
Trusting My First Love


This story stars Lily and Myles daughter as the main character. It picks up where the Alpha Witch ended.

Charlotte Wilcox(Cooper) has spent her whole life as omega. It wasn't something Charlie felt was a bad thing. She was strong and confident, and with her fiery red hair, she was a force to reckon with. She took after a certain aunt that she didn't know existed.

Charlie's older brother Adam was more curious and questioned their life more than her and her other brother Aiden did. He was smart, and when things didn't add up, he liked to investigate until he found the truth. What he wasn't expecting was to find out that everything his parents told him was all a huge lie. They had family and life outside of the pack he grew up in. The feelings of never feeling like he belonged all made sense to him now. That's why when the opportunity came available to meet up with someone from his past life who knew the truth, he took it.

Now Lily must see someone from her past whether she is ready or not, and the truth will come spiraling out. A truth that may break the trust between her and her kids. How will Lily cope with reliving her own mother's life? The only difference is that she had her mate keeping her a float all these years.

Charlie didn't know her whole life was about to change over a secret that was meant to keep her safe. A secret she quickly learned was more of a curse than anything else. A curse that forced her family into hiding.

Now, with the truth coming out and Charlie finding her mate, she feels like she has to make a choice to leave the only pack and family she knows or go back to where she truly belongs with family that she thought was dead her whole life and become the person she never wanted to be. Little did she know the person who would u understand her situation the most was her very own mother.

