Chapter two: As The Moon Rises

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The Ruthless Alpha And His Royal Mate Chapter 2: As the moon rises Zari ‘Knock on the door’ “ugh can't I ever just sleep in?” I yelled at whoever knocked on the door. “Zari it's your father, can you please open the door so we can speak?” my father asked. I got up off of my bed and opened the door and there stood my perfectly groomed father staring down on me because I looked like I had a rats nest on my head from my bed head. “Why are you looking at me like that? Maybe if you let me sleep in for once in my life I can't actually get around and get dressed to look more ‘proper'’' I said with an attitude . My father shook his head and began to say “Zari I just wanted to talk to you about your first shift, there is a lot we have to discuss before you shift, things I haven't told you about your mother yet that I think you should know because it might happen to you” he said with a concern look in his eyes. “Can it wait till later? I'm still half asleep, can you ever just say hello first? Or how about maybe a happy birthday?! It's always I need you to be more like your mother, or your mother always did this or that not this or that, I get it, you want me to be more like mom but Ive never met her! So how can I be like someone I don't even know?! You know what, forget it, whatever you have to say can wait till tomorrow. I don't want what is supposed to be the most important day in my life spoiled about who I should be rather than who I am!” I yelled at my fathers shocked looking face. For some reason I feel more irritable and angry today like a surge of power is overwhelming me making me irritated and unable to hold in what I usually want to say to my father but don't say due to respect. “I see your wolf is already starting to pop out. Very well I shall come in later to talk to you” my father said as he turned around to start heading out. All of a sudden I felt a little guilty for yelling at my father. “Dad wait im sorry for lashing out at you, I just get so tired of hearing i'm not enough in your eyes, sometimes I feel like I cant have any free will in who I am or who I want to be, listen we can talk tomorrow after I shift because I need to get around to leave for later, I want to be alone with Zach while we shift to see if we are fated mates, we have waited so long to find out we want some alone time, plus I don't think you want the whole kingdom seeing me naked when I shift do you?” I said to my father. “I suppose you're right but like I said what happened to your mother when she first shift might happen to you, if you don't want answers now then at least when you shift just be very careful and tell Zach to keep a close eye on you while you are out for your run, I don't want others to see your wolf form yet until we know what we are dealing with, because if it is anything like your mothers and I hope not for your sake, then people are going to be after your so please be careful okay” he asked with concern in his eyes. “I will thank you” I said and gave him a kiss on his cheek. “Also happy birthday Zari” he said while walking away. As I looked at the clock it was almost time to meet Cammy at the old oak tree, so I quickly looked in my closet and found a dark green dress that had a heart shaped neckline with gold flowers on the bottom with a ball gown style to it, I quickly hopped in the shower and hopped out and slipped the dress on and went to the mirror. I decided that since today is a very special day I wanted to add a little more makeup then I usually do. I added a little black eyeshadow to give the shadow eye look and added eyeliner and put on a little blush to add color to my pale skin and even added a little red lipstick. After I checked myself out one last time before I headed out of the palace looking around for anyone who might see where I am going, when I thought it was safe enough I climbed the tall bushy wall and landed on my feet, which surprised me usually I'm a bit clumsy. As I headed into the forest I heard a twig snap behind me, I quickly turned around and punched whatever it was. When I felt a hard bone connected to my lift I looked up and saw it was Zach. “Zach, I'm so sorry I thought you were a rogue or something!” I said with a worried voice. He started to massage his jaw. “Man you have a killer punch I would hate to be in a fight with you.” he said with a laugh. “So do you feel anything yet? Do you think we are fated mates?” he asked with a concern in his voice. “No I don't feel anything yet but hey maybe that will change when we shift, then we will know for sure” I said with aptamisum in my voice. “Hey about that , I was meaning to talk to you about if we aren't fated mates, I was wondering if you would still be my-” “There you two are! I've been waiting forever! We still have an hour drive ahead of us so come on get to it, the moon isn't going to wait for ever you know!” Cammy said with an attitude “Yes sir!