Watch me, watch you

1039 Words
AMELIA’S POV — Waking up to loud footsteps and loud voices is what pisses me off. I roll over, tapping my phone’s screen twice and I squint as the bright light blinds me. My eyes adjust to the light and I notice the time. It’s eight am, and even though it’s not that early, I wish I could have slept in. I’m not excited to be walking around the house with Ashton being around, but if it were just Grayson and aunt Eloise, then I would have been happy to get out of bed and enjoy my little vacation, after all- I am on break. I slip out of the room, glancing down the hall both ways before sliding across the hall and into the bathroom. I shut the door slowly and quietly before peeing and getting into the shower, making sure that I have everything before washing up. I rinse my hair when the door opens, and I turn, seeing Ashton waltz in. “I’m in the shower!” I yell, covering myself as much as I can. “I left my phone,” he snorts, turning and he doesn’t look up at me once as he struts right out of the bathroom again, slamming it shut. Flabbergasted, I stand frozen in place and anger pulses through my veins. My shower is now ruined and I push the glass door open, stepping out with one foot and I lean towards the door, locking it. I’m suddenly hot, and I feel humiliated. Am I that ugly that not even Ashton would look at me? I know I’m not pretty, and I used to be a little over weight and had a lot of acne, but I’m doing better…I thought I became prettier, but now I feel uglier than ever before. I quickly get dressed and go to the kitchen for a bottle of water from the fridge, but as I enter, I can hear Ashton’s voice. It’s a lot different from Grayson’s. Ashton’s voice is tougher, deeper and more chipped and cold, and Grayson is a soft person, and lazy and he is full of joy and hope. Grayson is the ray of sunshine, and Ashton is the darkness, the shadows that lurk around, the night sky without the moon and stars. He’s a black hole, and it feels like he’s waiting for the perfect time to swallow the last bit of life I have left. “Are you an i***t? You can’t just do that!” Ashton is clearly pissed off, and I stop around the corner, listening to his conversation. “Do better, or it’s your life that will be ruined.” he threatens and a cold shiver spreads over me, little stubbles covering my skin. I inhale a sharp breath, trying to forget what Ashton just said, but the words linger in my mind, haunting my thoughts… ‘Do better, or it’s your life that will be ruined.’ Is he going to kill him if he does something wrong again? In what kind of business is he? “Are you just going to stand there?” Ashton snaps, and I tense up, “Come get a bottle of water, Amelia.” Ashton snaps and I suck my lips into my mouth as I strut into the kitchen. “Where’s Grayson?” I try to keep the conversation light, “Where you listening to my conversation?” I freeze for a second with my hand on the fridge door, “No,” I shrug, “But you heard?” I did, but I’m not going to tell him that. “Not really, you mumble.” I shrug and pull the door open and reach into the cool fridge for a bottle of water. Ashton hums, and when I turn, he’s staring at me, not my body, no…my eyes. “What?” I scoff, breaking the seal of the cap. “Nothing, Grayson is in the game room.” he averts his gaze to his phone, dragging a hand through his hair and he looks frustrated, but more annoyed than anything. I strut over to the gaming room, that’s in the basement and I’m disgusted at the amount of dust and spider webs I see all the way down there. “Gray?” I call out even though I know where he is. I spot him sitting on the couch, his eyes wide as his fingers move fast with the toggle as he plays an X-Box game. “Already at it?” I tease, and he snorts, shaking his head, “You bet it,” he grins without even looking at me. Grayson loves his games, and I on the other hand grew out of it and I have no clue how anything works anymore. “Well I’m going to clean the house,” I snort as I stand beside him, waiting for him to offer some help, but I know better and after a minute, I just leave. Grayson is obsessed with gaming, and if he had control of his own life like Ashton did, he would do it professionally, but only Ashton had the balls to stand up for himself, but as long as Grayson can play, he’s happy and his father does pay him well for the job he’s doing, so it’s a win-win because it keeps everyone happy. — After cleaning the house to the best of my ability, I change into my bikini and head out to the dock for a swim, but my confidence takes a hit when I step out of the double sliding doors and Ashton is laying on the tanning chair, shirtless and I notice the ink on his body, but I quickly look away and continue heading down the three steps, onto the dock and I put my towel and phone down, “This water is freezing, you know?” Ashton’s voice is right behind me, and I jump, turning around, “You scared me!” I rest my hand on my chest, and he chuckles, “I’m just warning you,” he shrugs, turning on his heel and I watch intensely as he heads back to the lounge chair outside and lays down, putting on his glasses.
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