decisions for the pack

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"please everyone stand, I would like to discuss what plan I have in mind but don't feel like you have to agree just because you think you should, it is a decision that will need time to make and we fully understand" I grab a hold of Blanes hand. "this is my mate Alpha Blane and if he would he will tell you the plan then you will have until the later this afternoon to decide" I say smiling at everyone. They all stand looking expectedly at Blane. "Hello to you all, Thank you for attending the meeting. We came here originally to ask the pack for an alliance as there is an unknown threat that coming, it seems to have set their sights on Adira but we are not sure why" Blane explained making everyone to talk. "please quieten down" beta Warren said making everyone silent. "We also think it is the witches that attacked the royal pa-" Blane was cut off with the whole pack growl in anger. Blane puts his hand up, everyone was now listening and waiting for him to finish. "I understand how you feel, we have also been attacked and we also know that there is an attack coming at us but we are not sure when. Our plan is to merge both packs together in our territory but that is a decision that you all must make" "you will have until the morning as we will be leaving tomorrow afternoon" I cut in. "Does anyone have any questions before we call the meeting to a close and head back inside" Robert asked looking around the crowd. A younger man spoke "could I ask a personal question to the Alpha" looking at Blane "ask away" Blane said smiling "I mean no disrespect but how is it that you survived the wolf bane especially two doses" making the crowd uneasy. "Well actually you will have to ask my Luna" Blane says with a smile looking at me making me blush at being center of attention again. "well i will have to start from the beginning if you don't mind a longer meeting" I say looking round and when the crowd nod in agreement I take a deep breath. "Well let me start from when I was born.. the moon goddess visited my parents and explained I was one of a kind as my father was mated to a witch my mother" I was interrupted by the gasps and whispers. "It was said that I would grow and protect the supernatural world with powers untold, that they would need to protect me until I got my wolf. my dad died protecting me and my mum, we escaped and lived a peaceful life until I was 9, my family was murdered in an attack leaving me and my auntie Lidia. we was taken to our coven were I lived as a witch never knowing my dad was a werewolf. when I met my wolf it was a shock but Hope is beautiful, caring but fierce and I wouldn't be without her now she is here. That's when we also got powers, we can heal others, we are stronger and faster, can teleport and a few other things but getting to the reason my mate can bare the wolf bane to an extent is because when we marked each other I also made our pack and my Alpha stronger than other packs" I explain hoping that they would understand. "There is no need to make a decision about for me as I will be going with you, you are our queen and where you are I will be" Robert said making me smile at him and that's when everyone cheered and howled in agreement. "looks like you have your decision already" Beta Warren said smiling "ok ok" I said as everyone quieted down "If you agree to join packs please stand over to the right and anyone who needs more time to the left" To my surprise the whole pack moved to the right making me smile and then Hope came forward and Howled with pride and everyone followed. As we were leaving the stage a woman approached us bowing her head "If I may your majesty I would just like to introduce myself my name is sierraand I wanted to tell you that I grew up with your dad and uncle and they would be proud of you for stepping forward and claiming us. you have your dads kind eyes and it's a pleasure to meet you" "would you mind if once you are settled we could spend sometime together, I would love to hear more about my dad and learn what sort of man he was" I asked when she smiled so big making me smile also "I would love that thankyou your majesty" she said bowing again "Please call me Adira, majesty seems like too much" I say giggling "ok Luna Adira" she says before leaving. The plan was to hopefully leave tomorrow afternoon, and then merge the packs in a week to give us chance to sort out where everyone would be living and maybe build a few more houses and for everyone to pack. We all head to the dining room and there has been no food cooked due to the meeting so I wave my hand and got a large selection of sandwiches and snacks on the serving tables for people to pick what they wanted. I look around at all the new faces and smile. I've gone from having Liddy, Trixie and our coven to having my wonderful wolf Hope, a mate, a gorgeous mate at that and 100s of family members. I really couldn't be happier my life has improved so much, don't get me wrong I didn't have a bad upbringing but I was a loner but now I'm surrounded by love and laughter. We have just finished eating and most people have already left and was only a few left, laughing and chatting. Whatever comes our way we will fight with everything we have and protect everyone we love and protect anyone that needs it from harm. As I'm in a world of my own daydreaming a magic message appeared in front of me bringing me out my thoughts. (A magic message is writing that glows infront of your face to read and only when you say done it dissappears and only magic beings can read) magic message emergency been trying to contact phone been an attempted attack no casualties but please get in touch love Liddy xx I jump up growling putting everyone that was in the dining room into attack mode watching for what was wrong. "THERE HAS BEEN ANOTHER ATTACK" I say fuming. Blane, Wes, Jed and Liam also all jump up. "what has happened how do you know there has been another attack" Blane says placing hiz hands on my shoulders. "I've just been sent a magic message from Liddy, she said there has been an attempted attack, no casualties but they have been trying to get a hold of us on the phone" I say looking at them "I must have lost the damn phone when we fought, I didn't even think about it" Blane says looking mad. "give me a minute and all of you open your mind link I'm going to ask Hope to try something we have never done before but hopefully it will work" I say to them all hoping it does work. 