Chapter 5: Game over

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Charlie's POV I can't believe I agreed to play this stupid game. It's not like he gave me much of a choice. Eddie put me on the spot, and he knows it. He put his arm around me and was practically gloating that he got his way. "Im glad you agreed, Annie. Your spike will surely win us the game." I shrugged his arm off of me. "Call me Annie one more time, and I'm going to spike your face." I heard Matt snort from behind me. I looked back to see that he was holding back a laugh. I couldn't help but wonder if that was because of me? Did I actually make Mathew Calhoun the future alpha laugh? I thought he hated me too much to laugh at any of my jokes. He never has before. I wondered what changed because my spike joke isn't my best work. Eddie put his hands up in surrender. "Fine, fine. I'll quit calling you Annie.... for the entire length of the game." I wasn't kidding about spiking his face. I picked up the volleyball off the ground and spiked it at the back of his head. I heard quite a few gasps and saw way more than a few shocked expressions. I mean, I was kind of shocked myself that I did it. I did warn him. If I was a normal omega, I probably would be too terrified to do such a thing to a rank member. But weirdly, I wasn't. Eddie turned around and was giving me a smirk that made me smile back at him. He wasn't mad at all. He looked highly amused. He started to shake his head back and forth at me slowly. "Did you seriously just do that?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Hey man, I did warn you." He laughed. "Fair enough." He waited for me to catch up, so we were walking arm in arm to the volleyball field. It was only a few feet away. He whispered down at me like he was scared that someone might hear. "I like that you're not scared of me. It's refreshing to have someone be there self around me and treat me like I'm not a ranked member. I don't get that very often." He went back to walking ahead of me and left me feeling a little stunned. I knew Eddie wasn't like the other ranked members, and this just proved that once again. He's a good guy. No, he's a great man. I was sweaty, and sand was sticking to parts of me i rather not mention, but hey, we won the stupid game. The boys were beyond thrilled, which actually made it worth it to see them all smiling. Even Matt gave me a high five. Eddie had picked me up and was twirling me circles. "You're our new secret weapon. You did awesome. You practically made our teams every point." I was smiling from ear to ear and slightly blushing from all the praise he was giving me. I liked seeing Eddie so excited. It was cute and made me feel amazing that i was the cause of that. He finally placed me on the ground but held his arm around my body still. We were close, way too close. It didn't help that there was nothing but silence between us now. The tension was thick, and i wasn't sure as to why. I could feel the goose bumps prickle all over my skin like you get when you cold. Except i wasn't cold. I was extremely hot. A few of the richmond boys were making their way over to us. I took that as my cue to put some much needed distance between us. Matt was at my side in an instance. I was practically sandwhiched between the two of them. I looked up to see the Richmond boys looking pissed and i now understood why they were both so close to me now. I just didn't understand what we did besides win to make those guys look so mad. I knew the tall, muscular red head was the future alpha of his pack. I think his name was Damon or Cannon or something like that. Matt reached out his hand for him to shake. "Damon, good game. It was a close one." Damon wouldn't even look at Matt or Eddie. His eyes were locked in on me. I'm not going to lie and stand here and say that Damon wasn't handsome. Because he is. His hair was a different shade of red compared to mine. His is almost brown. His skin was tan, but you could still see some freckles popping through. Of course, he had muscles on top of muscles. What ranked member didn't? I just didn't like the way he was looking at me. Or maybe i just wasn't used to being looked at in such a vulgar way. Damon didn't look so angry now. He was giving me a smile now. "So whose the chick?" I instantly rolled my eyes. Matt spoke first. His voice was sharp and almost protective? "A member of my pack. What's it to you?" Damon was enjoying that he was getting Matt riled up. I just couldn't figure out why he was so riled up in the first place. "I just wan't to know her name, Matty." Oh s**t. Did Damon seriously just call him Matty. I know for a fact how much he hates that. I've heard Sophie and Sally use it often, and he about loses it every time. I felt like this was just turning into a piss fest. They were both fighting over dominance, and if it didn't stop soon, I felt that it was going to actually lead to a possible fight, and i wasn't exactly sure what it was over. Alpha's can be so stupid. I spoke out in frustration. "My name is Charlotte, and don't worry, I'm only an omega, so you can wipe that drool off your chin and leave with your dignity. You seem like the type that doesn't want to be seen hitting on one." Damon smile only grew bigger than the one he had before when he looked at me. "I'm not sure what you heard cupcake, but i have no problem getting involved with omegas if you know what I mean." Oh, i knew what he meant. Such a fricken pig. I know his grandfather was old school. At least thats what i heard from my dad and Matt's dad when they were talking at dinner one time. As far as Damon and his dad, I'm not sure if their beliefs have changed. Eddie and Matt both spoke at the same time, and it was almost a shout. "Not gonna happen!" They both looked at each other with a shocked expression. It was a little weird that the both were so defensive over me. Damon let out a loud chuckle, and i mean loud. "Well, isn't this funny. The alpha and the beta both have a thing for the omega. It seems that Charlotte may have her hands full after all. I'm sure it takes a lot of work on your part to keep them both happy." He didn't just imply what i think he was implying, was he? I didn't get a chance to ask. I don't even think i blinked before Matt's fist went flying right into Damons cheek and jaw. After that, it was pure chaos. Fists were being thrown in every direction, and i was honestly shocked that no one had shifted. There were still humans present here, so at least they were smart enough not to. But for a werewolf to keep their anger in check takes a lot of work. I do know that. Damon got a good shot back at Matt. It was enough force for him to go falling back on top of me. It would have been fine if Damon had backed off after that, but no, he kept hitting Matt while he was on top of me. Between the two of them, i was getting completely smushed and hurt. Goddess, it fricken hurt. Especially Matt's elbows jabbing me in my stomach and breasts. I saw Eddie out of the corner of my eye. I was trying to shove Matt off of me. I just wasn't strong enough with the two idiots not realizing they were fighting on top of me. Eddie pushed Matt off of me. His intentions were good, but it accidentally caused Damon's fist to hit me instead of his intended target. I didn't cry. I'm tougher than i look. But it did piss me off like no other. I held my cheek where he punched me. When i pulled away, i saw the blood on my fingertips. It was then that the fighting stopped. Eddie helped me off the ground. Braya came running to my side. I took her hand and stormed off away from them. I made sure to give them the one finger salute. I could hear them running after me. I just didn't want to hear what they had to say, and I certainly didn't want to see Damon right now. He didn't even try to apologize. Honestly, he didn't even look like he felt bad. That's why i just had to get the hell away from them. The fricken mile hike to Braya's car felt way longer this time around. I could hear the foosteps behind me all the way there. As soon as i heard Braya unlock her car, i tried to get in before Eddie or Matt tried to say something. Just as i was about to slam the door shut, it was caught by Matts hand. I didn't want to look at him. He's part of the reason i am hurt right now. He titled my chin, so i had to look at him. He used the shirt he had in his hand to wipe some of the blood off my cheek. His eyes were locked in with mine. once again, i felt this weird tension. Only this time, it wasn't with Eddie. Matt used his other hand and brushed the back of his fingers against my other cheek. "Im so sorry, Charlie. I tried to get off of you. He just wouldn't stop throwing punches." I cleared my throat. "It's fine. I just want to go home." He backed away enough for me to shut the door. I looked out the window to see Eddie giving Matt and i both weird looks.
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