Chapter 8: the first date

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The Ruthless Alpha And His Royal Mate Chapter 8: The First Date Zach As I watched a fancy black car drive out of their territory, I could see the passengers window down. I took a quick glance at who was inside to make sure they weren't looking my way. It was Zari!. But who was she with? I know fallwoingn her is probably a bad idea, but I just couldn't help it. I had to know why she was keeping her secrets all of a sudden. I had to know who she was with and where she was going. So I pull out of the forest to make sure to follow them with a bit of distance behind so they don't know they are being followed. We were driving on the road for a bit, until we reached the carnival. Why is she going to the carnival? Maybe she is with Cammy? But that still doesn't explain why she said she wanted alone time, but yet here she is with someone else. I watched them park, making sure to park further aways, but close enough to keep a good watch on her. I see Zari step out of the car. Is she blushing? When I tried to look at who she was with, other cars were blocking my way. I tried to move a little closer to get a good look. ‘HONK’ I almost got hit by a car. After exchanging a few harsh words to the driver here and there, I looked back to the spot I last saw Zari, but she and the mystery person were gone. Great, now i'm going to have one hell of a time trying to track her down. As soon as I paid for my ticket to enter the carnival, I was hoping to use my smeal to sniff her out, but was immediately slapped in the face with all the different smells of funnel cakes, and fried food. And was that throw up? Gross. Okay I'll have to do this the hard way. You could hear chattering from all sorts of people near, with the occasional screaming from the rides, or the loud roars from the tigers. Where do I start? There are so many people around this is going to be way harder than I thought. Maybe I should start at the game area first. I walk along all the different types of games with workers harassing me to play their game. I smell the most amazing smell ever. The smell of honeysuckle with crisp apple. ‘Our mate is near’ Kane said in my head. ‘We don't need whoever that is, we have Zari, let's try to focus on Zari, and if we happen to stumble upon our mate we will just reject them’ I could hear Kane whimper in the distance. ‘ I don't get it, you were all for having Zari as our chosen mate, but now you are suddenly interested in some random girl?’. I don't understand wolves sometimes. ‘Thats because we havent found our true mate stupid’. Man he can be mean sometimes. As I try to ignore the lingering smell of my so-called mate. I move on from the games and head to the freak show. Zari sometimes can be a little weird, I bet she would be there. But at last she was nowhere to be found. Alright ride time. I try to not vomit by the smell of puke wafting in the air near the rides, I look up to the ferris wheel hoping to spot Zari. There she is! But I still can't see who she is with in there! I walk over to the side of the ferris wheel trying to get out of plain sight but still having a few of the people coming out. Great now it stopped, with her directly on the top with whoever she is with. What felt like a century, Zaris' cart finally came to the end. Now i'm going to finally see who she is with!. I see Zari walk out of the cart with a flushed face, her lips swollen, with her head bent down. The person who came out after her made me want to pinch myself to see if I am dreaming or not. It was f*****g Alpha Will from Black Fang pack. Why is she with him anyways?! He is from an enemy pack!. She is also mine!. I almost wanted to pound on Will right then and there, but knowing there were other people around, I decided to hold off for now and keep my distance as I closely follow behind. Zari turned around as if she could sense someone following her, Will looking at her with concern on her face, I quickly used my wolf speed to hide behind a food cart. When I thought the close was clear I peaked my head out and saw Zari shrug her shoulders then look back ahead. What I saw next made my blood boil. I saw Will reaching for her hand, I could see she almost pulled away, but she hesitantly hooked her fingers with his interlocking them. Why is she going out with this Alpha i***t anyways, she is supposed to be with me!. I'm going to get some answers one way or another. Will When I watched the nervous little mate slowly walking out of the house, I pointed to one of my black cars “We're going to take that one,” I said in a proud voice. Hoping having a good car will impress her even a little. I could see she was just playing with her fingers. I quickly darted ahead of her, opening the car door. “Oh thank you, you didn't need to do that.” she shyly blushed. “What kind of date do you think this is? Plus I have to make a good impression, don't I? I said with a grin. “Well you telling me you have to kind of defeat the purpose don't you think?” This time I blushed. She caught me red handed, yes I'm playing an act, but that's because I don't want her to know all of me. The dark parts of me. But hey I still do want to open the door for her, after all this is a date. As I entered my side. I gripped the steering wheel and began to drive off. I didn't even notice how sweaty my palms were, I rubbed them on my pants trying to dry them off. “Are