Chapter 5

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Ella’s POV I watched as Korbin and Cooper left the room and my dad got up as well and went outside. I knew he was frustrated with everything and not overly happy about me being mated to Korbin, but what could I do? This was the moon goddess at work. I think that is where he was struggling. He couldn’t understand why she would do this. I understood it. At least I think I did. She was bringing our family together with the two of us. This gave him and my mom a chance to get to know each other and to be in each other’s lives for the rest of time. “So that was fun,” my brother Liam said and then laughed. “Liam, go to training,” my mom told him while giving him the mom look that would have all three of snapping into line in a heartbeat. He grabbed his dishes and practically ran out of the room. “Ella, how are you doing this morning?” “I’m ok mom. Last night was a lot of information and I am still trying to process it, but I do want to give him a chance.” “I think you should give him a chance. The moon goddess picked you two for each other and there must be a reason for that. He seems like he grew up with a wonderful life and yes, the situation is weird, but I think you two can overcome it. If that is what you want to do.” “It is.” “Why don’t you help me clean up breakfast and then I will help you unpack your room?” “Deal.” I spent the majority of the day with my mom, and it was what I needed. She and I talked about everything. I told her all about my last semester of school and how Korbin asked if I would be willing to transfer schools closer to home. She wasn’t thrilled with that idea, but I think it was more that she didn’t want me to move so far from home. When three thirty rolled around, I went back up to my room to get ready. “Snow, you there still?” I asked my wolf. I had to check in with her every day because otherwise I would go days and not hear from her. “I’m here.” Was her only reply and then she went back to ignoring me. I took my time getting ready. I took an extra long hot bath and washed my hair. Once out, I blew dry my hair and then added some waves to it and gave it some extra volume. I put on some make-up. A little more than normal, but I had this urge to impress my mate. I wanted to knock his socks off him. Snow just nodded in approval at my thought process on this. After I was completely ready, I went to my closet and dug through my dresses. I found several that I thought might make me look sexy. That is what I was going for, but wasn’t sure. “Mom, where are you?” I linked her. “In the living room, honey. Whats up?” “Can you come help me choose a dress for tonight?” She didn’t answer, but a few minutes later, she walked into my room and sat on the bed. I placed the first dress over my head with the hanger still attached and walked out. “I like that one,” she said as she looked at my red dress. It was knee length and would fit my body tightly and had a deep v-neck to it. I didn’t say anything and came back out with a black body con dress that came about mid thigh and had spaghetti straps. It was simple, but I thought it would do the trick. Also, I knew my dad hated when I wore it. “I like that one also,” she said again. This time I came back out with another body con dress, but this one was midnight blue and had one long sleeve and the other side was sleeveless. It was even shorter than the black one. This was my most risque dress I owned, and it wasn’t even that bad compared to the ones most people wore. I only ever wore these to Alpha ceremonies or important parties, but I rarely went. “That is nice as well,” she said. “Mom, you can’t say that about all of them. You’re supposed to be helping me.” “Go put that one on and let me see it.” I rolled my eyes and went back into the closet and quickly stripped out of my clothes and put it on and went back out there. “Wow, you don’t look like my baby girl anymore. You look like a woman after a man. I don’t know that I love it.” “So I am definitely wearing this dress then.” I said laughing but was being completely serious. “Your dad is going to hate it.” “Even better. Now I need to go find some shoes.” I walked into my closet and started going through my shoes, and I heard my mom mumbling to herself while walking out of my room. After going through all of my shoes, I finally found a black pair of heels that went perfectly with the dress. I didn’t wear them often, but I loved them. They always made me feel great about myself. I walked over to my full-length mirror and took a look and was happy with how I looked. I was feeling great about my outfit choice and my hair cooperated for me as well. I was putting everything in my clutch when someone knocked on my door and then opened it. I turned to see my dad coming in. “Wow, since when did my baby girl grow up so much?” my dad asked. “About four years ago, dad.” “Well, your mate is here and I know you're an adult, so I will say this once, but I don’t love that dress.” “Sorry