Chapter Four: Sally Esther

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Athena went to the registrar's office. Papers were flying everywhere, people were walking back and forth, and others were busy talking about business stuff. “Excuse me.” She said trying to get one of their attention. “Yes?” She turns around and saw a man with ash-gray hair and hazel eyes. “Oh, hi, can I see the lists of students of the current and last semesters with pictures please?” “For what?” The man asked and put the records he’s holding to the desk in front of him. “There’s someone I want to know.” “I’m sorry but the personal information of every student here is private. We can only allow you if there’s consent from the student and the headmaster himself.” “…That’s too bad. I want to know her name.” “I’m sorry.” “No, it’s alright. Then.” She turns her back and left the office with droopy shoulders. The man who noticed her expression felt bad for her and chase her. “Wait, young lady!” He called. Athena turn around and looked at him with a puzzled expression. “Yes?” “I can let you borrow the lists for a while.” “Really!? Thank you.” She answered happily at him. “Follow me.” She followed the man with excitement. She’ll finally know her name and when she does, she will befriend her. ‘I can feel that she’s a nice person. I have to meet her, and I promise my brother that I’ll have her name.’ She recalled with a smile. “You seemed happy, young lady.” The man muttered as he noticed her bright expression. “Yes. The person I met a few days ago didn’t want me to know her name, yet, I still want to even if she doesn’t. I can feel that she’s a kind lady.” She stated with a smile on her lips. “I see. If you don’t mind, lady, the woman you’re talking about, it seems that she doesn’t want to be associated with you.” “You think so? But I can’t feel any hatred nor jealousy in her. That’s why I can confidently say that she’s different from any woman I met.” She explained. Athena had female friends but all of them, other than hatred, she can also feel deep jealousy in them. Thus she is aware, that the friendship they shared was fake. Having fake friends is like breathing polluted air, it makes you suffocated and sick. ‘I can feel that she can be my first true friend.’ She thought with a smile. “If that’s what the lady thinks, then I won’t argue any longer.” The gentleman said seeing her reassured smile. “Thank you, Sir.” She responded politely. They arrived at the restricted section of the registrar's office where mountains of files were kept in reserved. She looked around with a gaping mouth. “I apologized, it’s messy right now but I’ll make sure to arrange it soon. Anyway,” a box full of papers landed between them and created clouds of dust. Athena coughed due to the specks of dust and wave her hand trying to get rid of it. “Thank you.” “I’ll be back here after thirty minutes, after that, please leave.” “Yes, I understand.” He left her inside the restricted area. Athena sits on the files of paper on the floor and started digging the papers. She keeps on searching until she arrived at the last list of the current enrollees of the present semester. There are three hundred names with pictures including their personal information but she didn’t care about the others, just the person’s name and year. Her eyes slightly widen when she saw a picture of a familiar face. Her black hair was braided and placed on her shoulder and her soft gray eyes seemed to look at her. “It’s her! Finally!” She blurted in happiness and relief. Her lips lift into a wide smile as her blue eyes sparkled as she read her name. The door of the restricted area suddenly opened and the man who helped her entered. “Thirty minutes is finished. You can go out now.” His eyes went to her. Her face and dress were dirty because of the dirt from the paper and the floor. He blinked and cleared his throat. “I hope you saw what you’re looking for.” He added, hiding his guilt for not giving her at least a chair. “Oh yes. You’ve been a great help. Thank you, Sir.” “My name is Ethan Lionel, and I expect that you won’t tell anyone that I let someone other than the staff entered here,” Ethan said and sighed. He saw the paper she’s holding and the picture of the person she’s looking for. His eyes slowly widen and his eyebrows furrowed. “You’re looking for her?” He pointed to the picture. Athena’s eyes went to the papers and nodded. “Why, do you want to associate with her? She’s not someone you should be with.” He added. “Why? Because she’s weird? A freak? What’s your reason?” She asked seriously. “She’s an outcast. Anyone who’ll be with her will suffer the