Chapter 8: Dinner

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Matt's POV They were running late. I was freaking out thinking that maybe it was because of me. Maybe i hurt her more than I realized. She doesn't have a wolf yet. I could have done more damage than I originally thought, or maybe she didn't tell me how bad it actually was? If they are any later, im going to be forced to tell my father the truth. He hates Damon and his father just as much as i do. We need them. That's the problem. They're the closest pack to ours. Our families have been ailes for years. It makes sense that we would have eachothers backs in war because of how close we are together. It doesn't change the fact that they're all a bunch of pricks.The have the numbers behind them, and we don't. Eddie was looking just as nervous as I was. He didn't want to tell his father just as much I didn't. His father has always been war hungry. He likes the thrill of the kill where my father is more gentle and reasonable when it comes to going into war. Im afraid they may agree on this one. They both think an alpha that names a pack after their own last name is arrogant. Which Damon and his dad both are. They've become more ruthless and sneaky. Every time Eddie and I sit in meetings with our fathers with them, we always feel like they're hiding something. They're always asking way too many questions about our pack members. It's just weird, and on top of that, I swear i see some of their warriors on our borders late at night. My father suspects they are spying. Sometimes, I think both our packs are trying to find any reason to end the treaty we have in place. I'm just afraid we will be more open to attacks if we do. I think deep down that is the main reason why I am so scared that anything minor will set my dad and Eddie's to declare war. Even if it is over an omega. An omega my dad cares deeply about. I heard the doors open to our private dining room, and Eddie and I both stood abrubtly from our seats like dumb asses. Both our parents were looking at us with curious eyes. Sally and Sophie were looking at us with murderous ones. Ezra, well, it's all going over his head as usual. We both sat back down, which only got us even more questioning looks. I knew more would be coming my way when i saw Charlie walk in. She was in a black tight fitted one-piece thing. It made her hair look even more red if that's possible? Her lips were painted a bright red, and it made them look more plump than i remember them looking. She was stunning. Way to stunning for an omega, and im starting to realize that I hate it. Her being this beautiful and being an omega made her more approachable by other guys, and I really didn't want to think about so many of them hitting on her. Mostly because her looking like this and wearing that tonight will definitely get her noticed. My eyes were glued on her as i watched her make her way to the seat next to Eddie. It was then that i realized that he was looking at her the exact same way I was. It was awkward, especially when he stood and pulled out her chair for her. I know he's done it a thousand times at these stupid dinners, but it angered me this time. I wanted her to sit next to me even though she had never had before. My mother linked me. "Is there anything you want to tell me, darling? Are you dating Charlotte?" "No, mom. Just stop." She linked back. "She certainly looks beautiful tonight. I think she is getting far more beautiful every time i see her." I didn't bother linking her back. It was not something i wanted to discuss with my mother or anyone's mother, for that matter. I wasn't even sure if i was ready to even say it out loud. Charlie's laugh got my attention. Eddie was whispering something in her ear, and it was annoying the s**t out of me. Sometimes, i hated how much attention he always gave her. It's been this way since we were kids. My mother had the omegas prepare ribeye steaks, fried potatoes, and asparagus. I didn't notice before today how Charlie shakes her body back and forth when she's eating. I don't think i've ever seen anyone get so excited over food. I dropped my fork when i heard her moan after taking a bite of steak. It hit my glass plate loudly and put all the attention on me. I mumbled out. "It slipped." My father cleared his throat and quickly tried to start up a conversation with the adults. Charlie's father was too busy glaring at me to hear my father ask him questions about training. I was mortfied and kind of scared that he might kick my ass for enjoying what i heard. I was just grateful that Charlie was too innocent and naive to know what was going on in the room. Or maybe she's just better at pretending. As the night went on, i noticed her makeup was starting to fade even more, and the bruise was becoming more visible. I was just waiting for someone to ask her what had happened. Of course, it had to be mother. She was becoming far more interested in her now, and I know it's because of me. "Oh Charlotte, my dear, what happened to your face?" Charlie placed her hand on her cheek. "I played volleyball with the boys today and got hit. It was an accident." My mother looked surprised. "Well, did you least kick there asses and win?" That made Charlie beam. "We sure did." Eddie was smiling down at her. He had so much pride in his voice. "Charlie nearly made every point for our team." Cooper, Charlies dad patted Eddie on the back. "That's my girl. I'm glad you guys let her play." I didn't know what to say. Eddie was getting all the praise right with Charlie. My mother was staring at me now. "Yes, that is very kind of you boys to let her play. I know how ruthless those games can get. I'm glad you were able to keep up. Minus the injury, of course." I could tell Sally and Sophie were just ticking time bombs. I was worried that they might rat us out. They don't give a s**t about the political parts of the pack or whether or not we go into war. So saying something about Damon would be no big deal to them. Especially if it shows that Charlie is lying. They love to give her hell and make her look bad, and seeing her look like this, it is all out of jealousy. Sofie was giving me a look. A look that i know meant that she was going to get exactly what she wanted because she had leverage on me. She batted her eyelashes to make her look innocent. Which she certainly is not. "So Matty. I was hoping that you and my brother would want to hang out with Sally and I in the game room after dinner. We can play a few games. Maybe watch a movie?" Eddie and I were just staring at each other. There was no need to link. We both knew we were in deep s**t if we didn't agree. I grumbled out. "Sure." Her and Sally both clapped in excitement. Along with their mothers, which i just wanted to slap silly because they are just as bad as their daughters. How Eddie and his dad put up with it just fricken amazes me. I wanted to run around the table and kiss my mother for what she did next. "Matt, you should have Charlotte join you guys. She seems to be pretty good at games, after all." I looked at Charlotte, who looked like a deer caught in headlights. Her mouth was full of food, and she honestly was beyond shocked that my mother suggested it." She chewed her food slowly. "Luna Hadley, I wouldn't want to intrude." Sally growled out. "Then don't." Ezra was finally noticing that something was going on. Instead of helping us, he fricken ditched us. "I, uh, have to go to the bathroom." He got up from the table without even trying to help us out with his damn sister. He has a hard time dealing with her s**t. He would rather just avoid it all together. I was biting the sides of my cheeks while i was trying to figure out what to say next. I really wanted to tell her to f**k off, but that wont go over smoothly with any of our parents. Thankfully Eddie stepped up. "She's not. i wan't her to come. We had fun today." Charlotte took another bite of her food. She didn't exactly have much of a choice and i think she figured that out. Especially with my mother suggesting it. The omega in her will want to make her luna happy. When she finally stopped chewing she nodded. "Okay, i can hang out for a while." Lily, Charlies mom was looking at all of us nervously. I could tell she didn't like the idea of us all haning out and i have a feeling it's going to be quite the s**t show.
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