
CEO Of My Heart

kickass heroine

When Amelia Hawthorne is humiliated in front of everyone on the very last day of school by her cheating boyfriend, Kevin, she chooses to attend an Ivy League Univerisity and hour away from her home town, and has a glow up. Her best friend, Grayson, lives in their home town, working for his father while his identical twin brother, Ashton, went away to train in security. Ashton puts his life on hold to return home to help care for his ill mother, but finds his brother's best friend more attractive than ever. Will he admit his true feelings for her once and for all, or keep it a secret like he's done for his entire life?

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AMELIA'S POV -- Nothing prepared me for this, not even when I stepped into that bucket of paint on the field that one time because I wasn't looking where I was going. "What did you expect?" Kevin sneers down at me as tears swell in my eyes. "You aren't even pretty." He laughs. He said I was pretty. He said I was beautiful. But he's just like the rest. "It's over Amelia," Kevin deadpans, his cold eyes matching his cold tone. The realization that I didn’t mean anything to him clenches around my heart. "Fine," I try to keep myself together, refusing to allow the tears to roll down my cheeks. "Now run along, mutt." He scoffs, grinning, the stretch on his lips full of malice. The laughing taunts me, echoing through my ears as I rush down the hallway, heading straight for the exit while people stare like I'm naked. Their lingering gaze’s suffocating. Kevin broke up with me, publicly, and right after his affair of last night spread like wildfire through these halls. How is my life falling apart so fast? How could Kevin do this to me? We dated for a year, and I thought he was a good man, but of course, he's just like the rest of the football players. A player. Arrogant. Selfish. A bully. "Lia," Grayson's deep voice makes me look up at him, and his tall frame cascades a shadow over me, blocking the sun. I stare at him through my lashes, strands of hair fluttering over my face. "What? Want to tell me you told me so?" I snap, but his eyes soften, and he shakes his head and pulls me into his chest. The hard ridges of his chest pressing into my cheek, the top of my head grazing his chin and my shoulder sag. A few minutes pass as I stand in his arms, and the only luck I have is that Kevin dumped me on the very last day of school, so I have no reason to go back in there today, or ever again. "Let's go," Ashton's cold tone is chipped and demanding. He bumps his twin's arm, making me stumble a little, "Come on," Grayson stares at his mirror self, "I mean it Gray," Ashton warns and he grabs my arm, his tight grip hurts as he drags me to their car and shoves me into the back seat. I notice a few people storming out of the school, looking angry as they glance around, in search for something or someone. "What's that about?" I ask, confused as Ashton speeds home, waves of rage pouring from his brooding form. My eyes flick to his fingers wrapped around the steering wheel, his grip on the steering wheel tight, his knuckles turning white— apart from the shade of red spread over them. The veins running from his hands up to his forearms standing promptly and I gulp. "How are we supposed to know?" Ashton snarls, his voice thick with annoyance. "It's not really our problem anymore, is it?" Grayson lifts his shoulders into a shrug, leaning his elbow on the middle compartment, his lax persona seems to be too blissful for this situation. He has a point though, he always has a point and that's one thing I hate about my best friend, the second is his identical twin brother, Ashton. Arriving home isn’t as blissful as the other days, and on the very last day, all of this had to happen. My vacation is ruined. My mood sour. And now I’m alone again. “Should I drop you off?” Ashton’s cold tone shakes through the already tight air. “Uh…” I stare at Grayson, who’s carelessly texting, but as if on que, he looks over his shoulder at me, “You can come over,” he nods, shrugging lightly and I notice how Ashton’s head turns and he glares at him. “Then no,” I beam, because the only joy I have left is for dragging Ashton’s soul out. — Laying on Grayson’s bed while he plays video games, I scroll through social media and my eyes almost pop out of their sockets as I gasp at the sight of Grayson hitting Kevin in the halls that will haunt me forever. "Grayson! What did you do?", "Huh?" Grayson's distracted and he's not listening. "Grayson!" I snap and he twists his neck, looking at me, and then back at his game, "s**t, I just lost." he curses, putting his controller down and then he looks back at me, "What is so