Chapter 14: Pull

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Charlie's POV I laid in bed far past breakfast. It was kind of weird that no one came in to check on me. Normally, my mother would be up here and lecturing me to get out of bed and to quit being lazy. Apparently, not today. I forced myself to get out of the most comfortable spot ever. My hair was a knotted mess, and i really didn't want to bother getting dressed just yet. I just pulled on my robe over my tank and underwear and headed downstairs. I didn't even bother tieing it because my brothers and dad would be long gone by now to go train. As soon as i hit the stairs, it felt like something was off. It wasn't until i reached the bottom that i finally figured out why. "Uh, shouldn't you two be at training? Why are you at my house? No, why are you in my house? Where's my mother?" I was trying to pat my birds nest of hair down. This was so humilating. Eddie started to laugh. "You should probably be more worried about us seeing your hello kitty underwear than your messy hair." I looked down abrubtly and quickly pulled my robe closed and tied it tightly. Eddie was still laughing. Where Matt looked more annoyed than anything. I glared at Eddie, who was still laughing hysterically in my dispense. I flipped him off. "So where is my mom?" Matt cleared his throat. "She let us in before she left. She said she had to run to town and that you should be up any time. She offered us to wait here, but that was over an hour ago." I felt really stupidly shocked. "She let you two wait here alone with me just uptairs?" Eddie nodded. "I know. I was just as shocked as you are. She didn't seem like herself this morning." The guilt hit me hard. I couldn't help but wonder if it was because of me. I changed the subject quickly. "Why did you guys wait for me so long to get up? Is there something wrong?" Matt shook his head. "We just wanted to check on you after last night and wanted to make sure you didn't get into too much trouble." "No, everything's good." Matt stood up from our couch. "Did you want to go back to the beach with us? I promise there will be no volleyball played and you can bring your friend if you'd like?" I wasn't sure if going to the beach with them was a smart choice after the conversation I had just had with my mother. "I'm really not up to going anywhere today. Sorry...." Matt actually looked hurt. Maybe I'm complicating things already. Which only made me worry that much more. "Okay, no problem. Before we go, i wanted to tell you that Sophie and Sally won't say anything. There to busy moving the schools dance to our pack. Apparently, it's turning into a multi pack thing." "Oh well, that's good, i think?" Matt wouldn't look me in the eye. "Well, not means Damon will be here." I sighed out in frustration. "Of course he will be." There was a long awkard silence amongst us all. Eddie finally spoke. "Have you gotten your dress yet?" I was kind of shocked he was asking. I didn't think guys cared about those sort of things? "Uh, no. I'm going shopping with my mom and Braya next weekend. Why?" Eddie looked to be blushing now. "Was just curious to see what you would have picked out. Your outfit last night was surprising." I wasn't sure what to do with that. Was it bad or good? I'm not even sure why I care or why it matters. I just couldn't stop myself from asking. "Why was that so surprising?" Eddie had an "Oh s**t" look on his face. I found the way he was stuttering amusing. Eddie was usually way more confident than this. "Well, you usually.. well you dress....You dont usually dress so fancy at dinner." I could tell that's not the first thing that came into his mind when i asked why. I picked up on what he actually meant by it. I just couldn't help myself from teasing him a bit. "Fancy?" He was starting to stutter again when Matt saved his dumb ass much to my disappointment. "You usually dress way more modest at dinners and at school. You swimsuit and the black outfit last night that was actually fitting and showed off more than what we are used to. It wasn't a bad thing. You always look beautiful. Your outfit just made you look that much more flattering." I titled my head in confusion. It was like he grew two heads or something. This isn't the side of Matt that I'm used to. The Matt i witnessed yesterday morning versus this one is night and day difference. Normally, i would get a glare or one word answers, and he would most definitely have never come to my house unless it was done by force. Yet I couldn't help but blush over him, giving me a compliment. "Oh, thanks. I've actually had that outfit for a while." All of us were just standing around and baking in the awful awkward tension. Eddie started to head towards the door. "Well, i guess we better get going. I'm glad to see that you're okay. I guess we'll see you at school on monday." "Yeah, I'll see you guys on monday." Matt was quiet and giving off a weird vibe like he really didn't want to go. He gave me a small wave before heading out the door with Eddie. Once they were gone, i poured myself a cup of coffee and plopped down on one of the bar stool at our kitchen island. I only managed to get a few sips in when i heard a knock at the door. I opened it only to see Matt standing on the other side. "I thought you were going to the beach?" He had his hands in his jeans pockets and shrugged his shoulders. "I changed my mind." Why did i feel like he changed his mind because i wasn't going. "Why's that?" He let out a small sigh. "Because i was hoping you would do something else with me. I'm up for anything." I started to stare at him like he was crazy again. "Why do you want to hang out with me all of sudden? Let's not pretend like you haven't practically ignored me my whole life." He looked almost sad. "I know, and I'm sorry about that. I just thought it was safer to keep my distance from you." I still wasn't understanding. "Safer? What did you think I was going to do to you?" He maintained eye contact with me when he spoke. That's how I knew there had to be some truth in what he was saying. "I always thought you were beautiful. As we got older, I kept feeling this pull towards you. It scared me.... After spending some time with you yesterday, it felt physically painful to be away from you. I know I'm probably sounding crazy and pocessive. That's why I tried to leave with Eddie and let you be. I just couldn't. " I was shocked over what he was saying. "Matt, what does this mean?" "It means yesterday when I leaned in to kiss you, it was something that I dreamed about for a long time. I just always felt like there was something different about you, and when I saw your eyes glow purple, I knew that my gut was right. I don't know what it means yet, and I guess the truth is it doesn't matter. It's not going to change how I feel or this attraction i have for you." I don't know why I asked this. I just felt like I needed to. "Eddie doesn't know you came back here, does he?" He shook his head no. "I told him my dad needed me." I put my head down. It made me think of everything my mother had just said last night. "So you lied to your best friend....Matt, if you have to lie to Eddie about your true intentions with me, then maybe us hanging out isn't a good idea. I don't want to come in between your friendship." He looked angry now. "Did something happen between you and Eddie?" I shook my head back and forth quickly. "No, nothing has happened. I'm more worried about getting involved and then upsetting my mate down the road." He kept moving closer to me. It was like gravity was pushing him my way. He inhaled a deep breath. "You smell like some sort of flower. I can't place it, but there's a hint of something else." I gulped over how close he was. "I use lavender shampoo. Maybe you're smelling that?" He took a step back. "Maybe so." We were staring into each other's eyes when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked over to see my mother giving me a very concerned look.
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