Chapter 12: A little truth

1988 Words
Charlie's POV The walk back to my house was far worse than i ever expected it to be. I'm starting to think that i might be getting myself in quite the pickle. It's way too quiet for me to have imagined that kiss. Well, almost kiss. He was leaning into me, and i found myself doing the same. I'm not sure what came over me. Lucky for us, Eddie came in before anything could happen that we might regret. Im just going to blame it on spontaneity and do everything in power to make sure it doesn't happen again. I could do without the awkward silence part. My hair was a mess, and I looked less flattering than I did when I left home. I'm sure if my mother is awake, she will have a few choice words. I think she may have a few more choices words over my two male escorts. We came upon my house, and my mother was sitting on her rocker outside. She was in her pajamas and practically shouted. "Oh, thank goodness you're okay. I was about to send your brothers and father after you." I swear my mother is such a worry wart. "Mom, I'm literally five minutes past curfew." She got a good look at me. "Why is your hair wet? Mathew, where on earth is your shirt?" Yeah, I really didn't think this through. "We went swimming, and I borrowed Matt's shirt. mom, you really need to relax. " I swear she was biting her tongue. "Good night, young alpha and beta. I've got my daughter from here. Thank you for getting her home safely." Matt almost looked scared of my mother. "Of course, Mrs. Wilcox. It was no problem." I've never seen two boys take off faster than those two. I flipped Eddie and Matt off from behind my back and heard them both laughing as they ran away. Which only gained me a glare from my mother. My mom grabbed the bridge of her nose. "Just get inside, Charlotte. " She didn't have to tell me twice. I bolted towards the stairs. My mom shouted from behind me. "Charlotte Anne Wilcox, stop right there!" Damn it. So close. I turned around to face her. "Yes, mother?" She crossed her arms. "One, cut the attitude, and two, what on earth is going on with you and those boys?" "Those boys?" I couldn't help but laugh. "You know what I mean. Is there something going on between Eddie or even Mathew?" I laughed again. "No, mom. We are just friends." She looked so confused. "Since when are you friends with them? Eddie, of course. I knew you two were polite to each other. I just had no idea you three were becoming close." She was seriously starting to irratate me. "Why does it matter, mom? Is there an issue with me being friends with them?" She looked a little panicked. "No, no, of course not. But are they actually only wanting to be friends with you, or are they wanting something more? I saw the way they were looking at you at dinner. It was like you hung the moon. All I'm saying is that you should be really careful, Charlotte. They are best friends. You don't want to be the one responsible for coming in between two friends." It was getting harder and harder to remain calm. "Mom, that is not what I'm doing." She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe not intentionally. Trust me when i say i understand that hormones come into play here, but it is truly the safer option to just wait for your mate. Boy's like that can go back on their promises." I started to walk away. I think mostly because i didn't want to end up yelling at her for things she has no idea about, and then it dawned on me. "You talk like you know from experience. Do you care to share? You've been pressing me for information, yet you lie and hold things back from us kids." She looked taken back. "I do what I have to in order to protect my family. My whole family." The way that she said that made it seem like it wasn't just us kids and my dad. I hated that she was holding so much back. I fully believe now more than ever that Adam is onto something. "Mom, i know you're hiding something. Just tell me anything at this point. How about we start with why you are so worried that something is going on between Eddie or Matt?" She looked up the stairs and around the house. "How about we take it outside?" I followed her outside. It's not like I had much of a choice if i wanted some answers. She sat down on her usual rocker, and I sat down on the one next to it. I waited patiently for her to start the conversation. I knew whatever she had to say couldn't be easy. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of my moms rocker hitting the deck and the crickets chirping. "Your father can't know what we're discussing or your brothers for that matter. I think what i have to share would be best to stay between us. I just think it will help you with whatever is going on between you, Eddie, and Matt. Even if you claim that nothing is going on, the boys might feel differently." I started rocking in my own chair. "Okay, i can do that, mom." She took a long, steady breath. "I can't tell you everything, not yet anyway. I hope you can understand that and are willing to trust me." I nodded, and she continued. "Your grandmother, my mother, worked very closely with my packs, luna. I guess you could call her an assistant in a way. Because of that, i was around all of the ranked children nearly every day, and we became close, especially to the alpha's son. Many hated it, and i was often teased and bullied because i was only an omega. They didn't like the idea of the alpha's son giving me so much attention. But when i was around Ben, no one dared to do it in his presence. He was my protecter along with my best friend Amber...... and Myles." It was weird hearing my mother talk about my grandmother and people from her old pack. She never brought it up, and I mean NEVER. She seemed to be getting worked up mentioning Amber and Myles. I actually felt kind of bad that i basically pressured her into talking to me about some of this stuff. But i guess i know now that i look like my moms best friend, which is kind of odd. "Ben and I started dating at a very young age. He was two years older than me, and i thought the world of him. I fell head over heels, you could say. He never made me feel different when i hadn't gotten my wolf. He promised me the world, and we thought we were fated mates, and if we weren't, i truly thought we would have been chosen. I almost gave him everything, and i am so glad that i didn't because when he left for Alpha school, he basically ghosted me. There wasn't a phone call or even a letter. My heart was shattered. I was so confused, but ultimately, i knew there was a possibility of him finding his fated mate there or finding someone better. I was only an omega, after all." I could hear so much hurt as she talked about this, and i felt extremely guilty now. She put her head down. "I was such a mess. It's truly embarrassing to talk about. The bullying had picked up, and I was becoming very depressed. I put myself in this bubble and woulnd't let anyone in. I was shy and excluded myself. It took Amber and well your dad to get me out of my shell. With time, they both brought out this side of me that i didn't know existed. You see, your dad was one of Ben's best friends, and while Ben was gone at alpha school, he and i fell so deeply in love. It's more than i ever felt possible. He knew things about me that no one else did. We ended up getting pregnant with your brothers before i was even marked....But the time came, and Ben returned. I should have known, and i think part of me did.......Ben was my fated mate. He came back with a female alpha that he was taking as a chosen mate, and I was pregnant by one of his best friends." Im not sure what i was more in shock about. I was like a fish out of water. She bit her lip hard. "It was a f*****g mess for a long time. You see, Ben did want me, but because i wasn't an alpha or of ranked blood, he could never take me as his luna. His father was very against it, and i didn't want that kind of love. Your dad wasn't ashamed of me. He openly loved every part of me, so we became chosen mates and marked each other. But it didn't stop the toll it put on your father and Bens friendship, and i blamed myself so much for that." I couldn't believe my mom just swore in front of me or was even telling me any of this. I would have never guessed any of this. She's always been a stickler for rules and fated mates. It was actually nice to know this side of her. The none perfect side. She turned in her chair to face me. "Unless you know for sure that one of them is your mate, maybe it's best to keep them as only friends as much as possible. You don't want to feel the guilt of becoming between friends. It puts a strain on it that even time can't fully heal. They are the future of our pack they have to be close and get along. What if you fall for one and end up being fated to the other. It will be the most confusing and heart-wrenching feeling." I grabbed her hand. "I understand. I actuallu feel like i understand you a little more. I'm sorry you lost your best friend and your fated mate. I can tell you care deeply about them." My mother was crying. "You have no idea how much. I miss them. The truth is I haven't felt like myself in a really long time. Like im forever missing a piece. Dont get me wrong, you kids and your dad are my world, and i love my life with you four, but i lost a lot of family and friends that felt like family. Sometimes, it can be lonely. There's times I feel like I need my best friends and I can't even call." It was weird to see my mother so vulnerable. I had no idea how much pain she lived through every day. I saw her in a different light. She gave me a hug. "Why dont you head to bed. I just need a moment to myself if that's okay?" I hugged her back. "Of course, mom. I just want you to know that i really do want to wait for my mate. I won't be the person that comes in between Eddie and Matt." I headed to my room with even more guilt hanging on my shoulders. I didn't exactly lie to her. Matt and I never kissed. But i definitely felt something for him. I just have to make sure it never happens again because my mother is right. If we don't end up being mates or im mated to Eddie instead, things could get really ugly.
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