the hallway, he saw Athena. “Athena!” He called. Athena looked at him and smiled. “Brother, where have you been?” “Just, somewhere. Here, it’s for you.” He gave her the extra pie he received. “It smells good.” She took a bite and savor the blueberry taste on her tongue. “It’s delicious, brother!” Her eyes glittered as she took another bite. “I’m glad.” He smiled and patted her head. “I think I should meet His Majesty, don’t you think so?” He asked. “Can I come with you?” “Sure. Let’s go.” He responded and the two headed to Helios’s room.   --- Helios is sitting on the window, looking at the view outside. His eyes went to the woman whose back was facing him. Her black hair was braided behind her and she’s staring at something Helios can’t see from his position. The woman seems to notice his gaze because Helios can see how her body flinched. She slowly turned around but it was interrupted when someone knocked on the door. He turned to face the door then back to the woman he’s staring at, however, the lady is already gone. ‘… How annoying.’ He looked back at the door with a sour expression. “Come in.” The door opened and two people entered. It’s Felix with his sister, Athena.  “I apologize if we bothered you, Sire.” Felix apologized and slightly bowed down. Athena bowed down as well. “What are you doing here? I did not summon you, Felix.” He asked. “Sire, would you like to take a walk outside? The weather is nice today.” He suggested. “Take a walk? And then what? Encounter another group of liars again? My ears are ringing painfully, thanks to them.” He answered in sarcasm. “Oh no, no one will dare, Your Majesty.” Athena hurriedly answered back. Helios stared at her. He doesn’t want to reprimand someone right now. He stood up and grab his coat. “Fine, since I felt a little stuffy here.” He wore his coat and went out of his room, the two followed him behind. The corridor is filled with a few students, going in and out to arrange their belongings inside their dorms. Some notices them and were astonished, especially when their eyes fell to the crown prince. His overwhelming aura is so charming and noble that most of the people’s attention diverted to him, and his golden eyes that seem to shine like gold were so majestic. He’s an impressive person fitted to be the next ruler of the kingdom. Despite the suffocating attention Helios’s received, they arrived safely at the garden near the school ground. He sits on the bench together with the siblings and his eyes automatically look at the surroundings. Just like in the corridor, he can sensed gazes toward them. “Pardon me for asking, Sire, but are you still looking for that mysterious poet?” Felix asked. He stares at him and answers, “My decision is as clear as this day, Felix.” “But, Your Highness, the poet seemed doesn’t want to be discovered,” Athena stated. He looked at her with confusion on his face. “Why?” “This is just a theory but, I think it’s the reason why that person cast a strong magic to nullify the tracking spell from the staff of the Lost-and-Found department. He didn’t even come when the news spread that Your Highness is looking for him and let others steal his identity.” She explained carefully not wanting to offend Helios. “My sister has a point, Sire. How can you find someone who’s not willing to show his self in front of you?” Felix added, supporting Athena’s theory. “That might be true, however, I still want to see him and asked him about the poem. Perhaps I’ll be friends with him too.” He joked. The siblings looked at each other and felt nervous. Whenever Helios says a joke, it will be hell soon. “But, what’s so good about that paper anyway?” She wondered. “It’s not the paper that is great, Lady Robia, but the poem that was written in it.” Helios cleared the misunderstanding. “Oh, I see.” Without a warning, Helios stated the poem in front of them. His eyes slowly widen and looked behind him. A weeping willow tree is standing tall a few meters away from him. “Sire?” Felix asked looking at the tree as well. “Is something wrong?” He added. “Did you hear it?” He asked. “Hear what, Sire?” Felix inquired in confusion. Helios stood up and rush towards the tree. He went behind it and saw a girl holding a book, staring at the prince with wide eyes. “You. Repeat what you said earlier.” Helios ordered the silver-haired girl, however, the girl seems ignorant about what he’s talking about. The prince’s face turned sullen and glared at her. “Get out of my sight.” He commanded. The woman stood up, bowed down, and hurriedly went away from him. Felix and Athena saw the running girl and looked at Helios whose face turned dark. “Damn it. I’m sure she’s here…” Athena and Felix heard him mumbled. “Pardon me but, who are you talking about, Sire?” Felix asked. “The owner of the poem.” “Huh? That person’s a she?” Felix muttered. “Yes. I heard her voice. It was, soft and melancholic.” He explained as he stares at the empty spot where the trembling woman left. He started to walk away from the tree. “The next time I meet her, I’ll make sure she can’t escape.” He whispered coldly.   --- Athena is walking in a daze. She kept on thinking about Helios’s expression when the poet escaped. It was scary and his eyes glowed like a lethal predator in a jungle. She stopped walking when she saw a familiar face in the courtyard. She’s sitting near the fountain with drenched clothes and messy hair. Without thinking, she dashed towards her and stops when she arrived in front of her. The woman seems to notice her shoes and slowly raises her head. Athena smiled at her. “We meet again.” She muttered. “It’s you.” She stood up. “I’m sorry but I have to go.” However, Athena didn’t move away from her path. Instead, she handed her a handkerchief. “Here, take it.” She offered. “No, thank you.” “You need it.” “I don’t need it, lady. Please leave me alone.” She refused. “I insist. You might catch a cold.” She said in worry. The woman sighed and took the handkerchief. She forces a smile in front of her. “Thank you. I’ll wash and return this to you.” “What happened? Why are you soaked?” Athena questioned her. She smiles shyly and answered awkwardly. “I fell in the fountain.” Athena is not convinced with her answer and asks a few more questions, but she keeps on telling lies to her. She sighed and touch her shoulder. “I’ll accompany you to the ladies’ shower room.” “Thank you but I prefer going back to my room. I feel much more comfortable in there.” She replied. “Oh, then, where is your room? I’ll escort you.” “What? Oh, no! How dare I do that? It’s alright. I can go back on my own and you shouldn’t stick around with me. Someone might see us.” She said as she looks around. Thankfully, there’s no one with them. “Why?” Athena asked with a puzzled look on her face. “It’s just like what I said. Anyway, goodbye.” The woman turned her back and hurriedly went away from her. She didn’t bother to chase her. ‘I’m sure she’ll not tell me her name too.’ She sighed. Two female students walked in the corridor and saw the woman she helped not far away. Their faces were faces displayed disgust as they watch the woman's back. She approached them. “Hi.” The ladies looked at her and smiled as they realized its Athena. “Hello, Lady Robia.” They greeted in unison. She smiled sweetly at them. “By any chance, do you know that lady?” She asked pointing in the direction where that woman went. “Oh! You mean the outcaste?” One of them asked in confirmation. “Outcaste?” “Yes, you shouldn’t hang around with her, Lady Robia. She brings nothing but misfortunes! Other than that, she’s also a freak.” She explained. “What do you mean?” “How can I explain this? She looks and acts like a ghost. Isn’t her appearance scary?” “A ghost, huh…” Athena stared in the direction where she went. She confirmed that she’s an odd one but… ‘She’s not that too bad and dark.’ She thought as she recalls her smiling face in front of her. “Thank you for telling me, but I think she’s not a ghost. She even possessed such sweet smile.” She said to them. The two didn’t get what she’s talking about but Athena did not bother herself to explain further. “Anyway, do you know her name?” She added. “Oh, no, lady. You shouldn’t bother on knowing her name. She’s a dangerous one.” The other girl answered. “I told you, she’s not dangerous.” She argued. “Excuse me, I shall take my leave.” She walked past through them with a disappointed expression. 'I must visit the registrar office.' She thought.   ***
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