It was a normal day

1345 Words
Leonardo's POV I am so sick of all the immature children at my school. You would think that because it is a private school, people would show more self-control. Not, they act worse than kindergartners. I am just trying to learn my studies and go home. I have way more to worry about on a daily basis. That is more important than why Justin Broally couldn't do his homework last night. That is all I have heard about for the last hour of school. My head hurts from all the bullshit that was going on today. Miriam and I had just got home from school, and of course she ran straight up the stairs to her room. Not even sparing me a second glance. I sighed, I miss how close my sister and I used to be. I really wish I knew what exactly is going on with her. Man, I need to get something for this headache, before it gets out of control. I head to the kitchen for a glass of water, but stop on the outside of the door, at my parents' voices. They seemed to be in a heated argument. "Luca, this isn't fair. You wouldn't have said anything to me if Sergio hadn't opened his mouth", my mom said. I could hear her trying to restrain from yelling at him. I know that is one of their rules in their marriage. I think it is quite smart. "Marabella Rose, if Sergio had not mentioned this, I would have. You know how I am about your safety", my father spoke with authority. Goosebumps arose across my skin at the sharpness of his voice. I knew he was serious by his tone. I peaked through the crack in the door frame. My father had my mother backed against the kitchen sink. His hands were placed on either side of her, gripping the sink. "Do you need a reminder of how seriously I take your safety?", he growled, bringing his nose to hers. My mother's shoulders sagged, as if she was accepting defeat. Hmm, I have never seen my mother back down from anyone. But, then again, I haven't witnessed any of these conversations between her and my father before either. "No sir", my mother whispered, looking down at my father's chest. My dad placed his hand on the back of ma's neck and pulled her head to his chest. "Good girl", I heard him utter. I figured now would be a good time to enter, since they seemed to have made up. "Hey ma, hey dad", I said at a normal pitch. "Hey Leo", ma said. "Hey son. How was school?", my father asked. "It was a normal day", I nodded, walking over to the fridge to grab a water bottle. "Are you alright?", my mother asked. "Yes ma'am, I just have a bit of a headache", I answered her, with a soft smile. "Do you have homework?", my father asked. "No sir", I answered. My father nodded, "Go take a cool shower to relieve your headache, then meet me in my office. I have an assignment for you", he said, with a sense of coolness in his voice. "Yes sir", I nodded. "Where is your sister?", my mother asked. "She went upstairs to her room", I answered. I headed upstairs, myself. I went to my room and grabbed clothes for a shower. As I walked past Miriam's room, I heard her giggling. I put my ear to her door to see if I could hear anything. Instead, the door was ripped open, and I was faced with my sister's angry expression. "What the hell are you doing?", she chided. I took a step back at her sudden appearance. "What are you giggling about in there?", I asked coolly. "That's none of your business, Leo", she snapped, slamming the door in my face. My heart broke a little more at her actions. I miss the way my sister used to be and how much we did together. I took a cool shower at my father's instructions. It did in fact help my headache and tension in my head. After showering, I headed to my father's office like he had asked. I knocked on the door, and waited to hear his voice. "Come in", he called. I opened the door and stepped across the threshold. My anxiety is a little high at the moment, as my mind runs through all the possibilities of why my father wants to see me. "Hey son. How is your head?", he asked, looking up from the paperwork on his desk. I nodded my head, "Much better", I answered. "Great, have a seat for me please", he said, gesturing to the seat in front of his desk. I did as I was told, and watched him expectantly. "I need your help with something. You are at the age now where your presence is expected more among the brotherhood. So, this case is a perfect opportunity for it", he said, placing a file in front of me. I looked at it wearily. There were three pictures inside of it, with brief descriptions under them. They were all congressman or city officials. I looked up at my father confused. "Are all these people dead?", I asked. He nodded, "Yes, and we need to figure out why", he answered me. "So what exactly do you want me to do, pa?", I asked. "Well, I know you have taken an interest in computer work. I figured that you could take this file to Trey. And he could show you what type of information he looks for, and how", my father suggested. Relief washed over me. It was a simple task. I was truly terrified for a second. I have read the things that families like ours have done. And, honestly, it terrifies me to find out what kind of family we are. "What's the matter son?", my father asked. "Nothing", I said, shaking my head. "You don't have to be scared of your legacy. I have done lots to ensure a smooth sail for you. However, you do need to learn how to handle any situations that may arise, because I will not always be here to guide you", he said, folding his hands on the desk top. I nodded, standing from the seat. "I am going to go get started on this", I said, holding the file up. "Leonardo, wait", my father's deep voice stopped me in my tracks. I turned and faced him. "I hope that I have created an environment for you to feel comfortable enough to bring any trepidation you have about your role as Prince of the Mafia to me. I will do my best to help you understand anything you need to, or even show you how to change things for the better", he held so much sincerity in his voice, that I couldn't help but walk back towards him. My father must of known what I was doing because he stood from his chair and hugged me tight. "I'm proud of you son. I want you to know that", he uttered, giving me a bear squeeze. "Thanks dad", I chuckled. My heart and chest felt lighter as I left my father's office. He is an easy man to talk to. He has definitely set the precedent for a loving father. And based off the books I have read, that is hard to find in the Mafia. I need to not be so quick to judge our family, based off of what I have read of other families. Each family is unique. My father has proven that. When I had first started reading those books, I told myself that it was to prepare myself for my new role. However, I believe it only ruined me instead. It made me fear something I didn't fully understand. I think my best move, going forward, would be to follow my father around and pay closer attention to him. It's best to ask him any questions that may ail me.
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