Chapter 11: Into the water

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Eddie's POV Matt and I were both in deep s**t. I think he and I can both agree to that. I swam with her hand locked into mine. She had a death grip on it, and I was practically pulling her through the whole damn thing. The thing that Matt and I can silently agree the most on was that Matt made the right move by tossing Charlie his t-shirt first. In the moment, I was beating myself up that I wasn't quick enough to toss mine to her first. Now I'm thinking that's the best damn thing that could have happened tonight. She came out of the water drenched in Matt's black T-shirt. It clung to her body like another skin. My shirt was white, and if she had worn it, Matt and I would have seen everything, and I think I might have died and gone to heaven right then and there. Things were getting confusing. Way too damn confusing. I was finding myself getting attached to her the more time I spent with her. I wanted to protect her. At the beach, out in the woods and even in this damn cave. She didn't exactly need my protection, but I still felt this weird need to do it. The problem is that I think Matt is feeling the exact same way. Charlie kept looking around with a strange look on her face. "Wait a minute, how did you guys get dry towels and radio in here?" Matt and I were both trying not to laugh. Matt pointed. "Through the exit over there." Oh boy. She was looking pissed. "There is an exit? As in another way in here?? " I was biting my lip so hard from laughing. "We just wanted you to have the full experience we do it to all newcomers. We were at least nice enough not to have other waiting on the other side." She crossed her arms in a pouting manner. "I hate you guys. So others I take it are normally in their swimsuits when they come? We would look like a bunch of idiots hanging out in our underwear." I couldn't help myself. "You're not wearing any underwear, so technically, Matt and I would be the only idiots in underwear." She flipped me off. "I seriously hate you guys." She stepped closer to the swimming hole. I watched her climb in and sit on the edge. "So why does everyone hang out here? I mean, it's cool looking. It's just not very big. What started it? I just feel like this is really random." Matt climbed in and swam out until the water was to his chest. "Guys used to bring girls out here to hook up, and a few guys brought way too many girls out here and and girls talk. They would come out in groups to catch whatever guy they were seeing. I'm not sure when it turned into a whole hangout thing, but there's people out here every weekend. Not so much during the week unless we're on some sort of school break." She shook her head. "Why doesn't this surprise me?.... You know one of you two goons is going to go around and get my jumper, right? I can't go home like this, and I really should be heading back soon. I don't think you two want to deal with my pissed off dad and brothers if I'm too late." I was the only one who wasn't in the water, so I offered. "I'll go get your outfit, princess." She stuck her tongue out at me and gave me a disgusted look. "I rather you call me Annie or red than princess." I eagerly accepted. "I can handle that, Annie." Charlie was kicking her feet back and forth on the edge when I left to get her outfit. When I came back, she was fully in the water, with Matt holding onto both sides of her face. They both panicked and pulled abruptly away when they heard me. They were trying to play it off like nothing happened. I'm not exactly sure what I saw, but it was definitely something. Matt's POV Eddie left to get Charlie's outfit, which meant i had about fifteen or so minutes to talk to her. I didn't have my hopes high that she would open up to me. I guess i mostly just wanted to know if she had any clue what was going on with her or maybe had an idea. I swam closer to her. The way she bit her bottom lip told me that she was getting nervous. I just wasn't sure if it was because i was getting closer to her and we were completely alone for the first time ever or if it was because she knew i had questions and i couldn't possibly let this go. I mean, how could I? I am an alpha, and I'm worried about the safety of our pack if she is more than just a wolfless omega like we all thought. I was close enough that if i wanted to, i could reach out and touch her. She was practically squirming against the edge and wouldn't look me in the eyes. I kept moving my head in the direction of her eyes so it would force her to look at me. "Do you have any idea what's going on? Why on earth would your eyes turn lavender and fricken glow? Do you have any ideas?" She gulped nervously. "I really have no idea. To be honest, I'm trying not to think about it. I'm afraid of what i will find out if I do put too much thought into it.....What if i learn that my parents know the truth and they have just been lying to me all these years. What will that do to my family? What if I'm some sort of freak?" I felt really bad for bringing it up now. I didn't think about her side of it. She looked so scared. I have never seen Charlotte Wilcox ever look scared of anything in her life. But this, this scared her. I leaned it closer and cupped her cheek with my hand. All I wanted to do was make her feel safe. "It's okay to be scared of the unknown... Avoiding it isn't the answer either. I don't know why your eyes glowed purple, but let's face it and be realistic. It happened once, and there's a good chance it will happen again. It might be easier to understand why that is. Dont you think?" She leaned into my touch on instinct. "You're probably right. What if it changes who I am. I'm happy here. I'm happy with my life.....I think Adam might know what s going on. Him and my mom have been fighting, and I've been hearing things. I think she know may know the truth. There has to be a reason why she's hid things all of this time and what if it's a damn good one. Knowing the truth may do more damage than it does good. I just need time to process this, and i really need you to promise to let this go before I'm ready....I promise I'll tell you if they glow again, okay?" Her eyes were tear filled now. I moved even closer. There was only an inch separating our bodies. I'm not sure what came over me. I never put any thought into it. I grabbed her by her hip with my other hand and pulled her into the water with me off the edge. Her body was pressed against mine. Her breathing became uneven and was matching mine. My one hand was still cupping her face. I moved it slowly to the back of her neck and tangled my fingers through her thick hair. Her eyes were looking into mine with what i think was desire. At least that's what I hope it was because i was feeling it too. I watched her eyes change from the icy blue to lavender in color. They weren't glowing like they did before, but they weren't changing back this time. I cupped my other hand on her face. I wanted to kiss her. Actually, I was going to kiss her, and i would have if we both hadn't heard Eddie coming back. She pushed me back with her hand on my chest and proceeded to act like nothing had just happened..... The problem is that somehin definitely is happening. I watched her blink a few times, and her lavender eyes went back to the icy blues ones. As much as I love her eyes, I think I might love the lavender ones more.
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