you okay?” she asked with a concerned voice. “Oh yeah i'm umm.. Just nervose. You just kind of intimidate me alittle.” I blush and stare at the road. For an Alpha to admit he is intimidated is big. But she has that effect on me. Sometimes I can catch her blushing, and I want nothing more than to graze her cheek. Her skin looks so smooth and soft. I bet feeling her skin is the greatest feeling ever. I looked down and realized my pants had my bulge pointing up. I try to smoothly cover it up with a quick cough and shift my pants hoping she didn't see. We finally arrived at our destination. I parked the car. I was going to open her door for her but she beat me to it. ‘HONK’ I hear in the background. I try to look over at the commotion. But I decided it probably wasn't important. I paid for our tickets for the carnival, Zari insisted that I didn't need to pay for her, but I refused, there is no way she is paying for anything on this date. I take pride in knowing she can handle herself, but I also like to be the one taking care of her. This was our first date. This is the first time we will have a real chance at getting to know each other. “So where do you want to go first?” I asked her. She put her thumb under chin as she was thinking. Suddenly her face lit up as she had an idea. “How about the freak show? I love weird stuff like that! Stuff that you don't normally get to see. Ooo maybe we will see a two headed pig!” she squealed in excitement. I couldn't help the loving gaze I was giving off. She just looked so cute when she was excited about something. I want to always see her smile, that beautiful smile and make her excited. “So you're into freaky things hmm?” I couldn't help but tease her. “No no no not like that you weirdo, get your mind out of the gutter!” she waved her hands in her face trying to block her blush forming. I loved that I made her blush. “Hey you're the one that likes to look at weirdos!” I pointed out. “Yeah so maybe you should be in the freak show then.” she grinded “ouch she has comebacks? I am hurt.” I played. “All though, are you admitting you like to stare at me?” I caught her red handed. “No you buffoon that's not what I- just shut up” she crossed her arms under her breasts of embarrassment. The freakshow was just as expected, weird people being able to swallow swords, pierce their skin, I gagged at that. A woman with a beard. And they even had a two headed pig. I couldn't help but smile as Zari squealed with excitement. “Would you like to go to the games next?”. I asked her. “Sure only if you win me a huge teddy bear.” She ran up to one of the booths that had one of the biggest teddy bears ive ever seen. It was a throwing game. They gave you a sack to throw at cones and you had to knock them all out to get the super prizes. I was determined. If my mate wanted the biggest teddy bear I was going to get it for her. At my 3 failed attempts I was starting to feel my pride hurt. “Here let me try, I'm a pretty good shot”. She pushed me aside and I waved my hands in the air to let her try. She got it on her first try. Alright now my pride is hurt. Who the hell is this crazy ass woman? Why is she so good at everything!. “Since you didn't win me the teddy bear, I guess I got it for you then.” she giggled and tossed the huge bear over to me, almost knocking me down in the process by its size. Man the girl winning the guy a stuffed animal? Was I really that bad at throwing the damn sack?. Her voice shook me out of my thoughts. “Would you like to go on the ferris wheel?”. She blushed while asking. “Sure that sounds great!” I bursted out. I may have said that little too excitedly. This was it, this was the alone time that we can sit down and finally get to talk, one to one. Not worrying about who is around us. When we entered our cart for the ferris wheel. I sat in front of her, our knees touching, due to my long legs. But I didn't mind. I loved the way sparks send shivers down my spine from our contact. I'm sure she could feel the same. I could see her playing with her fingers. I could tell she does that alot, especially when she is nervous or has something on her mind. “What's on your mind?” I asked. “What makes you say I have something on my mind?” she asked with a confused look. I pointed to her hands that were still messing with her fingers. “I just notice that when you play with your fingers, it's usually because you have something on your mind or you are nervous, maybe both?”. “Oh yeah well I am nervous for one. And I just can't help but wonder how you are all okay with me being your mate. I mean our packs are at war with each other. We come from two different worlds.” she looked to her feet. I leaned forward, and raised her chin to meet my eyes, happily loving the sparks I felt as I touched her face. I looked deep into her eyes. Almost getting lost I studied her face, she was blushing so much when she met my eyes. When I remembered what to tell her. “The reason why I don't have a problem with it is because the moongodded paired us together for a reason right? I mean sure she must know about the war between our packs, but maybe she paired us together to bring the packs together, to find peace within our lands. It can't always just be violence. Surely once you become queen, we can think of a way to merge our packs.” she was biting her lip so hard im surprised she didn't bleed. She was talking in what I was saying. Maybe that will put