Chapter 3

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Korbin’s POV Aaron and I left the next morning and, like I said, I would drive. I drove for the first eight hours and then he took over. It took several days, but it gave lots of time to come up with a plan. I was going to go to the pack and try to get to know as many as I could and also get as close as I could to my birth mother and her mate. I had to get close to them and their son, the now Alpha. I had to learn everything I could and try to find their weakness. When we arrived, we went straight to a witch’s coven. Aaron said he had a friend here that he said would help us. He also said we would be welcomed with open arms. It wasn’t normal for a witch and a wolf to be friends and it really wasn’t normal for an entire coven to welcome us, but it blew me away when they did. So many people were excited to see him and meet me. We stayed there for a day and the next morning we left and he took me to the best lookout spot. We watched over the pack for two days and it was all pretty standarde’d except for their elite training group or whatever it was. Aaron said that my mom’s mate ran some rescue thing, and that’s why they had the extra training we watched. They were big guys and intense, but there were only a few of them and by the time we were ready to attack, we would have much more on our side. Aaron had been working with Elias for a while now and they have been gathering their own pack. It’s amazing what you could do when you waived some money in front of them. It’s like they came out of the woodworks to help you do whatever you wanted. This was going to be a quick mission in and out and take her down. I was all ready to go back home. I missed Amberly, and she didn’t make it easy on me every night when I called her. I hated lying to her, but she wouldn’t like what I was doing. This would go to my grave with just Aaron and me knowing. Thursday morning rolled around, and it was time for me to go meet my birth mother. I showered and dressed in nice clothes. I wanted her to believe that I truly wanted to meet her and not after anything. I had rented a car as we didn’t want anything traceable back to Aaron, just in case they ran the plates. I pulled up to their pack gates and took a deep breath as the guard came out. I rolled my window down and waited for him to approach. “Can I help you?” He asked, sounding angry. “I am looking for Luna Samantha,” I told him and tried to smile and appear non-threating. “Is she expecting you?” “No sir. You can tell her that my name is Samuel Collins and I would like a moment of her free time, if she can spare it for me.” I told him and then watched as his eyes glazed over. “Can you please wait here?” I he asked as his eyes cleared up. “Of course.” I told him and remained in my car. It took about five minutes, but a man came walking up to the gates and talked with the guards who pointed me out. As he came closer to the car, I realized it was her mate. Aaron had pointed him out each time we saw him while we were scouting. He walked over to my rolled-down window. “You’re Samuel?” “Yes sir, but I go by Korbin.” “What do you want?” “I wanted to meet with Samantha.” “She is my mate and I will not have her hurt.” “No, sir. I simply wanted to meet my birth mother. I am not here with any bad intentions. I am getting ready to become Alpha of my pack and I need this so that I can focus on my pack. I have dreamed of meeting her since I found out I was adopted.” “Do you mind if I get in with you and I will take you to the house?” “Not at all,” I told him and he went to the other side and slide into the passenger seat. He guided me to their house. Once I pulled into their driveway, he turned to me. “This is hard for her. Not that she doesn’t want to meet you. She does, more than anything else. It’s just something she thought she would never get. Also, our other children do not know about you.” “I understand both of those, sir, and I won’t say a word to them about it. As far as they are concerned, I am just a child of one of your friends.” “Thanks.” He said and got out of the car. I got out of the car and followed him into the house. He led me to a living room and as soon as we entered, a woman who had a steady stream of tears coming down her face stood up. “Samuel?” She said my name, but it was more of a question. “Yes, but I go by Korbin.” “I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you again. I have dreamed of this day since the day you were born.” “I have wanted to meet you since the day I found out I was adopted.” “Can I hug you?” She asked me and as much as I wanted to tell her no, I couldn’t. I had to play this just right. I didn’t answer her, but I did walk up to her and gave her a hug. Her body shook with sobs as she hugged me back. Finally getting her to let go of me, we went and sat down. “Can I ask you some questions?” “Of course, I am happy to answer any questions that you have, but you may not like some of the answers.” “Can you tell me about my father?” “I can tell you that you look just like him. I mean, you are identical to him. It’s really uncanny.” I laughed at that because I already knew that, but I wouldn’t tell her that. I just waited for her to continue. “Your father wasn’t a good man. He never liked me