
The Ruthless Alpha And His Royal Mate

friends to lovers

The golden Crow pack, also know as the Royal pack, is where the respected alpha king Colton lives with his beloved Luna queen Lily. Their werewolf kingdom is known for its peacefulness and calmness, it is a very well-organized pack, not even a blade of grass out of place. It is also a house for thousands of loyal citizens. After many years trying, Alpha Colton and his mate Lily had finally found their happiness and became a family with the so expected pregnancy. Or so they thought. Luna Lily died while giving birth, but not before she transferred all her power to her baby girl Zari, so one day her bundle of joy could follow the legend. The royal fated couple were the first in history to have a baby girl, fulfilling then the legend about an alpha blood she-wolf that would bear great power and end all wars between packs, bringing peace upon the supernatural kingdom. The legend says that this special wolf would face many bumps along her path but would also grow from them and find the moonlight shining through the clouds. “Protect our daughter Zari, help her find the light” were the last words of Lily to her mate. And he did. Alpha Colton has tried his very best to help and protect his daughter. Zari will shift for the first time on the first full moon after her 18th birthday but everything she learned and knows changed when she decided to sneak off to a shift party at her best friend’s pack. What will Zari do when she discovers that she is mated to Will, the ruthless alpha of the infamous Black Fang pack? What will happen with her long-time boyfriend? Who will she choose?

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Chapter one: Space
The Ruthless Alpha And His Royal Mate Chapter 1: Space Zari ‘Knock at the door’ “Princess, you have to wake up for school”. “Ugh in a minute please I don't want to go!”, I said while turning onto my stomach to cover my ears with my pillow. “Princess please, the king has requested me to help you get around for school”, said one of the maids of the castle. “Just tell him 10 more minutes I need to sleep,” I said in a groggy voice. “But princess you do not need any more beauty sleep you are pure perfection!”. People have always said that I have such natural beauty, all the unmated males always flock my way trying to pursue me and all the she-wolves want to be me, but I don't see it. I honestly think I usually look like a used walking rug. I never try to dress up or feel the necessity of putting makeup on. Luckily my boyfriend and long time friend Zach loves me anyway I look. I don't even know why he is interested in me. He is the perfect picture of hotness, he is 6’2 with slightly golden skin and dirty blond hair that curls at the top and ends just above his green-blue eyes, with a muscular body that could crush anything that comes its way. Zach is the soon to be beta of the Golden Crown pack so he naturally has to be fit to keep up his performance with training and ongoing wars. Zach and I have been dating for about 3 years and we hope to be fated mates once we shift for the first time on the full moon. We have never mated before because we want to save ourselves for when we find out if we are mated to each other. “Princess, beta Zach is waiting in his car for you to go to school” chuckled the maid. I quickly sat up remembering I am graduating today. My birthday is tomorrow, just one day after our graduation. Zack is already 18, his birthday was last week, a week before mine. “I'm up, I don't need help to get dressed, I can dress myself, why don't you guys take a break, you're always working,” I said to the maids on the other side of the door. I’ll never know why my father must send maids to help me get dressed, yeah I get I’m the princess, but I don't need to be treated like I can't hold my own. “As you wish princess, if you need anything we will be in the kitchen making breakfast”. I quickly sat up from my bed and searched through the back of my closet for something that I usually don't wear... formal clothes. I managed to find a short ashy rose-coloured dress that had flowers laced on the bottom, and slipped it on and went to the mirror to put on some light makeup which included, light eyeliner with some blush to brighten up my pale skin and went to the bathroom to wet my hair quickly and put some mousse on to make my curly hair more curly, and went back to the mirror to finalize the look and I didn’t do half bad I actually think I look quite nice today. As I walk out of my bedroom I hear the same thundering long stepped footsteps I've heard my whole life, my father. “Zari you look quite nice today I’m impressed you actually managed to put on a dress for something formal instead of your usual baggy hoodie. We should really update your closet, you could look radiant every day like your mother if you actually put some effort into being a princess”. And there it is the comment of how I should be more like my mother with her goddess-like