Chapter 15:The talk

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Matt's POV There is something about Charlie's mom that really scares the s**t out of me. I'm not sure if it's how she present herself or the moments where I feel a great deal of power coming off of her. Most of the time, I think I'm imagining it. She's very intimidating to talk to for only being an omega. There's times when she can look my dad straight in the eye when he gives off a command while others are too terrified to. The thing that bugs me the most about her is that occasionally, I've caught her forgetting to submit to my dad by showing her neck out of respect. It's almost like she has to force herself to do it." Seeing that Lily's glare was directed at me made Charlie shove me away from her. I couldn't help but wonder if maybe Lily told her to stay away from me, and if she did, why did she let Eddie and I in their house alone with Charlie? Or maybe she just didn't like how close Charlie and I were together? Whatever it is, I don't think she likes me very much. I was about to apologize even though i wasn't sure what i was apologizing about. I wasn't touching Charlie. I was just standing close to her. It could have looked like two friends talking. Two friends who possibly have earing issues? Okay, she knows her daughter doesn't, but maybe i can convince her that i do. s**t, what am i even saying? This doesn't make any sense. Plus, i doubt she would buy it. Lily is smarter than that. Luck was on my side because Braya came running past me and grabbed Charlie by the arm. She was all hyped up over something. "Come on, we have some serious talking to do. Did you hear about the dance being moved to our pack and that multiple packs will be in attendance? This is huge!" It was like she had just noticed me because she stopped rambling on about the dance. "Oh, what are you doing here?" Charlie started pulling Braya by the arm inside. "He's leaving. Him and Eddie wanted to go to the beach again, but i turned them down." Braya gave a suspicious look between us. She didn't say anything, just let Charlie lead her in the house. The unlucky part was that I now was stuck outside with Lily alone. "Have a good day, Mrs. Wilcox. I will see you later." I hurred along, hoping she wouldn't try to stop me. I didn't get far enough when i heard her shout my name. "Mathew Calhoun, wait right there." Why did it have to sound so fricken scary when she said my name? I stopped in my tracks and turned to face her. "Yes, Mrs. Wilcox?" She scrunched her nose up at me. "Just call me Lily. I never really liked the formality." "Okay, Lily. Did you want something?" She put her hand on her hip. "What's going on with you and my daughter? I saw the way you were looking at her just now. You like her, don't you?" This was a weird conversation, and i hate to admit that it wasn't a first for me. I actually dated a girl named Amy Poole for about three months. I didn't think it was that serious, but apparently to her, it was. She's actually one of the alpha's daughters who will be attending the dance. Anyway, her dad and mom always wanted to know how serious it was, and if i was going to take her as my chosen mate. I was only fifteen at the time, and it scared the living s**t out of me. I decided to answer her question honestly. I figured she was the type to see right through any lie i told, and it was better to be on her good side. "I dont know. I just feel drawn to her." She seemed to have a shocked, worried expression. "Matthew, I want Charlotte to wait for her mate. I don't think getting involved is wise for either of you. One of you, if not both of you, could end up hurt." I felt so taken back and slightly attacked. "I promise I won't ever do anything to hurt her." Her face softened. "Matt, you can't promise me that. You leave for alpha school in less than a year. There's always a chance that you could meet your mate there, or Charlotte could meet hers. Or worse, Eddie could be her mate. Your best friend. He looks at her, similar to how i just witnessed you looking at her. I'm not just saying this because im looking out for my daughter. Im looking out for you as well." I was growing frustrated. "How so?" Lily stayed firm. "Because our world is still s**t. Ranked members and society still pressure their children to take some one of rank even if it's not their fated one. Charlotte is an omega. The pressure may hit you harder at alpha school, or like i said, Charlotte may end up not being your fated. All I'm saying is that waiting is the safest option for everyone. Being mated to someone of rank is a big deal and can come with a lot of responsibilities and dangers." She wasn't making any sense. "You don't think your daughter can handle it?" "I think my daughter will be able to handle a great deal of them when the time comes." I didn't like how she said that. I always felt like she was hiding something. Right now, i've never been so certain. She gestured for me to sit next to her on a wooden swing not far from her house. I did what she asked out of respect, but really, i wanted to tell her off and run back to the house. If i end up being really serious about Charlie, then i need her mother to respect me as well, and running off won't get that. She folded her hands into her lap. "At my old pack, I had a friend who was an omega like me. She fell head over heels for alpha's son. He was charming and handsome. They dated for years, and back then, it was even harsher than it is now about ranked members dating beneath them. Some alphas were just really stuck in their old ways, and i guess they still are. But anyways, when Ben left for alpha school, they were so certain that they were fated mates, and if they weren't, they swore to be chosen. She never saw the heartbreak coming. He ghosted her at alpha school, and when it was finally time to come home, he had brought a chosen mate with him. What's sad is that the moment their eyes locked, they knew they were mates. Ben, he wanted her, and deep down, he never stopped loving her, but his father and society thought that was unacceptable. He wanted to take her as a side piece. someone who would have his heart but would never carry his mark or have a true heir. He didn't know when he offered that to her that she had already moved on and was pregnant by his gamma and one of his best friends. They ended up being chosen mates. But the friendship took a hit. A bad one. I would just hate to see you and Eddie go through something like that. Or what if you and Charlie date and Eddie ends up being her fated mate and she leaves you, then what? You can't honestly say that you and Eddie would still be on good terms. You have to run this pack together. This pack needs you and needs to come first." What she was saying did make sense, but i also thought it was way too soon to have this conversation. If she said something similar to Charlie, i have no doubt it's why she was acting so weird about doing something with me. It also means that Lily was never going to let us be a thing as long as Charlie was underage to find her mate. When i looked at Lily's face, she looked scared. Way too scared for it to be only about Charlie and I having a thing. I took a deep breath. "Lily, there is nothing going on between Charlie and I. We've hung out twice. I consider us friends. If that counts us as being friends.. But I won't lie to you and say that I don't feel some sort of pull towards her because i do. I don't want to ignore it. I knew it meant something, and i spent years trying to ignore it. As far as Ben goes and your friend, I would never make a promise i dont intend to keep. Her being an omega doesn't make a difference to me. If she's my mate i will accept her and you know my parents will aprove. They adore her." She gave me a small understanding nod. "I know I'm overstepping. One day, you will understand why. I won't stop you guys from being friends. I just dont think you should take things any further than that. Your mates will appreciate that. Just promise me you won't make her fall in love with you?" Why did i hate that she was basically telling me what to do and how to feel? Wolves are age date all the time. Why is she so strict about Charlie doing the same? How am i supposed to make such a promise when i think part of me wanted her to love me. I felt like i was going to throw up. Two days ago, i would have just ignored these stupid feelings, and now I'm talking about love? This is insane. I think I'm going insane. "I can't promise you that. I dont control Charlie, and i never will. If she falls in love with me, it will be on her terms." She looked stunned at my words. She gave me a weird nod. "Okay, then maybe it's better that you guys don't hang out at all." She got up from the swing and stormed off to her house. I might have just screwed up any chance of hanging with Charlie all because i was too honest with Lily. The first time where I am honest with anyone about my true feelings, and i basically get told not to feel them. If anything, it left me feeling confused all over again. Maybe I had the right idea about pushing my feelings down and being in denial about it.
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