Chapter 2

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Ella’s POV “Ella, are you ready for the test?” Blake asked me as I sat down in the lecture hall. “Sure am.” “You always are ready. I think all you do is study.” “Well, I have goals and I am not going to let anything get in my way.” “Even your mate?” He asked and wiggled his eyebrows. He was one of the few wolves on campus. I went to a university away from home but only because they have the best medical program there is. I always knew I was different growing up. My wolf was weak, unlike my older brothers and my parents. It never really bothered me, but instead of training like most did, I studied. I wanted to help my kind. We could always use more doctors in packs, and that was my end goal. I wanted to be a doctor and help. I didn’t care about much else. I didn’t really want to be someone’s Luna, and I was still on the fence about pups. I told you I was different and didn’t fit the mold of what a she wolf was. “Earth to Ella? You in there?” “Oh sorry. I was just thinking. Um, my mate. Well, I haven’t found him yet, so I can’t say.” “You wouldn’t leave your mate for school, would you?” He asked, turning all serious. “I can say we would have problems if he didn’t support me with my dreams.” “Class, let’s settle down. You have a final today and it’s going to be a long one, so get comfy,” the professor said as he started passing around the exams. I had finals all week and then I would be a graduate and go on to medical school. I had already been accepted. I was however skipping graduation. My parents weren’t happy about it, but I told them I wanted to come home as soon as possible. I needed to get out of here for a while and when I graduated medical school, they could come to that. Truth be told, I don’t want them to see how much of a loner at school I am. I don’t have very many friends and while I made it that way because I was so focused on school; I didn’t want them to see that. I made up a life I always thought I could have if I wasn’t so focused on school and also I am extremely shy. They believed that I had all of these friends and went out and was thriving in the human world. Don’t get me wrong, I am not unhappy or depressed, that’s for sure. This is the way I like things, but my parents are always worried because I never had a lot of friends growing up. My test was put on my desk and I put my head down and got busy with it. I knew the information backwards and forwards. I was ready for this and felt confident in taking it. I felt that way about all the tests that I had coming up. Two hours later and I was turning my test in, still feeling confident in my answers, and I walked out of the room. I had a two-hour break before my next test. I headed to the coffee shop. I have developed a deep addiction to coffee. That’s been the downfall of all the studying I do. The rest of my week went this way. The only good part was that I was able to take the one final I had on Friday on Thursday so I could head home a day early and surprise my parents. They were expecting me to me there Friday late afternoon but instead it was going to be Thursday afternoon. I was excited to see them and my brothers. Cooper had taken over as Alpha when he met his mate Lydia. She was from a neighboring pack, and she was just the sweetest thing. I was so happy for them. They made the cutest couple. I was hoping that I would become an aunt soon but so far nothing. My brother Liam had just graduated high school and didn’t know what he wanted to do. I think for right now he is just enjoying not going to school. He always hated it. I know that Cooper wanted him to help him and work with training. I also know that my dad wanted him to work with him and Tim with their secret group of people that rescued people that were being abused. He was still undecided. “Ella, are you really leaving before graduation?” My roommate, Alora, asked me. “Yes. You know me, I don’t like big crowds and what not and plus, I really am just ready to go home.” “But we’re supposed to go out tomorrow night. We’re celebrating.” “Alora, have you ever seen me go out and drink like ever?” “No, but I thought that graduating college would get you to do it at least once!” “Not happening, but thanks for the invite. I am actually going to head home as soon as I get my car loaded.” “OK, fine, be that way!” she pouted at me as she grabbed a box of my stuff. She has been my roommate all four years, and we did plan on getting an apartment together when I came back after summer break. She would be working while I went to school, but we made good room mates. She left me alone for the most part, and I didn’t say anything about her drinking habits. It was a win-win for both of us. She helped me load up the rest of my car and when everything was loaded; we stood in our empty dorm room, staring at each other. “Remember to let me know when you find an apartment and I will come check it out and sign the lease and give you my half.” “Sounds good, but remember that we aren’t getting one unless it has a pool and cute boys.” “Well, I don’t swim and I don’t really date, so I don’t care as long as it is nice and in