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Chapter 1: Annie
Charlie's POV My name is Charlotte Wilcox, but everyone calls me Charlie. Except for my brother Aiden. For whatever reason, he calls me Annie. Anne is my middle name. I'm not sure when it started, but for as long as I can remember, he's always called me Annie. I've lived a simple life. One I absolutely love. My mom is an omega and mostly stays at home. She claims it's because my brothers and I are a handful. Which is pretty accurate. My dad, however, is a complete and total bad ass and my idol. He's the head warrior here and has mad respect from nearly everyone. He trains me in secret. For whatever reason, our Alpha doesn't let the females train with the men. We get basic training that doesn't really challenge us. My dad thinks it's horse s**t and dangerous for the pack. He believes all members who are able to train should. It makes the pack weak because all the warriors would be distracted from wanting to protect their mates who are unable to do so properly. So he's made sure to train me in private. He wants me to be able to defend myself, and let's just say I definitely can much to my mothers disappointment. I don't think she's mad that I know how to fight. I think she's mad because I use it for the wrong reasons. Well, what she thinks is considered wrong reasons. My twin older brothers are Aiden and Adam. Adam is what Aiden and I call the golden child. He's a super nerd and has never gotten in any sort of trouble. He mostly stays to himself. He has one friend named Terry. She is good for him. She keeps him on his toes and makes him more approachable to others. Aiden, well Aiden is a man w***e. There is no other way to put it. Our Alphas son is in my grade. Which left my brother to be the hot shot of his grade. He was always the best at any sport, and he had a way of making any lady weak in the knees. He was tall and muscular, and I could see why girls would find him attractive. He takes a few classes at the nearest college and studies under my dad. He wants to be the head trainer when my dad decides to retire. Our family was very blessed in the looks department. I know it ticks a lot of people off here. They all believe that omegas shouldn't be more attractive than the ranked members. But the truth is my mother is by far the prettiest women in the pack, and everyone knows it. I think that's why she stays home so much. Even though she's marked, the men here still think it's okay to hit on her. Then there's me. I'm not an outcast exactly, but I don't fit in either. My confidence and looks tend to scare people away. I spent a few years being bullied with me biting my tongue in response. I was sick of the ranked members treating me like s**t because of their title. I got to the point where biting my tongue was no longer an option for me. I knew there would be consequences. I just got to a point where I didn't really give a s**t anymore. The Alphas son, Mathew never bullied me. He just treated me like I didn't exist. Like I wasn't good enough to be on his radar. Even when his family would invite us for dinner, he would ignore me, but he had no problem talking to my brothers. He was an ass and made me feel like I was beneath him, and I guess I was. Ezra, the gammas son, was a little too overly friendly with me. He's one of the few guys who has the courage to actually hit on me. I always turn him down mostly because he's a player. It is, however, flattering to be hit on. I'm seventeen and have never been on a date. I never considered myself ugly by any means. I knew I had to be somewhat attractive. I do look a lot like my mom. But for whatever reason, only Ezra and a few others have asked me out, and the others who did ask me out always take it back. It's weird. The betas son, Eddie, was always kind to me if we happen to be in the same room. We've talked a few times. He is at least a decent human and didn't ignore me for no given reason. He's also really close with my dad. They do extra training together all the time. Out of all the ranked members, Eddie will have to be the most liked in my eyes. I think it's because he's not a player and generally a good person. Sophie is the betas daughter, and Sally is the gammas daughter. Those two bitches hang out with Zia and Lana who are warriors daughters. Their dads happen to be good friends with my dad, and they often try to get us all to hang out. I, however, would rather stab myself in the eye, and I've made that very clear. Here lately, the torment has been mostly about me not getting my wolf yet. It's not uncommon for an omega to get their wolf late, and they make sure to make me feel like dirt for it. They try to find anything they can to bring me down. Most days, it doesn't work. I have my moments where it does. Im not completely immune to it. I'm sitting on the passenger side of my best friend Braya's car. We have a half day at school today, and then most of the school is hitting the beach. I'm ready for the break. No, I'm ready for the sand between my toes. We spent the drive to school playing oldies. My mom hates it when I call them that. She feels 90s music shouldn't be considered oldies just yet. Braya and I know every backstreet boys song by heart, and we sing them loudly with no shame. Our moods instantly changed when we pulled up to the school. Neither one of us wanted to be here. It was no surprise to see Eddie, Matt, Ezra, and a few warriors on one side of the hallway and Sofie, Sally, Zia, and Lana on the other side oogling at the guys like they were starving and craving a piece of meat. In this case, the meat was the ranked members. Sofie, the beta daughter, wanted Matt and Sally the gammas daughter, wanted Eddie. Braya and I, however, managed to get dirty looks from both sides. All besides Eddie. he was smiling at me and gave me a small head nod. I smiled and waved, which instantly pissed Sally off. I'm sure I will pay for that later. I doubt it will be too bad. She knows I can kick her ass. To make matters worse, I felt someone put their arm around my shoulders. When I looked up, Eddie was smiling down at me. His chocolate brown eyes and his pearly white teeth were making it so hard not to find him attractive. All of the ranked members were attractive, and the worst part was they knew it. Eddie, at least, didn't flaunt it like Matt and Ezra did. Eddie was humble. I felt it was a good quality to have. It felt weird when he took a piece of my red hair and tucked it behind my ear. He never touches me like this. I wasn't sure what to think of it. "So, are you going to the beach with the rest of the school?" I patted my beach bag. "Yup, we will be there." "Well, the boys and I are planning a volleyball match against some Richmond boys if you want to watch. It will be a good game. Basically ranked members against another pack's ranked members. " I rolled my eyes. "So basically, you're playing a game of whose got the bigger c**k? " Braya snorted next to me and tried to cover it up with a cough. It made me have to try to fight back my own laugh. Eddie seemed a little taken back. I think he was more shocked to hear me talking like that. "Yeah, I really hope there won't be any comparing of that..... But I know what you meant and for the record there's no competition. I have the biggest cock." Okay now i was blushing. He walked away. "See you later, Annie." I flipped him off. No one besides Aiden was allowed to call me that. Braya grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the bathroom. "What was that? Are you and Eddie a thing? He was totally flirting with you back there." I shook my head. "No, we're civil. He's not a d**k like the other ranked members. Plus, he's close with my dad. He was only being nice to me because of him. You know how respected my dad is." She gave me a look like she didn't quite believe a word I said. "Whatever you have to tell yourself."

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