-I mean yes mame!” I said back to her while she rolled her eyes. “Man, I can't ever finish one sentence when I'm with either one of you can I” Zach said with a laugh. “No there is no time for the fated mate stuff yada yada yada we have to go!” Cammy said as an order. The car ride was pretty short, Cammy's gabbering about her pack made the time go by pretty fast. Before we knew it we entered Black Fang pack. All around you couldn't see anything more than a thick forest until we reached tall black looking doors, with white wolves painted on them. As the doors opened it revealed hundreds of people laughing together in little shops all along the side with delicious smelling food with fairy lights all strung up above them. little children playing together with no care in the world. All the buildings were huge with white wolves painted everywhere and moon lanterns hanging, people seemed to be having a good time just laughing and drinking together. As we got out the car Cammy said to us “Oh hey I wouldn't be telling too many people you are from the Golden Crown pack, just in case, some of the people around here aren't a big fan of the royals” “Then why insist on us coming here ?!” Zach yelled at her. “I wanted to have a good time with my two best friends duh” she said with a smirk. “Camilla Mary, are you just going to stand there or are you going to come and introduce your friends?” a lady with brown hair and brown eyes with long legs that looked like the spitting image of Cammy yelled. “I'm guessing that's your mom?” I asked Cammy. “Yeah follow me guys” Cammy said while leading the way “after you ‘Camilla’” Zach said with a laugh as Cammy rolled her eyes. “Mom this is Zari and Zach there from uhhh… the Blue Moon pack yeah the Blue Moon pack” she said with a confused voice. “How is it that you always talk about them but yet you seem to almost forget what pack they are from? Cammy May you better not be lying!” Cammy's mother said with a furious look on her face, then her face soffend when she looked towards us. “Don't mind Camilla she takes too much after her father, my name is Lola but you can call me Mom if you would like, it feels like i've already known you for years since Camilla never shuts up about you two” she laughed off. “Hey I do have ‘other’ friends that I talk about also you know” Cammy said while pouting. “Well aren't you guys gonna run up to the first shifters and get ready?” Lola asked us. “Oh yes mame we were just heading that way” Zach said with a shaky voice. “Mame?! What am I 50?” Lola said with a shocked face but laughed right after. “Mom you are literally like 200 years old” Cammy said rolling her eyes. “Just because werewolves can live forever doesn't mean they age every year! I still look 23 thank you very much” Lola said in a matter of fact voice. “Whatever you say mom, come on guys let's head to the first shifters corner before there isn't any room” Cammy laughed off. “It was nice meeting you Lola. I hope to see you again”. I said to her as I turned away. Lola seemed just like Cammy, I kinda enved Cammy for having such a funny mom. As we started to head to the first shifters corner I took a sniff of the air and the most amazing scent hit me , it smelled of fresh rain in the forest and freshly cut grass, it was so intoxicating it was making me drool and my lower abdomen hot just by the smell. “What's that smell?” I asked Cammy. “I dont know what you are talking about, maybe it's food or something,” she said with a shrug. ‘Mate’ I heard in my head. “Did you say something?” I asked Cammy. “No, I think you are going crazy, “ she laughed. ‘Mate’ I heard again this time it was louder. ‘Mate is here’ I heard again. ‘Who is this?’ I asked in my head. ‘I am you wolf, now go find mate!’ my wolf yelled in my head. ‘Are you talking about Zach, is he our mate?’ I asked ‘no mate is better and more handsome and powerful, go find mate!’ she yelled in my head once more, ‘well if i'm going to listen to anything you say you bossy wolf, would you mind telling me your name?’ ‘my name is shine’ she said to me in a proud voice. ‘Well it's nice to meet you Shine, now who and where is our mate?’ I asked her. ‘Mate is near, just look into his eyes and you will know’ she said to me. ‘Well that's easy for you to say there are a hundred gu-’ I was about to say until a tall man with dark brown hair slightly spiked to the side came in front of us. ‘Mate mate mate!’ I heard Shine yell in my head. I looked into his deep blue eyes and he looked into mine. I immediately felt the connection swarming my body wanting to be near him. I was so locked into his eyes that I didn't even notice he was shirtless. As I stared down his godlike body noticing his shorts were hanging low and you could see his v line I looked back up to his face, and stared at the chiseled features on his face, he had a shard law line that could cut diamonds , and high cheekbones. Then I started to feel my lower abdomen start to heat up and he sniffed the air smelling my arousal. Then we just stood there locking eyes. I thought I almost heard him mutter the word ‘mine’ but no one said anything. “Oh hey guys this is alpha Will , alpha Will meet my friend Zari and her boyfriend Zach” cammy said looking proud. As soon as I heard his name I started to feel hot all over my body. When Cammy said Zach was my boyfriend I could see him stiffen a little and his eyes grew dark black like his wolf was wanting to come out, but he shook his head and snapped back to reality. “It's nice to meet you Zach,” Will said, shaking his hand while keeping eyes on me. “And it's nice to meet you Zari” he said and placed his hand out for me to shake. I slowly lifted my hand to his and felt immediate sparks just as our skin began to meet. I pulled away real fast and started to feel hot. “Would you guys excuse me for a moment? I'm not feeling too well ``I said and quickly turned around, and Zach caught my hand and asked “you okay would you like me to come with you?” as soon as he asked that alpha Will let out a loud growl that made Zach suddenly let go of me. His roar was so dominant it almost made me want to bow down to it, which is hard to do to a royal. I quickly ran towards the woods and leant on a tree trying to catch my breath. Will As a flock of newly turned 18 year olds she wolves were bombarding me with hopes of being fated to me. I heard my wolf damen say ‘mate’ in my head. I sniffed the air and an overwhelming smell of honey and sunshine came wafting my way. ‘Wait what mate? I thought we wouldn't have a fated mate? I've waited 4 years and nothing, now you're telling me I actually have one?’ I asked him ‘yes go find mate, she is looking for you’ he started to point in a direction. ‘s**t so your telling me I should of wated to have s*x after all? I only started sleeping with other women because I thought I wouldnt have a mate, what if she rejects us when she finds out?’ I asked him ‘mate will understand, go find mate’ he said again and pointed towards the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She looked like the goddess herself was sent down from the moon. She had short brown curly hair with porcelain pale skin and had the most amazing golden eyes i've ever seen, actually i've never seen golden eyes before so this was new to me. She was short but fit like she could hold her own, and had the best smile, a smile that can make any bad day, good just by looking at it. Suddenly our eyes connected, and my heart started thumping in my chest. Then I felt a surge of power pulling me towards her, until I found myself right in front of her, when her eyes began to trail my body I could smell her arousal , I wanted to take her right then and there I muttered the word ‘mine’ and didn't even know it until I said it. “ “Oh hey guys this is alpha Will , alpha Will meet my friend Zari and her boyfriend Zach” Zari that's the most beautiful name i've ever heard- wait did she just say boyfriend?. I started to feel my wolf wanting to get out ‘let me kill him! No one can have our mate but us!’ Damen said. So I pushed him back into my mind and reached out to shake their hands. As soon as our skin came into contact I felt sparks start to ride down my entire body. Then suddenly Zari pulled her hand back quickly with a curious look on her face. “Would you guys excuse me for a moment? I'm not feeling too well’ my beautiful mate said. The so-called boyfriend caught her hand and asked “you okay would you like me to come with you?” As soon as I saw him touching her I couldn't keep my wolf at bay and I yelled out a loud roar that made the boy friend suddenly let go of my mate. I was too angry to realize that my beautiful mate already ran off. ‘You scared mate, now mate doesn't want us’ Damen whined in my head. ‘Calm down we will find her and talk to her and see if she will accept us’ I said to comfort him, but really I was concerned myself.
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