Volunteering my help

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warning this chapter has s****l content xx Adira POV I woke wrapped in a warm tangle of arms and legs, I could feel Blanes breath tickling my neck giving me tingles down my spine, making me fidget a little "I would stop that if I were you, little mate" I heard Blanes sleep filled voice making me wonder what he meant until I felt his stiffness on my lower back, making me freeze, blushing "I'm sorry" I mumbled a little embarrassed. "No need to apologise, Adira. All of me is yours," Blane said while flipping me on my back while laying in between my legs propped up on his elbows. with a smile, he rolls his hips a little, making me moan as his stiff member is right on my core. he looks at my lips licking his own and as I can feel him getting closer, I can't hold back anymore and meet his lips half way, wow the sparks are traveling to every inch of my body making me moan more. I can't get enough of him. It's like he is my air. My whole being is screaming for him, I've got a wanting inside of me that wants to be consumed by him.. all of him. We break the kiss to breath but he doesn't stop trailing kisses down my jaw, to my neck and then to the area where my neck meets my shoulder as he kisses and nibbles making me feel shoots of pleasure going straight to my core making me grind on him, he stops for a brief moment to ask " you will tell me if its too much or you want to stop, yes?" he asks and all I can do is nod a yes, so he continues to remove my clothing and his, before going down to my breasts where he is squeezing them lightly taking one of my n*****s in his mouth making me arch my back pushing myself into him more, he gives the same attention to the other before going down further kissing my stomach to my inner thighs, he trails them up my inner thighs stopping infront of my core making me blush. His breath hits my wet core, making me shiver. "you're so wet for me beautiful" he says before dipping his tongue into my wetness, touching my clit making me shout out in pleasure, I feel him smile but carry on circling my clit and then dipping his tongue into me doing it over and over, circling, dipping, circling and dipping and I can feel the burning tension growing more and more, a fire building within me until I scream his name, as I c*m on his tongue while he licks me until I ride out my pleasure. WOW. I'm just getting my senses back to focus as I feel him kissing my sweet spot again and then my mouth, I can taste myself on him, making me even more wet and turned on. He stops and looks at me "we don't have to rush my little mate, if you are not ready to fully mate I understand" but just looking into his eyes I know this is where Im supposed to be and I wouldnt want to be anywhere else " I want to, I want you now and always" I reply as he starts kissing me again as he positioned himself at my entrance I tensed up a little nervous. He stops and looks at me, probably checking that, I'm sure. 'I know it seems sudden, but this is our way, we weres are s****l beings, this is part of being mates' I hear Hope saying as I try to relax. Everything that happened yesterday and last night, I know I want him always and that I can trust him. I give him a smile and small nod yes and he moves to my neck kissing and sucking until I'm relaxed again moaning when he pushes into me slowly, s**t, he enters me and doesn't stop until he's in fully, I'm not going to lie it hurt a little, but he stays still until I've adjusted to him and he starts moving slow making the slight burning pain I feel turn into pleasure. As he picks up his speed I move in sync with him, meeting him thrust for thrust until I'm building again moaning more hearing Blane moaning my name, until I scream his name while I c*m once again, all over his c**k, after a few more thrusts he spills his seed deep inside me. Both of us are gasping for breath while sweaty, with a smile of contentment, and I couldn't feel happier. After some time of enjoying each others company, just talking nonstop about anything and everything, we both get showered and dressed, ready to go for lunch as we apparently missed breakfast. I wore my blue summer dress that ends just before my knees and my white converse, chucking my hair up into a messy bun. Blane walks out of the closet wearing blue jeans and a fitted white t-shirt clinging to his delicious body. "Like what you see, beautiful?" damn he caught me checking him out "of course" I sigh while blushing making him laugh while taking my hand leading me down to the dining room for lunch, there is so many people sat eating that I squeeze Blanes hand. Everyone stops what they are doing and looks up at us, sensing me go tense Blane looks up at everyone smiling "morning" he says "morning Alpha" everyone says back making me jump and just like that everyone has gone back to eating and chatting. The table that we are heading for has Liddy and Trixie sat with Zane and Wes, when they spot us they smile and Liddy hugs me asking if I'm ok and am I not feeling well while putting her hand on my forehead, I frown at her not sure why she thought that until Trixie explained we had missed breakfast and they were worried about me which made me feel bad for making them worry but also blushing so much after a minute of silence they both looked at me then realising why we were late they giggled and wiggled their eyebrows at me making me even