and he treated me horribly.” “I am sorry about that.” “It’s ok. I am much happier now. I will be honest with you and tell you everything, but please know that some of it is hard for me to talk about and it may be hard to hear.” I just nodded at her, and she went into her version of the relationship that she had Aaron. It was very different than what he told me, but I knew the truth. He told me she was going to lie. I can’t believe some of the things she had to say about him. I had to hold back my anger about all of this. I don’t understand why she would make up these awful lies about him. Finally, when she was done I talking, I looked up, and she was still crying. They were fake. Fake tears and fake sobs and she had her mate convinced of the truth. He was right beside her, giving her comfort. When she got done telling me about him, her mate informed me he was dead. This didn’t surprise me. Aaron had told me that they tried to kill him and that he managed to survive. “Can I ask why you gave me up for adoption?” “That was the hardest thing I have ever done. I loved you so much, but I was not in a good place. I knew that I couldn’t give you everything that you would deserve. I financially couldn’t support you at the time. I also wasn’t mentally able to care for you and I was afraid that I couldn’t love you enough, but I promise that part isn’t true. I will love you more than you will ever know.” “I’m sorry, this must be hard on you. You don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t want.” “No, it’s fine.” “Your mate here said that you had children. Can you tell me about them? I was an only child growing up. Just knowing I have siblings makes me happy. Even if they never know about me.” “Well, you would have two brothers and a sister. I would love for you to meet them, but it would need to be under the guise that you aren’t related to them. I’m sorry, but they don’t know about you and they don’t know about that part of my life, and I would really like to keep it that way.” “I understand that completely and I will respect that. I would just love the chance to meet them, even if it is once.” “How long are here for?” “I will be in town for a few days. I didn’t know how this would go, but I was hoping we could spend a few days just getting to know each other, but I am also prepared to go home.” “That’s not necessary, but can you tell me about your childhood?” I went into great detail about my childhood. I didn’t lack for anything. I had great parents, and they were more than I could ever ask for. I left out everything about Aaron. We moved into the kitchen and continued talking. We had been in here for what felt like forever when the front door opened and a woman appeared in the kitchen. She had the most mouth watering scent and also was beautiful. My wolf Enzo went nuts in my head and started screaming mate. We both just stared at each other. She had this long, dark, almost black hair that was long and pulled into a ponytail. Her eyes were almost as dark as her hair. Such a deep brown they were mesmerizing. Her small nose and small, pouty lips were amazing as well. I don’t know how long we stared at each other when Samantha stood up and pulled her out of the room and that’s when it dawned on me she called her mom. That means she is my sister and my mate. That can’t be right. The moon goddess wouldn’t mate me to my sister. I was confused. As soon as they were out of earshot, I turned to Alex. "Who was that?” I asked quietly, because I knew they were still in the house. “That was our daughter, Ella. She just graduated from college and came home a day early, to surprise us apparently.” “So, she is my sister?” “Yes.” “No, that can’t be right. The moon goddess wouldn’t do this. I’ve never heard of this.” “What are you talking about?” “She’s my mate.” I said, still very confused. “Excuse me?” Alex said, sound almost mad about it. “My wolf, Enzo has confirmed it the second he saw her. She is my mate, but why would the moon goddess pair us together?” Samantha walked back in and looked about as white as Alex did. She didn’t seem very happy about it, either. I heard the door slam shut and knew that she had left and that something else was going on here. “Can someone please explain to me what is going on here? I am missing something.” I said, getting a little mad. “I am sorry about that, but yes, I can explain,” Samantha said, looking at her mate. He still didn’t look happy, but he nodded at her to continue. “She was adopted, as was our oldest son, Cooper. He is the Alpha of this pack. She does not know that she was adopted. We had intended to keep it that way, but I don’t think that is a possibility now.” “Korbin, I am sorry that this has turned out this way, but I think maybe we should call it a night. We need to speak to our kids in private. You are welcome to stay here at the pack house and we can all meet for breakfast.” Alex said. “Um, thank you for the offer, but I think I need some time to think outside of the pack. I will, however, take you up on breakfast. What time shall I be here?” “Nine am please.” Samantha said. I got up to leave, and they both walked me out to my car. I got in and left their house, confused as f**k. This was going to complicate things.
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