Chapter 4

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Korbin’s POV I left the house with my mind on my mate. This was confusing as hell, and I didn’t know what to make of it. This was going to complicate things. I wanted revenge for everything that my mother has done and the lies that she spewed all day. When my mate walked in and I was told that she was not, in fact, my sister it complicated it. Mate bonds were always preached to us. They were important, and the bond was supposed to be the most important thing in our lives. Could I stay mated to her, though? I drove around for a few hours, trying to clear my head and figure out what to do. My wolf was being quiet and not giving me his input. After our mate walked out of the room, he didn’t say much more. I decided to go back to the coven and talk with Aaron about it, but before I did that, I had to call Amberly. She thought I was alone and staying in a hotel, so I didn’t want her to hear any background noise or have anyone else hear our conversation. “Hey baby,” she said, answering the phone. “Hey beautiful. How was your day?” “It was good. I helped your mom again and then I helped with dinner service.” “Sounds like you had a busy day.” “How was your day? Did you get to meet your mother?” “I did. I also met her mate. It was just the three of us all day. They have one kid still at home. They kicked him out, and I was able to get a lot of questions answered.” “What is she like?” “She seems nice. She was very willing to answer any questions that I had. It was an emotional day. Do you mind if we talk about something else?” She went on to talk about things she had planned for this week and as she spoke; I felt a pang of guilt. I just wasn’t sure if it was for her or my mate. After hanging up with her, I drove to the coven. As soon as I got to Elias’ place, Aaron came outside to talk to me. “How did it go? What did she have to say?” Where the first words out of his mouth. “Well, you got a drink because this is going to be a long night?” I told him as I went to the back porch and sat down. He went inside and came back out with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He poured us both a glass and I downed mine and then another. “That bad, huh?” “Did you know that she adopted two kids?” “I didn’t know that she adopted them, but I did know that they had rescued some.” “Ya, well, her daughter is my age.” “So, what is your point with that?” “She is my mate,” I told him and then downed my third glass of whiskey. “How in the f**k could we get so lucky?” “What do you mean, get so lucky?” “We can use her to get to Samantha.” “You want to use my mate?” “You don’t? This is perfect. It will make things so much easier.” “I am confused. I don’t know what I want to do.” “Look. If she was raised by that b***h, then she is going to be just like her. She will use you and then betray you and leave you.” I sat there sipping on my whiskey now that I have calmed down a little bit and what he is saying makes sense. Usually most people were the like ones who raised us or people that major influence on our lives. She has the power to destroy because of the mate bond. I need to destroy her and her mother before they have the opportunity to do it first. “What do you have in mind?” I asked Aaron. “Well, you need to make her fall in love with you. I think we should hold off on attacking them. Take her back to your pack and then, when they come to rescue her, it will be just her parents and maybe a few others. We will have strength and numbers on our side and we also won’t be in debt to the coven. We can prepare your pack for a fight. They won’t be able to bring that many with them. Then we can take Samantha out and her mate and I would guess that they would bring her brothers and also their rescue group of people. We can be prepared for it and take them all down at once.” “How do I make her fall in love with me?” “That’s easy. Take her out and be romantic and listen to everything she says. If there is something in particular that she wants, you have to say you are ok with it.” “That should be easy enough.” I told him, sitting back in my chair, thinking about all of this. After a few more glasses of whiskey, I went to bed and slept better than I thought I would. The whiskey helped relax me. When I woke up early the next morning Enzo was up, pacing my mind, waiting for me to wake up so we could talk. “I like Aaron’s plan. We need to hurt them before we get hurt,” he linked me as soon as my eyes were open. “I agree, but can we fight the mate bond that easily?” “Yes. I had already made up my mind that I wanted Amberly and Diamond as our mates. I thought you did too?” “I did, but then Ella walked into that room. You felt it. You screamed mate at me when she did.” “I know. I did feel it and then you felt our guilt, and I do love Amberly and Diamond. I choose them. I believe Aaron. He has been nothing but good to us. He found us when she gave us away.” “Your right. Let’s put this plan into motion today.” I told him. I rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. I had forty minutes until I was supposed to be at their house for breakfast. Sitting down in the kitchen, I drank a cup of coffee with Elias and