'Zane...' I try our mind link hoping it will reach him ' Hope please can you help me use our mind link maybe we can get through because we are stronger' 'of course Addy, I'll try and include Blane and our men also' 'That would be great Hope, I'm hoping that no one is hurt' "Blane, Hope is going to try mind linking Zane and add you all in on the conversation so we are all clear what is happening back home" I say making his eyes wide open staring at me with shock " I didn't know you could do that my love" he said still in shock "we are not sure we can but we are going to try" I replied with determination. I close my eyes and sit back down concentrating with Hope. I feel us both as one and the power was strong. 'Zane can you hear me' I ask but nothing. 'Zane , Zane are you there' 'WHAT THE f**k' Zane said back making Blane growl at the disrespect 'Oh my goddess, sorry Luna I was just a little shocked, where are you' He said back. 'Zane what the hell happened, is everyone ok' Blane said in Alpha mode. 'I've been trying to contact you Blane what has been happening are you all ok' Zane' Blane growled 'Sorry Alpha, they didn't get through the border patrol and there was a few minor injuries but all healed now, there was only 5 witches but it was more of a test I think, they were holding back and as soon as it started they dissappeared, was weird if I'm honest' Zane said making me frown 'we ran into a little bit of trouble but we are ok now' Blane replied 'TROUBLE are you all ok' 'Yeah we are all good and it turns out that our Luna is the rightful Alpha of the blood moon pack,Oh AND SHE IS ROYALTY' Wes says really fast 'NO WAY IS SHE REALLY' Zane shouted in shock making me cringe 'ok that's enough' I said embarrassed. 'we will be home tonight instead of tomorrow' I say thinking out loud. 'We will be back soon Zane, we will sort things out this end and then come home' Blane said looking at us all. 'Ok bro we will see you soon' Zane said cutting the link. "Beta Warren can we talk privately" Blane says looking over to beta Warren table. "Of course we can go to the office" he replied while leading us out the dining room. "There has been another attack at our pack so we will be leaving tonight" Blane explained. "Is everyone ok" Beta Warren asked looking worried. "yes just minor injuries not too serious thank the goddess, we will be leaving in 30 minutes but I think it's best to move up the moving from next week to tomorrow, there's no telling when another attack will happen and we all need to be prepared" I say hoping they will understand. "of course my queen we will move when you think is best and we will be ready to travel tomorrow, I'm not sure how long it will take the whole pack to arrive but hopefully be with you in maybe 5 days" Beta Warren said making me laugh a little "I will be back to to get you all tomorrow, tell everyone to pack what they like but we will come back in the near future for furniture" Beta Warren looked at me confused at what I said and asked "how would you be back tomorrow my queen as you will be still traveling yourself" "The same way as we are leaving" I said with a mischievous grin making Blane grimace and when I looked around at them all they all had the same expression making me laugh so loud and Beta Warren look even more confused. We pack our bag we came with and moved out to the garden, we said bye to Warren, robert and a few other pack members that were there and then their faces change to shock when I opened my eyes, which I'm guessing is because my eyes have change to lavender and gold swirling and then the portal that opened. Blane, Wes, Jed and Liam all groaned and then took a deep breath before walking through the portal. As I stepped through I could see Liddy running to us but before I could prepare myself she threw her arms around me making us both fall to floor and then burst into fits of laughter. I've missed her loads even though it has only been a few days. Before we could untangle we had Trixie throwing herself onto us making us laugh more. "I've missed you lots pumpkin" Liddy said making me smile at her "I've missed you loads too" I say back, Trixie blows a breath out and says "I've missed you too you know, did you miss me" making me and Liddy start laughing again. " of course I missed you too silly, you won't believe what I have to tell you" I said getting up off the floor. "Don't leave us in suspense then dish it" Trixie said looking at me waiting. "turns out I'm the rightful heir to the 'royal blood moon pack' I'm not even sure I've even processed it yet" making their eyes go wide. "so you are an Alpha" Trixie asked making Liddy eyes go the size of saucers. "Well yes it also sort of... maybe..." "spit it out then" Trixie cut me of getting fed up of waiting because apparently I'm not going fast enough. "im...I'm not sure if I can say it" I'm struggling to get the words out "Come on already" Liddy said just as impatient "ok well I'm just going to say it... I'm the QUEEN of all werewolves" I finish off saying really fast. Liddy and Trixie are speechless with there mouths wide open just looking at me like I have 3 heads. "I love you but I'm not bowing" Liddy said making us burst into laughter again, well that went better than I thought. We all head inside going to the office deciding on our next move. Blanes idea is that I need to be introduced to all packs as I am their queen. I just keep saying QUEEN, QUEEN, QUEEN in my head constantly trying to get used to the idea. I have no clue how to be a queen and I also have no rights being the queen as I haven't earned it. I feel worn out the crazy day I've had today. I decided to leave the men to come up with a plan and where our new pack members are staying and I'm going to bed. I've got a good feeling about tomorrow.
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