Chapter 4: The Moon Goddess

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The Ruthless Alpha And His Royal Mate Chapter 4: The Moon Goddess Will As I saw the other young wolves start to transform I looked at my mate who was looking around, she then looked back at me one last time before she knelt down on her hands and knees to start shifting. ‘Just wait until you see our mate’ I heard Damen in my head. ‘Why? Is she different?’ I asked but with no answer. Her body began to shake and I couldn't help but feel bad for how much pain she was in. slowly her bones started to break and shift into place of her wolf form. Thin hair started to poke out from her skin, then suddenly you could see glowing gold sparks surrounding her, like she was casting a spell. It was enchanting, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Once they disappeared she looked up to the moon and let out a loud howl that brought everyone to attention. ‘She is a white wolf?!’ I asked Damen, but again no answer. White wolves are extremely rare, there known to be descendants from the moon goddess herself, pure blooded, with special abilities. There hasn't been a white wolf born in 200 years, the last one to be born was the werewolf queen Lily. ‘Is she related to the queen?’ I asked Damen. ‘Yes and she is very powerful, she will make a wonderful luna and queen, she is a little different then the other white wolves before her, she is more powerful’. Damen finally answered me. I couldn't help but stare at her with my jaw dropped. you could feel the surge of power that was radiating off her body. ‘People will be after her, we have to protect her, everyone will want a strong powerful luna and mate like her’ Damen said in my head. ‘Your right on that’. The unmated wolves started to slowly walk towards her like they were hypnotised. Their eyes filled with lust, so I quickly transformed into my wolf and jumped over Zari with a loud roar, to make them back away from what is mine. I then looked over to the boy named Zach and smirked at him. Once everyone knew their place I let out a loud howl to start the run. Zari Once Will let out a loud howl, everyone began to head towards the woods, running at incredible speed. ‘We can outrun them in our sleep’ Shine puffed in my head. As I started to run with the pack I could feel the wind against my fur, I felt so free. I was running so fast that everyone around me looked like a blur, until I felt sparks all along the side of my body and turned my head to the side and noticed Will running along side of me. He let out a little huff and nipped at my ear, wanting to race me. So I went along with it. I ran as fast as my legs would let me. It almost felt like I was hovering off the ground, then I turned my head behind me and noticed no one was around me. So I started to slow down until I came to a complete stop and looked around for any sight of life. Nothing but stillness. The quiet was almost unbearable, then suddenly a twig snapped to my left and I sniffed the air to see who it was. The smell of rotten dirty flesh flowed through my nostrils, I immediately recognized one of the smells as rouges, I took another sniff in the air to try to identify the other smell. ‘Vampires’ Shine growled in my head. I let out a loud howl in hopes someone will hear me and come my way. The dark figure came into the light. He was slightly tall, skinny and scraggly looking, with dirt covering his body, probably to mask his smell. He had dark brown eyes that were filled with curiosity “My my what do we have here? A white wolf? Ohh the boss would love this, what do you say boys? Shall we bring the young white wolf with us to the boss?” the tall figure said. ‘Did he say white wolf? How is that possible? There hasn't been a white wolf born in 200 years!’ I asked Shine. ‘Until now little one’, she said with a determined look on her face. The tall man then looked to his sides as 4 other men stepped out from the shadows. I let out a warning growl to make them back off, but it didn't work. “Don't we have a feisty little one, boss will like that too” he said with a smirk. “Maybe I'll keep you to myself, would you like that?” he said with a laugh. I saw as the other men started to come closer to me while the leader stood behind to watch. I started to nip and growl and the men when they would come close. When one got close enough I bit his hand, and he yanked it back letting out a loud hiss while holding his hand. “Sir I think something is wrong with my hand, she bit it and now it's burning, almost like poison” one of the men said. “Sir my hand is turning black, I think- I think” and suddenly his whole body turned to ashes. ‘Did we do that? What was that?’ I asked Shine. ‘I told you we were special little one’ she answered. “Hmm, this is interesting boss would love to know about you, I wonder what else you can do. Men grab her and meet me back at the pack” the leader said while walking away. The others had fear in their eyes as they hesitantly started to get closer to me. As they got closer to me I heard a loud roar booming through the sky. Quickly the large black wolf jumped out from the woods and ran next to me. ‘Mate is here!’ I heard Shine say. Will wasted no time into lunging at one of the 3 wolves. Ripping off one of their heads, as he turned around to lunge at the other, one jumped on his back trying to bite his neck. I quickly ran towards Will and lunged at the wolf that was on him and bit the wolf. turning him into ashes. As Will finished off the other wolf, he licked his snout and mouth clean and walked towards me. He nuzzled his snout in the crook of my neck inhaling my scent to calm him down. He pointed his snout in a direction telling me to follow him. As we arrived back at the pack house I quickly got dressed as fast as I could, I got yanked behind a tree. I looked into those piercing blue eyes, filled with worry. “Are you okay? Do you know those people? I'm sorry I wasnt there in time, I got there as quickly as I could when I heard you call, I should have added more patrols.” Will said in a panic. “Ohh umm im fine, I could have handled myself you know, I don't need protection.” I said and shrugged out of his hold, feeling the cold wind hit my skin. “Listen ba- I mean Zari, no lone wolf can protect themselves against rogues let alone vampires. I have never seen them work together before, this is serious. So stop playing the tough girl act and tell me how you turn them into ashes?” he said while crossing his arms. “Look, I don't know how I did it, I bit one and then suddenly he turned into ashes, I've never been able to do that before, so stop interrogating me. And so you know I wasn't playing the tough girl act, I could have handled it.” I said and rolled my eyes. “Yeah sure whatever you say princess” he said with a laugh. “Wait, how did you-” “I saw your fur, there hasn't been a white wolf born since the late queen, so I put two and two together.” he said, cutting me off. “Oh I assume you want me to go then” I said while looking down. “I mean yeah you should, knowing our packs are at war together, but I don't want you too. We just met and I want to get to know you more.” he said while bringing his hands under my chin to lift my head up to stare into his eyes. I looked into his eyes filled with pride and lust. I never thought that my fated mate would make me feel so nervous , but also free at the same time. Feeling his rough fingers under my chin, sending sparks throughout my body. I subconsciously shut my eyes, enjoying the sparks traveling to my lower stomach. Not even realizing leaning into his touch. As I opened my eyes I could see his face inches from mine. His soft full lips close enough to feel his breath. ‘Is he going to kiss me?’ I asked myself. A part of me wants him to, but then the other part of me is scared. Father will never let me be with him as I shut my eyes as tight as I can waiting for the impact of our lips, I started to think about Zach. “Oh my god! Zach, I forgot about Zach!” I yanked my head out of his hold. How could I forget about Zach? He is probably worried sick about me. “Is now the best time to think of another guy?” Will said as he let out a sigh tugging at his hair. “ As a matter of fact yes, I came here with him today, and he is my boyfriend whether you like it or not.” I said while putting my hands on my hips. “For now you mean,” he said with a smirk. “You have no control over who I date, so keep your comments to yourself.” I yelled. “As a matter of fact I do, you are my mate and I am yours, whatever you do with other wolves I will feel, as you would also. Who are you to deny the moon goddess gift?” he said with one eyebrow arched. “You said you wanted to get to know me more, well here is one thing you need to know. I. do. Not. like. To be. Controlled!” I screamed at him with my finger so close to his face. He stood there with that jerky smirk of his, suddenly he grabbed my hip with one hand while putting his other behind my head, and dipped me down while passionately smashing his lips to mine. I first tried to fight his hold on me, but when our lips crashed together I couldn't help feeling how soft his lips were. Tasting coffee and mint had Shine in my head purring. I could latch onto these lips all day if that were possible. I started to feel my lower stomach heat up, knowing what was coming next, I started to feel my wetness dripping through my underwear. He slightly broke the kiss to sniff my arousal in the air. I slowly opened my eyes, only to find him staring at me with his eyes filled with lust lowly growling in the back of his throat. “You really are the most beautiful woman I have ever met.” he whispered in my ear. Making me blush. He started leaning his head back down to kiss me again, until I heard footsteps coming our way. I quickly shoved him off and tried to fix myself the best I could, hearing him growl at the loss of our lip contact. “Zari there you are! I've been looking for you, I heard your howl but when I got there all I smelled was blood, I was worried about you” Zach said while reaching for me to hug me. I heard Will slightly growl at Zach trying to hug me. I slightly moved away so Zach couldn't hug me or else he would smell Will on me. “I'm fine , I really am, Alpha Will saved me just in time, so don't worry.” I said while looking down ashamed because I am not ready to tell him all the details. me being able to turn people to ash, or that Will and I are mates. “Oh um okay, are you ready to go? I'm sure if we don't get back soon, your father will have my head.” he said with a chuckle. “Sure we can go just let me say goodbye and thank you to Alpha Will.” I said with a blush. “Okay just meet me at the car when you are ready.” he said and leaned in to kiss me on my cheek. He slightly tensed when his face got close to mine. I could hear Will growl at Zach kissing me, Zach quickly looked at Will and smirked, and headed the other direction back to the car.
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