same fate she has.” “What kind of fate?” She inquired further. Ethan shuts his mouth and hesitated to answer her question. He sighed again and looked at her calmly. “Hah, whatever. It’s your choice anyway and I don’t care anymore.” He muttered in defeat. “Anyway, thank you, Mr. Lionel. I’ll make sure to repay you soon.” “If you’re going to repay, then tell me about the result of this silliness...” But Athena stares blankly at him. He cleared his throat and added, “I’m saying that we can have coffee.” He smiled at her. She’s a little surprised that the man in front of her can smile. The moment she saw him, she thought he’s a grumpy employee of the academy. “Huh? But that's a little bit…” “Huh? What staff? No, I’m not. I’m also a student here and this is my punishment for sneaking inside the library’s restricted section.” He explained with a gloomy look. Athena laughed at him. “I see. Let’s meet again, Mr. Lio…” “Ethan is fine.” “Oh, okay, goodbye, Ethan.” She smiled and turn her back from him. Ethan stared at her and a smile formed his lips. --- The classes have finally started. She woke up early and fixed herself after bathing. After wearing the academy’s uniform, she went out from her room with a textbook, a notebook, and a quill in her hand. She wants to have breakfast since she didn’t take dinner last night, thanks to someone who threw her dinner in the trashcan. She went to the kitchen and ordered a sandwich and warm milk then left in a hurry. She went to a place where students less go, the forest near the school. There’s a tiny hole in the wall and because she’s a small woman, she can easily pass through it. Her eyes slightly widen as she saw the whole place. They often believed that the forest was full of cursed things and she wonders for a second… ‘How can they say all those things to a forest they have never seen in their entire life? Those judgmental people… This forest is beautiful!’ The trees are greener and there are a lot of wildflowers. She smiled and felt comfortable. She started eating her breakfast as she enjoyed the scenery in front of her. After eating, she decided to go back, unluckily, she scraped her knees while crawling back inside. She hissed in pain and took her handkerchief to wipe off the dirt. ‘Hah. I don’t have time to go to the infirmary now. Maybe later?’ She thought and stood up, ignoring the wounds on her knees. ‘I’ll clean this place later too.’ She added and nodded with her thought. She arrived at the potions class and went to the last seat in the back. It’s the most comfortable seat for her inside the room because she can avoid their sharp gazes at her. ‘What did I even do to get this way of treatment?’ She asked herself trying to recall the past year's events that happened to her. As far as she remembered, it started when she argued with a senior, the next day everyone treated her like a cursed being. While staring at the window, someone approaches her. She slowly raises her head and a pair of blue eyes met her. A sweet smile spread on her lips as she calls her name which she thought, was already forgotten. “Sally, your name is Sally Esther, right?” --- Athena arrived at her potions class. Her eyes went to the person sitting in the back while staring blankly at the window. A smile formed her lips as she went to approach her. “Sally, your name is Sally Esther, right?” The woman’s eyes slightly widen then she roamed her eyes around. Other students were already looking at them and she felt nervous about it. She forces a smile in front of Athena. “Pardon me? I am not that person.” “Oh please, don’t lie. I know you are Sally Esther.” “Miss, you don’t know what you’re doing right now. A piece of advice, please leave me alone.” She whispered and turn to face the other direction. “No. I’m sure your name is Sally Esther. Anyway, I’m Maria Athena Robia, let’s be friends.” She offered her hand to her but she ignores it. “Please leave me alone, Ms. Robia.” She requested sincerely. She smiled in front of her as if there’s nothing she’s worrying about. “It’s very kind of you to offer friendship to me, but, I respectfully refuse it. Thank you.” She added. “But why?” Athena asked further at her. “Because I don’t want to.” She answered right away with the same smile she’s wearing all the time. Athena felt sad but what can she do? She can’t force herself any further. She returns to her seat and waited for the professor. The classes started and ended smoothly. Athena turned to face Sally but she’s no longer in there. She stood up and searched for her but she’s nowhere to be found. “Where is she?” She mumbled to herself. She went out of her room and saw a