Chaper 9: Purple eyes

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Charlie's POV Luna Hadley and Eddie weren't making it easy to say no. The problem is that if I agree, Sally and Sophie may tell everyone here what actually happened at the beach, and they have no idea what my brothers and dad will do if they learn the truth. Becasue if there isn't conflict because of Damon hitting me while wolfless, there sure as hell will be after my family gets done with him. I reluctantly agreed against my better judgment. I may have been purposely taking my time throughout dessert. Eddie whispered down at me. "You're a wolf, not a mouse. We all know you can take bigger bites than that. Is hanging out with me really so unappealng to you? I thought we were friends." I shook my head and smiled at him. "I guess we're friends. But we both know i hate your sister. I don't exactly want to end my night hanging with those two. I've already gotten hit once today, and I was a good girl and didn't hit back. I can't promise what I will do if those two start something again." I said something that intrigued him because he had a cheesy ass smile plastered on his face. "Then don't be a good girl. They deserve it ninety-nine percent of the time." "Yeah, but then i have a conquence from my parents and our alpha. I really just wan't to stay under the radar for once today." He suddenly got very serious. "It's hard to stay under the radar when you look like that, Charlie." I blushed instantly and could no longer look at him. My cheeks were probably as red as my hair. Things were getting weird between us. I quickly finished my brownie sundae after that. Dealing with Sally and Sophie seemed so much easier. It's less awkward, at the very least. Eddie pulled my chair out for me. I followed him towards the door. I felt my arm being grabbed and saw that it was my mother. I leaned down to see what she wanted. "Sweetheart.... Are you sure there is nothing going on between you and Eddie, or maybe you and Mathew?" I shook my head and whispered. I was worried Eddie had just heard what she said. "No, mom, just friends." She gave me a nod back. She didn't seem to believe me. It felt like she knew something that i didn't. Eddie offered me his arm to help me down the stairs to the basement. I didn't want him to know that im pretty much a bad ass when it comes to walking in heels and that i didn't actually need his help. But he was being Eddie. He was being kind and a gentleman like usual, so i just let him. "Thanks." I've only been in the game room at the pack house only a handful of times. The closer we got to the bottom, the louder it was getting. It seemed half of the younger pack members were down here, and they all seemed to be having a great time. The noise suddenly became quiet, and all eyes were on Eddie and I. I know it had to be because we had locked arms. They were probably wondering what the hell he was doing with me again. I felt Eddie's hot breath against my ear. "Is everything okay?" I had my head down. I didn't want to tell him that i really didn't want to be here and that I would rather be home and in my own bedroom. "Everything's fine." His breath hit closer to my neck now. "Okay, whatever you say, Charlotte." It was weird to hear him call me Charlotte and not Charlie or Annie. I leaned my head up and noticed how close our faces were. I could now feel his hot breath against my lips. He was breathing heavier. "Are you thirsty?" My heart was starting to race, and i quickly turned away. "A pepsi would be great." I was left alone, and i wasn't sure what to do next. Part of me wished my parents had made my brothers go. I felt so out of place for a pack that i grew up in. I barely knew these people, and it's not like they ever tried to get to know me. One of the warriors' kids who works with my dad came up to me. "Charlie, right?" I was more annoyed than ever. "Trey, you've known me my whole life. You train with my dad every day. If you honestly dont know my name, you should probably just turn around and walk the other way." He smiled at me, which i thought was odd. "You surprise me. The volleyball game and the way you look right now and the way you have no problem putting me in my place. It's refreshing." He put his hands in his pockets. "I'll see you around Charlie." He walked away and smiled back once at me. And i thought that today couldn't get any wierder. I sighed out probably way too loudly when i saw that Sally and Sophie approuching me. I knew there was going to be some sort of confrontation, but I really, really didn't want to deal with them anymore today. It's been a s**t day, and I really just wanted to go home, take a relazing bath, and maybe read a book or watch a movie. Instead, im dealing with this s**t. I couldn't hide the annoyance in my voice if i tried. "What do you two want? If you're coming over to threaten me to stay away from your fake boyfreinds then turn around and skip your delusional asses in the opposite direction from me becasue I'm really not in the mood for your s**t or anyones for that matter." Sophie seemed to be the calmer one. Sally, on the other hand, looked like she was on the verge of hitting me. Sophie let out a deep breath. "Charlie, I dont like admitting this, but i feel like i need to. You look amazing tonight. You are nautrally beautiful but you need to know your place. I'm not sure what's going on with