What can I do to help?

1349 Words
Sergio's POV My brother's uneasiness made my hackles rise in concern. It has been a long time since Luca was this worked up. In fact, the last time he was this worked up was when Marabella went into labor with Colin. Man was he a mess that day. I had to stop him from running around in circles. When the last of the brothers walked into the office, I closed the door. "Gentlemen, we seem to have a problem", Luca began. My ear perked at his tone. Even, Marabella looked concerned as she sat in the chair behind my brother. "It seems like someone is targeting our city officials. Mara and I just witnessed one being assassinated. And I saw in the news that another one was dead. We must be vigilant and find out who is in town", Luca instructed. City officials? No, that is not good at all. Marabella and my wife, Rosland, work very close with the city. The last thing we need is for them to be up there when another attack happens. A quiet murmur spread among the brothers. "I want each and every one of you to work on this. Leave no stone unturned. We do not need to lose any more officials", Luca's voice boomed through the small area. "We will assign areas of the city for groups to go out to investigate", Marco said, putting my brother at ease, slightly. Luca nodded in his direction, "You are dismissed", Luca announced. I waited for everyone to exit the room and closed the door behind the last person. When I turned around to face my King and Queen, they both had a look of confusion on their faces. "I don't think that you and Rosland should go back to city hall, or do meetings with the city, until we have this under control", I said, looking at Marabella, before looking over at my brother for his support. I know how he is, especially about his Queen. If anyone has my back it will be him. "Excuse me?", Mara said, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "I don't think that is smart at all. If we pull out of the city, they will begin to panic, thinking that we are abandoning them", she said, standing from the chair. "But if we allow you two to stay, the possibility that you get caught in the cross-fire is very high. Everyone knows who you are, Marabella Barello", Luca added. My shoulders released slightly from their tense position. Marabella shook her head. "I understand that you can tell your wife what to do. But not cool, for dragging my husband into it as well", Mara snapped at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned. I know that wasn't a cool move, at all. But I really needed his support on this. I can't lose my wife. She is the only person able to teach my two boys (Loren, age 7, and Matteo, age 4) how to be gentle when their father is so rough. Marabella stormed out of the office and slammed the door shut, making me flinch and look at my brother. "I will talk to her, but you know how she is", he said solemnly. "I can't lose Rosland", I pleaded. "I know, brother. I can't lose Mara either", he replied, placing his hand on my shoulder. "I will find her something else to focus on in the meantime. That's the only way we will get around this unscathed", he chuckled. His chuckle relieved the tension in my chest immensely. I smiled, "Thank you, Luca. Really", I said, giving him a tight hug. "I am going to go see my wife. And explain the situation to her", I said, with sorrow in my voice. I don't want to have to do this to her. But sometimes precaution is necessary. "Good luck. I am going to do the same", Luca said, nodding his head. The look of trepidation on his face made me chuckle. "The same to you, brother", I said lightly. I headed to our wing of the villa. I love how my grandfather built this place. Rooms split off into wings for each sibling to have their immediate family, and the kitchen right in the middle. Making it, officially, the heart of the home. I heard small fits of giggles as I approached closer to my bedroom door. I smiled to myself. Their laughter brings me joy like no other. I opened my door, surprising the three beautiful faces behind it. "Daddy!!! You're home!!!", Matteo screamed, with excitement. Matteo and Loren jumped up from their toys on the floor and ran towards me for a hug. I scooped them both into my arms and spun around in a circle with them. "Oh, I've been home the whole time, silly goose", I chuckled, squeezing them both tightly. I understood what he meant, though. He just meant daddy was back. "Hey, love. Is everything okay?", Rosland asked. She knew something was wrong when she saw Luca pull in earlier as well. She knew that is why I took off the way that I did. "Hey boys, why don't you go play in the playroom? Daddy needs to talk to mommy for a minute", I said softly, directing the boys towards the massive playroom that we put together for them. "Okay, daddy", Matteo said excitedly. "Come on, Loren. Let's go", he said, pulling on his brother's arm. Loren side-eyed me. He is a smart child. He is aware that something is off. Loren gave in and followed his brother to the other room. "What is going on, baby?", Rosland said, standing from the sofa, and walking towards me. I tilted my head in slight distress. I do not want to have to tell her this. "City officials are being targeted at the moment. Luca and I, need you and Mara to stay away from city hall and meetings with any city officials, until we have this under control", I said, just spitting it out. No better way to get the bandaid off than to rip it off, right? "What?", she uttered, stunned by the news. "Why are the city officials being targeted?", she asked, sitting on the edge of the coffee table. I sat on the couch, so I could be closer to her. "I am not sure. That is what we need to figure out. Well, that, and who is killing them", I told her. Rosland nodded, "How does Mara feel about this?", she asked, looking up at me with doe-eyes. Ugh, I can't lie to that beautiful face. "She is not happy about it at all. But, Luca is going to talk to her", I answered, honestly. Rosland laughed, "I'm sure she isn't. She does not like being told what to do. But who could blame her? She is the Queen", she chuckled, giving Mara a little bit of credit. She is right. I know that she is. The Queen does not like being told what to do. And, unfortunately, she is usually right about everything she warns us of. So, the city very well, may think that we are abandoning them. However, it is a chance I am willing to take if it means that my wife will be safe. I hate that it had to come to this, but I am grateful that I have my brother on my side. If he wasn't, then I know that it would have just been a waste of breath. "What can I do to help?", Rosland asked, pulling me from my thoughts. I sighed, "Can we take a bubble bath first? Then we can figure out the next best move. But I need to feel your body against mine first", I said in a pout. Rosland smirked as she stood and dropped her robe, revealing her naked body to me. I groaned, as I stood and picked her up. "Oh, good God", I grunted, heading straight for the bathroom. Rosland giggled with excitement, making my heart melt with love and peace.
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