Chapter 6: Answers

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The Ruthless Alpha And His Royal Mate Chapter 6: Answers Zach “So hey Zari, I've been meaning to talk to you today. About a couple things actually.” “Okay go ahead”. She said, “Well when I went back to the forest when I heard your distress, I saw a couple piles of ashes. Did you do that?”. Suddenly her eyes opened wide and she looked away to play with her fingers. “Well yeah I actually did, but I don't know how I did it. Something in me was just telling me that biting them would solve my problems, so I did it. I bit the hand of one of the rogues first. At first nothing happened right away, but then he said his hand was burning like some poison. And then out of nowhere he crumbled in front of me.” she said with a shaky voice. “I had a feeling you did, maybe we can look in the library when we get home to do some more digging. I've never heard of white wolves being able to do that sort of thing. I mean i've heard of them having special powers, but it's mostly healing and healing others with more speed.” I looked over my shoulder, to find her staring at the window quietly. “I also have one more thing I would like to talk to you about if that's okay?” I said in a soft voice. “Sure what is it?” she looks at me with her big sparkly eyes. “Well since we found out that we weren't fated mates, I was wondering if you would like to still be my chosen mate. I've known you since we were little and I have always loved you. I know this is the first time I am telling you that, but I can't picture my future without you by my side. Actually I don't want to picture you not by my side, so what do you say?” I asked in a shaky voice. “What happens if we find our fated mates though? We can't just deny what the moon goddess has blessed us with. What kind of queen would I be if I disrespected the moon goddess?”. Suddenly my heart started thumping in my chest. “So what about us then? If you say you want to wait for your fated mate, then what about us? We are together but we aren't fated mates. Why should it matter if we aren't fated mates, I love you and that's all that matters. And if we find our fated mates after we have mated then we can reject them. Are you saying you don't love me back?.” I said a little harsher than I wanted. “No I'm not saying that I don't know what I am saying, look this is a lot all at once, can you give me some time to process this? I just have alot on my plate right now, I'm not saying you're not important but I need to find out why I am able to have these kinds of powers. So can you give me some time?”. I start to grip the steering wheel alot harder than necessary until my knuckles turn white. I give out a small sigh. “yeah you're right i'm sorry, it's just it feels like i'm losing you, and I don't want that. I will always love you, and I will be here to help you with the power stuff whenever you are ready.” As I grab her hand , she gives me a small smile then looks back out the window. As I look back on the road I can't help but think she is hiding something. Negative thoughts flow through my mind. How come she won't say I love you? What is she afraid of? What is she hiding ? Whatever she is hiding I will find out. Zari As I came back home, I only had three things in mind. Speak to my father, search for why I have these powers and sleep. I was hoping sleep would be the number one on my list, but at last the moon goddess had other plans for me. As I walk down my hallway I see my father waiting at the door to my bedroom. “Where have you been, Zari?! I've had search parties out in the woods all night, they said they couldn't even get a whiff of yours or Zachs sent. You said you would be out in the woods with him, so tell me why do you smell like other wolves and blood? Dear god what happened? I told Zach to watch out for you!”. He yelled. “I'm sorry dad, I went to my friends pack for their shift party, I'm sorry I just was so excited and wanted to see my friend one more time since we graduated.” I looked down and played with my fingers. “I thought I told you to not let anyone see your wolf except for Zach? Zari people will be after you. There is a reason why I said to not let anyone see your wolf, the more people that see your wolf, then the more people that hear about your wolf, and then the more people will be after you. I haven't told you because I wasn't sure you would inherit your mothers gift or not. Listen Zari sit down I need to talk to you.” as I carefully sit on my bed, my father walks beside me and sits down next to me. “your mother was a white wolf, and she died giving birth to you, but not until she gave you her power. It has been said in the legends, that a shewolf of great power from alpha bloodline shall end all wars of packs and bring peace upon the werewolf kingdom. The she wolf shall have many bumps along her path but will find the moonlight shining through the clouds. Your mothers last words were to help you find the light. But I can't do that if you never listen to me. Zari people out there will hunt you down and find you. They will do horrible things to you, they will force you to mate with them. It has been said that the mate of a white wolf shall share their power once after they are mated, just like I have with your mother. Many people will kill to have that kind of power.” I was shocked he has never talked about my mother so much, except for the ‘you should be more like her’ I started to feel a little guilty for making my father worry so much, and from the sounds of it people