The pack meeting

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Blane POV Yesterday was so hard to keep away from my mate, I'm happy she wants to help to look after our pack but if I'm honest I was a little jealous 'a little, yeah if you say so' snickered Jack 'Says you! you were constantly nagging me to go look for her.' I chuckle, we really are done for when it comes to our mate. We had the most amazing morning, I thought Adira would have taken longer to feel comfortable enough to mate, but I couldn't be happier that she trusts me enough. She felt amazing, every inch of her.. I've never felt anything like it before, I've always saved myself for my mate, and I'm so happy I did because we got to experience all of our first together.. I will never tire of that feeling EVER. I was sat in my office dealing with paperwork, daydreaming of Adira who I haven't seen most of the day when I got an overwhelming feeling of sorrow, it was not from me but Adira making me worry but Jack reached out to Hope and she reassured us that it was because Adira was at the orphanage and the feelings she is experiencing is for the pups there. 'We are so lucky that the moon goddess has mated us with Adira' Jack says full of pride ' You are right Jack we are definitely lucky, she is everything a Luna should be, even without trying. She has the biggest heart and wants to care for everyone,' I replied, smiling from ear to ear. we were stood at the front door waiting for her, when she seen us she ran to me wrapping her arms and legs around me, filling me with relief to be near her again and when we kissed it was like my whole body was on fire. Stupid brother!!! We headed into the dining room to get dinner when Adira was whisked away from me out of the house. I went and sat with Zane and Wes with a couple of warriors at our table, for them all to burst out laughing at telling Wes about us blocking the door and only Zane had the balls to bring us out the 'lovey dovey kissy wissy' to move from the door. They think they are hilarious.. "I wonder what Trixie would think when I tell her you're taking piss out of her friend." it went silent when Zane snapped his head up to me with his eyes bulging "what.. what do you mean, I wasn't we was just messing about, weren't we guys" looking around the table for back up when we full on belly laughed at him, "you won't tell her will you she will have my balls off" he whispered which we all heard making us laugh more. We had moved into the living room to chill while waiting for the girls. 'We need you now, please.. we are at the cottage its urgent' Hope mind linked us making me stand heading to the door, looking confused at Zane and Wes at the same time as they were doing the same as me without me telling them "Please tell me why I can hear Adira wolf through mind link" Zane asked looking at me. "yeah especially as she hasn't officially joined the pack yet Blane" Wes also says both looking at me for answers while we are running to Maxine cottage "I'll explain everything soon, lets just hurry up and get there, there's something wrong" I reply, making us go quicker. When we got there, the girls had explained about the attack back at their coven. so we all agreed that it was time for a pack meeting. Third person POV It was 8.50am, and the training field was set up for the meeting. A stage was put in front of rows of chairs. Pack members have already started taking their seats wondering what the meeting has been called for. Talking amongst themselves. After everyone was there, sat down ready, Blane took to the stage. "Thank you for coming," he says, looking around the crowd at everyone there. "There are 2 reasons why i called for a meeting.. 1- I would like to introduce my mate and Luna, Adira, " He says, full of pride, looking at Adira, calling her onto the stage. She joins him, standing tall and proud next to Blane. Everyone stands and bows their head, saying Luna loud and clear. After they show their respect, they all sit back down, smiling and happy to finally have a Luna. They have waited for the other half of their leadership, and finally, she is here. "Hello everyone, I have met a few of you already, and I'm looking forward to meeting the rest of you. I hope you are all well. I promise to be the Luna you all deserve and too also protect you and help to guide you alongside your Alpha, my mate." Adira states to the whole pack. When everyone starts cheering and clapping, it lessens the nerves that she is riddled with. Both Alpha and Luna are standing strong side by side. smiling to the pack, holding hands, showing strength, pride, and unity. "There are a few things that need to be discussed that will have an impact on the pack, and that comes to the 2nd reason for the meeting." Blane says, looking around at all the members, putting his serious Alpha mode forward. "What is discussed here today.. must not be told to anyone outside of this pack, at least until we have had time to train and prepare. If this information is leaked before we are ready, it could be fatal for not just our pack but all of the supernatural world." Everyone has started whispering, worrying about what the Alpha has said and what it could mean, but each of them know that if it wasn't serious Alpha Blane wouldn't have called for an official pack meeting. "As I introduced, Adira is my mate, but there's more to know about her," Blane says, looking lovingly at her, giving her a reassuring smile, encouraging her to trust the pack and ex0lain what has happened and what it means for them. She takes a deep breath and starts telling them her story. "A little while ago I found out something big that was kept from me, My mum passed