Chapter 5: What Is Rightfully Mine 

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The Ruthless Alpha And His Royal Mate Chapter 5: What Is Rightfully Mine Zach As we all ran as a group I tried my best to keep up with Zari hoping to get some alone time. I searched at the front and saw her and her beautiful white fur running as fast as she could, next to Alpha Will nipping at her. I wonder why they are acting as friends when they just met? I thought to myself. I tried my best to shove past as many wolves as I could, finally reaching the front only to find that Zair and Alpha Will are nowhere to be seen. ‘Man she can run fast!’ I said out loud. ‘All the more reason why she should be our mate’ Kane purred in my head. I heard a howl deep in the woods. Knowing it must be Zari I rushed to her as fast as I could. When I finally got there I saw dead bodies scattered everywhere and two piles of ashes. ‘She is powerful’ Zane said in my head. ‘Wait Zair did this?’ I asked him. ‘Indeed’ he said with a proud voice. How could she have done this? I have never seen this in my life, I've never even heard of a wolf being able to do this, I thought to myself. I sniffed the ground to try to find her sent to find her. When I got a whiff of her sweet scent I rushed in her direction. When I reached the pack I shifted back into my human form changing into my clothes. I started to head into her direction, I saw her alone with Alpha Will, both with a flushed red face, and swollen lips. Were they kissing? I asked myself. I rushed to her as quickly as I could remembering what I saw in the forest to check to see if she was alright. “Zari there you are! I've been looking for you, I heard your howl but when I got there all I smelled was blood, I was worried about you,” I said, trying to hug her to make her feel better. I saw her quickly turning to the side so I wouldn't touch her. Why doesn't she want me to touch her? I thought to myself. “Im fine I really am, Alpha Will saved me just in time, so don't worry.” she said while looking down in a shameful way. I knew she was hiding something. Maybe it's because of the ashes. I'll have to ask her on the way home. “Oh um okay, are you ready to go? I'm sure if we don't get back soon, your father will have my head.” I chuckled knowing full well there is truth to that. “Sure we can go just let me say goodbye and thank you to Alpha Will.” she said with a blush. ‘ why is she blushing?’ I asked myself. ‘I don't know, but I certainly don't like it one bit, that Alpha needs to back off, she is ours!’ Zane yelled in my head. “Okay just meet me in the car when you are ready.” I said and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, this time she didn't pull away. I heard Alpha Will slightly growl under his breath. I looked up to meet his eyes knowing I could win her and I smirked. I turned around to walk back to the car to wait for her, finally I was going to get some alone time with her. Will As we ran as a pack I was quick to notice how fast my mate could run. I nipped at her ear to try to get her to rac me. She caught on real quick. As I ran as fast as I could I felt a gush of wind run past me like a white blur. ‘Mate has amazing speed’ Damen purred in my head. ‘She sure does’ I chuckled to myself. As I tried to catch up to my beautiful mate, I heard a calling howl. ‘Mate is in trouble!’ Damen yelled in my head. I started to panic, I couldn't lose her when I just found her!. So I ran as fast as my feet would let me. I could see my mate ahead of me with 3 men surrounding her. I sniffed the air and realized they were rouges, but I could also smell a vampire, but he was nowhere in sight. I launched in front of my mate to guard her. I saw the men starting to jump at me, so I chomped down as hard as I could on the nearest one I could, when I felt one jump on my back. I tried to shake him off of me, then I saw Zari running towards me. She bit the rouge that was on my back, I could feel his body crumble on top of me, I quickly killed the way that was under me, and turned to see a pile of ashes at the one that was on top of me. ‘How did she do that?’ I asked in my head. ‘Mate is not like any other wolf, she will be the strongest wolf ever born’ Damen said with a prideful voice. I finished off the last one as quickly as I could. I walked to my mate and nuzzled my nose in her neck, inhaling as much of her scent as I could to calm myself down. I need some answers. I pointed in a direction for us to head back, and she followed my lead. As we came back to the pack I got dressed behind a tree as fast as I could. I saw Zari about to head out from the trees, so I quickly pulled her behind a tree. I looked down at her into her amazing emerald green eyes. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. “Are you okay? Do you know those people? I'm sorry I wasnt there in time, I got there as quickly as I could when I heard you call, I should have added more patrols.'' I quickly said. “Ohh umm im fine, I could have handled myself you know, I don't need protection.” she said as she shrugged herself out from my hold. I felt a little hurt when she said that she doesn't need me to protect her, I mean that's one of the reasons why you have mates. “Listen ba- I mean Zari, no lone wolf can protect themselves against rogues let alone vampires. I have never seen them work together before, this is serious. So stop playing the tough girl act and tell me how did you turn them into ashes?” I said impatiently. “Look, I don't know how I did it, I bit one and then suddenly he turned into ashes, I've never been able to do that before, so stop interrogating me. And so you know I wasn't playing the tough girl act, I could have handled it.” she said and rolled her eyes. Man she really is a princess isn't she? I thought to myself. “Yeah sure whatever you say princess” I laughed. I could see the panic in her eyes when I called her princess. She was about to ask how I knew and told her because of the color of her fur. “Oh I assume you want me to go then” she said in a soft voice and looked down. Yes our packs are at war so she should leave, but I just found her and I can't let her leave so quickly I wanted her all to myself. I moved my hand under her chin to lift up her face so I could stare at her in her eyes. When we made eye contact, I started to feel my heart beat faster. I looked at her lips, they looked so soft and red. I wanted to kiss her so badly. Not even realizing it, I felt myself start to lean down, I could feel her body start to tense up, but I couldn't help myself, I had to get a taste. “Oh my god! Zach, I forgot about Zach!” she shrieked out. ‘Why is she even thinking of other men while she is with me?’ I said while letting out a low growl. “Is now the best time to think of another guy?” I growled. When she looked at me with her finger pointed in my face, I couldn't help but notice how cute she was when she was angry. I couldn't hold myself back any longer. I had to claim her lips. As soon as our lips touched, it felt like the outside world was gone and it was only us, right now in this moment forever. I wished it could always feel like that. I broke our kiss apart to look her in the eyes one last time. I sniffed the air, and I could tell she was aroused. My now hard on was becoming even more miserably hard if that was even possible. I leaned in to kiss her again not caring about anything else. She quickly pulled away. ‘Was our kiss not as good for her as it was for me?’ I thought to myself. I could smell Zach around the corner and knew why she pulled away. I couldn't help but growl every time he tried to touch her, but when he kissed her cheek and smirked at me like he knew she was his, it made me steaming. Zari As I saw Zach walk away, I turned to face a very not amused Will. “Look I have to go, I'm sorry, thank you for helping me, I said I would get to know you more and I attend to keep that promise but only under my schedule.” I said to him. “So when can I take you out for a date then princess?” he asked with a smirke. “Firstly don't call me princess, and we can meet tomorrow at 6, don't come to me, goddess forbid my father finds you in our pack, I will sneak out to your pack.” I said while rolling my eyes. “Then tomorrow it is princess” he chuckled. I let out a low growl and rolled my eyes. “It was nice meeting you today Alpha Will”. I said and bowed to show my respect. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it making me blush. “Please, the pleasure was all mine, I will see you tomorrow.” he said and turned away.
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