Chapter 19: Tardy

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Matt's POV I knew as soon as she asked to go back to school that I royally screwed up. I just wanted to be honest with her. I thought it would make her understand. I think all it did was make her trust me less. I'm not much of a talker. I'm a man of very few words, and when I do speak, I apparently put my own foot in my mouth. I've never been good at explaining my side in things. I swear I've talked more in the last few days than in a normal week for me. I just couldn't make out what she was feeling. She had such a neutral look on her face. I thought when she asked to leave that she was pissed, but she doesn't even look like she is. Maybe the neutral face means that she's conflicted. Maybe I still have a chance to fix this and make things right. As we pulled up to the school, I parked way in the back so we would have to walk a ways together. When she tried to open the door, I quickly locked it. Now.... she was looking pissed. "What are you doing?" I kept my hand on the lock button in case she tried to unlock it herself. "I will find a way to show you that everything I said is the truth. I know it's hard to believe because of the way I have acted. But I would never lie about being drawn to you. We both know that could mean something." Her face softened. "You think we might be mates?" I nodded slowly. "I do. For a while, like I said, I was in denial. Especially when I thought your family might hurt mine. I'm not saying that the thought still doesn't cross my mind. But I fully believe they're hiding something, and I think part of you knows that too." She looked down at her hands. "I don't know what to think. But i would appreciate some time to process this. I think you put more thought into all of this than you led on. So you can't blame me for not knowing if you're lying and saying you're drawn to me when you truly not." I sighed. "Like I said, I would never lie about something like that. I truly do think we're mates, and I will glady wait until then if that's what it takes." She looked back up me with a puzzled look. "You're serious, aren't you?" I couldn't help but smile at her. "I wouldn't doubt how serious I am.... Charlie, let's just get to know each other. It doesn't have to go past that. We can be friends, but when you turn nineteen and learn that I am right, just know that I will be waiting and ready to accept you as my mate." I was trying not to take the fact that she looked like she wanted to throw up to heart. What I'm saying could come off as crazy to others. Hell, I thought I was going crazy when I kept thinking about it over and over all weekend long. It was actually her mother who made me break through the denial I was in. When she told me the story of her friend and that guy named Ben, I knew then that's what I was feeling all this time. It made me realize that I didn't want the story to end like there's did. It scared me enough to get it together. How I've treated her all this time made me fear that she wouldn't accept me if I didn't change. I thought being honest with her was a good step. Maybe I was a little too fast with the honesty. She shocked me when she agreed. "Okay, we can be friends, but nothing more. My mother is worried about me getting hurt. I'm guessing she told you something similar?" I nodded. She let out a frustrated sigh. "You have to admit she's not entirely wrong. You may end up getting your hopes up, or it may come as a relief to you if we're not." I felt instantly guilty. If I hadn't treated her so horribly, maybe she wouldn't be doubting me so badly now. I dont know what to say or how to make it better. I guess only time can do that. At least, I hope. "Let me be very clear.... I think I owe it to the both of us.... I would be proud to have you as a mate. You're one of the strongest she-wolves I know. Even without a wolf, I've never seen anyone have the confidence like you have. You're not high maintenance like most bimbos in this school. It's refreshing. Wolf or not, Charlie, anyone would be proud to have you as a mate. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you wouldn't be enough." She looked too shocked for words. She slowly rubbed her hand down her face. "This is just a lot. Please dont take this wrong because I really do appreciate the whole speech and all. I just need time to process everything. It was just days ago that I thought you hated me, and now you're saying the complete opposite of what I always felt. Just give me some time." She wasn't pissed or shutting the idea down that we might be mates. It made me wonder if maybe she was feeling the same things I was. Maybe I took the conversation too far for today, and I just needed to let it all go. "Why don't we get to class and just end the conversation for today. We're friends and we can leave it at that." I didn't hate that she looked relieved by me saying that, but I didn't like it either. This whole thing is confusing, and I know I'm to blame for that as well. She finally reached for the lock button and let herself out. I followed her lead and got out of the car. I walked beside her, not knowing what else to say. She surprised me by locking her arm through mine. "Thanks for that." She headed to her locker, and I headed to mine. We couldn't exactly go our separte ways when we were both headed to the same class. As soon as we walked into class side by side, we had all eyes on us. Most weren't the friendliest of looks. Actually, most, if not all, were glares. Even Eddie was giving me a look that I didn't care for, but I knew that I partially deserved it. I sat next to him like usual, and Charlotte went to see in her usual spot next to Braya. As soon as my ass hit the seat, Eddie was pulling me closer. "What the hell, man? Where did you and Annie take off to, and why the hell does she look like she's in distress? What the hell did you do?" I put my hands up in surrender. "Relax, I didn't do anything. We talked. We're going to be friends. Plus, you really need to quit calling her Annie. She's going to end up beating the s**t out of you." He gave me a dirty look. "Then why does she look like you kicked a puppy or something?" I rolled my eyes. "There was no puppy kicking. We just talked, and i was honest with her about some things. It's no big deal." He gave me a puzzled look. It almost seemed like he was upset. If I were in his shoes, I guess I would be as well. I know he's likes her, and I kept telling myself I could step aside and let them be if anything were to happen between them. I just can't shake this feeling that she is my mate, and if something were to happen with my best friend and her, I just might die. I had to tell him something that I knew he wasn't going to like. "Listen, her and I are going to be friends. Get to know each other or whatever being friends entails. I think she might be my mate, and before you give me crap I know you're hoping for the same thing. I've been in denial. I've ignored all the signs...I just thought something was off with her whole family, and now that I think I know why. Let's just say the last few days have brought me some clarity." I wasn't expecting him to make a scene like he did. "You can't be serious? You've practically hated her all these years. Now you're telling me that's no longer the case after hanging out with her one time?" I looked over at Charlie because I was worried, and she was red in the face. She locked eyed with me for a second before putting her head down. When I looked back at Eddie, he was shaking his head. "So now you're worried about her feelings? Let's hope she doesn't fall for this shit." He was walking out before I could even defend myself or explain more into it. Our teacher, Mrs. Cummings was walking over to me. She wasn't yelling, but she wasn't whispering either. Her nasally voice was just making it so much worse. She bent down slightly. "I understand that you boys are of rank and that you think that it's acceptable for you and Miss Wilcox to come into my classroom late, but I will not accept you boys making make a scene on top of that. All you've done is disrupt my class. If it happens again, I will have no problem reaching out to your father's. Am I clear?" I wanted to go after Eddie. I just knew that Mrs. Cummings will reach out to my father, and I don't want to have to explain what I was doing with Charlotte. To make it worse, he will tell my mother, and she will certainly tell Lily all about it. Which will only make her hate me more than she already does, and it will get Charlie in trouble. I don't need to give Charlie another reason not to give me a chance.
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