
1257 Words
AMELIA'S POV -- I dive into the lake from the dock, and every muscle tenses when my warm skin touches the icy water, but I don't go up to the surface just yet as I swim a few meters into the depths. I hold my hands out in front of me as I swim, and after a minute, I come up, gasping for air and I turn, looking back at Ashton standing on the edge of the dock, his eyes blazing with anger. "You think you're so funny, don't you?", "What do you mean?" I frown while knowing fully well that I scared him. "Next time, drown." he scoffs before sliding his glasses back onto his face and walking away. A sly grin tugs at my lips, forming on my face as I watch him walk away, his back muscles tense, every line so perfectly sculpted and I turn away when I find myself staring for too long. Ashton might be a hard rock on the inside, but he's also that on the outside. He's the image of a perfect man, sculpted, strong and muscular, but he's also off limits, and that's the thing that is sad, because he's be the perfect f**k buddy. I swim for ten minutes before lifting myself out of the lake, and I throw my towel open, laying down on the wooden deck underneath the sun that dries my skin in a few minutes. My black bikini draws the sun closer, and the heat forming in between my legs is what catches me off guard. I turn my head, tilting it back and glance back at Ashton, which isn't there anymore. I prop myself up onto my elbows before rolling onto my side and having a look at the house. Most of the curtains are drawn, the only one open is the living rooms, which no one is in. The ache between my legs grows as the heat gets worse, and my toes curl as I push my heels into the wooden deck between me. What if I just touch myself right here? Will anyone see me? But what if someone sees? It feels like my fingers just want to do the job right here, the extreme sensitivity to my clit makes it impossible to move from the spot, and I glance around, making sure no one is looking at me as my fingers trail down my abdomen, the thought of doing this right here, and knowing that I shouldn't is what has my bikini bottoms soaked again, and my fingers slip into the material. I lightly gasp when my icy fingertips brush between my folds, over my clit and my shoulder pulls back a bit. I shouldn't be doing this... But I can't stop either. I feel like someone is watching me, but I do my best to not move my arm as I circle my clit with my finger while glancing around, hoping that my body blocks whoever's view, but there's nobody around, and I'm all alone. I drop my head back as every limb becomes stiff, and I force my fingers to keep on moving past the euphoria, wanting to feel the entire ride until my orgasm rips through me, and I muffle my scream as I bite down on my tongue and slip my hand out of my bikini bottom, dropping back against the hard wood dock with an unsteady breathing rhythm. I lay for about another minute, and when I hear footsteps, and soft voices coming out, I sit up and drop into the lake again, hoping it would wash away the guilty pleasure I just had. "You're in there again?" Ashton scoffs when I come up from under the water, my hair slicked back and the ends of my hair float amongst the surface of the water. "Dear, it's cold. You're going to get sick," Aunt Eloise raises her concern, and I sigh, swimming to the dock and get out, "I just wanted to cool off," I shrug, picking up my towel and I wrap it around me. I can feel Ashton's gaze on me through his glasses, but the tinted lenses make it impossible to see where he's looking. "That's fine, but you should be more careful. We don't know what lives in these waters," she sighs and Ashton helps her sit down on the lounge chair. "Oh, it's always beautiful here," she sighs, looking extremely happy. I turn, and the view is immensely incredible. The lake stretches out for miles, surrounded by tall dark sage green trees, a few rocks near the shore of the beaches, and a few houses far, far away peak out. There's a light mist hanging over the water in the middle, which is probably where it's the coldest. It's a beautiful lake, and I didn't realize how much I missed this place until I returned. "Go get cleaned up, we're going out for dinner." He yells, and I sigh, "Have you seen Grayson?", "Still where you left him two hours ago." Ashton deadpans and he continues to talk to his mom, arguing about where we're going to have dinner, but there are only two restaurants around, so whether or not we're eating at the one place, we can do the next tomorrow. I twirl my hair and stuff it between the towel as I make my way down the stairs to the basement. "We have to get ready for dinner," I tell him, and he just stops playing, falling back against the couch, "Yeah, I know.", "Ashton came and told you?" I ask, "It's a tradition." he sighs loudly before turning off his game and he gets up, turning to look at me. "You swam without me?" he exclaims, acting like it's a big deal. "You were stuck behind your games, again.", "So? Did you invite me?" he raises a brow, "Yeah, you just didn't bother to check your texts." I deadpan and turn on my heel to leave. I need another shower. I shut the bathroom door, and I grab my things from the cupboard below the sink to brush my teeth. I brush my long damp locks after, and I throw away the few blonde hairs that are entangled between my brush. The door cracks open, and I'm taken aback when Grayson slides in, "I'm about to shower," I deadpan, and then I realize it's not Grayson. "Ashton, what the hell?" I snap upon realizing the differences. "Hush," he closes the distance between us, and he grabs my waist, tugging me close to his. He's still shirtless, and I'm standing in just a bikini. "What do you want? Forget your phone again?" I taunt. I know he didn't forget anything because I didn't see a phone laying in here earlier. "No, I want to know what you are up to.", "What do you mean?" I grit out in a mere whisper. "You're ogling me," his eyes narrow on me and his gaze drops to my chest. I snap my fingers in front of his face, "Eyes up here," I snap, and he grabs my wrist, scoffing when his eyes meet mine, "What is it that your little beating heart desires?" he asks, inching closer and he brings my wrist closer to him. He places my hand on his chest, and the second he lets go of my wrist, I tug my hand away from him, "For you to get out of here." I seethe, and he looks at me confused like I spoke in another language.
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