a good neighborhood.” “I am going to get you to go out with me next year, just you wait and see.” “Good luck with that,” I told her and we both laughed and then I hugged her goodbye and got in my car. Starting it up, I plugged in my cell phone and pulled up my playlist and started my favorite music. I had a four-hour drive ahead of me and it was always boring. “Do we have to go home?” My wolf, Snow, linked me. “Yes, why don’t you want to go home?” “Because there are people there. Here we can come back to our room and be left alone. At home, people want to see us and I don’t want to be around anyone.” “I know, but it’s not that bad and besides, I miss my family.” “I know and I do too sometimes.” “It also means you can get out more and run more often.” “You know I don’t like running. It makes me tired.” “Snow you are a strange wolf.” “And you are a strange human.” “I know, and I guess that’s why we are perfect for each other.” She cut out like and went and laid down after that. She didn’t talk to me much. In fact, she didn’t do much at all. She had always been this way, and it didn’t bother me at all. Half the time I would forget that she was even there. She preferred it that way. I do wish sometimes we could be closer like everyone else is with their wolf, but it just isn’t us. I was about halfway home when I stopped for gas. I still had plenty of gas in my car but I didn’t like to get below a half of tank because what if something happened? I filled up my car and went inside and grabbed a large cup of coffee and some chocolate. I also stopped and used the bathroom. This way, I could make it the rest of the way home and not have to stop again. The rest of my drive was like the first half, uneventful. I finally pulled up to the pack gates and was stopped by the guards. “Ella, you're back early. I thought it was tomorrow that you were coming home.” Joe asked me. “I got done with finals a day early and wanted to surprise my parents.” “Well, I will open the gate and let you and not say a word to them either,” he said with a big smile on his face. “Thanks,” I hollered out the window at him as I drove through. I pulled up to the front of the house and parked. When I got out of my car, my brother Liam was standing there. He engulfed me in a hug before I could do anything else. “What are you doing home today?” He asked, still hugging me. “I wanted to surprise everyone and come home a day early.” “Well, I am surprised and so happy to see you.” “Me too. I missed being home.” “Do you need help with your bags?” “No, I’ll get them later. I wanted to surprise mom and dad. Do you know where they are?” “They are at home. Have been all day. Something is going on. Dad sent me a link earlier telling me to eat dinner at the pack house tonight.” “That’s weird. Well, don’t ruin my surprise. I am going to go there now.” “Why did you park here, then?” “Because I didn’t want them to see me. I really want to surprise them.” “They will be surprised, that is for sure. I am off for the date I have tonight,” he said and wiggled his eyebrows at me. “Have fun and don’t do anything stupid,” I yelled at him as he walked away. I took off to my parents’ place. I mean, I still lived there when I was home, but that was only during the summer and any breaks we had. It definitely was not often enough, but I had goals and was going to stick to them. As soon as I walked up to my parents’ front door, I was hit with the most amazing scent. It smelled like sandalwood and pine. It also had snow waking up a bit. She didn’t say anything, but definitely sat up and was paying attention. I opened their front door, and the scent got stronger and stronger. I let my nose lead me to the source and when I walked into the kitchen; I found my parents sitting at the kitchen table with a man I have never seen. The second our eyes locked, Snow yelled “MATE!” in my head. I stood frozen, taking in this strange man sitting there. He looked big and full of muscle. Typical male wolf. He also had blonde hair that he kept a little longer and it fell into his beautiful blue eyes. His nose had a slight bend to it from being broken, but his jaw and chin were so sharp. He was down right the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I don’t know how long we stared at each other, but my mother interrupted us when she stood from her chair. “Ella, you're home a day early. What are you doing here?” “I um, I wanted to surprise you guys.” I said, still staring at this beautiful stranger. She came over and wrapped me in a hug, and then pulled me from the room. “Mom, who is that?” “That is just someone who wanted to talk to us. Why don’t you go to the pack house and find your brothers and surprise them and we will come find you when we’re done having our conversation with Korbin.” “What? No, I need to meet him, mom,” I practically begged her. “Why would you need to meet him?” “Mom, he is my mate.” “Please, Ella, just go for now and we will come and find you when we are done talking and introduce you properly,” my mom said and then walked off. I have never seen her act like this, so something was up for sure.
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