Chapter 6

2155 Words
]Korbin’s POV We finished dinner and sat in our seats and continued to get to know each other. We talked about our childhoods and dreams and things we wanted in life. I know the mate bond was hard to ignore, that’s for sure. I was going to have to do something about it. I would talk to Elias. I am sure he could give me something. I hated her and wanted to love her at the same time. “Are you ready?” I asked her as I stood from my chair. “Yes,” she replied, and I held out my hand for her. She happily accepted it. I walked us to my car and opened her door and then closed it for her. I got in the driver’s seat and started the car when Ella turned towards me. “I really don’t want to go home yet. Can we go for a drive?” “That sounds nice. Where would you like to go?” “I know this place out of town where we can see the moon and stars.” “That sounds nice.” I told her, and she guided me to where she was thinking. It was pretty far back in the woods, but when we came to this clearing, it was beautiful. I got out of the car and went to open her door, but she beat me to it this time and we met in front of my car. I helped her up onto the hood and we both laid back. I pulled her up next to me and inhaled her scent. It was delicious and overwhelming. I really had to do something about this. It was hard to fight. Enzo even struggled with it. She laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around her and traced my hand up and down her back. We both stayed silent and looking up at the stars and the moon. After a while, I felt Ella shift and look up at me. Her eyes were pleading with me to kiss her. Her lips were parted, and she was breathing quickly. I leaned down as she moved up more and gently pressed my lips to hers. She automatically opened up all the way and I couldn’t stop myself. My tongue explored the inside of mouth and didn’t leave any spot untouched. I swallowed the moans that she was letting out. I rolled us so that I was over the top of her and started kissing her jaw down to her neck. The neck was sensitive for all wolves, but her arousal flooded my nose after the first kiss there. I started running my hand up and down her side and parted her legs with mine and if I thought her arousal was strong before, it was like a truck running me over now. I let my hand linger on her hip and slowly inched it down until it rested on the inside of her thigh. “Korbin, what are you doing?” She asked, pulling away from and sounding breathless. “I’m sorry. You're so beautiful and you seemed to be enjoying it,” I told her, but not moving my hand. “I was, but it’s just,” she didn’t finish what she was going to say and looked away from me. “What is it Ella? We’re mates, there is nothing that you should be embarrassed about.” “I’ve never done that.” “What beautiful?” “Let a man touch me. That was my first kiss.” “Don’t be embarrassed by that. Be proud. Not many women can say that and the fact that my mate can and saved herself for me makes me so happy. I just wish now I would have done the same thing.” “It’s ok. Just please be gentle with me.” I leaned down and kissed her again and worked my way to her neck again and I rubbed my hand up and down the inside of her thigh until she opened up for me even more. Trying my luck, I went high and higher until I was lightly running my fingers over her soaking wet panties. I pushed them aside as I continued to kiss her. Pushing her lips apart, I ran my finger over her clit and trailed my finger down to her hole. I circled that and went back up to her clit. Doing that just a few times and she was breathing hard and moaning loudly. “Baby, just relax and let me take of you. I promise it will feel good,” I whispered to her. I heard her take a deep breath and knew that she was trying to relax. I came back down to her hole and slipped a finger inside her and started to thrust it slowly. She was soaking my hand. Literally it was dripping onto it and I could tell she was so close. I brought my thumb up and started to circle her clit at the same time as I slipped a second finger into her. She was so tight and wet it was making slurping noises. “Oh god, please don’t stop,” she moaned out and started bucking her hips in time with my thrust, so I increased my pressure on her clit and she toppled over. “That’s it baby, ride out your orgasm on my hand,” I growled out as she came all over me. I thought my hand was wet before, but now it’s literally making a puddle on the car under her, as her dress had been pushed up at some point. I pulled my hand out of her and she laid there breathing hard, staring up at the sky. I rolled off of her and laid down beside her, kissing her cheek. “Wow, thank you. I don’t know what to say.” “You don’t have to say anything.” “What about you?” “What about me?” I asked, seriously confused. I didn’t need to thank her for anything. “Don’t you want me to do the same for you?” “You want to make me come?” “Ya, I do, but you’re going to have to help me.” “Take it out of my pants then,” I demanded. I wasn’t sure where that