looks and perfect porcelain skin and golden eyes, and perfect proper manners of a queen. “Well I'm sorry I didn't live up to your expectations of being the proper princess that wears the latest fashion and stayed home all the time practicing how to use my manners like the royalty I am” I said with attitude. “Zari I just want you to live up to your potential it's bad enough I've let you train which you apparently have to do or so you say, a princess shouldn't have to train, that's why we have guards and warriors here to protect you, you don't have to protect yourself because you will always have me here to do that, and Zach.” “ Dad, I like to train because it gets me out of the house and I hate feeling like I can't do anything for myself!” I said in a stern voice. “And that's why I agreed to let you train but you need to start doing something for me now, I want you to come home and practice your royal history studies and learn to act like a proper princess if you want to continue your training, does that sound fair?”. “Fine but only two days a week, deal?” I asked. “Sounds good to me, I'll see you at your graduation, tell Zach I said sorry for keeping you for so long and be careful!”. Dad said as he walked away. I walked down the white marbled stairs that slightly curved going down, and walked through the dark brown oak doors with wolves carved on the wood that leads outside and saw Zach leaning on his red corvette with that quirky smile of his. “Dad said sorry for keeping me, he went on his rant of me being more like mom again and is making me practice my royalty studies in order to continue my training with the warriors”. I said to Zach with an exhausted sigh at the end. “No worries babe, you ready to finally graduate?! More importantly, are you ready to finally shift tomorrow?!”. Zach said with enthusiasm. “You know it! Now let's get out of this hell hole,” I said with a laugh. As we entered the parking lot of my high school called shadow claw high school, we walked through the doors and took one last look around fondly over the memories we had with all our friends when my best friend Cammy comes running up to us with her giddy smile and her perfect straight brown hair that falls above her shoulders and bright brown eyes that always has a sparkle. “Hey, guys are you ready?! God, I can’t wait to be done with this place. Aww, I am going to miss seeing you two cute things every day though. Hey, I have an idea, it’s kind of a last hang out, one last time before we all go our separate ways” she said with her ‘why don’t we get into some trouble’ look that she always gives when she has brilliant ideas of doing stupid stuff that gets me in trouble with my father. “Ugh, Cammy what is it this time?! I'm not spying on your secret but not so secret crush Zane while he is in the locker room just because you are too scared to see if he is talking about you with his friends” I said with a gross face. “You did what now?” Zach asked with a serious face with a little hurt in his eyes while crossing his arms. “I didn't see anything. I swear! I was too grossed out to look. I was only trying to hear for Cammy, I swear'' I said with my hands up in defence. “No no, no that. It's something totally different, but you have to swear you will do it before I tell you what it is, and no backing out!” she said pointing a finger in my face. “Fine fine I swear what is it?” I asked while rolling my eyes. “Why don't we go to the run along party at my pack tomorrow night for our first shift!? It will be so fun and you can finally meet my family and pack members, I'm sure Alpha Will won't mind me bringing some friends'' she said with excitement in her eyes. For some reason when I heard Cammy say Will the hair on my neck stood up and I felt chills down my back, it made my stomach flutter with butterflies. “Did you say, Alpha Will? As in the barbarian and ruthless killing machine?” Zach asked with a shocked face. “Yup, the very one but trust me he isn't like any of those rumours, and I’m the beta’s daughter so I can ask him for you guys to come, he is pretty cool I swear, I just thought that maybe Zari would like a change of scenery for once in her life so she wouldn't have her father breathing down her neck about how ‘she should shift right, or she should shift more like her mother’ Blah blah blah boring, boring,” Cammy said adding quotations with her fingers. She was right. I have always wondered what it would be like to be out of pack lands. The closest thing I have to being out of my pack is high school, but that's only because it's on neutral ground, all packs are welcomed. But to be honest I was a little scared of going. Cammy's is from the Black Fang pack, my father has always said they live like barbarians with no care in the world, that they only care about killing, but something was telling me it wasn't like that at all, I mean maybe it's because Cammy is nothing like that or maybe it is something else telling me that but I just can't put my finger