Aaron. Elias told us stories about growing up as a witch. It was very different from growing up as a wolf. He came into power when he was twelve. After about fifteen minutes, I got up to leave. Aaron just nodded at me as I left. The drive was short and sweet, and I was there early. I was hoping to maybe meet my mate officially before breakfast and maybe have a few minutes of her time. I wanted to start this as soon as possible. I was going to convince her to come home with me in less than a week’s time. I knocked on their door and waited for a minute before Alex opened it up. “good morning, sir,” I said with a smile on my face. “Good morning. Come in. Breakfast isn’t quiet ready but it will be soon,” he said as he opened the door all the way for me. “I was hoping that maybe I could meet my mate and maybe have a few minutes of her time alone before breakfast.” “Your not planning on rejecting my daughter, are you?” He asked, now in dad mode. “No, sir. I just thought it might be a little awkward for both of us to meet at the dining table with her family around, but if you would prefer that, I can wait.” “No. You're right, it would be a little weird. I’m just over protective. She is my little girl.” “I understand, sir. I promise that mate bond is very important to me. My parents raised me with the belief that it is to be upheld at all costs and is the most important thing in our world.” “I agree. Let me go get Ella,” he said and then walked down a hallway. I could hear him knock on a door and then muffled voices. They were whispering and I couldn’t understand what they were saying, but a few seconds later he appeared again. “She will be right out,” he said and then continued on to the kitchen. It took her a few minutes, but she finally came down the hallway and her scent hit me before I saw her. As much as I have started to hate her, I couldn’t deny she was beautiful. “Hi,” came her soft voice. “Hi. Want to go outside and talk?” I asked her. She nodded her head, and we walked to the front door. I opened it, being the gentleman I have to be for her. “I’m sorry. This is really weird.” She said, kind of laughing to herself. “It is, but I think we could work past that.” “Me too. Why don’t you tell me about yourself?” “Well, my full name is Samuel Korbin Collins, but I have always gone by Korbin.” “I like that. It’s different, but not so different, where you are questioning it.” She said, and I laughed because she wasn’t wrong. My middle name was different. “It is a little different. What is your name?” “Ella Sophia. I was named after my grandma.” “That’s sweet. So Ella, tell me what do you do? You seemed to surprise everyone when you showed up yesterday.” “I just graduated from college and wasn’t supposed to be home until today, but I got my last final in early and was able to surprise them.” “That is amazing. Not many wolves go to college. What is your degree in?” “I’m actually studying to be a doctor. I am supposed to start medical school in the fall. With us being mates, will that be a problem for you?” “Are you willing to relocate to a school closer to my pack?” “So here’s the awkward part. Where is your pack?” “Sorry, that would help! My pack is in Connecticut.” “Wow. That is across the country. I mean, it’s something that I would consider. If I was going to do that, I would have to start now on applying and transferring everything, but that doesn’t mean that I would get in or if I did, might not be able to start until the second semester.” “I can’t believe you're going to be a doctor. Beauty and brains. I’m a lucky man,” I told her and watched her face turn red. “Hey you two, breakfast is ready,” her younger brother said, sticking his head out the door. “Shall we?” I said and motioned for her to walk in front of me. I opened the door back up for her and when we got to the dining room, I pulled her chair out for her and then sat down beside her. Breakfast was still awkward and fairly silent. Her younger brother, who I learned was named Liam, was trying to make jokes, but I don’t think anyone was in the mood for them because no one laughed. I found them funny but was trying to read the room and he failed miserably at that. “Korbin, I would love to get to know you better and maybe we can discuss some pack things. If you're free this morning?” Her older brother Cooper asked me. “Ya, I would be happy to meet with you. Ella, I would also love to spend some more time with you today. Can I take you to dinner?” “That would be wonderful,” she said, beaming a giant smile at me. “Great, how about I pick you up at six? You will have to pick the place because I don’t know what restaurants you guys have.” “There is the perfect steak house in town. I will call them and get you a reservation,” Samantha said. “If that is what you would like, Ella.” “That actually sounds great.” I grabbed her hand, kissed the back of it and smiled at her, “I will see you at six then.” I got up and followed her brother out of the kitchen and to his office. I wasn’t sure if he was being sincere with what he wanted to talk about or not, but I had to do what they wanted if I wanted to be able to take Ella out of here. That much I could tell.
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