new pack

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Adira POV I could hear voices around me but I couldn't make out what was said, it was muffled and faint but I could feel sparks from my hand, up through my body, making me relax into the warmth. Opening my eyes I could see Blane holding my hand but already knew he was, with the sparks making me smile at him. He has me wrapped in his arms, his face tucked into my neck making me shiver with lust from the tickle of his breath on my mark. "LEAVE" he orders in his Alpha tone making everyone pile out the door in haste. "my love are you ok" I ask, he snaps his face upto mine "what.. you're the one that passed out, how are you feeling" he said with worry, I nod my head yes "I'm perfectly fine but are you ok, how are you feeling" I ask again making him shake his head and look at me with disbelief "my little mate I'm good thanks to you, you scared the s**t out of me though when you passed out, how are you feeling now.. hungry! thirsty! shaould I get the Dr or shou-" I shut him up with a kiss I put all my love and relief into it and only coming up for air when we have to, I pull him on me so he's laid in between my legs while he's kissing my neck and mark, it feels like heaven and I'm grinding on him, I want him now, We were interrupted with a knock on the door I growl in frustration, Blane gets of me chuckling at me kissing all over my grumpy face cheering me up instantly making me giggle. "First chance we get you are mine my Alpha" I say making him growl and his eyes fill with lust and there was another knock making me growl also but in irritation. "OK GOD DAMN IT" Blane shouts at the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt Alpha The beta is wanting to discuss what is going to happen now" Wes says on the other side of the door. "come in" Blane says while I get to my feet. Wes comes in the room bows at us then smiles at me "I'm happy to see you are ok Luna, how are you feeling" he asks "thanks Wes I'm feeling great just pissed off still that they injected my mate" I say making him smile more "I don't doubt you will give them hell for that" Wes said laughing. "come in Liam, Jed" Blane says looking at the door. "we wanted to make sure our Luna was ok" Liam said them both bowing their heads. "I'm good thank you" I say making them lift their heads looking at Blane with amusement. "What have I missed" I say looking at them raising my eyebrow with a small smile. "while you have been in here, the qhole pack has been talking about our Alpha" Jed said with pride, I just look at them confused, looking over to Blane he is also confused. "yeah. they have all been talking about how the Alpha is a formidable opponent and it took almost all of the packs warriors to take him down" Liam said with amusement in his eyes. "They said that you came to after the first injection and started choking a warrior so they had to inject you again with wolf bane" Jed said with a fury in his eyes at this information but before we could register that information Jed bowed his head "I'm sorry Alpha Blane, I failed you and I failed our Luna" he said with sadness making me sad and pissed but not at Jed, I walked upto Jed and hugged him making him stiffen, "Be sure of you thing Jed you didn't fail any of us and you fought along side of your Alpha with courage and I trust you, that you fought hard, I'm proud that you are apart of our pack and a great warrior who has our back and will forever be grateful you was with my love " I release him from my hug and walk back to my mate seeing Jed surprised by my statement and Liam swelled in pride for his dad. "thank you Luna" Jed said pride and relief filling his eyes "there's nothing to thank me me for, I'm the one thats thankful Jed" I say as Blane squeezes me to him. "Adira is right Jed I'm proud that you were beside me. We kicked ass" Blane said making us all laugh. "Ok now we all know we are all ok I have business to attend to" I say as I storm out of the room. We follow the sent of Beta Warren to a room across the hall, I barge straight in growling Hope is also coming out. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF MY MATE BEING INJECTED WITH WOLF BANE NOT ONCE, WHICH IS BAD ENOUGH BUT TWICE" I shout with so much anger. "I apologise, we did it as a precaution" "A PRECAUTION" I say getting angrier "We couldn't subdue him so we had to" Beta Warren says quietly. "SUBDUE, YOU ATTACKED HIM..." making me and hope absolutely fuming mad. Wind started blowing around me, I could feel my anger getting the better of me "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY MATE, THAT COULD HAVE KILLED HIM WITHOUT EVEN QUESTIONING HIM ON HIS INTENTIONS" the wind started getting stronger. I felt a calming hand touch me, and then Blane stood in front of me stroking me face. "please my love you need to calm down" Blane says "they could have killed you. I wouldn't survive without you" I say as tears start falling and the wind getting