redder if that was possible. It has been a pretty good day, and we were again laid in bed relaxing. Its been really nice to walk around the pack getting to meet pack members,I was nervous, but they all put me at ease it really is a lovely pack where everyone is nice. I can't wait to get to know all of them, and they also have a pack clinic and an orphanage that doubles as a creche for pups, that parents work, or are warriors. I loved touring around there, and I hope I can help out. "Can I ask you a favour please, it's ok if you say no as I'm not officially a part of the pack but I'd loved to help out in the clinic and orphanage" I give pleading eyes to Blane hoping he says yes "what do you mean?, why are you asking if you can?" he asks confused, he is probably right they don't know me it was stupid of me to ask on my second day here, I look at the floor upset, sighing "your right I shouldn't have asked, I'm still new and don-" but he cut me off "thats not what I meant my love" I look up confused " what I meant was you shouldn't ask because you don't need to, you are the Luna of this pack." Blane says, taking me by surprise, I really thought that it would take a while to get settled into a pack and pack life, but I already feel like I'm home. We talked some more well into the night about organising a pack meeting, and we have agreed I will go help at the clinic after breakfast. I fall to sleep with a smile on my face, feeling content and happy at last. Today will be a big day for me as I will be helping out at the clinic after breakfast, I'm so excited I can't wait to help people to the best of my abilities. I'm stood outside the clinic clasping my hands nervously, what if I'm of no use or they don't like me, taking a couple of deep breaths I head inside where I'm met by a receptionist who bowed her head to me "Luna" she greeted me "I'm not officially the Luna yet, call me Adira" I smile at her as she looks up at me smiling back. "I thought you had changed your mind about today, you have been outside for the last 10 minutes" she giggled making me blush at being caught "just a little nervous is all" I reply laughing with her, "where are my manners?, silly me, I'm Tracey" she says holding out her hand to shake, taking her hand in mine, shaking it, we both smile, she has a lovely smile very friendly. I can understand that she is the first person that you see when you enter, she puts you at ease straight away, she is about 30 years old, dark blonde hair, blue eyes and a smile to die for. Her eyes mist over. "I've mind linked Dr. Hayley. She will be here in a minute. Would you like a drink while you wait?" she offers but I shake my head no, just as another woman approached me in a Drs coat, she was very friendly too shaking my hand introducing herself as Dr Hayley, she has black hair and green eyes about 45 years old and beautiful. I follow her to her office while she asks what it is I want to do, I explain that I'd like to help people and that I also have an ability to heal others even though I'm not certain of to what extent of that ability as I've only ever healed Liddys hand, to say Dr Hayley was shocked would be an understatement. We chat for 15 minutes or so, getting to know each other more. She really is such a lovely person who talks with so much love and pride for the pack, from the babies to the Alpha. Dr Hayley checks her watch "well I have an appointment with a pregnant patient,Nina, she is here for a check up as she only has a couple of weeks to go with twins, would you like to join in the appointment" she asks making me smile "I would love to" I reply. She leads us out of her office, down the corridor to a room at the end. We enter, and there is Nina sitting with a man, I'm assuming, is her mate, smiling and chatting. They both look to be in their 20s and are super happy. As we enter and shut the door they both look up at us smiling, "hi Nina, Fred, if it's ok with you both, our Luna will be joining your appointment today helping" They both look at me a little shocked but are soon standing,well Nina tried to stand, with bowed heads "Luna, of course it would" Fred said "Please just call me Adira I'm not officially Luna yet, I'm here to help where I can, thanks for letting me observe" I say trying to put them at ease. They both smile at me, and then Dr Hayley asks Nina to lay on the bed, where she checks measurements and the scanning of the twins while asking questions about how Nina has been feeling, eating, and sleeping. I was amazed, and after a while, they started relaxing around me, chatting and laughing until we bid them a goodbye. "Wow, that was amazing, Dr Hayley," I say, beaming at Hayley, making her eyes shine in pride. The day went quickly and I loved it, we arranged for me to work at the clinic on mondays, wednesday and friday plus if there's an emergency they will call me if they need me. On the way back to the pack house, I walked past the orphanage smiling at the kids playing in the fenced off garden. It looked like all the surrounding houses, just a little bigger, and the only difference was it had a white picket fence to keep the kids from wandering off. As I was passing by I noticed a little girl, she was around 3years old with brown hair pulled into pigtails, in the corner of the garden on her own, just watching the other kids play looking a little sad. 