Chapter 7: Secrets

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The Ruthless Alpha And His Royal Mate Chapter 7: Secrets Will “You will never be a good alpha if you can't even fight properly! You are no son of mine!” Alpha Don yelled to his son. “But father, I do not wish to do this, he is already hurt, he gave up, that means I win. I don't understand why I have to keep going.” Will said with tears in his eyes, and looked over to the boy who was bloody and battered from the dule during training they were having. “Alphas do not cry! Now you either finish what you started or you will face me!” Alpha Don came up to Will and shoved him to the ground. “But father, he can't take anymore, I don't want to hurt him too much” Will started to rub his eyes from the tears. “That's it, move pup I'll show you how a real Alpha can fight.” Alpha Don pushed away the bloody pup. “You will fight me, or you will regret it. I'll show you how a real Alpha fights. There is no weakness on the battlefield. Nor is there any mercy!” Alpha Don took his fighting stance. As soon as Will got up off of the ground Alpha Don took that chance and dashed to Will head on. Using all of his Alpha strength and started to punch Will in his face until his face swelled so much. “Don! Don't you think he has had enough? Please don't hurt our son!” Luna June said to her husband. Trying to get Alpha Don off of Will before he kills him. She yanked Alpha Don on his shoulders trying to pull him off. Alpha Don got up from Will and looked towards Luna June with nothing but coldness. “I said there is no mercy!” Alpha Don back handed his wife in the face with his full alpha strength . Making her body fly across the training field and crash into a brick building. Will felt nothing but coldness and anger seeping down through his body. Something in him snapped. He was tired of his fathers brutal ways. He can handle his father hitting on him. But he can not handle his father hitting on his mother. Will with a burst of adrenaline shot up from the ground and swiped his fathers legs with his foot. Making him fall to the ground. As soon as his fathers head hit the ground, he jumped on top of him. Using everything he had in his body. Will threw punch after punch at his fathers face. With only one thought in mind. ‘Show no mercy’. By the time Will finally realised Alpha Don had stopped moving, he looked around at the new crowd that gathered near them. Whispers entering his ears, with frightened faces. He got up from the ground, dusted off his pants. And rushed towards his mother. He knelt down to the ground. Blood coming from her mouth. He put his ear to her chest. Hearing a faint heartbeat, he felt warmth on his cheek, looked up and saw his mother smiling up at him. “Will my son. You will be a strong alpha. I can see it. When the time comes please don't make the same mistakes your father and I have made. Please find your true luna. With a true luna, you can do anything. But most importantly, you will be happy. I want you to be happy, my son. Please don't follow the dark path that has swallowed your father whole. He is too far gone, but you my son, have just begun your journey. It is not too late. I love you my sweet boy.” and with one last breath, Luna June looked up to the moon and gave one last smile before her hand fell from Will's face. “Mom!” I shouted sitting up from my bed, with cold sweat beating down my face. Breathing heavy, looking around to find out it was a dream. I fell back on to my pillow, and started to wonder if my nightmares will ever go away. The day my mother died, my father Apha Don went on a rampage. Drowning himself in his work, or battles with Vampires or rouges lurking about the borders. My father was a horrible man before my mother died, but when she died he became even more ruthless. At least the beatings stopped. Mostly because my father never spoke a word to me ever again. I know Alpha Don blames me for my mothers death. If only I would have finished the fight like my father told me too, my mother would have never stepped a foot into the ring. I wiped off the sweat from my forehead. Thinking maybe I should take a shower. Today is the day Zari and I will go on a date. I've waited so long to find my true mate. I didnt even think I would get one. So today has to be perfect. I have to hide my dark past, and try to get her to know the better me. Today will determine if she will reject me or not. I can't let that happen, Not when I just found her. I shot up from my bed, doing my daily routine. Showering, shaving. I walked to my closet, figuring maybe I should take her to the carnival. I pulled out a button up black shirt, leaving the top two buttons unbuttoned. I gel my hair back, and sprayed on some of my finest cologne. ‘Sir there have been more rouges lurking around the border, it's like they are waiting for something’ my third Jackson mindlinked me. ‘If they get past the border, I want them killed, but make sure to keep one alive for questioning, it is strange that we have been getting more threatening rouges around. This never