stronger. "I'm ok my love look" he said putting my hand on his cheek "feel me,hear me I'm ok and here" he said making me calm down and the wind stopped as he wraps me in his arms. I heard an sigh of relief from behind Blane making me scowl. "My apologies about how we treated Alpha Blane and the rest of your pack members. I have already explained to Alpha Blane why we did that hoping we could resolve this issue" Robert said making me look at him in confusion looking back at Blane. "I apologise but this is the only way to protect our pack" Beta Warren said making me come out Blanes embrace to scowl at him. "A pack without an Alpha is a doomed and vulnerable pack and wouldn't last long." He said making me look confused at Blane "My love I don't like the fact I was injected with anything but now I understand it was a part of them protecting their pack, their family" Blane says making me understand a little bit better "but that doesnt give them the right to kill anyone they want with no cause" "Robert has explained that but maybe he could run through it again for you" Blane says looking at Robert. "I understand why you would think that but we don't kill everyone and we never inject wolf bane into anyone it's a last resort and always wished we would never need it. we question them and see what their intentions are, some we let go to carry on their way, some are amongst us here in the pack mated to our pack members but yes some we kill depending on them and their actions" im not sure to make of all this info it takes me a minute to sort my head out "why is it called the dark forest then and never has anyone returned from this place." I ask the obvious question "have you ever wondered how those stories came about and who told those, well they were spread by the wolves we let go, to help us to maintain as a pack" like I said to Alpha Blane we are not a heartless pack but a pack without an Alpha and we do the best we can to protect whats left of our people" Robert explains making me relax a little bit. "I was best friends and beta of your grandfather, and I know he would be ashamed of the way his granddaughter was welcomed to her pack and I will go to my grave regretting that" he said while looking at me. I'm not sure how I should feel about this its so much to take in, everything is just so confusing. "I vowed to look after what was left of our pack until the rightful Alpha came along and now you are here, I will take full responsibility of the injustice of what has happened but please don't take it out on my son as it is the plan I made when we first set home up here" he explained with so much hurt in his eyes. my heart hurt seeing how much they have suffered and my anger dissolved with understanding. "There is nothing to take responsibility for Robert I understand as I would also do anything to protect my family" I said with a small smile, he sat on a chair with a sigh " you remind me so much anf your grandmother, she was also so understanding, I miss them all so much especially my clara" he said with a sad smile bringing tears to my eyes as I could see how much he had suffered and lost. after a few minutes of silence beta Warren spoke " I have called for a pack meeting to introduce their true Alpha, if you would like to freshen up and eat first it starts in a couple of hours so everyone can prepare" he asked while bowing his head to me. "wait what... I'm not an Alpha" I say panicking. "you are, you are the werewolf queen" Robert said making my eyes widen in fear. 'what are we going to do Hope' I ask panicking more 'hey, hey calm down this is what we were born to do, we are here to help all the supernatural world. you have me and Blane by your side Addy we can do this, they need us!' Hope says giving me strength and calmness "could I talk with Blane privately please" I say looking around the room when they all get up and leave, leaving just the 2 of us. "I'm not sure what to say, what to do" I say still in slight panic but he holds my hands and looks into my eyes "you can do or say what ever you like my love" he said chucking making me giggle, how does he have the ability to calm me down and cheer me up at every turn. "what do you make of all this" I ask making him think for a minute. "well it's a lot to take in but this is your rightful place" he said with a little sadness making me frown, I reach up with my hand to his face "my love my place is by your side and no where else" I say smiling at him, wow his smile makes me into jelly, I squeal when he wraps his hands around me and spins with me hugged into him. "you don't know how happy hearing that has made me" he says in my ear " we do need to come up with a plan, if this is my pack then I need to also be able to protect them" I say hoping Blane might have an idea as I'm newish to packs. "well we could ask Beta what his view would be about joining packs on our territory if that is also what you want" Blane offered making me smile until my cheeks hurt. "please that