group of girls. She saw that Sally was being dragged by them while taking the stairs. She followed them while worrying for her. They arrived at the rooftop. Athena hid behind the door while listening to them. “I heard that a star student came and approach you. You have the nerve to do that despite what I ordered you.” One of the ladies said. Athena thought that she’s the leader among them. Unfortunately, she was discovered and was also dragged in front of Sally. She looked at her with wide eyes. “Look at what we have here. You shouldn’t have hung out with this useless girl. Didn’t you know she’s cursed?” The brown-haired woman asked with a mocking smile on her face. “That’s not true. She’s not cursed so take back what you said.” Athena muttered sharply. “Hah! How ignorant for being a sophomore. Since I can use healing magic, breaking your bones and healing them will be easy. It won’t take much time. Don’t you all agree with me?” She asked the others and an insulting laugh surrounded them. “No. She has nothing to do with this. She’s just a kind stranger.” Sally tried to explain but the person in front of her only laughed. Suddenly, she felt a sting on her left cheek as well as a pain in the neck after she received a strong slap from the senior student. She staggered and her nose bled. “Stop!” Athena shouted trying to rush to Sally but the other girls stopped her. Unfortunately, defensive and offensive magic was not yet taught during their freshmen year so dealing with this kind of situation is hard. “Learn to know your place.” She warned while pointing at her disrespectfully. She repeated poke her forehead until she fell on the cold pavement. Thankfully, their uniform is black and the dirt is not evident. The mean woman muttered a spell and all of a sudden, mongo seeds appeared in front of Sally. “Kneel and repent for your sins.” She said heavily, like a god talking to a sinner. Sally stared at her and talked calmly. “Alright, but don’t include her. She’s a star student and harming them won’t be good.” She suggested. The girl in front of her gritted her teeth. She went to Athena and whispered… “You’re safe, for now. Keep this a secret between us or else, you’re little friend will suffer the consequence.” She warned and ordered the others to let go of her. She glances at Sally before she left the scene. She can’t leave her behind but she can’t do anything. ‘That’s right, brother can help me!’ She thought and run into the hallway. Her long, wavy blonde hair was swaying wildly behind her as she increases her speed. She arrived in front of her brother’s room, fortunately, the professor didn’t arrive yet. She rushed towards her brother with teary eyes. “Athena? What happened?” He asked. Beside him is Helios who’s looking at her with so much confusion. “Please, please help me, brother.” She pleaded. “Why? What happened?” “My friend, she’s in danger.” “Your friend?” “Please, we don’t have much time, brother. Please, please.” It’s the first time they saw Athena this desperate. She always has confidence and pride in herself. Surprisingly, the prince stood up and looked at Felix. “Stand up, Felix,” Helios ordered and went out of the room. Felix and Athena stared at him before following him outside. “Where is your friend?” He asked her. “In the rooftop, your highness.” They rushed towards the rooftop and open the door. In there, they saw a woman kneeling while her calves were continuously being hit. Her hands were raised in the air as her face become even paler than before. Felix’s eyes widen as he saw a familiar face. It’s the face of the woman he met a few days ago. The one he’s looking for the entire time. The woman who was happy hitting Sally was thrown away a few meters and fell on the hard floor. “What the!?” Her face paled when she saw Helios’s face glaring at her. Sally fell on the pavement completely. She stares at the clear blue sky until she saw Athena’s face. She helped her stood up. “Thank you, but you shouldn’t have come back. I can manage.” She smiled at her faintly. Athena’s eyes went to her white but now red stockings. She felt like she’s about to cry again. “It doesn’t hurt so much, so don’t worry, Ms. Robia.” She said as she notices her expression while she stared at her wounded legs. “We met again…” She looked at the man behind her and saw Felix smiling at her. She smiled back at him. “Yes…” However, her vision went dim and her legs gave up. She doesn’t care anymore if she’ll hit the pavement again. She's tired to process everything in her mind, yet, someone caught her before her body could touch the ground. ***
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