'Oh my, she looks so sad. Hope, do you think it would be ok to go and talk to her?' I ask still unsure about pack life and protocol 'yes of course Adi you are the Luna after all' Hope replied. I entered the garden shutting the gate behind me, as I reach her she looks upto me with big brown sad eyes, so I sit on the floor in front of her "well hello baby girl are you ok?" I ask but she doesn't say anything "I was sat with her for a few minutes when she got up an wrapped her cute chubby arms around my neck while I hugged her back, rocking her side to side while I sang the same song my mum used to sing to me every time I was upset or sleepy. when I had finished singing, she had fallen to sleep on me, but I also realised how quiet it had gone in the garden. I turned around and noticed all the other kids sat on the grass behind us, listening to me. As I looked at the door of the house the 2 workers were standing there looking at me in wonder but I stand up while carrying the little girl to them "how did you do that, its never this quiet" Carla one of the workers asked making me get a little worried that I had done something wrong "I'm sorry I could see this little girl upset and wanted to comfort her, I hope that was ok?" I ask. "What, no.. That's not what we meant.. we meant that you were sent by the goddess, they are never still, let alone quiet" sarah the other worker said smiling at me and then looking at the sweet angel in my arms "this is cindy, it's her first day and she has been a little shy with the other children" she says while taking cindy from me while going inside to lay her down for a nap. "thankyou Luna, she has been struggling today. Hopefully, when she wakes from her nap, she will feel better," Carla said while smiling. "I'm glad I could help, I was hoping to possibly help out here if that's ok a couple times a week, or whenever you need me?" "That would actually be great," carla replied, making me smile ear to ear. "How many kids do you look after here?" I ask "well there's 3 orphans that live here, Jaxon, Lucy and Ben and we have 12 kids that we care for while their parents work or train" Carla replies making me feel sad for the 3 orphans taking away my smile straight away "can I ask how they became orphans and ended up here?, how long have they been here?" asking but not sure about wanting to hear the reason as I know it's not going to be a happy story. "they are siblings, Jaxon is 4years old, Lucy is 2years old, and Ben is 6months old. Their mother Jane was such a loving person, always happy and loved her family so much, she died giving birth to Ben, there were complications and she couldn't be saved" Carla was taking a breath when a tear escaped her eye "They saved Ben and that was her final wish. Their father Carl was a warrior, he was devastated at losing his mate but he lived for his kids, he was a strong and caring man, that did everything he could for his family but a few weeks ago the pack was attacked by witches and even though they didn't get through the patrol we lost good men.. including Carl." oh my goddess that is terrible, to lose both parents must be so hard for them, I couldn't hold my tears back with an immense feeling of sorrow for them 'Jack has mind linked me because they can feel our sorrow, I've reassured him that you are ok, before Blane could leave to find you' Hope said while she chuckled at our mates. "How can life be so cruel to them? Would it be ok to meet them, and how have they settled in?" I ask, wiping my eyes dry. "of course you can Luna, they had been coming to the creche since Jane was pregnant with Ben, whenever Carl had training or patrol duty, they were brought here to give Jane a break as she had a difficult pregnancy so when it was just Carl we would have the children over night when he was patrolling so it was easy for him. They are used to us and also used to staying overnight, but it's difficult when they ask for their mummy and daddy," Carla says, exhaling a deep breath. It must be so hard for everyone. "Sarah is in the living room with them and cindy if you would like to go through to them." I nod at Carla and make my way into the house. The hallway is all cream walls, but they have tacked up a lot of bright and colourful pictures that the kids have done all over the walls, I love it. The living room has warm cream and green walls with thick curtains and carpet, with a couple of cots, settees, and chairs made to look warm, homely, and so inviting. In the two cots lay a sleeping Cindy and in the other a cute little boy was sleeping assuming he is Ben. looking at the settee, Sarah sat with a little girl on her knee, and a little boy snuggled into her side while she read them a book. I sat on one of the chairs while Sarah finished reading, not wanting to disturb them. After a few minutes she had finished and looked up at me smiling, "This is Jaxon and Lucy" she said stroking their hair, I got up and went over kneeling down in front of them smiling at them, "Hi Jaxon, Lucy my name is Adira how would you like me to read you another book" I ask hoping they would. "How about you go and choose one?" helping them down off the settee watching them go pick a book for me to read, they sat on the settee with me, while I was reading to them laughing at my silly voices, just as I started reading a second book Cindy woke and ended up sat with us listening and laughing too. After reading to them, Carla came to get them for snack in the kitchen with all the other kids, except for Ben, who was