Oh Millie, Oh My

1373 Words
AMELIA'S POV -- All I can hear is the sound of my own breath, all I can see is Ashton's strong icy gaze, and all I can think of is how good it would feel if I kissed him right now, but he's Grayson's twin brother, and I can't do that to my best friend. It feels like we're both magnets, pulling toward each other while trying to push each other away too. I don't know where this sudden attraction came from, but what if it wasn't sudden? What if it was just suppressed, and watching Ashton standing in front of me, shirtless, let that feeling escape? For what feels like an eternity, we don't move as we stare at one another, holding each other's gaze, or that's what I thought until I realized how close we've gotten to each other. His icy orbs flicker between mine, and it would be so easy to just kiss him right now, to feel the heat of his lips on mine, but I'm still left in the dark, unable to find out what he will do if I sin with him right here. Will he reject me? Will he tell Grayson if I kiss him? "Are you going to do it?" he breathes out in a deep, intense tone that rips the air out of my lungs. Ashton Whitlock is a venomous drug that anyone can get addicted to, and here I am, standing with the needle in my arm, waiting for it to be injected. "Meaning?" I ask in a mere whisper. How is it possible for this man to take my breath away after I have vowed to never be like the rest of the girls, the ones who fawn over him like he's a King. I hated them for doing that, to feed his ego like the hungry lion he is, but here I am, ready to offer it to him myself. "You know what I mean," his gaze gradually drags down to my lips, the movement of his eyes so slow and so subtle that it makes the pool between my legs turn into a waterfall. This man is attractive, but then again, he's the mirror image of Grayson, yet I don't feel the same way towards my best friend. I clear my throat, gulping down the lump that has lodged it's way in there and I cross my arms, "I don't know what you mean," I shrug. I know what he means, but the question is why? Why is he asking me to kiss him? Am I taking this the wrong way? Does he mean something else? How do I know that he won't go running to Grayson? A sly grin tugs at his full lips, and his eyes light up as his lips part to speak, "Millie, you are a f*****g tease." he grits out, and I'm taken aback, "Excuse me?" I straighten myself, scoffing and his eyes drop to my breasts momentarily. "I said..." he inches closer, his chest lightly touching my crossed forearms, "You are a tease." I could barely blink fully when Ashton's large, veiny hands grab my waist, and while opening my eyes, he lifts me off the floor, putting me down on the counter. I gasp as the cold counter top connects with my slightly burned ass, and the bottles behind me are knocked over, rolling around. I press my hands against his chest, making the moment stop as I breathlessly stare into those cold eyes of his. The frozen moment is disrupted when his fingers glide up my thigh until his touch is no longer there and his hand comes towards my face, and with my curiosity getting the best of me, I just sit while he brushes a string of my blonde curls out of my face. I let him do that, I let him be so intimate with me while all the one-night stands and short-term boyfriends flash through my mind, and not once did I feel the way I do now. I have never felt so on fire, so alive by just one single touch. As his fingers move my strand of hair behind my ear, his warm palm grazes my cheek, and then his ever so light touch turns hard and his fingers brush into my hair, his nails scraping along my scalp and the electric feeling tingles down my neck and through my spine as he grabs my hair in a fist, pulling my head back slightly. I gasp, my lips parted as I stare up at the man who used to give me all sorts of trouble when I was younger, "Oh, Millie," he sighs, his face right in front of mine. I love when he calls me that. He's so close that I can smell the mint in his breath, I can feel the hot wind blowing against my face as he breathes, and I can easily see how his pupils dilate before his eyes narrow on my lips, and I sit frozen, my fingers curled around the edge of the countertop, my thighs hugging the sides of his body. I feel ready to explode as he nudges his nose against mine, and his lips brush over my lips, the soft texture drags a shuddered breath out of me. My eyes fall shut as I feel his lingering lips on mine, it's not a kiss, but a tease. Our lips barely touch, yet I can feel it, every moment so slow, every movement precise as he taunts me, until his taunting turns serious. His fingers brush over the fabric between my legs, and he hums. “Wet already?” he breathes against my lips, and I lean into his lips, wanting to kiss him, but he tuts, clicking his tongue as he bends my neck backwards even more when he pulls his face away. “I knew you wanted to kiss me,” he chuckles, it’s light at first, and then it turns taunting and I could feel the atmosphere change in an instant. His fingers brush the material of my bikini bottom aside, and his icy fingertips slide in between my folds, making a low moan escape me. “Hush,” he demands, pulling my face towards his and he stares me down as his two fingers slide into my entrance. I gasp, unable to be quiet as his thick, ring clad fingers pump me, soft and slowly at first, and then fast and hard. I push myself forward, my ass sitting on the edge of the counter, my heels dig into the cupboard beneath me and Ashton has his one arm stretched out beside me, his body keeping my knees apart all while sliding his fingers in and out of me, and his thumb circles my clit perfectly. “If you make another sound, it’ll be the end.” he warns, and if I didn’t have his fingers buried inside of me knuckle deep, I wouldn’t have given a single f**k about it, but with the tension building with his combination , I don’t want him to stop. I haven’t felt like this before, and I don’t want it to stop. I slide my hands back, leaning backward and I watch Ashton as he grins, his eyes trailing down my body, inspecting it, watching every muscle twist and bounce as my high comes closer and closer. My lips part, and before a sound could escape, he opens the faucet beside me, the water pours out, drowning any sound out and shoves three fingers into my mouth. “Not a single sound, remember?” he grins. He likes seeing me like this. I clench around his fingers as my orgasm comes to a peak, but I couldn’t hold the shriek escaping me, but it’s muffled by his fingers lodged into my throat as I grab onto his shoulders, my nails digging into his flesh as he watches me orgasm. He slides his fingers out, grinning proudly when he lifts his wrist, “Two minutes,” he raises a brow, looking chuffed with himself, but what catches me off guard is when he sucks his fingers off, the ones that were knuckle deep in my vulva.
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