away before getting the chance to tell me, so I was left in the dark about myself. I'm not sure how to say this to you all but I know I must as there should be no secrets when it comes to being apart of the pack" Adira says looking around worriedly at the crowd almost choking on the words that could change the way she is seen and accepted. "Your are our Luna, so what ever you need to tell us it's ok, you can trust us to have your back" an older woman at the front said, smiling at Adira giving her a boost to carry on "Thankyou that means a lot" Adira said. She takes a deep breath "So there's a lot I've learned about myself but there's also somethings I'm still learning, You see upto recently I was just a normal witch" Gasps and whispers was all that could be heard, everyone was obviously in shock, Adira waited for the crowd to settle again before continuing "It must be confusing to you as I smell like a wolf, Well that's because I'm also a wolf and I can hide my scent, which is what I've been doing to hide my witch scent" Adira adds before releasing her whole scent making people a little uneasy, not sure what they should make of all the information. "Ok, settle down, we know it's a shock as we have all had our fair share of it over the last couple of days." Blane chuckles, making Adira relax. "Right, so I'm just going to say it... I'm a witch/werewolf hybrid, that is the first of our kind that has a special mission to help all supernaturals as there is an unknown force threatening us all" Adira says in a hurry just trying her best to get it all out before her throat closes up. "What is coming?" another woman asks, scared. "we are not sure, but we need to be ready for whatever it is. We will be stood as one, fighting them as one and winning them as one, " Blane said, full of pride, looking at his pack, it was a few minutes before they all stand and cheer. After giving them all a few minutes to settle back down, Zane went on the stage, getting everyones attention. "Right.. I know everything so far has been a shock, but there are a few things to change... 1- Training will be increased 2- All pack members who are able, are to train from the age of 8 years old will train 3- No one is to leave the pack grounds without permission given from our Alpha. We understand this is a huge change, but also, I know we have got this and will give it our all. What ever is coming we believe it is after OUR LUNA but that is not going to happen, They will be sorry they came to our pack and we will be there KICKING ASS, sending them back to HELL!" Zane shouts now. Everyone is cheering and howling in agreement. It's definitely humbling. Adira looks on with a mixture of emotions. Sadness that she is putting them in harms way, pride that she gets to be a part of this amazing pack and gratitude that they are willing to support and protect her. She vows she will give the same back. The meeting went without a hitch, and after it finished the whole pack was buzzing with the unknown but determined to keep the pack safe from harm. "That went better than I thought" Adira said to their group "I was thinking maybe we could do a safe room for all who can't fight" she said to Blane "We will have to look and see what works but it's a good idea" Blane agrees. They moved into the office to start the task of contacting all the other packs and covens to give warnings out so they could prepare for any attacks also. As the end of the day drew near, they had managed to contact all other packs and all the covens to warn them of an unknown danger. It seemed there had been no other attacks, only Blanes pack, the bright light coven, and also Liddy and Adira's family were attacked. So it would seem that the witches who had attacked them knew of Adira or at least where the chosen child would likely be hidden. They all decided to call it a night and start research the next day on Adira's family, her powers, who knew about her and also if they could find out any information on the people looking for her and why they wanted her. ************* Unknown POV "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YOU SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THAT COVEN DOWN AND BURNT IT TO THE GROUND!" I screamed at those useless pieces of shits. How could they fail me, they could have destroyed that coven, the f*****g audacity they have to even show they disgusting faces infront of me. All of them are useless. They should be grateful I need their powers when the time comes or they would be dead at my feet.. "We apologise. We underestimated them, they were ready for any attacks, and we didn't stand a chan-" my slap cuts the f*****g failure off "Shut your disgusting mouth" I'm fuming at being disrespected "GET OUT NOW.. GET OUT MY FACE" I scream making them scurry out of the room like the vermin they truly are. 239 years, that's how long I've been here as the head of my coven and now that I have a chance to have the power to take over the whole scummy supernatural world, they fail me. If it wasn't for the fact that I need their magic, I'd bathe in there shitty blood. I will get what is rightfully mine, and no one will stand in my way. "Now now sister, we will get the chosen one but we will need to play it smart, where ever they are hiding we will find out and attack but for now we need to save strength and wait until we are positive where that will be for sure" Nadia my sister says calming me down. "You are right as always, sister, plus we need to gather allies, I have an idea," I reply, thinking about how we will get our numbers up for our next attack. We both smile and get on with the plan.
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