you and my brother, but it needs to stop. You're an omega and wolfless one at that. He will never end up with you even if you guys are mates. He will end up with someone like Sally. She is of rank and knows how things work. It would just be better for everyone if you just backed off. I don't want to see anyone get hurt. You really should listen to what I've been trying to tell you today." I bit my tongue. It's funny how she complimented me and then made it out that she didn't want to see me get hurt, but in reality, it was still a threat. They really must think of me as a threat now. They've never been this obsessive. I needed to control my temper. My hair matched my personality all too well. I was a hot head. "If something was going on between Eddie and I, it would be none of your damn buisness. If we truly want to be together, nothing is going to get in the way of that." Sophie crossed her arms and stepped closer. "Then i guess i better warn you to stay away from Matty, too." I rolled my eyes. "Same goes with Matt. You dont get to decide what two people end up together. You dont control me, and you certainly dont control Matt or Eddie. I really don't want to have this conversation again." Eddie came over and handed me my pepsi. "Is a can okay? Or would you pefer a glass? I wasn't sure what you wanted." I took a sip. "A can is perfect. I'm not picky, but thank you for asking." I looked up to see him smiling at me. He was completely ignoring Sally and Sophie. It was like they didn't exist to him in this moment. "So you really like steak, dont you?" I smacked his arm. "Shut up. It slipped, but holy moly, was it good. It was perfectly cooked." He started to laugh. "I noticed." "You couldn't help but embarrass me, could you?" He tucked a strand of hair out of my face. "Wouldn't be any fun if i didn't." Sally awkardly cleared her throat. "So Eddie, did you want to go play a round of air hockey with me or maybe go watch a movie? They're starting a new one in fifteen minutes........... Eddie?" He looked at her finally. "Huh?" She was getting red in the face. "Did you not hear me?" He shook his head. "No, what do you want?." Matt came over thankkfully. "This place is awfully crowded. I'm already over it." Eddie and I both looked at each other. We both knew what was about to happen and the way he was smirking he knew what Sally had asked him, which only made me smirk back at him. On cue, Sophie spoke. "I would happily go do something with you if you wanted to leave Matty." He gave a dirty look. "I'm fine." I quietly drank my pepsi, and we all stood in an awkward small circle. I just couldn't take it anymore. "I think I'm going to go on a walk." Matt chugged his beer. "Wait up. Eddie and i will go with you." Sally whined. "We're not really dressed to go on a walk." Eddie patted her on the head. "Good, because you weren't invited." I accidentally snorted. I knew i was in deep s**t as soon as I did it. Sally attitude was coming out in full force. "What's so funny? We just don't want to wreck the very expensive clothes that we bought. Not all of us shop at walmart." I stayed calm. "You mean what your parents bought you? You wouldn't know what working and paying for your own s**t actually means." I looked between Matt and Eddie. "If you will excuse me, I'll be outside." I was walking to the tree line when Eddie and Matt found me. The moon was full, yet the woods were quiet. I figured there would be more wolves out running. Matt grabbed me by the arm. "This way slow poke." "I'm not that slow. I just can't see as well as you guys, remember?" He placed his arm around me so his hand was resting on my back. "Right, sorry." "Where are we going anyway?" Eddie turned around to face us. "You dont know where the cave is at?" I shook my head. "No, i never been." Matt sighed. I forgot that she's super sheltered." Eddie responded like i wasn't even there. "Oh yeah, she definitely is." I growled out. "Im right here, dummies." They both laughed in my suspense. I started getting a headache back at the game room. The more time that passes, the worse it has been getting. I was starting to slow down even more. "If you guys dont mind, I need to sit down. I have the worst head ache right now." Matt helped me sit against a tree. Eddie crouched down at me and placed his hand against my cheek. "You're pretty warm, Charlie. Is it possible you're getting your wolf. We are getting close to your birthday. Typically, our wolves like to appear closer to that. I know you're past the mark when our kind typically gets our wolf, but maybe it's finally that time for you. Do you want me to link your parents?" I shook my head. "No, not yet. Let's wait a little bit. I want to make sure thats whats actually happening." I closed my eyes and rested my head against the tree. I could feel and smell them both close to me. I felt cool drops against my skin. Matt brushed some off my face. "Charlie, it's starting to rain. Do you think you can make it to the cave? It's just over that hill." I took a deep breath. "Okay." I opened my eyes to see Eddie and Matt falling back on their asses from where they were crouched down in front of me. I started to panic. "What's wrong? Am i bleeding or something?" They both shook their heads at the same time. Eddie spoke. "No, Charlie, your eyes are purple, and they look like they're glowing."
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