would be great but I need to meet all the pack members first, I don't want to rip them from their homes" I say getting excited. Blane opens the door for the men to re-enter the room. we explain our plan to them all and to say Beta Warren is relieved would be an understatement. After our discussion they showed us to a couple of spare rooms so we could shower and change. Me and Blane took one room and Wes,Jed and Liam took the other. we walked into our room and it was simple and clean, all white walls with wooden floor and blue rug. one wall had a big windows with blue curtains and on the other side of the room was a double size bed with matching blue beddind as the curtains. Blane placed our bag in the little bathroom and went back to the door to lock it. I was shutting the curtains when I felt Blanes arms wrap around my waist and his lips on my neck, kissing me making me moan. "I've been wanting to do this since we left home" he says making me press more into him. "me too my love" I respond while grinding on him making him growl, vibrating through my whole body. I turn around in his arms kissing him so deep with so much love. He lifts my ass so i wrap my legs around his waist, grinding on him while he carries me to the bed. I'm moaning everytime I move, feeling the friction in just the right place. He climbs on the bed and rips my dress from top to bottom to reveal me completely naked under neath, his eyes go dark with lust, stripping himself out of his clothes. His c**k is impossibly hard leaking pre c*m I lick my lips thinking of licking his tip. My already wet p***y is now soaked as I can't wait to feel him deep inside me. "like what you see my Luna" he asks making me blush slightly at being caught staring. "of course my Alpha, please I need you, I want you so deep in me" my own words making me hot for him, he climbs back on me and enters me in one swift movement making me moan his name "Blane please" I beg for him. he starts slowly and then picks up his pace making me scream his name "f**k me,Adira, you are so tight, you feel so good" Blane moans in my ear making me build higher and higher until I've c*m all over his c**k. He carries on with his speed building me up again, he moves my legs so my feet are over his shoulders and carries on pounding into me, we are both moaning each others names "f**k, I'm gonna c*m again" I scream as he keeps pounding "f**k me my alpha" I moan and pant and then he explodes his seed inside of me while I c*m and milk his every drop. It takes a while to catch our breaths laid wrap in each others arms. Blane eventually tries to move but I don't want him to "just a little bit longer my love" I say hoping he will stay "we only have 40 minutes my love to get ready and go for the pack meeting and you still haven't eaten" he says looking at me but I could tell he doesn't want to move either. "lets make a deal, I'll get us food so we can stay like this for a little while longer then we can shower and go to the meeting" I say smiling because I know he won't say no "that actually sounds like a good idea" he says "well yeah course it does, it is my idea after all" I say making us both laugh. we sit up under the blanket and I get us food "I must admit I'm starving" I say with my tummy rumbling "mmm" Blane said already tucking into the food. We had potatoes, chicken and vegetables and after we had cheesecake. It's just what we needed. I'm chilled on bed while Blane takes a shower, I would have showered with him but I know what happens when we shower together and we haven't got time so I've played it safe and let him go first. After he is out and walks out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist my mouth waters, he knows I'm checking his sexy body out, he licks his lips teasing me and starts laughing at me when I moan, the s**t head, two can play this game so I slip off the bed and let the blanket fall, pooling around my feet and stretch 'accidentally' catching my n****e with my hand and then walk past him moaning while he groans and his towel starts standing out with him growing hard. He tries to reach for me but I duck and run into the bathroom laughing. Locking the door behind me as he reaches the handle "no fair" he says grumpily. "you started it" I say laughing even more. I climb in the shower washing away the stressful day and then shampoo and condition my hair it isn't what I would normally use but it still smells nice like berries. getting out the shower, I grab my back pack from near the door getting my toothbrush out and scrubbing my teeth. It feels so nice to be clean. shit I forgot that I've no clean clothes left apart from a dress that I only use for after ive shifted. I can't go to meet the pack in this. 