will already be after me. I looked up at my father. Shame and worry clouding his eyes. “I never knew mom gave me her power, maybe that's why when the rouges came I bit them and turned them into ash” I thought out loud. “Did you say rouges? Rouges attacked you and you didn't even tell me? Where was Zach when this happened? He was supposed to look after you!” he suddenly got up and passed around. “No no it wasn't his fault dad, I ran ahead of the pack I didn't even realize I did, when I saw there was no one around it was too late, I took care of them though. But there is something you should know. When I was alone at first, I started to look around for the pack. But no one was around, but then I heard something from the corner, and a man stepped out. He was a vampire. When he saw I was a white wolf he brought out 4 more rouges. The vampires and rogues are working together.” “that is strange, I've never heard of rogues and vampires working together. Rogues are not usually capable of following a leader's orders, that's why they become rouges, so it is beyond me why they would listen to let alone a vampire. I'll have to send my men out to do some research to see if they can find anything. Where was this pack at?”. My heart started thumping in my chest so loud I could hear my ears ring. I can't tell him I went to Black Fang pack, he will never let me leave the palace again. We are at war with them right now. But then again he needs the name of the pack to do some research. Maybe I can stall him just a bit, just until I can figure out what to do with my situation with Will and Zach. “hey dad, do you think we can talk about this later? Im am in dire need of sleep, I've had a long day, and shifting really takes it out of me”. I started to fake yawn and stretch, hoping he would take the hint. “Very well then, but we are not done talking about this young lady, you don't just disobey my orders and run off to another pack without any consequences. For your punishment you are not allowed to train with the warriors for a month!” He turned his heel and tried to walk away. “But dad, that is so unfair! If it wasn't for my training I wouldn't have been able to beat the rouges! Don't you think your being a little too rash?” I asked and stuck out my bottom lip hoping the puppy dog eyes would do the trick. “Uh hu, no puppy dog look at me, it is not going to work this time, because you wouldn't even have to have been in that situation with the rouges if you would've followed my orders in the first place.” goddess this guy is hard to crack, alright time to turn it up a gear. I stuck out my bottom lip just a bit and furrowed my brows, and even added a little tear in my eye just for detail. This usually does the trick. “But daddy, training is the only thing in my life that I enjoy, all my friends and I won't be able to see each other much anymore, so there is nothing else for me to do.” “don't play the act with me missy, would you like to make it 2 months?” he cold heartily stared at me with his arms crossed. I finally began to realize he isn't falling for it this time, so I should probably give up. “No sir, I'm sorry” I say and look down ashamed. “That's right, this is a serious matter, now go get some sleep, I will talk to you tomorrow.” he gave me a kiss on my forehead goodnight, and left my room. I leaned against the headboard of my bed. Let out a long sigh. ‘What am I going to do Shine?’ I ask in my head. ‘Simple little one, go to mate!’.she ordered in my head. ‘Yeah you're so much help,there is no denying that Will and I have the bond, but what about Zach? He has always been my best friend, not to mention he is my boyfriend. He asked me to be his chosen mate. I mean what do I say to that? It was so sudden. I know I can't be his chosen mate, because I am going to be queen soon. So what kind of example would I give to the wolves that denying the gift from the moon goddess is okay?. But then again I can't bear to break his heart. I just don't know what to do.’ ‘time will tell young human, all you can do is wait for everything to set into place. Also I don't like this Zach human of yours, you need to watch out for him, I sense bad intentions coming from his wolf.’ she said in a worried voice. ‘You haven't known Zach for as long as I have, so how can you say be careful around him. He would never hurt me, Shine, he is my best friend, and he confessed his love for me!’ I blocked her out from my head because I couldn't bear her talking bad about Zach. I pulled a pillow up to my face so I could let out a quiet scream. I started to slowly close my eyes, letting sleep take all the bad away. As I woke up from my peaceful dream, I felt something cold and wet down the side of my face. I was drooling. Well that's gross, thank god no one has to wake up next to this nastiness. I sat up from my bed to do a big stretch. Then it hit me. I have to find out what other kinds of powers I have and how can I even have them? My father said my mother gave me her power, but that still doesn't make sense on how I can turn people to ash. Maybe the elders of the palace will know. I decided I should get up for the day. I went to my closet. I got out a pair of dark blue jeans, with an olive green tank top, and black pull over. I went to the bathroom to do my daily routine. And got dressed. And added a mouse into my hair to give my curls more volume. I went to the mirror and decided I looked decent enough. I walked down the deep hallway from my bedroom, and down the curved black marbled staircase that leads to the dining room. I