still asleep. "Sarah, what happened to the house they lived in and their stuff, whats the plan for the three of them?." "The house is still technically Carls until we empty it and then another family will take it but so far we have been too busy to do it, we are not sure what will happen to those sweet babies, probably be brought up here between the workers, there is a couple of families that have offered to have them but that would mean that they would be separated from one another" Sarah replied looking sad. I really hope they get to be brought up by a loving family, I know the orphanage is great but it's not where kids should be brought up, it should be a stepping stone until kids get a permanent happy home. "Does all the pack know of them? Have they not got any other family that could help?" I know they have already thought of these things. I just can't help it. How can these babies suffer more than they already have. "They have no family left, I wish they did, and I'm not sure if the whole pack knows about them or not, its a big pack so its hard to know" Sarah says making her brows knit together thinking about it, "ok leave it with me I'll try and help, I'll pop back soon with some good news hopefully" thinking on what I can do for them. I leave back to the pack house when it feels like someone is watching me but when I look around I don't see anyone, maybe its just because I'm tired?, I make my way to the pack house where I see Blane waiting at the door for me. I run to him throwing myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist , I've missed him so much today, he easily catches me laughing at me "I've missed you so much today my Alpha," I whisper in his ear making him growl liking me saying that "I have also missed you my sweet sexy Luna" we kiss until we are struggling for breath when he moves to my neck inhaling my scent "can't you two wait until your in the house for that" Zane says laughing at us "brother if you don't want to see then go in the house" Blane growls a little annoyed at his youngest brother "well as you are blocking the door big brother that is a hard task to complete, especially as we are trying to get in from training" Zane says laughing more,then I hear lot of laughter making me freeze, they, means that its not just him, looking up to find all the warriors standing there laughing at us making me blush tucking my face into Blane which he then bursts out laughing too. "Good point, brother," he says while side stepping with me still in his arms. We go in and head into the dining room where its almost full but before we could sit, Liddy and Trixie stand and ask for a word in private, looking at them they have worry in their eyes. I tell Blane that we will be back soon as we walk out of the dining room going to Maxines cottage. Maxine was pacing around their living room when we enter, she is so lost in her thoughts she didn't notice us, Trixie coughed to get her attention but that still didn't help so Liddy shouted her making her squeal clutching her hand to her chest in fright. Ok, now I'm starting to panick. "Please don't scare me like that," she says when she finds her voice. "We are sorry, but we tried to get your attention, but you didn't hear us," Liddy says, feeling guilty for scaring her. "Ok, will someone please tell me what is happening? You are starting to freak me out!" I ask, looking at them all waiting for someone to answer. "There has been an attack on our coven, no fatalities but martha has sent word that the witches that had attacked was seeking a child, a chosen child with powers untold" I start to panick we all sat down trying to figure out what is happening. 'Hope do you think that the attacks are because of us, someone is searching for us!' 'It makes sense but we need Blane, Zane and Wes here to go through it all and help' Hope says and it does make sense 'can you reach them through mind link and ask for them to come here please' I ask lost in my thoughts 'of course Adi' and a few seconds later 'I've mind linked them, they are on their way' Hope says making me relax a little 'thanks Hope' she goes to the back of my mind again. A few minutes later, all three men came barrelling through the door, looking for danger. When they spotted us, sat waiting for them, but unhurt, they took a breath of relief. Being in my mates arms always helps me feel safe and calm. We fill the men in what has happened coming to a plan of starting training sooner rather than later. 'we need to put forward about all able pack members training from the age of 8years old just to make sure they can protect themselves.' Hope says worrying about the pack " Hope asks what your thoughts are on training all able pack members from 8years old up so they can protect themselves if needed" I ask looking at Blane "I know it's a young age but we just need to make sure that they can fight off anyone if they need to, we hope it doesn't come to that though" I say quickly feeling like I'm overstepping "hey don't do that, this is your pack also, that sounds like a good idea at least they will have the skills if they need them" Blane says making me feel a little better, I really don't like the thought of a child fighting but I have a bad feeling about what will happen especially if we are not prepared. The pack meeting is set for 9am in the morning. It's time to face the fear of meeting the whole pack.
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