'get something else with our magic Addy' Hope says 'I've only ever done food and drinks though, do you think it will work? I ask 'well only one way to find out' she says laughing 'Your right here goes nothing' I say hoping it will work. I think of black skinny jeans, a white fitted top, black cardigan and white converse. I wave my hand and in a neat pile there they sre making me smile so much. oh wait underwear I wave my hand again and white knickers, bra and socks appear too. I put everything on and towel dry my hair brushing it through. braiding in to the side. I open the door and throw myself at Blane, he catches me laughing. "What has gotten into you" he asks laughing at me "I used my magic and look what I got,I've never tried anything but food and drink but look it worked" I say really happy. Blane let me go and spun me around whistling at me. "Wow great job my love" he said making me blush "is there anything you need my love I ask but he shakes his head no just staring at me "how did I get so lucky" he said making me blush more. "come on silly it's time to go" I say dragging him out the door. down the stairs was stood Wes,Jed and Liam waiting for us. When they all seen us they bowed and then smiled. They look so much better after a shower and food. We all headed to the where the meeting was being held. outside on the garden everyone stood waiting and on a makeshift stage stood Robert and Beta Warren. We went to the side of the stage and Robert started off the meeting. "Thank you all for coming I know most of you were busy but it is important for all pack members to hear this first hand" he gave them a minute to quieten down. "As you know we came here and settled after the Attack that destroyed our pack, we all lost our family, friends, our pack we had grown up with, gone in a matter of a day" I could see and hear the pack cry wiping their eyes trying to be strong. I know how that feels to loose the most important people to you and it still feels like it was yesterday. it gets easier to live with but never goes away.My heart breaks for these people making a few stray tears escape my eyes. Blane holds me tighter kissing my head. I smile at him to let him know I'm ok. "We as a pack decided to stick together and care for one another until our rightful Alpha came to claim us back. We trained and became a strong pack for when our Alpha arrived and if there was another attack we would be better prepared." Robert said making them cheer. After they settled down again Robert took a deep breath releasing it knowing this is when he has to tell them my dad died. "well there have been a few developments in that information and I hate to have to say this but Prince Patrick died 17years ago" he said and the pack gasped and some started crying, I could feel the hope they had was now disappearing. "please settle down that isn't all I need to tell you" Robert said making everyone silent. "As much as it hurts for me to tell you Prince Patrick is no more, we still have hope, we still have our Alpha" he said to everyone, I looked at the crowd and it was just full of doubt and confusion. Beta Warren came to the side of the stage inviting me and Blane to join them. As we stood on the stage and walked to Robert everyone started whispering wondering what was happening. "This is a good day as we have found our rightful leader, the child of Prince Patrick." beta Warren said looking over at us making everyone go silent. "please I mean no disrespect but how do we know that he is Prince Patrick child" a woman in the crowd asked making Blanes eyes go wide "That's because he isn't and she is" Robert said smiling. "what.. there has never been a female Alpha, how can this be" A man said. I stepped forward looking at them all "I assure you this is a shock to me as much as you all, I don't remember my father as he died when I was 6months old protecting me and my mum" I take a deep breath but before I can carry on an older man shouts "we can't just take her word for it, anyone could say they are Prince Patrick kid because we wouldn't know any different" Blane growls making the man bow his head "my mate does not lie and I won't have you disrespect her. we came here for an alliance but things have turned out completely different, we are as shocked as you, but if you dare to disrespect her again I will not be holding back" he looks at me 'are you ok my love' 'yes I have you by my side I will always be ok' I mind link him back giving him a smile and hold his hand. "She has proved it without even realising it" Beta Warren said giving me a small smile "maybe if Luna Adira wouldn't mind showing you, then we can move on past the believing stage and also to make it clear if anymore of you disrespect her again you will also have me to deal with" he said and gave me a nod of his head "I'm sorry Beta Warren but I'm not sure what you are referring to" I say confused "your mark my love"Blane said smiling. I didn't even think of that. I take off my cardigan and pull down my top to show my mark. Everyones eyes went wide and they all gasped but just then they all got down on one knee, head bowed with their right hand over their hearts, making my heart swell.
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