Finding truth

1406 Words
Blane POV I was in the darkness but could still feel my body burning, the last thing I remember is being attacked by all the wolves left standing.Then nothing. It's weird to not see, hear or feel anything apart from the excruciating burning all over my body inside and out. And there it was a calming, soothing feeling, like I've been put in a bath of cool water extinguishing the flames that are destroying me. I open my eyes to see Adira kneeling next to me with a bright light over the top of me, when I look down I realise it's her hands and she was crying. I lift my hand up stroking her cheek and the emotions in her eyes was something I don't want to witness again. I'm trying to get my bearings while she sobs on my chest making my heart break. I'm not even 100% before she is trying to stand but I grab her hand hoping to stop her. before I know what is happening she is walking away with Liam while Jed and Wes were standing guard over me. I'm fuming but when I get up if anyone lays their hands on my little mate they will pay, with their life. by the time I'm all here and 100% Adira grabs my hand and pulls me along with them to follow the warriors. I have no clue what has just happened but I'll be sure to ask her when we are safe. I will say though my little mate is amazing. 'Jack you there' I ask but get no reply, I can still feel him in the back of my mind but its faint, maybe he needs more time. We get taken to an office to discuss with the beta about what has happened and to seek an alliance for the upcoming war. But what is said blows my mind. ADIRA IS A ROYAL. Just as I look at her, she passed out making me jump up and hold her. 'Get a doctor' I shout at beta Warren while growling. Jack is coming forward and he is pissed. "Alpha you need to calm down" Wes says trying to get close to us. Making us loose our temper more and I can feel our teeth and claws grow, growling with every breath. "SHE WOULD NOT BE IN THIS STATE IF NOT FOR THIS PACK. WE CAME AND ASKED TO TALK AND GOT ATTACKED" I shout making everyone in the room flinch. "Please Alpha, you are right and I mean no disrespect but if you don't calm down you might hurt Luna Adira" Wes said with his head bowed. I look at my beautiful mate and realise he is making sense as my claws are close to Adira skin. Making me and Jack calm down and take deep breaths. "Please Alpha we have a small clinic down the hall, I've mind linked the Dr and she is preparing for us." Beta Warren explained. I carry my mate out the office and two doors down to another room. As we reach the door Wes opens it to reveal a bright white room with two beds and a few medical machines, is this the clinic it's more like a hospital room not big enough really for whats in here. I lay Adira on one of the beds " you can all wait outside and I will give her a once over" Dr said making me growl "I'm not leaving my mate" I growl out while looking at her with a 'Try make me leave' look, making her shake a little and nod her head at us making the rest of the men leave. I move to the side so the Dr can get to work. 'Wes keep close in case we need you, stay together and also keep your guards up. We don't know this pack and I don't trust them and that will be the same until we have proof of what they say' I mind link Wes 'Yes Alpha, hows our Luna doing' Wes replied 'not sure yet, I think it might just be a lot 2 take in but will let you know asap, keep your ears open also we can't be too careful' 'yes Alpha' Wes said and I cut off the link. The Dr does her thing checking Adira but not finding anything medically wrong with her "Alpha I think it was just too much going off and she has gotten overwhelmed, she should wake up soon" Dr said and then left. Maybe it was a bed idea coming here, we will leave when Adira wakes up. Its been 20minutes and there's a knock at the door, I turn to see Robert closing the door behind him. "what do you want, have your pack not caused enough s**t already" I say turning my back to him. "I apologise but this is the only way to protect our pack, well what's left of it, you know yourself that a pack without an Alpha is a doomed and vulnerable pack and wouldn't last long." He said making me face him, "I understand but that doesn't mean I agree with pumping wolves with wolf bane and killing every wolf that you might come across, how many innocent wolves have you all murdered" I ask with anger making him flinch back and so he should. "I understand why you would think that but we don't kill everyone and we never inject wolf bane into anyone it's a last resort and never needed it until you" he said with amusement in his eyes, not sure what he finds amusing but I'm not happy " we question them and see what their intentions are, some we let go to carry on their way, some are amongst us here in the pack mated to our pack members but yes some we kill depending on them and their actions" he carried on making me look at him with suspicion "why are there no survivors who return from here then" I ask the obvious question making him chuckle "have you ever wondered how those stories came about and who told those, well they were spread by the wolves we let go, to help us to maintain as a pack" he said making my eyes bulge out my head " we have healed some, fed some cared for them, we are not heartless Alpha Blane" as he finishes talking I'm lost for words. "I'm not sure what to say to be honest,robert, what you have said was no where near what I was expecting but now you have said it does actually make sense" I say relaxing a little bit more. "I was best friends and beta of her grandfather, he was an amazing king not only did he and our Queen care for all werewolves but also all other supernatural beings, you know" he said while looking at Adira while I shook my head no, I really didn't know much about the royals as I was a toddler when their pack fell. "They opened their doors to all that needed help, the day they died most of our pack died too including my mate. my heart stopped beating that day all hope gone but I vowed to look after what was left of our pack until the rightful Alpha came along, I just always assumed it would be prince Patrick." he explained with so much hurt in his eyes. I couldn't stand to be in a world without Adira, I have no idea how he has done it all these years. We sat in silence waiting for my love to wake up. "How many are in this pack" I ask curiosity getting the better of me. "In total we have originally came here with 47 from what we could save from our pack and over the years with mates we now have 80 members, our original pack had over 500 pack members" "wow " was all I could say "when we were attacked we were not prepared there was so many witches but also rogues they had an advantage as they managed to get into the middle of our territory and kill everyone on site including babies, I mean how sick do you have to be to do that" it makes my blood boil hearing this, it makes me realise we need to get home as soon as possible.
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