usually happens to us’. I said back to Jackson. ‘Yes sir I will do that’. Always so formal Jackson is. He is very quiet and formal, but very loyal. As I checked my phone I noticed I had a little time to kill. So I decided to go visit my mothers grave before my date. Ever since she has died I have always gone to her garve to talk to her about all the important things happening in my life. It gives me a sense of peace knowing I can always talk to her, even though she isn't actually here, I know she is watching over me. ‘Beloved Luna June, loving wife and mother’. I kneel down to my mothers grave, brushing off the leaves and placing new flowers on her grave. “Hey mom, I know I haven't been to see you in awhile. I just want you to know I have found my mate. She is absolutely gorgeous. She has a little spunk too, she reminds me of you a little bit. I wish you were here to meet her, I think you guys would love each other. I just hope she gives me a chance. Maybe one day I will bring it here to you. She is so strong. She is a white wolf, with incredible power. I honestly don't deserve her, but i'm going to try my best to have her accept me. Wish me luck mom, I love you and miss you.” Zari Why does the sun have to be so bright? Maybe I need to look into blackout curtains. I swear the moon goddess will never grant me a day to sleep in. I roll over onto my back, and I grab one of my pillows and cover my eyes from the dreadful bright sun shining into my eyes. “Wait, what time is it?!” I sat up quickly and grabbed my phone. Zach messaged me. ‘Hey hun I was wondering if you would like to grab some dinner tonight?’. Then I remembered, I have a date with Will!. What do I say to Zach? I can't just simply tell him I have a date with someone else, let alone the Alpha from a pack we are at war with. ‘Hey Zach sorry I can't, I have to do some studying about my powers tonight, maybe tomorrow? I just kinda want some alone time, sorry!’. I looked at the time on my phone and noticed I have about an hour to get around. I threw the blankets off of me, and sat up from bed stretching my whole body. Man that felt good. I walk to my closet trying to decide if I should wear jeans or maybe a spring dress. I think I will go with a spring dress. I lay the dress out on my bed, and walk to the shower to do my morning routine. After I hop out I scrunch up my hair with some mouse. And when I seem satisfied with my curls I pull the dress over my head. It is a simple pale blue dress that cuts right above my knees, with a sweetheart neckline, with short ruffled sleeves. I decided to go with simple natural makeup today. I added a little bit of eyeliner with a little wing, with just a touch of blush. With some mascara. When I felt that I decided I looked good enough. I headed out the door. As I swung open the door I almost had my life scared right out of me. There stands Zach with a bucay of flowers in his hands. “Zach what are you doing here?! You scared the life right out of me!” I punched him in the arm. He starts rubbing the arm I punched “Ouch man you really are getting more strong aren't you? Well anyways, you I thought maybe you wanted some help with your studying about your powers, and I thought maybe after a little more research we could go grab something to eat and talk about some stuff for a bit.” “I thought I told you I wanted some alone time!” I realized that it came out a lot harsher than I wanted. “Look, I'm sorry about yelling at you. I am just frustrated with alot of stuff. I talked with my dad, then I talked with the elders, and one of them said they would train me with my powers, so I thought I would get a head start on my research. But I really do want the alone time, it's so hard to get any in this palace, do you mind if we just do this tomorrow?” I asked with an apologetic look. “Oh uhh sure that's fine, I'll just text you later then?”. “Thanks Zach!” I rush past him hoping to make it on time to Wills pack. I decided to take the car, since I don't want to ruin my clothes by shifting. Why am I so nervous? Maybe it's the bond. I just hope I don't embarrass myself. Zach When I received the text from Zari I knew she was hiding something. She usually never wants to study alone. She also seemed a little on edge a bit. I also noticed she was all dressed up like she was going out somewhere. She is usually always naturally beautiful but she rarely puts on makeup unless she is going out. if she really was just doing some research, then why would she get all dressed up?. I wonder if I could follow her closely to see what she is really up to. As I got into my car, I followed Zari with alittle distance behind us so she didn't notice I was following her. I took about an hour to get wherever she was going. When she got off the highway, going through thick wooded forests I finally realized we are coming up on Black Fang territory. I immediately slammed on my breaks. If I were to cross onto their territory then they would know I am here, then Zari would find out that I was following her. Why was she even here in the first place? We are