Chapter 10: Cave

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Matt's POV Her eyes. I remember reading something about those damn lavender eyes. I just couldn't remember exactly what it was. The glow didn't last long. It was gone as quickly as it came. Eddie and I both saw it. It wasn't something we imagined or anything to do with the lighting. It was pitch black out. But it was clear as day that her eyes glowed purple, and I had to figure out why. I watched her for a moment. I was curious to see that maybe her blue eyes would turn that shade of purple again, but it didn't happen. She was just staring at Eddie and I with a panicked look. It was clear to me that she really had no clue what the hell was happening to her. Yet it could explain everything. Including what truly happened to her old pack. I stood and leaned down to help her up by her bicep. "Come on. We should probably get you home." She pulled out of my grasp. "Please, don't. Not yet. I just need a moment." Eddie started to rub her back, which made me feel really uncomfortable. "Are you sure you're feeling okay? Do you feel like maybe your wolf is trying to come forward?" She shook her head. "I thought maybe for a second that it was happening, but now I feel completely fine. I'm very confused, but fine. Let's just go to the cave and pretend like this never happened, please?" Eddie linked me. "What do we do?" I linked back. "I guess we do what she says and pretend like nothing happened." He wrapped his arm around her. "Okay, Charlie. We will take you to the cave and then home, deal?" She wrapped her arms around his back and stomach from the side. "Deal." They walked like that all the way to the cave as I followed behind like a third wheel. Eddie and Charlotte may be able to forget like this ever happened, but I can't. It's like the answer is right in front of my nose and the tip of the tongue. I know it. I know I do. I just don't understand why I can't remember. But I'm determined to figure it out. I'm not even sure why I feel the need to know so badly. I can't explain it. I just know that it's taking everything inside of me, not to go back to the pack house and head up to the library. I know that's where the answers are. I just have to find them... again. Charlie's POV I kept myself close to Eddie the moment we started to walk to the cave. I could feel Matt staring at the back of my head. He wasn't going to let this go no matter how many times I asked or begged. It's not like I could exactly blame him. Purple eyes and glowing purple at that are weird and most definitely not normal. Part of me did want them to take me home when he offered. I just knew that if he did, I would have told my mom what happened and hoped that she had the answers...... And part of me thinks that she does. Another part of me thought she would just lie to me. I just didn't know how to bring it up. I know her and Adam are in some sort of fight or disagreement or whatever. I think he may be suspecting that our mother is keeping secrets as much as I think she is right now. Part of me also wanted to know more about this Amber that I look so much a like. Maybe she would have the answers? But then again, my parents said most of their old pack was slaughtered. What if she was one of them? We got to the cave in no time. It didn't seem all that special to me. I couldn't figure out why a bunch of teens would want to hang out here. It was dark and had a weird, musty smell. I looked up at Eddie. "This is it?" He laughed. "No, you have to go inside." I sighed. "If you're going to murder me, can we just do it out here? It looks really gross in there, and it's dark. We'll darker. I could see why you would rather murder me in there. " He grabbed my hand. "Seriously red? Quit it with the dramatics! We're not going to kill you, and you know it." I sighed even more dramatically just to make a point. "Find, just dont wreck my outfit. I actually like this one. The shoes I'm fine with wrecking. " I heard music coming from inside and a small light in the far distance. When we finally got to the light, I heard the music, but it still seemed far. There was a good amount of water that was lit up by the small fire next to it. I looked at both boys. "Okay, what the hell is this place? If this is it, you guys sure as hell no how to throw a party." Matt actually was the one to laugh. "You have to swim under it to the other side. It's not far.You migjt have to swim two - three feet under it if that. " I grumbled under my breath. "I knew you assholes were trying to kill me." Eddie was starting to strip. "What's the problem?" "Well one I don't have a swimsuit, and two, I can swim, but I'm not the greatest. I think maybe I should tap out on this one. I would rather not embarrass myself." Matt started to strip as well. "Everyone left. I linked one of the warriors. He said that they forgot to turn the music off. It runs on batteries, and it will die eventually. So, there is no reason to be embarrassed." I rolled my eyes in frustration. "Well, I can still embarass myself in front of you two idiots." Eddie was only in his boxers now. "It will be fine. I will hold your hand the whole time. I promise you won't drown." I didn't know how to tell them that I wasn't embarrassed about that part. I was embarrassed about either stripping down or going in my clothes and having to go home drenched. Being naked is supposed to be normal for us. It's a lot easier once you get your wolf. For me, not so much. I was comfortable with my body when I was in control. But what I have under isn't exactly what I would want anyone else to see besides maybe my mate or boyfriend. I was feeling defeated. "I need one of your t-shirts." Matt gave me a confused look. "Charlie, we just seen you in your swimsuit. It's not a big deal to wear your bra and underwear." I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see the look in their faces with what I had to say next. "Yeah, a bra and panties would have been fine if I had chosen to wear them." I didn't hear any noise, so I peeked my eyes open. They both looked extremely pale. Eddie awkardly pointed at me. "You're not wearing a bra?" I shook my head. "No.? Matt was looking at me in disbelief. "Not even underwear?" I shook my head again. "Nope. Going commando." I heard them both gulp a few times. I bit my lip. "So where do we stand on the whole t-shirt thing?" I said. Matt was quicker to react and tossed me his t-shirt. They both were staring at me awkwardly. "Can you both turn around?" They both practically shouted "right" at the same time I slipped down the spaghetti straps of my outfit and shimmied out of it. I pulled on Matt's shirt and surprised myself by pulling the top of it up to my nose and smelling it. It smelt good. It smelt safe. It had a cedar scent to it. I wasn't sure if it was his cologne or his natural scent. "You both can turn around now." I noticed immediately that Matt was slowly looking up my body. He started at my ankles and worked his way up to my chest. It didn't feel dirty like I expected it to. It just made me heart race with anticipation. I tried to play it off like I hadn't noticed. I stepped my toes into the water, expecting it to be cold, but it actually was pleasantly warm. I kept going until the water was at my mid thigh. "So are we going? You got me this far."
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