Chapter three: Sparks

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The Ruthless Alpha And His Royal Mate Chapter 3: Sparks Zari “This can't be possible. Can it?” I told myself. ‘It is possible, human, now go back to mate’ Shine said to me. ‘We can't be fated to a ruthless killer! The Golden Crown pack and the Black Fang pack are at war with each other, how can we even be together? What will father do if he finds out? Or Zach?’. Oh my god I forgot about Zach! What do I tell him? Do I even tell him? I asked myself. ‘It's almost time for me to show myself young one, now we must go back,’ Shine said with a smile. ‘Your probably right I should go back before they think I'm losing my mind even more’ I said to her. As I turned around from the tree, I felt strong hands pushing my back against the tree, and immediately felt the sparks running all along my shoulders and up to my neck. “Why did you run away mate? Are you rejecting me because you have a boyfriend?” I heard a low voice say. I looked up and saw alpha Will staring into my eyes. “Alpha Will, what are you doing over here? What will the others say if they see us together?” I asked him and saw worry in his eyes. “I don't care what other people think, I'll ask again, are you rejecting us?” he asked as his brows frowned. I heard Shine whine in my head when he asked if we were rejecting him. “No! I mean I don't know yet, I don't know what to think or feel, I mean I don't even know you, all i've heard is the rumors about you and your pack being ruthless killers and barbarians, i've also heard you have quite a past with the she wolves, so by the sounds of it, you don't even need me!” I said with a pouty voice with a hint of jealousy , wait am I jealous?. “I can only imagine what you have heard about me and my pack, but just know I am ashamed of my past, and we are not ruthless killers we only kill when we need to, to survive, and the barbarian part? I haven't heard that one before, but I can assure you we live as free as we can here and if that makes us barbarians then so be it, but everyone is happy here. Please don't reject us, I've waited 4 years to find my mate. I only slept with other wolves because I never thought I would find my mate. If I could take it back I would, but please before you decide if you want to reject us, at least get to know me first and the pack so I can show you we aren't what those rumors are talking about”. He begged me, wait a minute, alpha begging? That can't be? Especially the ruthless alpha Will. I could tell he was being sincere with his voice, and desperately wanted me to accept him. “uhh , I guess I can get to know you and the pack better, but you have a month to prove you aren't ruthless killers, then I will make up my mind on what to do”. I said to him. His face immediately lit up and he had a big smile. His smile was nice and warm and comforting. I looked into his eyes and they shined with happiness, then I noticed he was still touching me while he was shirtless. My eyes trailed down to his v line above his shorts and started to feel my lower abdomen start to heat up. I started to feel my underwear get wet and I could see his nostrils flare as he sniffed the air and his eyes kept turning from blue to black like he was trying to fight off his wolf from coming out. Then his eyes turned a dark blue filled with lust. I looked back down to his shorts and saw the huge bulge, I gasped slightly out loud thinking in my head how that will ever fit in me if we ever mated. “Like what you see little mate?” he said with a chuckle. “Uhh we should probably get back, it's almost time to shift” I said as my cheeks blushed bright red. “You're so cute when you blush, I can't wait to see your beautiful wolf” he whispered in my ear. I quickly brushed his hands off me and heard Shine whine in my head as the coldness hit me longing for his touch. As we headed back to the pack alpha Will stayed behind the first shifters line keeping his eyes on me the whole time. I blushed slightly and went to stand by Zach and Cammy, and noticed Will frowned his eyebrows when I stood next to Zach. “hey is everything okay? Are you feeling better?” Zach asked with concern in his voice. “I'm sure it's just the first shift jitters right Zari?” Cammy said with a smirk. Do you think she saw me with Alpha Will?. “Yeah you're probably right” I said and looked down ashamed. “Alright Black Fang pack, and visitors, we shall begin the first shift ceremony, if I could ask you to begin and strip down to allow the moon's light to touch your skin so we can begin” Alpha Will boomed in a loud voice. I started to look around at the other first shifters, quickly stripping down until they were in their birthday suits, and started to feel shy as my face blushed. “I did say everyone…” Alpha said in a smirky voice. I looked back and saw his eyes were on me the whole time. “What are you waiting for Z? Don't you want to shift?” Zach asked with an excited voice. I started to pull the dress over my head, leaving me in only my lacy bra and underwear and I saw Zach staring at me with curiosity. I looked at Cammy and she was already naked, so I unhooked my bra and dropped it aside and pulled my underwear down and quickly covered my chest with my arm and hand while covering my front with my other hand and blushed. When I turned my head I noticed Will staring at me with aww in his eyes. I then looked at Zach and saw his member was sticking up, seeing me naked for the first time must have excited him. “Alright everyone we shall begin, don't fight your wolf, just let it take control, the longer you fight it the longer it will hurt, but I