important?" he sighs, getting up and he marches over, sitting down beside me, "Why did you do this?" I shove my phone into his hand and he stares down at the screen with wide eyes. I peek over his shoulder, watching how his fist cuts through the air and he hits Kevin. "I didn't hit him," Grayson mutters, his eyebrows furrowed and he lets out a loud sigh. We simultaneously say, "Ashton," and sigh, deeply. "Why did he do that?" I murmur, "Only Ashton knows," Grayson rolls his eyes as he gets up and sits back down on his gaming chair, continuing to play. For the first time in forever, I see another side of Ashton. -- FOUR YEARS LATER -- Laying on the pool lounger, feeling the warmth of the sun baking me while Grayson swims has taken up my entire day, "Gray, I'm going to hit the shower because I almost have to leave," I mutter as I get up. Grayson swims over to the edge, folding his arms over the edge, his fingers combing through his hair, "Already?" He pouts, and I don’t blame him, because I missed him too. "I have to study, Gray," I giggle as I march towards the door and into the house. I head up to the bathroom and take a shower, and when I come back downstairs, I find Grayson sitting at the kitchen island, already dressed and dry. I don't bother asking him about anything as I grab a banana, peeling it as I sit down across from Grayson, "I forgot to tell you," I snort lightly, "This guy from my physics calls keeps on pestering me, and I mean pester to the worst degree. Every day he finds me and asks for my number, and I get a kick in rejecting him over and over, but it's getting tiring now, like I just want him to leave me alone, but he doesn't want to. It's like he's obsessed with me, but it's not harmful, I think..." I glance up at Grayson as he just stares at me. His eyes are cold, his lips pressed into a thin line and I find it weird that I didn't notice how sharp his jaw was. My eyes travel up to his, and realizations hit me in the face as embarrassment floods me. "You still talk a lot," his icy glare matches his cold tone, and I notice as Grayson stops beside me, his eyes flicking from me to his mirror self. "Ashton!" He beams and rounds the island, hugging his twin. "What are you doing here?" Grayson's excitement warms my heart, but I didn't expect Ashton to return home, at all. "Mom's sick," Ashton deadpans, and Grayson's mood becomes dull. My eyes widen, and I sit upright, "I know, but why are you here?", "Dad asked me to come, he has traveling to do,", "But I'm here," Grayson grits out, sounding offended. "We can't both work and look after her," Grayson rolls his eyes, shrugging as he murmurs under his breath, "I guess so," he doesn't sound convinced, but his sour mood is replaced with excitement as I get to my feet,"Let's go out tonight,", "Sure," Ashton shrugs, ignoring me like I'm not even here. Grayson glances at me, his steel blue orbs shimmering with excitement, "Are you in?" I'm caught off guard by his request, I didn't know he was inviting both of us. Doesn't Grayson know we don't get along? Ashton twists his neck and stares at me, his eyes are intimidating and I feel the sudden urge to deny his invitation, until Ashton shakes his head, confirming that he's been trying to intimidate me. Spite consumes me, and my shoulders pull back, "I'd be happy too," instant regret takes over as Ashton's eyes narrow on me. "Great, come over at eight and then we'll leave," Grayson beams, hitting Ashton's shoulder as I leave, and I force myself to head home and study, refraining from thinking about the man who has rubbed me the wrong way all my life. Eight rolls around and I slip through the back door, finding Grayson in the kitchen, eating a sandwich, "Grayson," I chuckle, and he whips around, confirming that it's him. I never had trouble telling the two apart, but I've gotten so used to only seeing Grayson that I slacked on noticing the things that told them apart. "Did you eat?" Ashton strides in, but I ignore him and scroll through my phone. He slams his hand down on the counter in front of me, making me jump, "I'm talking to you,", "I don't care!" I snap, and he rolls his eyes, "Fine," he huffs, "She doesn't drink, it doesn't matter," Grayson murmurs while his mouth is stuffed. Ashton's eyes lock on me, and I shrug before focusing on my phone again. The jingling of keys makes me look up, and Ashton strides out of the kitchen, "Come on, he's leaving," Grayson rushes after him, and I didn't think that I'd ever feel like a third wheel with my best friend, but for the first time, I do. I wish Ashton didn't return home, and call me selfish for saying that, but he rubs me the wrong way and I can't stand him.

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