Chapter 6: Need to know

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Charlie's POV We didn't even make it two minutes down the road when Braya was bombarding me with questions. "What the hell was that? I'm telling you one of those boys is your mate. They both were acting so fricken odd. Something is definitely up. Is your face okay?" I rolled my eyes and held onto my swollen cheek. "We both know it's too soon for us to tell. I'm not even eighteen yet. Let alone nineteen. It's still a long way away to be feeling any sort of bond." Braya sighed. "I'm telling you I'm right about this. You will see." The rest of the car ride was quiet. I just had so much going on in my head. I couldn't help but wonder if Braya might be eight. What if Eddie or Matt is my mate. Would i be happy being a ranked member? Especially a wolfless one? I wasn't sure what the hell I was going to tell my dad or my brothers for that matter. They would instantly get the alpha involved if they knew Damon did this to me. I didn't want to be the reason to cause conflicts between packs. Not that they were buddy-buddy, but this would certainly make things more complicated. Plus, i know my brothers would attempt to kick Damon's ass. Especially Aiden. He won't care that he's an alpha's son. My mother was sitting outside, and i wasn't anywhere closer to coming up with a lie. I stepped out of Braya's car, knowing my mother was going to drill me with even more questions than Braya did. By ALOT. My mother stood up abrubtly and dropped her mug full of tea in the process. "You got into another fight? I thought we talked about this? I thought i was very clear about the fighting." She started to pace back and forth and rubbed her temples. "Charlotte, you dont understand how dangerous this can be. You have to be more careful. Be more invinsible. I need you to listen." Adam came out, not looking like himself. "Why is it so dangerous for her to get in a fight? She can handle her own. We all know that, and kids get into fights all the time. I dont see their parents making a big deal about it like you do. So what is it, mother? Why does Charlotte have to be more careful?" Adam and my mother were glaring at each other. I was clearly missing something. I cleared my throat. I was trying to break this crazy tension. "I didn't hit anyone. I was playing volleyball and accidenlty got hit. I didn't do anything, mom." She finally looked at me with shocked expression. "Oh, i saw your face and I...." "And you assumed i started it, right?" She nodded. "I'm sorry. One day, you will understand that I'm only trying to protect you." Adam folded his arms and snorted. I just told myself that whatever was going on between the two of them wasn't my problem. My mother put her head down and looked ashamed of herself. "I have make-up in my room that will cover that up nicely. If you're worried about it. We have dinner with the ranked members. It was a last-minute thing. Your dad just called and let me know right before you showed up." I growled out in frustration. I know Matt and Eddie had to have had something to do with this. They just didn't realize they could make things so much worse if i can't cover up my wound properly. I know the alpha will ask questions. Sure, I can lie about what actually happened, but there is a good chance that stupid Matt and Eddie already told him what happened, and im going to be forced to come clean. Even though it's true that i didn't swing at anyone, my mother still will blame me for provoking it. I pushed through both of them and mumbled out in frustation. "Fricken perfect." I heard whispering behind me, so i stopped for a second to listen. I just couldn't help myself. My mothers voice was low. "Adam, what is going on?" His voice wasn't so hushed tone. "Nothing, it's nothing, mother. Just feel like everyone is keeping secrets." I couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that. Even if i right out and asked him, i dont think he would tell me. Letting it go was the better option. I shouldn't have even listened in the first place. Adam's POV Calling Conner behind my moms back didn't do me any good. Conner would only give very little away, and it was frustrating because it only confirmed that my parents were indeed keeping secrets, and i hated it. I just didn't understand why they lied that everyone from our old pack had died. Her having Conners number only confirmed that not everyone did, and after talking with him, this was far bigger than i ever would have imagined. ***flashback*** "It's Adam, Adam Wilcox." His voice held so much concern. "Adam, do you know exactly who you are calling? Did something happen. Are your mom and dad....Are they okay?" He was making me feel nervous. "There fine. I found your picture hidden and your number on moms phone. I figured out that she's been lying to us. Her and dad both. I'm trying to find the answers. I thought maybe we could meet next weekend. My mom is taking my sister and her best friend to some fancy dress stop here in california. It's supposed to be the biggest in the country or something like that." There was a long pause of silence on the phone. "Did you say California?" "Yeah, i did. Im not sure where you are located. Would it be too far for you to meet me?" He sighed. "Adam, as happy as i am to hear from you, I can't meet with you. I owe it to your parents not to get involved until they want me to. I know this must be frustrating and confusing, but i need you to trust me and let this go. If you look too much into this, it could be a great amount of danger for all of you. Everything we all did was to protect you all. I know this probably doesn't help. Just know you, your brother, your sister, and your parents are all loved. You need to let this go until the time is right. You will know soon enough. So just trust me, okay? Can you do that?" I cleared my throat. "I guess i dont have much of a choice but to trust you. As long as you answer one question?" His voice held more worry and confusion. "Okay?" "How long did you know my parents?" "Your dad and I have known each other our whole lives and your mother since she was about five or so. Adam, i was there when you were born. I know you mean well. But buddy, please, please trust me. We will meet again one day, okay?" "Okay...." "I love you. It was good to hear from you, but dont call again." He hung up before i could say anything else. I didn't know what to think. Do i trust a man i have no memory of meeting? Was my family really in that great amount of danger. What could we possibly have done? My dad is a warrior, and my mom is an omega. Who would want to hurt a nobody? ***End of Flashback*** The more i thought about it today, the angrier I was getting. I felt like maybe we were more than just an omega and warrior family. I couldn't help but wonder if that's why we had all these countless dinners with the ranked members or my dad and brothers insane amount of strength, or Charlottes will not listen to anyone. No matter their rank. She was fearless and witty. What should have given it away was the way my mother rarely shifted, if ever, and she never does it in front of us kids. It doesn't stop the fact that i know she has white wolf. A beautiful white wolf with purple star. I couldn't help confronting her even after Conner told me to let it go. I mean, i didn't full on comfront her just hinted at it by mentioning secrets. I just hated how she was acting to Charlotte. She did it often, and it was all making sense now. I can't help but look into this more. I have to know. I have to know who I am.
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