at war with this pack! We only came the first time because Cammy made us. Maybe she is going to see Cammy? But she said she wanted alone time. None of this makes any sense. The only way I am going to find out is when she leaves so I can confront her. Zari As I entered the Black Fang territory, a couple guards stopped me at the entrance, and asked to state my business. “Umm I'm here to see Alpha Will, he requested me.” I could see their eyes cloudy like they were talking to someone through mindlink. They simply nodded their head, and opened the big black wooden doors with white wolves carved on them. I slowly drove my car down the path, seeing the same carefree people visiting the little shops or little pups kicking balls to each other. It made me smile, there is something about this place that makes me feel at peace. Everyone just seems so happy here. I wonder why we are even at war with Black Fang pack. Shaking my thoughts out of my head, I stop at one of the largest buildings in the pack, realizing it is the pack out. I stepped out of my car and gazed at the hommy looking building. Full moons carved on the big wooden doors. It had stone wolves all around the sides. With fairy lights strung up on the trees around the building. I reach out my hand to knock on the door. I heard the locks unlocking and was greeted by a warm smiling elderly woman. “Hi, I am here for Alpha Will. he is here?” I started to play with my fingers feeling a bit nervous. “Why of course dear, he is in his office, why don't you come in and I will fetch him for you.” she smiled and stepped aside. I slowly entered one foot in, then the other. “My name is Chassy by the way, I am the lead Omega that works in the pack house, would you like me to take your coat?”. She reached out her hand. “Oh no it's okay you don't have to really, my name is Zari, it's nice to meet you.” I gave a small smile in return. “Well if you insist, I'll go get Alpha Will now, he should be down shortly, it was nice meeting you Zari.” She gave me a small hand shake and walked up the dark oak curved stairs. While waiting, I started to play with my fingers, realizing I do that alot, I looked around the house. They really are interested in white wolves here, there are so many carvings of white wolves all along the doors, or paintings hung up with white wolves. I noticed one in particular that caught my eye. I felt drawn to it. It was a white wolf with glowing orbs floating around it, with glowing gold eyes. ‘Is that me?’ I started to wonder to myself. I felt a warm breeze behind me. “Do you like it?” I let out a loud shriek. And turned around, almost having a heart attack, I started to rub my chest. “Why is everyone scaring me today?! Also don't sneak up on a girl like that!” I yelled to Will. he stood there, eyes filled with lust, and pride. “I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I just saw you staring at my painting, figured you liked it.” he playfully chucked. “Wait your painting? Did you paint that?. I asked with a shocked look. “Alphas can paint too, you know, I mean sure we get busy, but in my spare time I like to paint. It helps me block out the rest of reality. Especially when I see something that catches my eye. I have to paint it so I will never forget it.” he looked up at the painting. With a prideful smile, almost like he is watching a flashback. “Is that me?” Before I could stop myself I already asked it. “Actually yes it is, I didn't paint it because I am a creep I promise.” his face started to get red and he chuckled. “I painted it because when you shifted for the first time, something magical happened. I've never seen anything like it in person. It was so majestic. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. So I decided to paint it. I've also had dreams ever since I was a young pup, in my dreams a white wolf appears, and when it appears it makes me feel at home, which is something I haven't felt for a long time. At least until I met you.” he blushed and looked down at me. I looked away trying not to look like a tomato, too embarrassed to meet his eyes. “You look beautiful by the way.” I looked up at him and noticed he gelled his hair back. He was wearing a black button down shirt with two buttons open. You could see a bit of his chest. I blushed even more when I started to think about the first time I saw him without a shirt. Shine purred in my head from the memorie. “Thank you, you look very nice also.” I kept it short, I didn't want to embarrass myself even more. “Well are you ready to go to the carnival?” he asked and his face lit up like a little kid when he mentioned carnival. I was starting to think he was more excited about going to the carnival than going on a date with me. I chuckled slightly, he almost seemed like a kid at that moment, unlike what I have heard from other wolves, he seemed so innocent. And playful. Different from the last time I met him. He was so serious, and demanding. “Sure, let's go.” I gave a small smile. This was going to be interesting.
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