
The Hybrid Warrior. (book 1*)

supernature earth

Adira was happy with her family until she was 8years old when the worst day of her life happened, her mum, grandad and nan was murdered by a power hungry witch.

Adira only survived that day when her mum hid her away... she has promised to get justice for her loved ones.

Fighting against an ancient dark witch who wants all the power to take over the supernatural world.

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Where it all began
(Third person pov) Hidden away in the woods was a quaint cottage. It was white stone walls, green wooden door with dried flowers hanging on either side. The paned windows were framed with green shutters, with window boxes hanging from the windowsills filled with lavender and wild flowers. In this house lived a small family, filling it with love and laughter. Sam was watching her daughter walking through the clearing, loving the fact that her daughter is happy and safe. Surrounded by so many different shapes, sizes and colourful wild flowers, wearing her favourite yellow sundress was Adira, an 8 year old happy girl, a born witch, a decendant of one of the very first witches. Her small arms are spread out wide, spinning around and around in the sunshine touching the wild flowers with her out stretched fingers. Loving the scents of the disturbed flowers that waft up her nose, it always reminds her of her family. Her smile is as bright as the sun that shone. This was something she did with her mum often and was her favourite thing to do. She was having a great time, she had spent the last couple of hours eating and talking with her mum. She soon stopped spinning as she heard her mum singing quietly. She ran back to her, wanting to hear her mums special song. Well, it was the song of her families coven. Sam, her mum, was sitting on a blanket packing away their picnic things. After everything was packed away, her mum tickled her as they both laughed as they both fell back to lay down on the blanket, still giggling. After a few minutes of silence, just enjoying each others company, letting the sun sink into their skin. "Please tell me, Mama," Adira almost begged for her favourite story, with a smile. Adira's mum started telling her favourite story about a beautiful special girl who was going to be born to take care of the supernatural world and bring peace. "It was a beautiful day. The sunshine was so bright, and the birds sang loudly in a beautiful song. In the cabin tucked away in the trees, a beautiful girl was born. Her parents loved her so much that their hearts could burst, and the love they held for her would forever protect her. She was her daddies little ray of sunshine, and he would protect her life with his own. She was the first of her kind with the blood and magic of both witch and werewolf, and they knew she would be in danger until she would old enough to protect herself. When that time came, she would also protect others, bringing peace to all. Her powers would be untold, filled with light and love she would protect all those that need it. She would put an end to unnecessary deaths and destruction brought by the dark beings. Darkness that destroyed everything they came into contact with, killing the very world they were a part of. Her light would concur the darkness and save the supernatural world, bringing safety to all." her mum finished and was taking a few minutes as she always did when she told the story. "Wow, I love it so much, Mama," Adira whispered with a smile making Sam blink and turn her head to Adira "you need to always remember that love and light concurs all, ok. no matter what happens" her mum said as Adira nodded her head in agreement, Sam always had a mix of emotions when telling Adira the short story. Adira would always watch her mum while she told the story, she always wondered what she was thinking but when she once asked why her eyes were sad, Sam told her she would know when she was older as she was too little for that part of the story. Adira loved this story as her mum sounds so happy telling her it,after every story time she promised her mum she will grow to love everyone and look after everyone just like the story so everyone was just as happy as them. Adira knew it was a story, but she wanted to be just like the girl. They were heading home as the sun was getting low. That's when they could hear screaming, blood curdling screams in the distance. Adiras mum dropped the basket and they started to run, when they got close they could see that Adira's nan was kneeling down in the garden and she was screaming for her husband who was laying on the floor bleeding while surrounding them was 5 witches smiling. Adira's mum took her by the hand and ran to the biggest hollow tree, putting her in the trunk where there was a hole, big enough for Adira to crawl into, giving her a bag and told her not to move, not to leave that space no matter what she heard to stay there and be quiet. she gave her a cuddle telling her how brave she is, how much she loved her and proud of her, with tears coming from her own eyes, telling Adira to stay quiet and not move until she hears aunt Liddy. Only when Adira promised with a sacred pinky swear that Sam left her alone, knowing she would keep the promise. Sam left Adira there crying, praying that she would be safe but as she ran she sent a magic message to her sister who was staying with their old coven while studying magic for a few months, hoping they will be here soon. Hoping they would be in time. As she ran, she shouted out to her mum but was stopped by two witches that started circling her. Just then, their leader spoke, "You know why I'm here. Where is the child?" " there is no child, we live a simple life here just me and my parents,please dont hurt them" Sam replied her mother was screaming that her dad was dead that he was gone "tell me where the child is, I WANT IT NOW OR YOU BOTH DIE" the leader shouted, she was red in the face and practically spitting with rage, getting angrier and angrier with not getting the answer she wants, "we dont know what you are talking about we have no children here" sam said again hoping her sister would be here in time "either way you both are going to die before we move our search on" snarled the leading witch, absolutely fuming that she still has the search, she mutters a spell and Sam's mum is lifted into the air then her neck is snapped dropping to the floor in a heap. Sam screams while she fights the two witches killing one, but was over powered by the rest of them, she is knocked to the floor where she screams in torture, while they all circle her chanting the same spell to torture her untill she stops breathing then they start walking off, the leader instructs the youngest witch with her to set fire to the house. Meanwhile, Adira is sitting in the tree covering her ears, hoping to muffle her families screams, but it's still loud, her mouth is covered by her knees as she tries to stop her sobs escaping. Then, all of a sudden, it goes silent, and there's smoke in the air. She is praying that her mum comes back soon now its quiet because she is scared and cold. It's quite a while later when she can hear her aunt Liddy crying while shouting her name. She crawls out the tree, taking the bag with her, running home to her family. Adira stops in her tracks when she sees Liddy sat on the floor crying devasted.Liddy is Sam's younger sister she is only 14 years old she has blonde hair to the middle of her back, green eyes and she is beautiful. Adira stands there in shock, looking at her broken family, and starts crying. That's when Liddy realises she there and rushes to her, hugging her, trying to sheild her eyes away. Theres fellow witches that came to help from their coven, using their beautiful magic they put out the fire and got the lost the family ready for burial, all the while trying to wrap there heads around what has happened and the sadness they all feel for being too late. They opened a portal and took Liddy and Adira with them back to the coven. The burial was a sacred passage to their goddess for all magical beings. All three of them were laid side by side and wrapped in beautiful soft silk, covered in herbs and flowers. The whole coven came to pay their respects and pray for their safe passage. Their magic swirled as one as it blanketed their lost members. Their whole beings were colourful, and after a few minutes, a breeze carried away the colourful and bright whisps up into the air. Their souls safely go to their goddess. The pyre that once held their bodies were now empty. It was bittersweet as Adira clung to Liddy while they both cried. The only relief was that they knew their family was now at peace.

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