Perfect Life

1410 Words
Chapter 9 - Past   Taking advantage of the free life she now had, Maria loved every second she spent with her lover, unable to imagine what her life would be like without him. Sometimes she missed home, but those feelings were not enough to make her go back when she lay down beside him at night. Every second was even more special for the young woman. She loved to be at her beloved's side without having to worry about annoying people disturbing them.   ... Of course, some nights could be more difficult than others when the money ran out or when the only thing covering their heads was the starry sky, but she didn't regret anything, and that was a perfect life for her...   Runaway with Silvio probably had been one of the best decisions she had ever made.   ... Or at least, that's what her young mind thought...   Returning from another night of fun, Ria was still dancing to a song that was playing only in her drunken mind while her boyfriend held her waist, trying to open their room door.   ... His motor coordination wasn't helping at all amid his also drunk state...   After about 15 minutes of fighting against the lock, the couple finally managed to get in, and the boy soon dropped his girlfriend on the bed before falling beside her, making the girl laugh. It might not make any sense to anyone else, but for their drunk minds, that was somehow funny enough for even Silvio to join her amidst her giggling. Still laughing, their eyes met, and in that second, it was as if everything had changed, even the vibe of the room before she kissed him in a quick peck.   ... However, it wasn't enough for couples who burned with the fire of passion and desire...   Soon his hands were back around her waist, pulling her close as his lips connected in another kiss even caliente, hotter than the first one.   ... Fingers quickly removing the clothes between them before directly touching each other bare skin...   Once more, the young woman laughed, but this time, anyone in love would be able to understand her laughter as she looked into her lover's eyes, ensuring that he had the same feelings as she did without any word. "Te quiero." She spoke to him while holding his face before kissing him again, and that was enough to make the man smile before telling her that he loved her too. Laying her back on the bed to taste that strong love they had for each other through the night, making Ria feel like she was living a real fairy tale...       ... But like a broken clock, some things cannot be fixed...       What initially was just alcohol soon started to be other stronger things when meeting with people of their age at ballads or shows. Maria didn't like that despite having tried it a few times. However, the same couldn't be said about Silvio, who now always had something in his pocket. Their fun was no longer something they could enjoy together, and there were many occasions that he started to leave her in the room to enjoy alone with his... Friends? The young man didn't want to know about anything, as usual, living freely and wildly were the only important things in his vocabulary while Ria... She was slowly starting to get tired of that lifestyle that they led more and more as her nineteenth birthday was getting closer.   ... He had promised that he would take her to see Niagara Falls this year, but they were yet so far from there that it would be impossible to arrive in time for the celebration...   No longer having the same smile as before, she randomly wiggled her fingers in the bathtub water with her right hand while her left arm hugged her legs, preventing her from thinking too much about everything... Preventing her from questioning the life she had now. She was alone in her room that evening after Silvio went out for drinks with some guys he met at the bar the night before, and basically, that was all he did in the past few weeks, taking with him all the money they had worked so hard for.   ... Even the pennies that she hid with the dirty clothes he had found too...   But despite everything, Ria still loving him, and like this, another year went away... And the couple's relationship continued to deteriorate, denying any positive thoughts that the young woman had those things would become better in the future. Silvio's habits didn't help that much either, and more and more, he just wanted to gamble, drinks, and do other things when they arrived in a new town, no longer searching for part-time jobs that they always used to have for daily expenses and emergencies when they were on the road.   ... And on those nights, as much as she didn't want to admit it, Maria wanted to swallow her pride and return home...   Yet, she was too stubborn for that.   Without stopping, time continued to go away, and the seasons changed with it when they arrived in a new city on an autumn afternoon. The place was hidden in the middle of the woods, and it reminded a lot of those small towns that anyone could see in a movie or read in a book, so it cheered her up since there were not many things that someone could do there. She hoped that maybe it would help Silvio to be the same boy she started dating when they were fourteen, that he would be the same guy she ran away with again.   ... But sometimes, not all wishes can be fulfilled...   He soon found where the parties took place in that small city in the middle of nowhere, and to Ria's sadness, drugs were not the only things that interested him now... There was a girl. A woman with snow-white skin, brown like almonds hair, and blue like sapphire eyes that he would always look for when he was in there, not caring if his lover was with him or not. It was as if she had hypnotized him and he could only talk about her, even when he was alone with Maria, and that didn't please the young Latina lady at all...   "SHUT UP!" In a strong voice, he ordered, tired of hearing her when his girlfriend decided to share her frustrations with him. "What the heck is going on with you?! You're so annoying now!" This was the first time he yelled at her like that despite everything, and Ria had no idea how she could react to it, so she just remained in silence while he was the one complaining this time. "Really? What's going on with you? Estás empezando a habla como su madre." Telling him that she was beginning to act like her mother in Spanish, and that shocked, even more, the girl who never imagined she would be compared to her. "I already told you, there is nothing between us. She is just a friend." "A friend..." Speaking again, that was the only word she managed to whisper. "Really? If she's really her friend, THEN WHY THE HELL WERE YOU KISSING HER NECK!?" She knew he was lying to her more than usual lately, yet she was there when it happened, and knowing that it was really a lie was the worst part of everything.   ... Soon, the discussion between them grew even more with things being thrown around the room and furniture being knocked over the floor in between the couple's fight...   ... Short of breath, Ria had no idea when he had held her against the bed while a sharp pain ran through her body, making her voice disappear before their eyes met again. His lips were red as a rose while her blood dripped from them, and she had no idea what had happened as it slowly started to become dark around her, leaving only the image of him before her as she spoke another lie to herself...       ... That she didn't want to see him never again...        ... That she would never fall in love again.
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