Chapter 7: Look alike

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Charlie's POV I was sitting on the edge of my bed in my bath robe. I was pretty much ready for dinner tonight. I had my hair down in its long nautral waves. I kept my make-up light. It's not like I was trying to impress anyone. I used my mom's make-up to try to cover up the stupid bruise that was already a nice shade of purple, and without a wolf, it would be this shade for a while. It didn't do as nice of a job as I had hoped. My mother knocked once before entering. "Are you ready, sweetheart? Your dad and brothers are waiting downstairs." She took one look at me, and she instantly knew that something was wrong. That's one of the things i hate and love the most about her. She has a great eye for details and knows her children well enough to know when there is something up. Sometimes, she acts like she doesn't notice and wait for us to come to her. I really hope that this will be one of those cases...... I guess not.. She sat down on my bed next to me and placed her arm around my shoulder. "Now, i know you've never really been very fond of going to these dinners. If I'm being honest, they're not my favorite. Especially when your father forgets to tell me. The thing is, i've never had to come up here and check if you were ready. Usually, you're the first one downstairs, just wanting to go and get it over with. Is there a reason you're not even dressed yet? Does it have something to do with your cheek?" I looked down at the coral color rug on my bedroom floor. I really didn't like lying to her. Sometimes, it was just easier. She worries way too much. Sometimes, i even think she's paranoid. "Don't even try lying right now. I can see through your lies. Just like i see through your brothers. I may not always say something, but i know when you're lying. Just like I know when something is wrong or when one of you knows something when you shouldn't." My mother cleared her throat. "But let's keep the focus on you. Do you want to tell me what happened? Does it involve one of the ranked members?" I couldn't help but wonder if she was referring that Adam knew something that he shouldn't. Could that be why the two of them seemed to be fighting? My mother said my name loudly. "Charlotte, did you hear me? I asked you a few questions." I shook my head back and forth to bring myself out of my thoughts. "Yes, sorry, mom. I just have a lot of my mind here lately." She had a worried look on her face. I was starting to pick up on that maybe she was hiding something from me as well. Maybe Adam has a good reason to be acting the way that he did earlier. I sighed. I wasn't annoyed with her. I was mostly annoyed at myself. I should have just gotten my ass dressed and ready to go like i have every other time. She was waiting so patiently for me to continue talking. I think she would sit here all night if thats what it took to get me to talk and it wasn't exactly a bad idea, but i knew my dad and brothers would give us s**t for it. My dad actually likes these dinners even if he sometimes pretends that he doesn't. he likes friendships. He likes being around people in general. I think that's why he makes such a good trainor and head warrior. He's just a natural leader. I started to play with the strings of my robe. "Eddie asked me to join the volleyball game against the Richmond pack because Ezra had gotten hurt and couldn't play the rest of the game. Well, you know how competitive i can be. I ended up making nearly every point for our team. In the end, Damon, the alpha's son, came up to us and was saying pretty vulgar things. Eddie and Matt both didn't like it. They got defensive, and before I knew it, a fight broke out." My mom grabbed the bridge of her nose. "Please tell me you didn't hit him?" I was kind of annoyed that she was asking that again. I understand her reasoning, but this time, i can honestly say that i did not punch anyone. I shook my head. "No, i didn't hit anyone. Matt got hit by Damon, and he fell back on top of me. He tried to get up a few times, and when he finally succeeded, Damon had thrown back another punch, and it hit me in the face instead. I didn't want to cause any problems with another pack, so i didn't tell you. I was worried you or dad would tell our alpha what had happened, and then there would be some sort of feud over an omega. It honestly would probably cause more problems for me and more attention that i don't need or want. I have enough of that from...." My mother squeezed my shoulder. "From who? Are Sophie and Sally messing with you again? Please stay just stay away from them. I know they deserved every punch you have given them, but you need to learn to control your anger. You could seriously hurt someone, and the alpha is already trying to be kind to you. He has given us so many favors because of his friendship with your dad. You are STILL an omega. You need to remember that when the girls antagonize you." She didn't need to remind me that I'm an omega. "I know, mom.... Just can we not tell dad? You know how he and the twins can be. I just don't want to deal with it. I already know I'm going to have to deal with Eddie and Matt being nice because they feel bad." My mom looked confused. "I thought Eddie was always nice?" "He is. But Matt, not so much. He actually talked to me today, and it wasn't horrible. He was even nicer when Braya and I were leaving. It just wasn't like him. I know it's because he feels bad. If it wasn't for what had happened, he would have never given me the time of a day. I just know it's fake, and I'm going to have to sit through a whole meal pretending that everything is fine and that he's not acting out of the normal." She was looking through my closet. "Who knows, maybe he will he act normal. It's all said and done. I doubt he says anything to his dad. He can be really strict when it comes to Matt. Especially when it comes to fighting." She came out in a black spaghetti strap jumpsuit. "When did you buy this?" I took it out of her hand. "A while ago. I just never found the right occasion to wear it." "You should wear it tonight. It reminds me of a friend I had a long time ago. She liked wearing things like this." I swear i saw my mother wipe a tear. She was getting emotional over and outfit, and i didn't understand as to why. She patted my hand. "Just hurry up and get dressed. I'll be waiting downstairs." I quickly got dressed and paired it with a pair of red heels that i've had forever. As i walked down the stairs, my dad looked like he saw a ghost. His face paled, and he looked to be getting emotional just like my mother had. "You look beautiful." I kissed his cheek. "Thanks, Daddy." Aiden hadn't seemed to notice the sudden tension in the room, but Adam did. He knew something was up just as much as i do right now. I think it might have to do with someone from my parents' past life before we came here. My brothers and i stepped out of the house first. I think my parents thought i was far enough away that I wouldn't be able to hear them because i had no wolf yet. But i did. I heard them clear as day as my dad spoke more choked up than i've ever heard him. "She looks just like her. I knew she did because of the red hair. But seeing her dressed like that, i honestly thought it was Amber walking down those stairs." I kept walking. "Who the hell is Amber, and why do i look so much like her?
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