on it. Something in me was telling me to go to Black Fang pack. Zach started saying “Cammy I don’t think that’s a good id-” “we will do it!” I said with a determined look on my face cutting him off. “Geeee this is so exciting I can't wait! You will love it, I promise! Meet me at the end of your pack’s border at the old oak tree tomorrow at 7 and don’t be late! We will only have an hour to drive. The moon will be at its peak at 9!” she yelled over her shoulder as she rushed off. “Zari, I don’t think this is a good idea babe, I mean how are you even going to get out of the house? Let alone out of the border?” Zach asked with a concerned face. “Don't worry, I have a plan,” I said as I pulled him to the gym for graduation. The long day went by, graduation was finally over and I started to head home in Zach's car. “Hey, what's your plan to get out of the border? I hope it's a good one because I don't want your father yelling at me too” Zach said with worry in his voice. “Don’t worry I’m just going to tell dad that I want some ‘alone’ time with you while we shift for the first time, to see if we really are fated. He will understand because he loves you and he won't want the entire palace to see me naked while I strip to shift anyways, ‘it's not ‘proper’ to be in the nude around other people'' I said with a low voice trying to sound like my father. As Zach pulled into the yard of my palace he looked in my eyes and said “Zari speaking of your father loving me... I just wanted to say that... I lov-” “well I should be going, I told dad that I would study the stupid royal history, I’ll see you tomorrow night okay?” I said cutting him off. “Oh, uhh, okay I guess, I'll see you tomorrow,” he said with a depressed voice. I knew what he was going to say, I just didn't want him to say it yet because I don't want to get his hopes up, I mean, what if we aren't even fated to each other? I don't want to have such high hopes for something that hasn't happened yet. Plus, I don't even know if I do love him or not, I mean yeah we have known each other our whole lives and I love him as my best friend, I just know that is not the kind of love he wants in return. As I lay in bed all I could think about was the name Will. When I would say it out loud I would start to feel a warm sensation between my legs. I got up and locked the door to make sure I had privacy, I laid on my bed and pulled the covers over me and reached my right hand down my pants, and slowly started to rub my clit over my panties, I started to say the name Will over and over again, just picturing what he would look like. The more I thought about him and said his name the faster I rubbed, but I felt like that wasn’t enough, I wanted more, I needed more. I snaked my hand under my panties and slowly rubbed my clit and started thinking of who is this Will? How does he look? Maybe he is tall with a perfect body. I sure hope he would have amazing eyes. I put my other hand under my underwear to get my finger wet, ‘man how am I really this wet just by saying his name?’ I thought to myself. I got my finger wet enough and slowly put it in my entrance I started to go in and out with my finger until my lower abdomen started to heat up. I knew I wanted more. So I entered a second finger and started to go faster in and out while rubbing my clit with my other hand and the pressure in my lower abdomen started to build up more, so I entered a third finger slowly adjusting to the tightness and wetness, I curved my fingers a little to hit the nice spot until the hot pressure in my abdomen finally released sending me over the edge while I screamed his name at the top of my lungs. ‘Man whoever this Will guy is, must be amazing if just his name made me so wet’ I thought to myself as I drifted asleep. Zach “Zari speaking of your father loving me... I just wanted to say that... I lov-” “well I should be going, I told dad that I would study the stupid royal history, I’ll see you tomorrow night okay?” Zari said cutting me off. “Oh, uhh, okay I guess I'll see you tomorrow,” I said with a disappointing sound. I wondered why she cut me off before I said what I've been wanting to say for a while now, she must have known what I was going to say right? Maybe she just wanted to wait to see if we are fated mates, but even if we aren't fated mates I'll still love her no matter what, she is everything I've ever wanted. She is a perfect beauty with her short curly brown hair and her pale porcelain skin. Every time I look into her golden eyes I get lost for words, she is short but has the best curves I’ve ever seen in a wolf and is fit for being a princess. I can see her shyness, and her incredible humour, she is my best friend, and I know that she has never felt that she is pretty, but in my eyes, that's all I see, I just hope we are fated to each other or else I don't know what I will do, hopefully, she will agree to be my chosen mate. I guess we will find out tomorrow.

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