Chapter 13: Trying to help

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Adam's POV I heard my sister and my mom fighting from upstairs. When i heard the front door shut, i snuck downstairs and sat on the ground by an open window near the deck of our front porch. Shocked, stunned, and forever frozen in place, all described what i was feeling right now after bascially easdropping on my mother and sister. When my sister came back inside and walked right past me without even noticing, i knew she was stuck in her own thoughts. I was just about to follow her up when i stopped myself when i heard our moms quiet sobs. I leaned back against the window and listened to her cry. I could tell it was getting hard for her to breathe. Part of me thoguht i should go get my dad but then i would have to explain why i was down here in the first place nd my mother may have to explain the conversation with Charlotte that she made clear that she wanted to keep between them and I didn't want to do that to her. Especially since she was trying to open up to us. We'll, Charlotte. Her mentioining Amber, Ben and Myles made me question the possibilty of them being alive like Conner. What if it was all a lie? What if all our family and our old back are still alive? Hearing about someone from our old life was shocking. My mother and dad are always so careful by not mentioning anyone by names. Hell, this is the most i've ever heard about them. Im starting to realize that there are obvious reasons for it. I just dont know what it is just yet. Her sniffle and her choked up voice brought me to what is right in front of me. "Hey, it's me. I know i shouldn't be calling. I just miss you all so much." She broke out into a full-blown sob. I hated how much this was eating at me. My mom was clearly in a great deal amount of pain. Im starting to think that maybe all the lies and secrets weren't fully her idea or maybe what she truly wanted. Maybe she did all of this to protect us. " Her whole family," like she mentioned before. Maybe she meant Conner and all the people she mentioned today as well. Her weak, chocked up voice spoke again. "I know i shouldn't have called... .Yes, yes, i know how dangerous it is. I've just had a really bad day, and i needed to hear one of your voices.....No Myles doesn't know. I don't want to upset him. He's actually pretty happy here." Myles? Wait, could Myles be my dad?? Are they lying about our names as well. I felt the urge to vomit. She was silent for a moment besides her small sniffles. "I know Landyn. I know im calling too much. I'm just not okay.... I know it might not be for too much longer. I just really needed to hear from you guys. Maybe i could teleport in?" Who the hell is Landyn and what the f**k does she mean teleport? Is my mom a witch? She started crying again. "Okay, i understand it's not safe right now. Yes, I'll wait for you to call instead." Now, it felt like she was trying to hold her sobs back. Her voice was different. "I know. I love you too. Bye." As soon as i heard her phone slam down on the chair and her sobs pick up so painfully loud, i wanted nothing more but to go out to comfort her. I heard some movememnt upstairs and knew it must be my dad. I took off running for the stairs and straight for my bedroom. I moved as fast as humanly possible without making too much noise. I heard the front door open and close from my bedroom. I even heard her come up the stairs and shut the door to her and my dads bedroom. But what I didn't hear was her sobs. It seemed that she had gotten herself together. It made me wonder how many days she goes on like nothing is wrong, but is actually in a great deal amount of pain in the inside, and what a burden that must be. I waited a few minutes to make sure she was going to stay in her room before i snuck back down the stairs and out the front door. Out of all the information i was just hit with, the only thing that i was concerned about was hearing my mom cry. I hated it more than all the lies and secrets. I would do anything for her not to be in pain. I walked a little ways into the words before i hit call by his saved number. His voice was deep and raspy. I could tell by how low his voice was that i had clearly woke him up. "Adam, is everything okay? I thought i was pretty clear about calling." I gulped. I was actually nervous to talk to him again. "You were. It's just that i think my mom just got off the phone with someone from your pack, and she's really upset. She was crying before she called .I think she really misses you guys and someone by the name of Amber? I didn't know if maybe there was a way for my mom to see her? My mom is hurting Conner. More than i ever knew." There was a long moment of silence. It was so long that i actually had to check my phone to make sure it was connected. I heard him finally sigh. "I will see what i can do. Just make sure she is at that dress shop you mentioned. Can you do that?" I spoke a little too eagerly. "Yeah, i can do that." He sighed again. "Adam, i know you meant well by calling, but i dont know how to be any more clear to you that you have to stop calling. You're putting lives at risk by doing so. I know you are worried about your mom, but she is the strongest woman i have ever met. A few tears are literally nothing for her. As much as that pains me to say. Your mother is unbelievable in every good way possible. I just need you to trust me and your parents. It won't be like this forever. I just really need you to stop calling. If you truly want to help, just be there for your mom." I felt slightly embarrassed and fascinated about what he was saying about my mom. "I understand, sir." "Oh and Adam?" "Uh, yeah?" "I hope to see you at the dress shop. Now, dont call again." He hung abrubtly so i couldn't get another word in. I had so much more to say, but i know i should just be happy that he agreed to go to the dress shop and possibly will be bringing Amber. I know it will mean a lot to my mom. Now, i just have to find a way to crash on my mom and my sisters girls' day. That part might be the hardest thing out of all of this.
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