Chapter Two: The Search

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Helios decided to go out from his room and go to the Lost-and-Found department to report about the missing unfinished piece of someone and of course, to know the owner in person if ever he or she will be found. He passed through the wide courtyard where a fountain was placed in the center. While walking, all attention is on him, others are even bowing and greeting him as the crown prince of the kingdom. A familiar person appeared and bows down before him. Her long wavy blonde hair looks stunning behind her and her soft, warm blue eyes meet his amber ones. “Greetings for the rising sun of the kingdom, the crown prince.” She said. “Lady Robia, it is nice to see you, however, I apologize but I must continue on my way.” “If it is alright, Sire, may I accompany you?” He stares at her for a while, thinking if it’s alright for her to accompany him. He even includes his and Felix’s friendship. “Alright, you may.” He answered. “Thank you, the crown prince, Helios.” She answered with a smile. Her cheeks are stained light pink as she walks beside Helios. Maria Athena Robia, Felix’s one, and only sister. She will be a sophomore when the classes start. She loves the crown prince since the day they met in the imperial palace. She still remembers how his hair shines under the red-orange sunset and gently flew with the wind. After that, she vowed to herself that she will be the perfect woman to stand by his side. The other girls who saw them started whispering and Helios can’t do anything about it. He swallowed a sigh and let his head cooldown by not opening his mouth at all. Feeling uncomfortable, Athena started talking random things. “Your Majesty, have you tried the tea from the east? It soothes the mind and strengthens the senses.” “No, and I don’t have time for tea, Lady Robia.” He answered without glancing in her direction. Athena’s smile slightly loosens but she forces herself. “That’s too bad. It is such a fine tea. If you have time, Your Majesty, I highly recommend you to drink it.” Helios turn left and Athena followed him. He felt irritated by her presence behind her so he fastens his pace, ironically, Athena can still follow him without sweating. ‘Damn it.’ He cursed inwardly and sighed. Athena noticed his increase in speed so she used a little of her wind magic to help her catching-up with the crown prince. She chuckled softly so that Helios won’t hear her. She wouldn’t dare to ruin the prince’s mood and she’s happy to be with him even if it’s just a small amount of his time. They arrived in front of the Lost-and-Found Department. The door opened immediately and they entered. The staff assigned in the information greeted them cheerfully. “Good day, Your Majesty and Lady Robia. What can I do for you?” The man asked. Just like his brother, Felix, she’s one of the star students on the campus. Athena smiled sweetly at him. “Good day too, Sir.” She replied at him. “Can you trace the owner of this paper?” Helios asked as he put the mint green paper on the staff’s desk. The staff pushed his spectacles to examine the paper thoroughly. Athena who heard the prince looked at the colored paper. There’s nothing special to the paper but seeing the prince’s gaze, she can tell that Helios is interested in it. “Hum, it’s not easy, Sire.” The staff stated in a low tone. “What do you mean?” “The paper is covered with ancient magic. It’s so strong that my tracking spell was messed up in a short time. Whoever the owner of this paper, he or she is a talented person.” The staff explained while handling the paper to the prince’s hand. Helios’s lips lifted into a challenging grin. He never encountered someone as talented as him. “Your Majesty?” His thoughts were snapped when Athena called his name. He glances at her with an indifferent expression. Athena flinches at his cold eyes but hid them with a forced smile. “If it’s alright with you, Your Highness, I can help you tracking the owner of the paper.” “There’s no need for you to do that, Lady Robia. I can manage my own business, thank you for the offer. Excuse me, I’ll take my leave now.” He left the room in a hurry and not even glancing at her. Athena felt sad and nervous at the prince’s rejection of her offer. ‘But what if it’s a girl? Wait, why am I thinking that?’ She shook her head and left the room.   --- Helios arrived at his room. He hangs his black coat and went straight to the bathroom to take a quick shower. He needs to loosen up a bit before doing his work. The cold water and the scent of the soap make his nerves calm down. After washing, he went out of the bathroom wearing a black bathrobe to cover his naked body. He sits on the bed and picked the paper on his desk. He put his other hand above the paper as his golden eyes glowed. The flow of magic to his hand reached the paper, however, the magic protecting it repelled his power. “Hehe… Hahaha!” He laughed like a mad man. He covered his mouth as he trembled with too much excitement. He never thought that he can be this talented. “This poet met the standards of being my archenemy. Impressive.” He grinned tensely at the challenge in front of him. Someone suddenly knocked on the door. Helios's eyes went to the door in annoyance. “Who is it?” He asked in irritation. “Your Majesty, it’s me, Felix. Can I enter?” “You may.” The door immediately opened and Felix hurriedly went inside catching his breath. Helios stares at him with a puzzled look on his face. “Your Majesty, unfortunately, I only have bad news for you.” “What do you mean?” “A rumor that you’re searching for a mysterious poet spread inside the campus. Now, everybody is outside claiming that they are the poet you’re looking for.” He reported. Helios's face turned sullen at the fact that everybody is claiming the poet’s identity. His aura became darker than before and his mana is dancing wildly around him. Felix unconsciously swallowed his saliva because of the intense power he felt from the crown prince. ‘It’s not good to be on the bad side of this man.’ He thought anxiously. Slowly, the aura became lighter and the mana vanished. “They are claiming to be the mysterious poet I’m looking for? Well then, let’s see if they can prove it.” He stood up and sits down on the chair. He crosses his leg and rests his chin on his palm. “Let them enter.” He ordered. “Pardon, Your Majesty? But, you’re still undressed.” He snapped his fingers and his bathrobe turned into white long sleeves with a black-tie under a dark brown vest, black trousers, and black shoes while his hair is neatly combed showing his forehead. “Let them enter one by one. I’m going to interrogate them myself.” He commanded. Felix slightly bows down in obedience and went to talk to the people outside. A woman with brunette hair entered. The moment she lay her eyes to Helios, pink color stained her cheeks and shyly went in front of the prince. “I heard you claimed to be the person I’m looking for?” Helios asked. “Yes, I am that person, Your Highness. I have been a poet and writer, I came here to get the piece so that I can finish it.” She explained. “I see, but, I still want to know you more and the piece you created. May I heard it from you?” “Yes?” “Since you are the owner of this,” he raised the paper his holding “I am certain that you had this in your mind as well. Speak now, I hate waiting.” He ordered impatiently. The woman’s face paled at what Helios ordered. How can she speak, confidently, the poem whom she never saw before in front of the prince? The moment she hesitated, Helios concluded that the woman in front of him is lying. He glared at the woman who is now trembling in fear. “Speak, lady. Why are you still quiet when I told you to speak? Perhaps, you’re lying?” His eyes glowed dreadfully and his face became even darker. “That is…! It’s not like that, Your Highness!” “I don’t want to hear any of your lies. Get out! Before I cut your tongue for lying in front of a royalty!” He fumed.  “I, I’m sorry Your Highness!” She apologized before going out into the room like she saw a ghost. Earlier, she’s too confident that the prince would bite her lies but now she shoves it back to her throat. The scene was repeated until all the people outside Helios’s room decreased. He slammed the wooden desk in front of him due to anger. “What the hell is this? Are they taking me as an i***t who can’t differentiate lies and truths? Bullshit!” He roared. “Your majesty, please calm down.” Felix tried to calm him down but it only fell on deaf ears. “Nonsense! What is it that to be calmed for in this shitty situation? Hah! Pathetic. I’ll show to those people that I am someone whom they shouldn’t mess with.” He growled.   --- Athena heard what happened outside the prince’s dorm felt worried for Helios and especially to the women who were claiming to be that mysterious poet. She knows the prince well, he’s not someone who has patience for all their lies. ‘That’s why he was called the red prince of the kingdom.’ She sighed. She arrived at the maze garden and started to wander inside it. While walking with deep thoughts, she came to a spot where she overheard someone talking. “He is a scary person, I don’t know why people were so attracted to someone so deadly? I better avoid him, don’t you think so?” She stopped and listened to her even more. “He is a handsome man, but that doesn’t mean that he’s not dangerous! Oh! I should be careful. Just by thinking of him, I can’t stop shaking in fear.” She chuckled and was amazed by the mysterious lady behind the wall made of thick rose bushes.  “You better be careful, little rabbit. Don’t ever let yourself meet with that horrible man. Hide deep down in the rabbit hole of yours until this semester ends. Other than that, you’re the only one who listens to me and I don’t want you to be in danger.” After the mysterious woman said those words, she stood up and saw Athena. Their eyes meet. “Hi. I didn’t mean to overhear your conversation.” She smiled at her. The woman’s eyes widen and her mouth hangs open in shock. “Th-That..! A-Are you…? Oh gosh, I didn’t mean to…” The woman tried to explain the words she spilled from her mouth. If those words reach the prince’s ears, her tongue will certainly be separated from her body. She just committed blasphemy! Athena chuckled at her scared expression. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” She said with a wide smile on her pretty face. The woman sighed in relief. “Thank you, lady. You don’t know how much that helped me lot.” She smiled at her. The breeze blew towards them lifting their long hairs. Unlike her golden shiny hair, the woman in front of her possessed long black straight hair. Her skin is pale white that she looked like a ghost in front of her, but that didn’t matter because of her silver eyes sparkling while staring at her blue ones, and her lips which were smiling sweetly at her. ‘She’s an adorable lady.’ She muttered inside of her. “E-Excuse me but I’ll take my leave now. Take care, lady.” She excused herself and hurriedly turn her back from her. “Wait!” Athena looked for a way to go to her but she can’t pass through the rose bushes. “What’s your… name?” When she raised her head, the woman was already gone and she was left alone astonished at their meeting with each other. Athena went out from the maze garden in a daze. She’s curious about the lady she talks with. Night came and the torches lit the whole hallway of the campus. While walking, she meets her brother, Felix. He seemed to have a lot in his mind. “Was it because of the crown prince?” She mumbled to herself. She approached Felix and smiled at him. “Hi, brother. You seemed in deep thoughts?” She asked. “Oh, Athena, you’re here. Where have you been? Did know what happened in the crown prince’s dorm?” “Yes. It’s a mess.” She answered. “I’m glad you’re not with them. Helios burst in anger hearing so many lies from them. Ugh. I can still recall his murderous aura inside his room.” He expressed with a heavy sigh. “Poor brother, I pity you for being in there, but what can you do? The prince is extremely popular especially to women.” “I know.” Felix stares at his sister’s face. “You seemed pretty relaxed. Did something good happened?” He asked noticing her calm demeanor. Usually, hearing that woman surrounds the crown prince, she would be so anxious that she decides to meet him personally. “Oh, it’s not that special. I met an adorable lady in the maze garden.” She narrated. “And it seemed that she’s talking to a rabbit.” She giggled. “Hum, that’s new. I’m curious about that lady. What’s her name?” Felix asked her. Athena’s smile slowly disappeared. “Unfortunately, I did not get her name. She hurriedly left.” She replied. “That’s sad. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll meet her again and if it does, please don’t forget to ask her name. Alright?” Felix pats her head. “Right. I hope so too, brother. She will be a good friend.” She smiled at her.   --- Helios felt so tired after eating dinner. He throws himself to the bed and relaxed his body while staring at the ceiling. ‘Just a simple paper and everything is a mess.’ “Hah…” He sighed. He stood up and walked to the window. He slightly opened the curtain to see the view outside his window. It’s a cloudy night. The moons and stars were covered making the night lonely and gloomy. He suddenly felt that someone is staring at him from a far distance. His eyes went down and saw no one. He closes the blinds again and turns his back from the window. He touched his chest feeling a strange painful emotion deep within. ‘Maybe I’m just tired.’ He brushed the pain away and went to bed. ‘Whoever he is, he doesn’t have that evil aura around him. Just,” “Sadness…” He closed his eyes, submitting himself to sleep a little bothered by what happened.   ***
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