promise you, it will not always hurt” Alpha Will boomed in his alpha voice, and looked towards me. I looked behind me and I saw Will start to strip with the rest of us. I looked at his large member sticking up and immediately blushed, then I noticed the other unmated she wolves gawking at him and giggling like little school girls blushing. I can't blame them, he is really attractive and his member was enormous. Will As I watched my beautiful mate undress I couldn't help but picture all the different ways I would mate with her, under the moon, my hands traveling every curve on her body with the light shining on us, hearing her call out my name and wanting more. I looked down and myself and saw my member was sticking right up for everyone to see. I should probably stop thinking that before some she wolves come running my way. I only want my mate now, she was pure perfection, made by the moon goddess herself just for me. I was staring at my mate blushing and covering herself so no one can see to much, I noticed that boy friend of hers was gawking at her and started to feel a rush of anger rise , but I put it back down because now is not the time to start a fist fight, he probably doesn't know that his girlfriend is mated to me, I don't know what I would do in his situation. I looked up at the moon and saw it was at its peak, I was now finally going to see my mates wolf for the first time. Zari As I looked up at the moon and saw it shining down on me I heard Shine in my head howling. ‘It's time young one, don't fight it, let's be free’ she said in my head. I looked at everyone around me, most were starting the transformation already, some were fighting it because of the pain but soon let it go and fur grew over their whole body some fangs were poking out. I saw Cammy get on all fours and start to shake until I heard her howl in pain and then a sudden rush of fur appeared over her whole body, you could hear her bones snap and form into a wolf. Her wolf had dark brown hair. It was about medium sized, it fit her I could tell that was Cammy. I looked to my left and saw Zach in his wolf form already jumping around waiting for me to shift. I knelt down on my hands and feet, and started to feel a burning sensation over my whole body until it was almost unbearable. I felt my bones shift into place and hair poking every inch of my body, until I let out a loud howl and opened my eyes. I could see more clearly it looked almost day time but it was still night. I could even hear more clearly every bone of every person breaking and shedding into their wolf. I looked around and saw everyone staring at me, some with shocked faces and some with amazement . I looked in Will's direction and his jaw dropped. ‘Why is everyone staring at us? Are we hidouse?’ I asked Shine in my head. ‘No little one we are special , people have never seen a wolf as us in person before, not for a long time’ she said in a proud voice. I looked at Zach in his dirty blond wolf form just staring at me with fascination in his green blue eyes. I looked around once more and saw unmated wolves start to flock my direction with lust in their eyes, until I heard a loud growl, a large shadow jumped over me. I opened my eyes and saw what must be the biggest wolf I've ever seen in front of me before. His fur was as dark as night, you could almost not see him if it weren't for his glowing blue eyes filled with anger, growling at every wolf that came my direction. ‘Mate is beautiful’ I heard Shine in my head ‘yeah his wolf is really beautiful’ I said in surprise . I looked away towards Zach with anger in his eyes, seeing Will protect me and not that he must be hurting him, I should probably tell him, I just don't know how. Zach As I watched Zari start to strip down I couldn't help but get excited. I've never seen her naked before, she had the most curvy body i've ever seen with pale porcelain skin. I knelt down on all fours and began my transition, feeling a burning sensation all along my body. My bones began to form and break, before I knew it I was in my wolf form, I jumped up and down looking to show Zari my wolf, waiting for her to do the same. ‘She is not our mate’ I heard in my head. ‘Who is this?’ I asked the voice. ‘I am your wolf Kane, she is beautiful but she is not our mate sadly’. ‘I don't care if she is not my fated mate, we will be each other's chosen mate, I just need to talk to her’ I said. ‘Whatever you say, human’ he said back to me. I sat down waiting for Zari to start her transformation . she knelt down on her hands and knees and her body began to shake, I could hear her bones snapping and I started to see her body transform into her wolf, her body started to have hair poking out from her skin. ‘Wait is she what I think she is?’ I asked Kane. ‘Yes she is very powerful, we should make her ours before anyone else so we can grow to be powerful!’ he said with determination. As I heard her howl at the moon, gold sparks began to swarm around her like magic. She then opened her eyes and they were a glowing gold color and her snout black. I could see she was worried because everyone was staring at her. I saw unmated males start to come up to her with lust in their eyes wanting her, I was about to step in before I heard a loud roar and a dark figure jumped out of nowhere in front of her snarling at the males to back off. I looked into his glowing blue eyes as they landed on me, it looked like his wolf was smirking at us. I felt disappointed in myself for not getting to her before him. If I could only get some alone time with her I could talk to her.
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