came from. I had never been one to be demanding like that, but she did say she wanted me to help her. She reached down and undid my belt and pants with shaky hands, and then pulled my pants and boxers down. Her eyes bugged out of her head as she took me in. I was a little above average, but my guess is she had never really seen one before. “He won’t bite,” I told her and she turned bright red. It may be dark out here, but I could see the redness creep up her chest and onto her cheeks. “Spit on your hand and wrap it around me baby,” I told her, motioning down to my rock hard c**k. She did as I said and when her little hand warped around me I let a moan slip out and then wrapped my hard around hers and showed her how I liked it. I showed her the pace and pressure I liked and then let her take over. She did that for a few minutes and I was enjoying it, but the next thing I knew she had dropped her head down to it and her tongue came out and flicked the top, licking up the pre-c*m as she did. “Wrap your lips around me and suck and bob your head up and down me,” I instructed her. She listened and did what I said. God, she felt good. Her mouth was hot and wet. “Watch your teeth,” I growled out as she was getting a little rough. She eased up a little, and I wound my hand into her thick hair and moved her head to the pace I liked, and she sucked harder. I took over and started thrusting my hips up and hitting the back of her throat and she would gag and it would constrict on my c**k. God, I loved that feeling. I didn’t even give her any warning as I tighten my grip on her hair and held her head still and came down the back of her throat, letting out a growl as I did. When I finally pulled out of her mouth, she had drool running down her chin and a steady stream of tears falling. “I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have done that. I should have warned you.” “It’s ok, I just wasn’t expecting it and it took me by surprise.” “Well, you did an amazing job for never doing that before,” I told her as I kissed her. I could taste myself on her tongue. When I pulled back, I wiped her tears off her face and pulled her back to me and laid back down. We laid there for a little while, not talking again. Finally, I got up because I was ready to fall asleep. “Let’s get you home,” I told her as I pulled her to me and walked her to her side of the car and opened the door for her. I headed back to her place, and she had leaned back in the chair and I could see her eyes closing and then opening again. She was tired. I was too, if I was being honest. It didn’t take her long to be sound asleep. When I pulled up to her parents’ place, I put the car in park and unbuckled and turned to her, “wake up, baby. We’re back at your place.” She blinked a few times and then yawned, “sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” “It’s ok, you're cute when you sleep.” I told her and then kissed her forehead. I got out and opened her door for her again and walked her up to her front door. I gave her a soft kiss on the lips. “I will see you tomorrow.” “Sounds good.” I stood there until she went inside and then walked to my car and headed back to the coven. When I walked into Elias’ place, Aaron was sitting on the couch waiting for me. “How was the date?” “It went good, but we do have a couple of problems.” “What?” “Well, the mate bond is harder to fight than I thought. I need Elias to make something that will block my part of the mate bond.” “I’m sure he can do that. What else is a problem?” “Well, not so much a problem, but it is something that could potentially hurt her. She is a virgin.” “What better than to deflower her little girl before we kill them all.” “I agree. It was hard to refrain from doing that tonight.” “Well, I would do it as soon as possible, but don’t mark her.” “No s**t. I’m going to bed.” I told him and stood up and started to leave the room when he stopped me, “Korbin.” “What?” “Do not go soft on me. Remember all the lies that her mother has told you. This isn’t only for me but for you, too. She had the mother you should have had and your mother gave you away like you were nothing.” “I haven’t forgotten don’t worry. I’m just playing my part. I am hoping by the middle of next week I can convince her to come spend the summer with me and I want to drive her there myself. Gives me more time to make her trust me.” “That’s a good idea, but what are you going to do about your girlfriend?” “I’m not sure yet. We may need to hide Ella for a few days and then make the pack think that she attacked us and then we can put her in the dungeon until it’s time.” “I will work on a place to hide her, or figure something else out.” I turned and left him sitting there, and his words played over and over in my mind as I went to bed. The more I thought about it, the madder I got, and I really hoped that once Elias gave me something to mask my mate bond, I could fake as well as I am right now. It’s easy right now, the mate bond makes it easy.
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