dad,” I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking out to the living room. My mate was standing there in dark blue jeans that had just the right amount of tightness to them and a black button-up shirt, that again had the right amount of tightness to it and had his sleeves rolled up and a pair of black boots. There was something about a man who dressed like that, that did things to me I couldn’t even explain. I could feel my panties dampen. This was a new feeling for me. I was never much into boys. I would find one I thought was cute once in a while, but they never affected me like this. It scared me little bit. “Wow, you look amazing. That dress on you, wow, I can’t even describe it,” he said, fumbling over his words. “Watch it,” my dad growled behind me. “I think we should leave.” “Be home by ten,” my dad piped up again. I turned around with a red face from the embarrassment. I can’t believe he would say that, “Dad, no. I’m an adult.” “Sorry, had to try.” I turned around and Korbin opened the door for me and led me out to his car. He placed his hand on the small of my back, and I instantly felt the tingles. It was a little overwhelming, but I loved the sensation. He opened the car door and waited for me to get all the way in before he closed it. He got in and started up the car and started backing out of the driveway, “so your brother told me how to get there, but you may have to help me when we get into town.” “I can do that.” It was silent for most of the ride. I really wanted to break the silence but wasn’t sure what to say, so I went with the first thing that popped into my head. “What is your wolfs name?” He glanced at me and then back to the road. “Sorry. That can be personal. You don’t have to answer that.” “It’s fine, and it’s not that personal. You can ask me anything you want, but to answer your question, his name is Enzo. How about your wolf?” “Her name is Snow.” “That’s cute. Like the weather.” I didn’t know what to say to that. No one has ever called her or her name cute and she didn’t even react, but outside of the first time I saw him, she never reacted at all. “So, do you have any siblings?” I asked him, dying to know this for some reason. “No. I was an only child.” “Oh. Sometimes I wished I was an only child.” “I promise you don’t. It could get lonely when I was younger. When I started school, I met my two best friends. They will be my Beta and Gamma.” “Your pack doesn’t do those from birth right?” “Normally yes, but our beta had daughters only and our gamma never got the opportunity to have pups. His mate died before they could have any and he never met his second chance mate and didn’t want to take a chosen.” “That must be hard for him. I couldn’t’ imagine.” “It happened when I was little, but he was always great at his job.” He pulled into the restaurant and never did need my directions. He jumped out and before I could gather my purse, he opened the door. He was there, opening it for me and held his hand out to me. I placed my hand in his and got out of the car. He continued to hold my hand while we walked into the restaurant. The hostess greeted us and Korbin gave his name, and they nodded at him and led us to our table. It was in the back, away from everyone. When we got there, he pulled my chair out for me again and then sat across from me. This had me swooning over him. “What is good to eat here, Ella?” “I’m actually a pretty light eater, so I get a lot of salads with some protein.” I watched him pick up his menu and scan over it for a few minutes. I watched his face change expressions as he saw something that piqued his interest and I could tell the instant that found what he wanted. The waiter came over and we ordered, and Korbin ordered a bottle of wine for us. That was also something else that I had never had. The waiter hurried back with the bottle of wine and poured us each a glass and then left. We both picked up our glasses, and he took a drink while I smelled mine first. It smelled a little fruity and not bad, but when I took a drink, it was all I could do not to spit it back out. “Don’t like the wine?” he asked with a smirk on his face. “No, not really. I have never had it before and I don’t know if I need it again.” “What kind do you like, so I know for next time?” “I’ve never had any of it before.” “Wine?” “Yes, and any alcohol. I don’t drink.” “I’m sorry. I should have asked first.” “No, it’s ok really. I have always wanted to try it but never really had the chance and now I know I don’t want it anymore.” He laughed at my response and he kept drinking his glass as we waited for our dinner, but as soon as he finished his one glass, he went back to water. “Tell me more about your schooling? What does med school consist of?” He asked me and I took a deep breath and dived into my first passion, helping people. The waiter came over and brought our food and we kept talking throughout dinner. It has been nice to get away from the pack house and the awkwardness of our situation.
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