
Saving the Mafia Princess


Continuation of Saved by the Mafia King.

Placed ten years later. In this new book we get to learn all the new experiences the Barello twins encounter. And Leonardo's new role as Prince of the Mafia. While Miriam gets a rude awakening of what it's like to be female Mafia royalty.


**Please pay attention to the POVs. There will be multiple different POVs. So be sure to find out who's POV you are reading before starting each chapter so that you do not get confused.

* Thank you to all of my readers who have inspired me to start this second book. I accept all feedback. I take it all into consideration while writing. And because this book is a current piece of work any suggestions you make MAY just end up in the book!!! HAPPY READING!!!!

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Bruh, you are always so annoying
Marabella's POV "Let's go kids, you are going to be late", I hollered, from the kitchen counter. "Not me. I am always ready", Colin replied, shooting his classic smirk at me. I say his classic smirk, but it definitely belongs to his father. Both of my boys are spitting images of their father, while my girl looks like me. The family that we have created makes me very proud. Fifteen years ago, if you told me that I would meet the King of the Mafia, and marry him. I would have laughed at the notion. Now? It was the best thing to ever happen to me. Luca has taken great care of me. He shows me every chance he gets, that he truly loves me, and only me. "I know you are", I responded to Colin, who sat at the breakfast bar, reading a book. "Nerd", Leonardo teased, as he walked into the kitchen. "Leo, that's enough", I told him. "Sorry, ma", he said, grabbing his lunch bag from the counter. "Where's dad?", Leo asked. "He should be down in a second. He had a work call to take", I answered, looking up at him. Leo nodded his head, as he took a seat next to his brother. "Where is your sister?", I questioned, with furrowed eyebrow. Leonardo shrugged his shoulders. "Probably still in the bathroom primping", he muttered. "She's been acting out of sorts lately, hasn't she?", Colin chimed in. That boy knows what is going on around him at all times. Even if it seems like he doesn't. "What do you mean?", I inquired. Colin shook his head. "I'm not sure. Something just seems off with her", he answered. "I think she has a boyfriend", Leo said. "And why do you say that?", I asked. "She's been stuck to her phone like glue. And she has been suspiciously hiding it from me", he answered. "She's a teenager, Leo. She's going to be weird about her phone", I reasoned. "Not like this, ma. We usually share everything. But, now she barely wants to talk to me. Colin is right, something is up with her. I can feel it", Leo uttered. "Twin intuition?", I asked, arching an eyebrow at him. "Exactly", he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why do we have an attitude so early in the morning?", Luca's deep voice asked, drawing my eyes up to my man. All these years later, and this man still makes me weak in the knees. "I don't", Leo answered, sitting straight up and uncrossing his arms. I chuckled at the quick shift in him. "Good. Go rush your sister along", Luca instructed. "Yes sir", Leo saluted, as he jumped up and took off upstairs. "Good morning, Colin", Luca said, talking to our youngest. "Good morning, father", Colin greeted him back. He has always been so proper. "Good morning, Mia Regina (My Queen). My apologies, that was Zachariah. He wants to meet today to discuss contracting some more green houses since he has expanded his orchard", Luca said, giving me his proud look. My agriculture and architectural degrees have boosted not only our business by 50%, but also those we have contracted out to. My green houses have been popping up all around town. I wanted to make it easier for low-income families to also be able to grow their own food, so I started a program. All families have to do is apply online, with their monthly, or yearly income, and their monthly expenses. I have a small team that reviews each application, then determines what cost best meets that family's needs. We have built many greenhouses completely free of charge. I also can't count how many we have built for $20 to $100. You also wouldn't believe how much crime and poverty has gone down in the county. With people able to grow their own food at little to no cost, people are able to spend less on groceries. This has led to a ripple effect, causing less burglaries. People have the tendency to share more. Trading crops with one another and doing more community events. "What time?", I asked, curiously. I always love a new green house project. "Well, I told him around 9:30ish. That we could meet for brunch", he answered. "Perfect", I smiled. Luca returned my smile as he leaned in and kissed me passionately. I love these moments with him. They always seem so perfect. "Don't forget that I have to stay after school today", Colin interrupted. "Have I ever forgotten you at school before?", I asked in a teasing tone. "No ma'am you have not", he responded. "Well, it won't start today, young man", I said. "Bruh, you are always so annoying", Miriam complained, as she walked into the kitchen with Leo. "You aren't any better", Leo rebutted. "That's enough, you two", Luca said, ending their tiff immediately. "Leo, I expect to see you in training this afternoon", Luca's deep voice spoke. "Yes sir", Leo answered solemnly. "Alright guys. Off to school now. We don't need any tardies this week", I said, looking directly at Miriam. "I'll swing back by to pick you up?", Luca asked. "I can just have Rex drive me, love. I'll meet you at the restaurant. Just let me know which one", I told him. "Piccola (little one)", Luca uttered, staring me down. "What?", I chuckled. Luca nodded, "Fine", he forfitted. Luca leaned in and placed another soft kiss on my lips, before they headed out the door. I headed upstairs to get dressed for brunch. Since I designed Zachariah's green house over a decade ago, he has been one of our biggest clients. Always expanding his land and building more gardens or groves to design for. Together, we have managed to form an alliance with the county government and city officials. I am always looking for community events to arrange for the kids, or low-income families, junkies, and anyone in general. Luca and Sergio have worked hard to ensure that the drugs that sweep the streets are eliminated. Luca and I did not like the world we were leaving for our children, so we did something about it. We changed the future for them. We have built a future for them that we feel comfortable leaving them in. And I think that is every parent's goal. My phone dinged, drawing my attention away from my thoughts. Luca: Tiffany's Diner, mia gattina (my kitten) I smiled down at my phone as I gave him a reply. Marabella: I'll be there, handsome. I grabbed my bag, and headed downstairs to the front door. "Are you ready, Mara?", Rex asked, tilting his head to the side. "I am", I grinned with a nod. Rex opened the door, allowing me to exit first. Excitement flowed through my veins at a new project to start. Though, there is still something nagging at the back of my brain. Leo's comment about his sister having a boyfriend. She has not mentioned it to us at all. "Rex?", I called up to him, curiously. "Yes ma'am?", he responded immediately. "Have you noticed anything different about Miriam?", I questioned. Rex shrugged slightly, apart from the smile on her face when she is on her phone? No ma'am", he answered. Hmm, that's interesting. I pulled my phone out to text our tech, Trey. Marabella: Hey, can you do me a favor? Pull Miriam's text messages and snapchats, please. Send them straight to me. I know that if anyone could recover stuff from her phone, it would be Trey. Trey: Yes ma'am I looked out the window and admired Luca and my creations, as they passed me by. Fruit trees were planted along the roadside, and it being mid-summer, they were slap full of fruit. Green houses surround me, almost every yard has one. My hard work is in front of me to see. And that alone, brings me immense joy. I have never been happier with where I am in life.

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