saw my father sitting at the head of the table reading some of his paperwork. I could smell the wonderful smell of bacon and syrup. Then my stomach made a loud growl and I realised I hadn't eaten hardly anything yesterday. “Good Morning princess, would you like pancakes with bacon or sausage this morning?” one of the cooks asked. My mouth started to drool at the thought of bacon. “May I have bacon with my pancakes please”. “Why of course, I shall fetch your food right away.” she said and turned her heel to walk away. “Hey so dad, I was wondering if it was okay if I may go speak with the elders later today? I have some questions about my powers and me being a white wolf, and was hoping to get some answers.” he lifted his head up from his paperwork, and gave me a small smile. “They are currently in a meeting, but around noon they shall be available , if it is what you wish, I must warn you, they can be a bit brutal sometimes, so make sure you show your utmost respect towards them. After all they are the oldest in the pack.” with that he dropped his head back down to his paperwork. As we ate in silence. I dropped my fork onto the china plate. I totally forgot that I have a date with Will today. I should be able to talk to the elders and get around in time. But the real problem is, how am I going to get out of the pack lands without my father knowing. “Hey dad there was something else I would like to ask you.” not daring to meet his eyes, keep my head down at my food, I took a quick glance in the corner of my eyes, to see him roll his eyes and set down his paperwork one last time. “Okay what is it Zari?”. “Well Zach and I were wanting to go see a movie later tonight so I was wondering if I could go?”. “Well I don't know you tell me, are you going to run off and get into trouble again?”. He said while crossing his arms. “No sir, I wont I promise.” I looked up and gave him a small smile. “Very well then, I suppose you can. How is Zach by the way? You never told me if you two were fated to not.” I dropped my fork and looked up at him with a blush. “ umm we are not mates, but he asked me to be his chosen mate. I haven't given him an answer yet. I know it would not be a good example to reject my fated mate if he should ever come around while being mated to a chosen mate. So I don't know what to do. I just don't have the heart to hurt Zach, he was my best friend before my boyfriend.” feeling a bit awkward having this talk with my father, we usually never talk about feelings. “Well if it were me, I would give myself some time to build up the courage to tell him the truth, and to tell him how you actually feel. Try to break it easy to him, he is a good young man. And hope for the best, if he is a good guy he will understand, maybe even still be your friend.” I was a bit shocked that my father actually gave me heartfelt advice. “Your right thank you dad. I should be going, I'm going to try to talk to the elders as soon as they get out of there meeting.” “don't forget to show-” “to show respect yada yada yada, I know dad” I finished his sentence. “What am I going to do with you.” he says and shakes his head. As I walk out of the palace to make my way to the elders conference building. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful it was today. The sun was shining with not a single cloud in the sky. With birds chirping and flying around. With all the beautiful flowers with vibrant colors. The sky as blue as- “ouch watch where you're going you- oh my goddess elder I am so sorry, I didn't see you there, please accept my sincere apologies, I did not mean harm, I was actually on my way to see you.'' I blushed until my face was as red as a tomato. Of course that's my luck to literally almost tackle the elders because I wasn't watching where I was going, and almost cuss them out for it. “Young child you must watch where you are going, you are going to be queen one day, the kingdom shall not have this kind of behavior!” he said while dusting himself off. “You right sir, I am sincerely sorry. Please I was wondering if you could answer some questions I have of me being a white wolf and having different abilities”. His face fell from a disgusted look to a look of shock. “So the legends were true then.” he said and brought his hand up to his chin. “I guess so, also what is this whole legend thing. I was wondering if you could tell me why I am able to turn people to ashes with just my bite. My wolf Shine says I am able to do more but I havent had the opportunity to do so.”. “The legend of the pure white wolf, it is said that she has the same blood of the moon goddess herself, and will form abilities of her as well. You say you can turn people to ash? I've heard of that, it may be due to your mother gifting her power to you on her deathbed. I'd have to look into it some more. We should also test your abilities. How would you like for me to test out your skills and train you to control them?”. I was completely shocked, for an elder to train you is one of the highest honors. “Yes sir i'd love that very much, but my father has banned me to train for a month.'' I looked down a little embarrassed. “Don't worry about your father, I shall speak to him.” he patted my head and turned away. I wonder if the elder and I will be able to find out all my abilities. I wonder why he was so keen on training me himself?. I took out my phone and saw that the time was about 1pm. I figured I should head home and maybe take a quick nap before my date with Will.
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