a little perspective on how I see it. I looked out the cart window and I hadn't even realized we stopped at the tallest point of the ferris wheel. “The view is amazing”. I looked at her gazing out the window. She looked at me and met my eyes. I couldn't help myself. I leaned into her face and lightly planted my lips on hers. She shrieked at the sudden impact but quickly relaxed and I began to tease her bottom lip wanting the entrance to deepen the kiss. To my surprise she granted it. I took all I could get. I was so lost in the lustful kiss I hadn't realized we came to a stop for us to get out. We both reluctantly pulled away, with flushed faces and swollen lips. We quickly got out of the cart. She tried not to meet my eyes. But I couldn't help but stare at her. Was she finally accepting me?. She suddenly stopped and turned around with a worried face. “Is everything okay?” I asked. “Yeah everything is fine” she shrugged her shoulders and turned back ahead. Alright this is my chance to see if she has started to accept me. I slowly reached my hand out to meet hers. She almost pulled away from the shocks. But she quickly recovered and locked her fingers within mine. I took that as a win. Zari During the car ride to the carnival , I couldn't help but blush at Will's large plug in his pants that he so desperately tried to hide. Do I give that kind of effect to him too? I quickly shook out of my dirty thoughts when we arrived at the carnival. We went to the freak show which I was thrilled about. I love seeing interesting things. Especially the two headed pig. But when we entered the game area I couldn't help but give a smug look at the tough alpha who can't even win an easy game. Just to hurt his pride a bit more. I even gave him the teddy bear I won. But during the ferris wheel was the most awkward part of our day. Feeling the way my skin electrified as our knees touched, sent shivers down my spin. I can't help but play with my fingers. Being a princess I'm not allowed to speak my mind at all times, not that it always stops me. But I just do it out of habit now. Until Will called me out on it. He could see right through me. And that's what scared me the most. I didn't want him to see the scared pathetic princess that feels like she can't ever do anything right. Or ever be good enough. I mean what I told him is actually what I thought. How can we be together? My father will never allow it!. I get what he is saying though about when I become queen. But I cant rule without a king, since my father never had a son, I have to marry someone to fill that role. And my father will disown me if I ever think of letting him take the throne. I can tell Will is a great Alpha though. All his pack members love him and look up to him. I'm sure he would make a great king. That's probably why the moon goddess matched us together anyways. When he said we could bring peace upon the lands I couldn't help but think back to the legend my father was talking about. What if Will is what leads me to bring peace upon the lands. I just don't know how my father will ever allow it, they have totally different views on how to rule. I have different views on how to rule than my father also. But of course it wouldn't matter what I say because I would be a queen not a king. I hate how the queen doesn't have equal say. But maybe I could change that. Will so far is nothing like what my father and the palace has said about him. He seems like he can be every bit as nervous as me. I mean sure he can be cocky and it makes me want to punch that handsome smirk right off his face sometimes, but just because he rules differently than my father doesn't make him a barbarian. I can't help but feel a little jealous at how much his pack respects him. I mean don't get me wrong my father is a great ruler, he just rules in an older way, that's why we always but heads. He thinks I should be some damsel in distress, when I want to hold my own. I want to be able to fight by the warriors side and be proud . not studying how to use proper utensils. Everytime Will and I kiss. It's like time stops completely. I couldn't help but get lost in it. I've never kissed anyone like this before. With so much passion. So much need. I wanted more. I needed more. As I said time stops and it was time to already get off the ferris wheel. Did that really just happen? It was so much more passionate than the first kiss. I can't even look him in the eyes right now. I'm so embarrassed. Just as I was knocked out of my thoughts. I felt a burning stare directed behind me. When I turned around. I didn't find anyone staring at me. Maybe I am going crazy. Suddenly I felt sparks on my hand, a bit shocked I almost pulled away but realized it was Will trying to hold my hand. It felt so natural just holding his hand. Even though it was just a small part of our body intertwined I felt safe. And at peace. Am I accepting him? Our bond? Does this mean I want to be his mate? Maybe we can do it in private for now until I know how to tell Zach and my father. I was not looking forward to breaking Zach's heart. But I know I shouldn't play with him like that or Will. telling him how I truly feel and that I found my mate is the right thing to do. Maybe I don't have to tell him who my mate-”let go of my mate you monster!” a low growl erupted from Zach behind us. Just when I thought I could keep one secret.
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